To Catch His Mate (Crescent Moon Series Book 5)

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To Catch His Mate (Crescent Moon Series Book 5) Page 5

by Savannah Stuart

  “So you pretty much stalked me?” Her mouth curved up as warmth invaded her. Maybe she should be freaked out but she wasn’t.

  He lifted a shoulder, completely unapologetic. “I wanted to talk to you. Full disclosure, I approached your father once I knew who you were. I asked him to visit my territory and to bring you. I made my intentions clear from the start. He came up with the arranged mating thing.” His lips twisted in annoyance. “But I didn’t stop him because the thought of waking up to you every day…” When he trailed off she realized he was nervous.

  The thought of big, bad alpha Reece actually unsure of himself seemed wrong somehow. He might have screwed up before, but he’d been nothing but real with her since arriving in Orange Beach.

  When he started to glance away, she stopped in her tracks and grabbed his shirt, tugging him down to her.

  That was all it took. He slanted his mouth over hers, taking and claiming her lips with a fervent urgency. One hand slid around her waist, pulling her close and the other cupped the back of her head in a hard, dominating grip.

  Reece was consumed with the need to claim Alyssa even if it was way too soon, at least for her. He knew what he wanted, what his wolf wanted, and he wasn’t going to question the pull he felt for her.

  But she’d been softening toward him the last four days. This morning when she’d given him that blinding smile he swore his heart had skipped a beat. Everything about this female called to him so that when he was with her all he could think was; mine.

  She was his.

  Right now he wanted to make good on one of those promises he’d made her. Using his shifter senses, he knew they were completely alone on the beach.

  When she slid her fingers up his chest and clutched onto his shoulders, a growl tore from his throat. He loved the feel of her touching him, loved the taste of her. Now he wanted to taste more of her.

  He clutched her ass, smiled against her mouth at her little yelp when he hoisted her up. She wrapped her legs around him without pause. He could feel her heart rate kick up as she held onto him.

  Breathing hard, she pulled back to look at him. Her jet black hair was tousled around her face, her blue eyes bright. “What are you doing?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Her answer was instant, her voice breathless.

  He glanced up and down the beach, saw no one. He’d have scented someone anyway, but the visual confirmed they were alone. Holding her tightly, he hurried up the sloping sand, using his supernatural speed to cover the distance quickly.

  As he reached the top of a dune, he saw that it dipped down into another miniature valley. Oh yeah, the foliage and dunes created more than enough shelter. Before he’d taken a step down the dune, Alyssa nipped at his jaw, her teeth scraping against him before she followed it up with a string of kisses.

  His erection pressed against his jeans, but he focused on Alyssa and her hot mouth as she continued a teasing trail down his neck. He wanted to feel her coming against his mouth and fingers.

  “Alyssa,” he murmured, collapsing against the sand with her on top of him.

  She straddled him, scraping her teeth against his neck again. He rolled his hips once, then grabbed hers and flipped their bodies. It was impossible to give up control.

  Eyes wide, she looked up at him as he settled on top of her. Her wolf flickered in her bright eyes for a moment and her pulse point was going wild.

  “I want to see you,” he murmured, inhaling deeply. The scent of her desire was intoxicating. No wonder mated males went all primal and possessive over their females. He never wanted her to have this reaction for anyone else. Only him.

  She nodded, her breathing erratic.

  He slid his hands to her waist and pushed up the hem of her sweater. The material was soft and light, but nothing was as smooth as her skin. Before he’d pushed it up higher than her stomach, she grasped the hem and tugged it off her.

  There was a hungry gleam in her gaze, even if he could sense her nervousness. Not that she had anything to be nervous about.

  The lacy purple bra she wore didn’t hide much of anything. Reaching behind her, he unclasped it and when her hands went to cover herself, he grasped her wrists, held them still.

  “Don’t hide from me.” Not ever. This female brought out every possessive and protective instinct he had.

