
Home > Other > FillingtheVoid > Page 9
FillingtheVoid Page 9

by Zenobia Renquist

  “Especially a girl like you, right?”

  “Especially a girl like me. But a girl like me also needs something only her Big D can give her, something she’s been craving all day long.”

  “Really?” He dipped his thumb into her asshole to the first knuckle and then wiggled it. “Tell me about this craving.”

  Naomie pouted over her shoulder at him while shifting against his hand. “The girls were mean to me. They took advantage and did all sorts of things to my poor little ass.”

  “Things like what? And don’t be afraid to describe everything in vivid detail.”

  “Fred licked me.”

  “Uh huh. How did she lick you? Did she lick you here?” He pushed his thumb as far forward as it would go.

  Naomie nodded with a satisfied sound. She sucked her bottom lip then pulled it between her teeth before sucking it more. Teasing. Always teasing. She was more than ready and wanted Dane inside her. Dane must not be done with his tormenting mood. Jaime was gone so that left Naomie as his new target. And he would keep going until he had her pleading, saying anything he wanted, any way he wanted, just so he would give her his dick.

  “How did she lick you, sugar? Tell me. Did she stick to the rim or go in deep the way you like?” He inserted two fingers into her pussy and proceeded to squeeze them toward the thumb in her asshole while pulling down and out of her.

  “Ye-yes.” She panted her answer and then moaned while bending forward and putting out her ass so he could do it again.

  “Yes what? This isn’t the time for smart-ass answers.” He poised his fingers to enter her again but held them against her openings, waiting.

  “Rimming and deep,” she yelled.

  Dane rewarded her with swift penetration, shoving his fingers forward and rocking her on her feet. When he pulled them out again, squeezing like last time, he had to curve his free hand around her waist to keep her upright.

  Her legs had stopped working. She wanted him to let her drop. She wanted to be on the floor with her knees spread and her ass in the air, tantalizing her stiff nipples with the thick carpet and better able to handle Dane’s teasing. He probably knew that, which was why he kept her standing.

  “Who else, sugar? I know Fred wasn’t the only one.” This time he pushed his fingers into her pussy and stroked.

  Naomie grabbed the arm he had around her waist, pulling at it with what little strength she could manage. She shifted her weight from side to side as whimpering mewls of pleasure left her.

  “Who?” He pumped faster.

  “Oh! Oh! Oh!”

  “I don’t know anyone named Oh-oh. Is she new?”

  She shook her head, ecstasy making coherent speech hard. Thinking was fast going by the wayside as well.

  “Who is she?” He stopped moving.

  Naomie whined, wiggling her hips to get him to continue.

  “Who is Oh-oh, sugar?”

  “Nobody. Nobody. Please, Dane. Please.”

  “So who else besides Fred? Who else had fun with the hole that belongs only to me?”

  She shook her head quickly. “Just her.”

  “She kept you all to herself? Greedy, isn’t she?” He shifted his fingers back and then stopped.

  Naomie was ready to cry. She hit his arm and whined louder, which made Dane laugh as he shifted his fingers forward and then stopped. He needed to let her come. The girls had already tormented her enough. She’d thought Dane would be too tired from his long workday for play like this. This should have been a quick fuck before dinner and then off to bed for another quickie to put them to sleep. If Jaime hadn’t interrupted, it might have happened that way.

  Dane said, “You are way too sensitive right now for simple licking to be all they did to you. I know you, sugar. I know this hole.” He wiggled his thumb. “My hole.”

  She nodded, shaking with the need to orgasm. She was so close and Dane wouldn’t let her come because he was pissed. She could hear it in his voice. He wasn’t playing. He was punishing her, teaching her a lesson so she knew for next time.

  He’d done something like this only once before, which was why it had taken her so long to realize what it was. The time she’d removed her engagement ring—before they were married—to try on a different nipple ring suggested by a vendor. She’d thought the gold heart with Cupid’s arrow piercing it—a diamond for the arrowhead—would be something Dane would like. He’d complimented her and said it looked good. They hadn’t gotten it though.

  That night Dane had spent two hours—maybe a little more since she had lost track of time—getting her close to orgasm over and over but never letting her come. During the entire encounter, he’d explained the engagement nipple ring was more than a symbol of their coming commitment to each other.

  He’d chosen a nipple ring—something he’d known she would need to get a piercing to wear—because it would become a part of her. Every time someone saw it and she explained what it was, the person would know she was taken—possessed. The ring, the physical representation of his love, would be close to her heart—closer than a trinket on her left hand—no matter how far away he was.

