Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

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Vol. 1 - Another Typical Day (The Wizards of Eredwynn) Page 12

by Daniel Harris

  I was taken aback! “Well, thank you, I think. I haven’t thought of anyone but you in that way since the day I met you. I love you very much and am happy with our life under the covers! However, if thoughts like that did crop up, I would let you know.”

  “Honestly, that is what I thought you were thinking about when you asked to bring in other trainees.” she said.

  “What I was thinking about when I decided to bring in new trainees was the group of six Orcs that were about to attack and had us outnumbered!” I exclaimed. “Besides, we wouldn’t need trainees, Chloe is really cute.” I teased.

  She grinned. “You’re terrible. Now go to sleep.”

  I do go to sleep but not until she was completely convinced how much I loved her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next morning, as soon as I woke, I dressed, grabbed my spare travel pants and my jeans that had been returned cleaned and folded, and headed for the tailors. She was open and I walked into the shop. She grinned upon seeing me and bid me ‘good morning’. I asked her if she would be able to put pockets on the pants she’d made me. I then gave her my jeans as an example of what I wanted. She looked the jeans over and decided that it wouldn’t be a problem at all. I asked if she had more material to make the travel clothes out of she said yes, that she’d had plenty brought in after she finished with the clothes for the girls. She had planned to make replacements if we tore those up traipsing through the woods. I asked about capes. She said that she could make plenty of those too. She figured that they would be the first to hang up. I asked if she would bring my pants to my room when she finished and her measuring tool. I had another order for her. She grinned and wanted to know if I planned on everyone in the kingdom wearing her ‘travel clothes’. She’d be rich and famous! I told her that the famous we would work on later but for now, I dropped a gold coin on the table, she would just have to work on the rich part. She grinned and told me that she’d be up soon.

  I went back to the room and saw that Isabel was already dressed like the pretty wizard that she was. She hadn’t heard from the others yet and I suggested that we got them up soon. At least the new ones so the tailor could take measurements. She said that she’d wondered where I had run off to. I told her it was a toss up between the tailor and Chloe’s room and dodged a punch. She laughed and told me to stop picking on her. I grinned and said that I would… for now. I suggested that she get the new girls up, I wouldn’t want them to wake on their first morning here with me standing over them, and I headed for the kitchen. I asked the cook what I needed to do to get three more chairs and another table moved to my room and was told, ask. So I asked for three chairs and a table and breakfast for seven. I told her not to rush as some of the breakfasters hadn’t crawled out of bed yet. She bowed as best as she could while bending over a kettle and I left.

  When I got back to the room all three new girls were there and still in their nightgowns. There was a scramble for the blankets to cover themselves. I told them that living in close quarters like we were I was sure to see them in night clothes from time to time. And, I threw in just to be ornery, sometimes even less! If it had been night we wouldn’t have needed a night light with the red glow but I still had to dodge a quite accurately thrown pillow as Isa started laughing. There was a knock on the door and it opened slowly to admit maids with a table, chairs and food. They looked at the bed then at me, blushed, and made a hasty retreat. Well, there goes the rumor mill I said to Isabel. She nodded and giggled.

  The tailor came up and showed me the pocket work she’d done on the pants. It was exactly what I’d wanted and Isa said that she’d love that done to hers too. The tailor, always eager to please had her get a pair that she wasn’t going to be wearing today and said that she’ll get it done after she made a set of clothes for the new girls. I asked the girls, still hiding in the bed if they would feel more comfortable if I left while the measuring was going on and they all three nodded sheepishly. I told Isa I’d be on the balcony and stepped out. Looking out over valley and the river below I pictured a small castle keep just for me and wizard apprentices. We would be out of everyone’s, namely Pariset’s hair and the entire castle wouldn’t be bothered if some village decided they needed to wake me up!