  Swallowing hard, she nodded. It made him wonder how much experience she had or if maybe it was because they were semi-exposed outside. But shifters usually didn’t care about that. Hell, maybe it was just because it was him. “You want to stop, we stop. Okay?”


  Knowing that she trusted him in this soothed all his ragged edges. Most of them. He was still keyed up, ready to bring her to a toe-numbing climax. He finished pulling her bra free and his cock kicked against his pants again as her breasts were completely revealed. Full, a little more than a handful, and tipped with light brown nipples, she was utter perfection.

  Reece told himself to slow down, but he couldn’t help himself. His head dipped and he sucked one hard bud into his mouth.

  “Reece!” She arched into him, her fingers sliding in his hair as he stroked his tongue over her tight nipple.

  She started grinding against him as he kissed and teased her. God, she was so reactive and they’d barely gotten started. When her hands moved from his shoulders down to his chest, he pulled back.

  He could feel the intent in her movements. Right now he couldn’t afford for her to touch his cock. Not if he wanted to be able to think. And he refused to take her for the first time in the sand at the beach. He wanted to bring her pleasure, but actually sinking inside her, feeling her tight body…no, that was something for when they were alone. Because he wanted to savor her for hours.

  “This is just about you right now,” he murmured, dropping a kiss to her lips. He gently tugged on the bottom one as her fingers dug into his chest muscles. When they finally made it to a bedroom, or a better flat surface than this, and he had all the time in the world, he was going to give her as much foreplay as she could stand. Because just her touching him now was making him crazy and he still had all his clothes on.

  She made a protesting sound when he drew away, but when he nipped at her jaw, she settled down. As her body fully relaxed, he slid a palm down her flat stomach, unfastened the button of her jeans.

  She practically melted under him, tightening her hold as he slid a hand down the front of her panties. More than anything he wanted to strip her bare but if she was completely naked in front of him, he wasn’t sure how his wolf would react. He was barely hanging on as it was.

  Make her come, bring her pleasure, he ordered himself. This was all about Alyssa.

  “Reece,” she gasped out when he rubbed his middle finger over her clit. Even without delving any farther between her folds, he felt her slickness.

  It was all for him. That knowledge pierced through him. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, her claws flicking out just the slightest bit. He scented his own blood as she broke skin.

  He welcomed the spark of pain, loved that he was pushing her to the edge so fast. “I want to feel you come,” he murmured, kissing along the smooth column of her neck. He increased his stroking against her swollen clit, rubbing her in a steady rhythm.

  With each caress, the more out of control her movements became. When he raked his canines against her pulse point, she took him by surprise. Crying out his name, she jerked against his hand before he’d even penetrated her.

  “Reece,” she moaned his name like a prayer as her orgasm rocked through her.

  He kept teasing her until she made a mild protesting sound and released his shoulders. Withdrawing his hand, he licked the finger he’d been stroking her with.

  Her cheeks went crimson as she watched him. Another blast of her lust rolled over him as he looked at her. In that moment he realized he’d never felt more content. His dick ached and he wanted inside her like he wanted his next breath, but he simply l
iked being with her.

  Her lips were slightly swollen and her blue eyes were bright with satisfaction. He’d done that, put that look on her face. She almost looked as if she were coming out of a daze.

  Unable to keep his mouth off her, he skated his lips over hers. “Thank you.”

  Laughing lightly, she said, “I think I should be saying that to you.”

  “I’m just glad you trusted me enough for this.” Getting intimate in public wasn’t for everyone, and even though this wasn’t technically public, it was close enough.

  Her cheeks flushed a darker shade of pink than they already were. “I hope we’re not done?” The hopeful note in her voice was almost enough to make him shed his control and take her right here. It was clear she wanted to and he definitely did, but…he wanted more for her their first time.

  “Have dinner with me tonight,” he said instead.

  Disappointment played over her features but she nodded and picked up her bra from the sand. “Why don’t you want to…” She trailed off, looking away from him as she hooked her bra and grabbed her sweater.

