To Catch His Mate (Crescent Moon Series Book 5)

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To Catch His Mate (Crescent Moon Series Book 5) Page 8

by Savannah Stuart

  “That’s fantastic news. Congratulations!” She pulled them into a big hug, wrapping her arms around both their waists. They were both taller than her but they stooped to wrap their arms around her.

  Well, Alyssa could totally relate to that. She’d taken a dozen pregnancy tests today and they’d all come back positive. Now she just needed to tell Reece. But she’d think about that later. “Do you know when you’re due, or is it too soon?” she asked, stepping back.

  Before they could answer, Reece stepped in the front door. He shoved a square box about the size of his hand into his jacket pocket as he nodded at Alyssa’s dad and Ember. “Hey guys. Glad you made it.” As greetings were exchanged, her hand automatically slid to the pregnancy test in her apron pocket.

  It was pretty early since she’d just missed her period, but the multiple tests she’d taken couldn’t all be wrong. When he stepped away from them, the look in his dark eyes as he automatically reached for her was filled with love and adoration. She couldn’t wait until they were alone so she could tell him the good news. “I missed you,” she murmured, wrapping her arm around his waist.

  “Me too.” He kissed the top of her head, the action so natural now. She leaned into his embrace, savoring the feel of him surrounding her.

  “Guess who’s pregnant?” Ember asked, excitement rolling off her in waves.

  Reece’s grip tightened, all the muscles in his body pulling taut as he looked down at Alyssa. “You told them first?” Hurt filtered through his words, even though she knew he was trying to hide it.

  But how had he even known? “No… I, no! Ember’s pregnant. How’d you know I am?”

  “You’re pregnant too?” Ember went into full on squealing mode as Reece stared down at Alyssa.

  “You didn’t tell them?”

  “No, I haven’t told anyone. I was going to wait until we were alone.” How the hell had he known?

  “I stopped by the house earlier when you were out getting more groceries and found your stash of pregnancy tests.” His expression was unreadable. She hated when he went into that alpha mode.

  She was vaguely aware of Ember and her dad watching them, but all her focus was on Reece. “I wanted to wait until we had privacy, but… I’m really happy about this.” They’d talked about having kids, but more in an abstract way. They’d even used condoms when she’d gone into heat, but clearly they hadn’t worked. Now she wondered if it was too soon for their relationship.

  His expression softened and he pulled out the box he’d hidden moments before. When he pulled off the lid, she grinned. “A baseball?”

  His shoulders lifted in an unapologetic shrug as he pulled her into his arms. “Gotta start early with him.”

  She snorted. “It could be a girl. So you’re happy?”

  “Having a kid with the woman I love more than anything? Yeah, I’m happy.” His expression was intense as he looked down at her. That was a look she recognized clearly. Even before they’d officially mated, whenever she saw that wicked gleam in his eyes, she knew what was coming.

  “I think another congrats is in order,” her father said, pulling her into another hug as Reece did the same with Ember. Then the front door opened and more packmates spilled in.

  “I’m going to be a father!” Reece shouted, apparently making the decision on when they’d share with everyone an easy one.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to be a mom and a sister,” she said, reality crashing over her as packmate after packmate hugged and congratulated her.

  She’d never felt more loved in her entire life. When she looked over at her smiling mate she knew without a doubt that she was the luckiest wolf on the planet. And she was so glad he’d come after her when she’d made the mistake of running in the first place.


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  Excerpt from

  Heated Mating

  by Savannah Stuart

  Copyright © 2014 Savannah Stuart

  As Linc stared at Saroya’s exposed back, he understood his dead brother’s love of the dark-haired beauty.

  The funeral pyre burned before them and the entire clan. The firelight played off the sheer shift Saroya wore. Compared to what most of the females of the clan wore her clothing was more than acceptable but he hated that the material dipped low, exposing most of her back. The arch of her spine was delicate and beautiful. He wanted to trace his fingers up the length then follow with his tongue. Unlike the females of his people, Saroya and the handful of other women they’d rescued from the dying blue planet were smaller, more fragile. Not weak, they’d proven that much. Just different in some ways.

  Ever since his brother Gage had returned from that fateful mission with Saroya and ten other foreign females in tow, Linc had cursed the Goddess that he’d busted his knee up the week before and Gage had met her first.

  If he hadn’t hurt himself during training he’d have been on that mission. A mission his scholarly brother had only been on to collect data. And Linc would have seen Saroya first. She’d have been his and only his. It didn’t matter that his society consisted mainly of male-female-male joinings. And it didn’t matter that Gage and Saroya had tried to welcome him into their bed on more than one occasion. None of that shit mattered because he didn’t share.

  He would not share her. With anyone. Not even his own brother. So he’d always declined their invitations. He couldn’t be sure but she seemed to think he preferred the opposite sex. That was fine with him. Let her have her assumptions.