  I stared off in day dream land until the door opened behind me. Isa told me they were done and we went in. While the new girls were off dressing Isa and I sat down to eat. We might as well get that done since it was already here. Alba showed up, in her nightgown of course, came to the table and grabbed a plate. Isa heard a noise behind her and turned to see Chloe come in. She hopped up and went over to her, whispered a bit, giggled a bit, and whispered some more. Chloe was bright red when she came to the table. I asked what her mean sister had been saying to her and she wouldn’t say a word. Alba was just looking around the table as if everyone had gone nuts. The other girls came out and we all finished breakfast together.

  After breakfast the three sisters wanted to go outside but I wanted to wait until the tailor returned with what had become our wizard uniform. I suggested that if we let them dress in that when we left it would avoid most of the questions about who they were. I had the three new girls sit on a couch while I headed for my closet. I grabbed the three wands out of my junk drawer. I walked back with them hidden in my waistband next to my own. I went over and stood in front of them.

  “Ok, let’s talk for a bit. You showed that you possess talent. To use that talent you have to learn the spell words, how to focus and visualize what you want to happen and discipline to not use magic whenever you want. Showing off to a crowd would be an example of doing something you shouldn’t.” There was a spatter of giggles around the room. “Learning magic can sometimes have some unexpected results so we’ll do most of our training outside. That way if, for example the rock that you’re attempting to lift takes off and heads for the moon,” I turned and winked at Chloe and was rewarded with a return of her beet red glow. “You won’t make a huge hole in the ceiling that Pariset will have to yell at me for. If you’re going to learn this you have to promise me that you’ll do exactly what I say when I say it regardless of how strange you think it sounds. Can you all agree to do that?” I finished my long winded speech with a question.

  All three girls nodded agreement. I hoped that I’d gotten the point across that this wasn’t a game and some abilities that they would learn could be deadly. Killing with a word isn’t something that should be taken lightly. I reached into my waistband and pulled out the three wood colored wands. Slowly, trying to instill the importance of what I’m doing, I handed a wand to each of the girls. They looked at them like they might bite. I told them that the wand on its own was just a stick but in the hands of a trained wizard it could be an incredible tool.

  Elizabeth, I think, spoke up. “Back in Jaoca we didn’t use a wand when we took the test. Why is that?”

  “Some spells work just fine without the wand. Telekinesis, Shield, Heal and Fly for example, you don’t have to use a wand. But there are a lot of other spells that will hurt you badly if you try to cast them without having a wand. Believe me, I know.” I explained.

  I sat and let the conversation flow. The sisters telling what it was like learning the few spells they knew and the new girls getting more and more excited and impatient to learn for themselves. Finally, after what seemed to be ages to all of us, there was knock on the door and the tailor entered. Each of the new girls got one set of what we’ve decided to call wizard clothes and a cape. The three sisters and I got the pocket upgrade so now we all have a better, more secure place to carry our wands. The tailor asked if I had gotten my other every day clothes and I honestly didn’t know. I hadn’t seen them in the room so I looked in my first closet and, yes they were hanging in there. I supposed a maid hung them for me when they had been delivered. I said ‘yes’ and thanked her for that too. The tailor said, as usual that she would deliver the remainder of the order. She curtsied and left.

  I told the girls to go dress in the w
izard clothes and when they were ready to meet me downstairs by the doors. It was time to go for a walk. They scattered and I quickly changed into my new and improved clothes. I’d have to get the ones that I’d been wearing to the tailor sometime to have them altered too but that could wait. I stuck my wand into my pocket, grabbed a handful of coins, copper and silver, and headed downstairs. Pariset was in his usual spot and I knocked on the door frame. He looked up and waved me in with a smile. I sat across from him and said that we’re going to be going for a walk. He just nodded. I told him that even though I said that I’d have the guard follow me around and take horses I hoped he’d forgive me for not doing so today.

  “That suggestion was made before I found out all the facts, David. Naturally that rule no longer holds. I’m sure you and the girls can handle yourselves just fine on a walk, or a small war for that matter!” he chuckled.

  “Sounds like the story of our Orc encounter has made it to Valeview?” I asked.

  He laughed loudly, “I don’t know if the true story has gotten here yet but by the end of the week you and the three girls will have killed a hundred Orcs just by looking at them.”