  “I smell a couple shifters nearby.” They were far enough away that he wasn’t worried about them seeing Alyssa, but close enough he scented them. He wouldn’t risk being vulnerable like that in another wolf’s territory. Because if he was vulnerable then it meant he’d be less equipped to protect Alyssa.


  “Yeah,” he murmured, pushing up on the dune so he could get a better view of who might be nearby. It was just as well because he was close to losing control. Taking a steadying breath, he forced his claws to retract.

  “Okay but I’m going to return that favor later.” She said the words in a rush.

  When he looked back at her, she gave him a shy, almost unsure smile. Not for the first time he wondered how much experience she had. Not wanting her to ever question herself where he was concerned, he grinned. “Later we’re both going to be naked and I’m going to hear you cry out my name when I’m inside you.” Soon he hoped she’d be more open to mating him for good. It was clear she’d forgiven him and trusted him. He wanted to show her that he was playing for keeps. There wasn’t anyone else he wanted but her.

  She sucked in a sharp breath, but when she nodded and gave him the most wicked smile, he lost his own breath.

  Chapter Six

  “Remember that thing you told me I’d love for a male to do to me?” Alyssa asked Ember by way of greeting when her friend answered her call.

  “Yes! Tell me you finally let a guy go down on you!”

  She laughed, unable to stop herself. “Well, it hasn’t happened yet, but it’s going to.” Probably tonight. Earlier today when Reece had stroked her to orgasm, she’d wondered what it would feel like to have his mouth there as well. Ember had promised her that she’d love it but Alyssa had always wondered how she’d get over feeling self-conscious. Now she knew because she wanted Reece’s hands and mouth all over her. She trusted him completely with her body.

  “Don’t tease me,” Ember muttered. “I want to know when it actually happens.”

  “That’s because you’re a pervert. And it’s why I love you.”

  “So…I’m assuming you’re referring to your alpha? Did you guys make up?”

  Alyssa wasn’t going to deny that he was “her” alpha anymore because she’d started to think of Reece that way as well. “Yes, not that we were ever actually arguing.” Not technically.

  “And? Have you guys moved past kissing?”


  “Are you going to make me beg for details?”

  “Hmm,” Alyssa murmured, looking at herself in the bedroom mirror. Reece would be picking her up in the next ten minutes and she still wasn’t decided on what she was going to wear. She’d never cared about this stuff before. “No, but no details just yet.” She and Ember had been friends growing up, then Ember moved away for school and then she’d traveled for years for her job after she graduated. Only in the past year had they become close again. While she shared everything with the other woman, Alyssa wanted to keep what had happened between her and Reece private. At least the actual details.

  “Is he being good to you?”


  “Okay, that’s all that matters. He was pretty torn up looking for you. Barged right into our territory like he had a death wish.”

  “I heard you still wouldn’t tell him where I was.”

  Ember laughed. “Yeah well, that’s what friends are for. When are you coming home? Everyone misses you.”

  “I’m not sure yet.” She missed her pack but she was still unsure about where things stood between her and Reece. Not that she was unsure of her feelings, but she wanted to take things slow. She had a feeling he wouldn’t mind if she moved into his place when they returned to South Carolina, but she didn’t know if that was too soon. She also wasn’t sure if she wanted to move back to Oak Falls. Having freedom here in Orange Beach was refreshing, as if she could breathe freely for the first time in years. If she moved to Reece’s territory she was afraid she’d lose that sense of freedom.

  “It’s nice not being smothered, huh?”

  “I swear you’re a mind reader.”

  “Listen…I’m in love with your father,” Ember blurted, the announcement coming out of left field.

  Alyssa dropped the dress she’d been holding up against herself in the mirror. She’d wondered when Ember would get around to admitting it. Not that she wanted details about them because…just no thanks. “I know.”

  “I know this sounds crazy and if you’re…wait, what?”