  A few wisps of her dark hair had come loose from the clip she’d secured it with. As he watched her, he noted a small tremble race through her. His people didn’t show much emotion but hers were very different as he’d learned over the past six moon cycles. Though he couldn’t see her face, he knew she was crying. Linc wanted to reach out and comfort her but he was a warrior. That wasn’t done.

  When she shifted her weight forward, as if she were ready to throw herself off the cliff and onto the burning pile of her lover’s remains, he felt his entire fucking world shift. He nearly lost a century of his life.

  Lightning fast, Linc lunged at her and wrapped his arm around her waist in a hard, tight grip. Even if she wanted to leave this life, this planet, he would not let her. Could not. He refused to live in a world where she didn’t exist.

  She struggled against him, silently crying until he twisted her around to face him. Barely reaching his chin, she wouldn’t look at him as she beat his chest a couple times with her fists. Her words were incoherent and laced with grief. He was pretty sure she called him a heartless bastard too. He wasn’t sure why, but the words pierced him. Hard. That was his brother slowly turning to ash down there. He was hurting too, even if he couldn’t show it. And he hated himself for wanting his dead brother’s mate so badly.

  Just as suddenly, she stopped fighting and molded against him. Her arms wrapped around him and she buried her face against his neck. Shame burned through him as the rest of the clans present tried not to stare at the spectacle they made. No one but Saroya and his brother knew that theirs had not been a true bonding. That only Gage and Saroya had been lovers. That he’d just been a roommate. Now surely everyone knew that she’d preferred his brother over him.

  Goddess, he needed a drink. Her wet tears streamed down the back of his neck and onto his shoulder as her slender body pressed to him. To his absolute fucking horror he felt his cock growing. With her soft body molded against his it was impossible to control himself. He, a trained warrior of Lumineta, could not rule his body.

  Thankfully she seemed oblivious becaus
e she just held him tighter. “Get me out of here.” Her voice was shaky and thick with tears against his neck.

  Without pause or apology, he turned and hurried toward one of the transport platforms. He would do anything she asked, even if it meant leaving his own brother’s funeral. Gage would understand. Still holding her tight, he punched in the code to their home. Moments later they stood in their main living space. The once bright fire burning in the stone hearth had dwindled considerably.

  As soon as she realized where they were, Saroya shook herself and stepped away from him. Her electric blue eyes glittered with unshed tears. They looked like the bright gems found deep in Lumineta’s mountains. As rare as she was.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice was soft, hoarse.

  He frowned, and against his better judgment, he cupped her cheek. Touching her was like touching fire but at this moment he didn’t care. He’d just lost his brother and the only female he’d ever cared about stood before him in pain. “For what?”

  She ducked his gaze and stared at the stone floor. Her hands plucked at the sides of her shift. “For shaming you. I should have controlled myself.”

  He forced her chin upward with his finger. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

  As their eyes locked, her blue ones filled with too many emotions for him to register. Confusion, pain and something he didn’t understand. Finally she spoke but her voice was strained. “Will you be bringing someone else into our union after the mourning period?”

  “No!” The word came out louder and sooner than he’d intended. He hadn’t expected the question. Though maybe he should have. With the higher ratio of males to females, it was standard practice among his people to bring in another male after six moon cycles. But that wasn’t going to happen. Even if his leader demanded it. He would not. Not for anyone.

  Her brows knitted together. “Then you wish to let me choose…someone else?” Her voice cracked on the last word as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Had she lost her mind? “Why would you ask that?”

  Confusion and a trace of hurt clouded her expression. “You’ve never touched me. Barely look at me. I thought you might want me out of your house. Maybe I’m not your…preference?”

  If he looked at her too much the pain made it difficult to breathe. “You were my brother’s female and this is your house too.”

  Her frown deepened. “According to your culture, I’m yours too. We’re technically mated. Unless you decide you don’t want me.”

  He sighed. It had taken most of her females many moon cycles to get used to his people’s way of life. Some still hadn’t chosen males. Saroya had taken to their way of life quickly because of her feelings for his brother. The speed with which she’d embraced their world had made it even harder to keep his hands off her. But he hadn’t been willing to touch her when it had been so obvious she loved his brother. It didn’t matter that he’d been within his rights. Why would she want him, a scarred warrior? He struggled to find the words without confusing her. “I don’t share.”

  She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she digested his words. “So you do wish for me in your bed?”

  “No, yes. I…” Was there a right answer to her question?

  Her eyes flared for a moment, then she shook her head. “I don’t even know why I’m asking about this now,” she muttered as if she were speaking to herself.

  Before he could think of a response, she turned and strode from the room. The soft-soled slippers she wore were silent against the cold floor. Every fiber inside him told him to go after her, to comfort her, but his legs wouldn’t listen.