  “Five Orcs and an Orc Captain and Chloe took a knock to the head but it was healed before any of the villagers could see it. Funny how these things get blown up so quickly.” I stated simply.

  “That is no small feat, David. That Orc force would have been a handful for fifty of the guard.” he said.

  “Oh, while I have you I have a question. Is your staff here trustworthy? Nothing has ever come up missing but I now have items in my room worth thousands of gold. I wouldn’t want anyone to be tempted but I don’t know a place to store it.”

  His eyes look like dinner plates. “Thousands? We do have two vaults in the castle and one isn’t even being used. Please move your valuables down to it as soon as you can. I trust my staff implicitly but would prefer to have something like that locked up. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Certainly.” I said. “You can show me where when we return.”

  He nodded and then looked behind me, “It would appear that there are a bunch of wizards at the door of the keep waiting for you.”

  “They look intimidating don’t they?” I laughed. “I’d better go before they turn me into a frog or something.”

  Pariset gave a forced chuckle and wished us a safe journey.

  I went out to meet the intimidating force.

  We went out through the open doors of the keep and straight across the courtyard. I saw Chloe’s eyes shooting daggers at the woodshop but didn’t comment. Better that I stay out of that kind of drama. We went up to the guardhouse and the Captain of the Guard asked if we’d need an escort. I could tell by his attitude that he knew I’d decline the offer but he had to ask anyway. I told him no of course, and he asked if we’d be popping in or walking in. I laughed and told him that we’d be walking. He sighed and bid us good day.

  I turned to the west, down the road, through the trees, into the gap and the open field beyond. It was a beautiful day for a walk. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. We walked down to the river and sat on the boulders. About fifty yards to the south of the river was the other side of the canyon wall. I decided that, later, it could be used for target practice. But for now I got everyone to gather around and I had the three sisters teach the basics. The new girls knew telekinesis but had only done it for the test. I had each sister take a new girl and work on healing, shield and a bit more telekinesis. We used the telekinesis spell quite often.

  While they were working on that I walked toward the woods. I’d spotted an old tree stump that was sticking out of the ground about four feet. They were working on spells, I figured I should too. Fifty yards away I pulled out my wand, focused and said ‘columnae ignis!’ Much, much more than I’d expected! A column of incredibly intense fire flashed down from the sky, struck the stump, and exploded! I lowered my wand and stood there staring. Yes, that was definitely the spell that I was thinking would help against a troll! I looked at where the girls had been working. There was no work being done now, they were all staring at me! I walked back over to them and Isabel was the first to speak.

  “Excuse me kind sir, but what the hell was that?” she asked with a sweet tone.

  I laughed, “Sorry about that but, you remember that troll? He made me want a spell that was a bit more powerful. I believe that I may have discovered one.”

  “There’s no doubt about that! We all about jumped out of our skins! Will you please, please warn us if you’re going to do something like that again?” She begged.

  “Yes my dear. I’m very sorry but in my defense I really didn’t know it would be that noisy.” I said humbly.

  “That is some spell.” she said “But we do have work to do, so…”

  I took the hint, stepped back and watched. Healing went fine. Nothing really to heal but they went through the motions and learned the word. Telekinesis came easily because they already knew they could do that. Pop, pop, pop of shields and then the squealing of being pelted with rocks. I rejoined the group for an update on progress. Everything was going just fine, I was informed.

  I had everyone join me on the river bank and lined up side by side. I told them all to aim for the wall of the canyon fifty yards away. I popped my shield just in case of a misfire. I had them focus on sending a small magic arrow at the wall and gave them the words ‘magicae telum’. There was a brief moment of silence and then I heard the words repeated down the line. A swarm of six magic arrows crossed the gap to strike the far wall. I applauded and the sisters, who aren’t terribly shy, turned and bowed. The other three just grinned. I said that we’ll do one more here for our new members and then one before we leave. I had each of the sister’s pair with a new girl and teach her the energy bolt spell. I stood back and watched as they talked for a bit, wands were pointed and an energy bolt flew from each wand. I applauded again and then asked them to come with me.