  “I’ve known for a while. I’m pretty sure he’s into you too.” Given his mood swings lately, she figured he was just fighting the urge to mate. Which was something she really didn’t want to think about.

  “Do you hate me?”

  “No! Why would you think that?”

  “Uh, because he’s your dad.” For the first time ever, Ember sounded unsure of herself.

  “So? I want him to be happy. Hell, I want you to be happy. You guys are both adults and he’s been freaking surly since you moved back. Put everyone out of their misery and go for it.” It was a little weird, but not enough to bother Alyssa. She figured it might be harder to deal with if they were human, but she loved her packmate and her father and if their wolf side was happy then it was meant to be.

  Ember pushed out a ragged sigh. “I expected you to be mad or grossed out or something. Now I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just promise you’ll never, ever, give me any bedroom details. That’s the one thing I ask for. Oh, and I’m not calling you mom. Ever.” Alyssa’s dad had been lonely, even if he would never admit it. And Ember was not only a good person, she was strong. Definitely the kind of mate he needed.

  Ember let out a loud bark of laughter. “Deal. So when are you seeing Reece again?”

  “He’s picking me up soon and I still don’t know what to wear.”

  “Red sweater, jeans and knee-high boots,” Ember said without pause.

  “The wraparound one?” She’d been thinking something more subtle.

  “Oh yeah. It shows off your cleavage and it’s easy access for him.”

  “God, you really are a perv.”

  “Uh, yeah. And now I’m going to go sneak into Kayne’s house and wait for him—naked in his bed.”

  “Oh my God! No, no, no.” She definitely needed to un-hear that.

  “Only time I do that, I swear. Have fun tonight and be bad.” Laughing, Ember disconnected.

  Smiling to herself, Alyssa tossed her cell onto Charlie’s guest bed and tugged the clothes Ember had suggested out of her suitcase. Anticipation hummed through her as she thought about the upcoming night with Reece. She knew they’d be crossing a line and while she was nervous, she couldn’t wait to experience everything. Finally.

  No chaperones or packmates getting in her way.

  * * *

  “I want it official. No matter what happens
between me and Alyssa, our packs have a pact of solidarity from any outside threats.” Reece’s voice was heated and earnest.

  Kayne rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, exhausted from the last week and a half. He hadn’t talked to or seen Ember since that day in his kitchen and he was feeling edgy. Restless. “Unless you do something to impede on my territory or hurt my pack, that’s always been our unofficial pact anyway.”

  “I know, but I need everyone to know it. Officially.”

  “You need it?” Sighing, he shut his front door behind him. Today had been the day from hell. He hadn’t realized just how much Alyssa did for the pack, for him, until she wasn’t here anymore. When, because at this point he knew it wasn’t an “if”, she mated with Reece, he’d have to find someone else to handle all the finances and other stuff she seemed to magically take care of. He never should have taken her for granted, or hell, worried that she needed someone to take care of her. She took care of all of them and he’d been too blind to see it.

  “Yes. I need it because it will make Alyssa happy. She needs to hear and know that our mating—if she’ll have me—isn’t about our packs. It’s one thing for me to say it but if you spread the word that we’ve drawn up a blood pact before Alyssa and I mate then it proves to her that my choice is only about her.”

  The other alpha’s words took away some of Kayne’s tension. This was the way a mate was supposed to act and the type of male his daughter deserved. “Deal. But fair warning, you hurt my daughter, pact or not, I’ll gut you.”

  “I’ll gut myself if I ever hurt her.”

  A smile tugged at Kayne’s lips as he made his way to his kitchen. He needed a cold brew and some down time. After being surrounded by packmates since sunup, he was done. “Deal then. I’ll let my second-in-command know tonight that the pact is official. The blood signings will just be a formality when you return home.”

  “I’ll tell my second the same.”

  “Good. When are you bringing my baby girl home, anyway?” Alyssa had finally called him and he’d apologized but he still missed his daughter. The only time she’d ever been away had been at college. He hadn’t liked it then and he didn’t like it now.


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