  Excerpt from

  Unleashed Temptation

  Miami Scorcher Series

  by Savannah Stuart

  Copyright © 2015 Savannah Stuart

  Scrubbing a hand over his face, Nick Lazos sank into his comfortable chair with a sigh. He turned on his computer and sat back, waiting for it to start. After the last disastrous interview, he seriously hoped he had some new responses to his want ad. He couldn’t keep doing all this admin stuff on top of everything else.

  When there was a soft knock at his office door he glanced at the wall clock. Inwardly he groaned. Even though he needed a new accountant, he’d been hoping the last interviewee wouldn’t show up today. His mother had talked him into interviewing one of her friend’s granddaughters. If she was anything like the last woman his mom had recommended—he fought off a shudder.

  “Come in,” he barked. Better get this over with.

  The door creaked open and for a moment, he forgot to breathe. This could not be the woman here to interview.

  A pretty redhead took a couple tentative steps inside. Her ivory cheeks were flushed a delectable shade of pink. “Hi, I’m Carly Kendall. I hope I’m not late.”

  Somehow he found his voice. “You’re right on time.” Instinctively he stood and motioned for her to sit across the desk. Now he wished he’d taken a few minutes to straighten up.

  She wore a respectable dark blue pencil skirt and button-down blouse, but the effect on her was ‘naughty librarian’. Which was the last thing he should be thinking about. The shape of her perfectly rounded breasts pressed against her top and all he could think about doing was unbuttoning it and peeling it open slowly, inch by inch, as her delectable body was revealed to him.

  What the fuck was wrong with him? He mentally shook himself, needing to get his shit together.

  He wasn’t some horny fucking adolescent, but something about her scent was making him crazy. It was unusual, like a spring rain and a hint of raspberries— Crap, she was saying something.

  “I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I wasn’t sure if you had it so here’s my résumé.” She slid it across the desk as she spoke.

  “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself and why you want to work here?” There, he got out a coherent sentence. He deserved a freaking medal for being able to talk when she was staring at him with those big blue eyes, begging him to do all sorts of bad things. Damn, he could practically feel his canines extending. As a werewolf, he’d learned to control his urges as a pup. For some reason, his primal instinct was overruling all those ingrained rules. When she nervously moistened her lips he realized he was staring a little too hard.

  Nick quickly glanced at her résumé. “Finance?” Good for him. Another word. He looked up again.

  A real smile touched her shiny pink, oh-so-kissable lips. “Yes. After college I started working at…”

  Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit! He’d always had a thing for redheads. Funny that he’d never dated one, but especially not a human one. And now his living, breathing fantasy wanted to work for him. She wasn’t glamorous or exotic—or a shifter—but she was exactly his type. Something he hadn’t realized he even had until she’d walked through the door of his office. Adorable freckles splattered her nose and cheeks, giving her an innocent quality he usually detested.

  He wanted a woman with experience. Too bad his dick had other plans. It had taken one look at sexy Ms. Kendall and gone on red alert. What the fuck was wrong with him? He’d been in her presence sixty seconds and he felt like one of his barbaric ancestors, ready to take her back to his cave and claim her. Hell, maybe his ancestors had been on to something because that sounded like a damn good idea.


  As usual I owe thanks to Kari, Carolyn, Joan and Sarah. Thank you guys for all that you do! I’m also grateful to Jaycee with Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs for her design work and always working with me. Last but never least I owe a big thank you to my wonderful readers! Thank you all for reading my books.

  Savannah Stuart Complete Booklist

  Miami Scorcher Series

  Unleashed Temptation

  Worth the Risk

  Power Unleashed

  Dangerous Craving

  Desire Unleashed

  Crescent Moon Series

  Taming the Alpha

bsp; Claiming His Mate

  Tempting His Mate

  Saving His Mate

  To Catch His Mate

  Futuristic Romance

  Heated Mating

  Claiming Her Warriors

  Claimed by the Warrior

  Contemporary Romance

  Adrianna’s Cowboy

  Dangerous Deception

  Everything to Lose

  Tempting Alibi

  Tempting Target

  Tempting Trouble

  Katie Reus Complete Booklist

  Red Stone Security Series

  No One to Trust

  Danger Next Door

  Fatal Deception

  Miami, Mistletoe & Murder

  His to Protect

  Breaking Her Rules

  Protecting His Witness

  Sinful Seduction

  Under His Protection

  Deadly Fallout

  Sworn to Protect

  The Serafina: Sin City Series

  First Surrender

  Sensual Surrender

  Sweetest Surrender

  Dangerous Surrender

  Deadly Ops Series


  Bound to Danger

  Chasing Danger (novella)

  Shattered Duty

  Edge of Danger

  A Covert Affair

  Non-series Romantic Suspense

  Running From the Past

  Dangerous Secrets

  Killer Secrets

  Deadly Obsession

  Danger in Paradise

  His Secret Past


  Paranormal Romance

  Destined Mate

  Protector’s Mate


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