  “Once again ladies,” I said when we were a ways from the river, “you’re going to be the instructors and this time I’ll be watching very carefully, so be good! Get your partners and teach them ‘fly’.” I drew my wand. “I doubt if you need me but I’ll be on the ground until I’m sure they have the hang of it.”

  I stepped back, watchful and nervous. I checked shields and saw everyone had it activated. Emma, I think was the first up. She rose slowly at first then more confidently. Alice then started up, got to eight feet and dropped like a stone. subvolo! I cast levitate and caught her setting her gently on the ground, I walked up to her.

  “Are you ok?” I ask.

  “I’m sorry, David. I was so excited about really flying that I forgot to keep the thought in my head! I won’t let myself be distracted again.” she said apologetically.

  “Alright,” I laughed. “Try again and hang on to it.”

  She whispered and floated up, under my even more watchful eye. Elizabeth, I think (there had to be a way to tell them apart!) went right up behind her with no problems. I looked at the sisters and said loudly, “Watch out! We are being hovered over by wizards!” Everyone laughed. I nodded to the girls and we headed skyward to join the others. I told them to follow me and climbed making circles. I could hear almost constant giggling behind me as we looped through the air. I could understand because that was exactly how I felt about flying too. I led the way down to the balcony at the back of the keep and the girls landed in pairs so we didn’t get too crowded. We walked through the balcony doors into the keep and I led the way to our room.

  When we returned to the room I announced that I needed to go talk to Pariset once again. I said, “There is something in the room that I have to show him so expect him to be coming up with me. Don’t be flying around the room naked or anything.” I was rewarded with three blushes and three smirks. I stepped out of the room.

  I went quickly down to Pariset’s office where, I was sure, he was a permanent fixture. He wasn’t with anyone so I asked him if he had ti
me to show me the vault that wasn’t being used. He said he had plenty of time so I asked him to come up to my room to see what I wanted to store. He was thrilled. I knew that he was curious but was too honorable to appear nosy. We headed up the stairs and I stopped and knocked on the door. I looked at him and said that knocking was a good idea when there were a half dozen girls running around. He grinned and agreed. Alice answered the door and curtsied to Pariset.

  “Miss Wizard, there is no need to curtsy to me. If anything I should be bowing to you!” He did so, and caused a flustered Alice to back away.

  He chuckled and we walked inside. I turned to the right and led him to my closet. I opened the dowry chest and told him that there were still five hundred gold coins in there. I then opened my top draw and took out the gold box. He gasped when he saw it and said that he could understand why I’d want it under lock and key. I smiled at him and opened the lid. I honestly thought that the man was going to pass out. He reached out, stopped and said “May I?”

  “That is why I brought you here. I wanted you to know that I wasn’t over estimating the worth when I said I had valuables I wanted locked up.”

  He reached out and plucked three stones from the top of the box. “David, these three stones, just lying on the top, alone would easily sell for fifteen thousand. I have no doubt that you would find that you have millions in this box if you find the right buyer. I want this locked up and I’m posting extra guards on the vault.” He dropped the stones back into the box.

  I was slightly in shock but was able to whole heartedly agree. I closed the junk drawer and both boxes. I told him that I’d carry them if he would lead the way to the vault. He asked if I’d be able to manage both boxes. They were quite heavy, but I said that I’d manage. He turned and walked out of the closet. I cast telekinesis and stacked the boxes. I lifted them with the spell and had them float in front of me. Pariset smiled, shook his head in amazement and opened the bedroom door. He led me down the stairs to the bottom, turned right toward his office and then right again. A quick left and we walked beside the second downstairs office. We were almost to the wall before I saw the stairway going down. It had a heavy iron door that he pushed open with some effort. Inside, a guard snapped to attention. There were two huge doors, one on the right and left of the tiny room. Both had huge iron doors and very large locks. Pariset took out a key and opened the one on the right. He stepped inside and I followed. The vault was enormous! If I could ever fill it I’d never have to worry about money again! (Like I did now anyway, I thought to myself.) I floated the chests to a shelf cut into the rock that the chamber was made out of and sat them down. I turned around to go out and Pariset handed me the key.


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