  Only after he’d explained it in detail, only after he’d gotten firm confirmation that she understood his stance, had he let her come. And she had come hard. She hadn’t had a release that hard since. Dane always got her off better and more thoroughly than any other, but that one time, that one glorious time, had had her more than satisfied for almost a week. At different intervals during that week, her body remembered the sensations and spiraled her into a spontaneous orgasm. Naomie hadn’t known such a thing was possible and had enjoyed every second.

  Enjoyed it or not, glorious or not, experiencing it again had stayed at the bottom of her never-to-do list. Their marriage had rules, boundaries. It had to for it to work. Dane shared her. He had no issues sharing her. Watching others fucking her got him hard. Knowing those others could and would make her climax but she had to come to him for satisfaction and fulfillment made him smug. And he had a right to be.

  He was the only man who could get her this worked up, this hot and bothered, this passion-crazed. He shared her because it was sharing. She belonged to him. Everyone else got her on loan and had to bring her back to him. As with all loans, certain restrictions applied.

  Mia had been right about this one and Naomie had been stupid not to realize. But it hadn’t ever been an issue. Dane inserted the plug in the morning and took it out at night. Except when necessary to remove it, Naomie left it there. No matter who she’d had sex with, she’d warned them to leave the plug alone. Not because she’d thought it held any deep significance but because Dane was the only one she wanted playing with, toying with and fucking her ass.

  Now she knew it was more than that. She needed him to know that she knew so this time didn’t turn out like last time. She took several breaths to bring her libido under control so she could think. She petted his arm, trying to placate him.

  “Your hole,” she said in a soft tone.

  “Damn right this hole is mine.” He forced his fingers forward. “Only mine.”

  She nodded while still petting him.

  “Say it, Naomie. Only mine. No one else. Not ever again. Say it.”

  “Only yours. No one else.”

  “Not. Ever. A. Gain.” He punctuated each syllable with a thrust of his fingers.

  Naomie felt herself losing touch again. The ecstasy was threatening to drag her under and keep her. She struggled to stay lucid. “Never again. Dane, please.”

  “What else did they do?”

  She shook her head. “Not they. Only Fred. Only her. I promise. Dane, please.”

  “What did she do?”

  She hesitated. Dane was this angry over licking. He wouldn’t like hearing what else had happened.

  Dane squeezed her inside, causing her to bob in place and pant. “What else?”


  “What else did Fred do?” he yelled as he pumped his fingers in rapid m

  Naomie cried out her satisfaction. A little bit more. Just a little. She was almost there.

  Dane stopped.

  The denial of the orgasm had her shaking and huffing. “She…” Naomie had to stop and wet her lips, nervousness making them dry. “Fred used a vibrating anal toy.”

  “What was everyone else doing?”

  “Mia did Arisa with a double-sided strap-on while Arisa toyed with my pussy with a vibrating dildo.”

  Dane made a thinking noise that sounded almost appreciative. “You girls do get into the most interesting trouble, don’t you?”

  “I’m sorry, Dane. Please. I get it now. I didn’t before but I do now. Please.” She rocked her hips and kneaded his arm. “Please let me come.”

  “What do you get?”

  “The plug. It only comes out for you. My asshole belongs only to you. You put the plug in and only you take it out.” She prayed this was enough.

  “And if I forget?”

  “I’ll put it in and wait for you to take it out.”

  “No more letting the girls…excuse me, letting Fred play with what’s mine?”

  She beat her fists against his arm as hard as she could manage. “Don’t say it like that, damn it. I’m not lying. It was only Fred and yes already. Yes. No more anal play for the girls or anyone else. Plug or no plug, my asshole is yours and yours alone.”

  “That’s right.” He started his fingers moving again. Slow this time. A soft, gentle in-and-out rhythm meant to soothe.

  Too bad Naomie was too far gone with lust to take it that way. She didn’t want slow and soft. She wanted hard and fast and screaming loud enough that the neighbors called the cops because they were too scared to come over themselves.

  “And Jaime’s little friend who’s coming with him tomorrow?”

  “I’ll suck him off.”

  “That’s a good girl.”

  Naomie snapped, “Good girl, nothing. Fuck me, you sadistic prick.”

  Dane had the nerve to laugh. The sound filled the living room. He hugged her and laid kisses on her back. “I’m sorry, sugar. I just got pissed.”

  She reached back, grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked. “What part of fuck me was in any way unclear? I’m not cussing. I’m giving you a command. Fuck. Me. Now.” She added a few more yanks.

  His laughter didn’t stop though he did add some pained groans to the mix. “Sorry, sugar. Sorry. Let go and I’ll get you off.”

  “I oughta snatch your ass bald.” She released him.

  “Naomie, are you sure Jaime got you off this morning? You sound more than the usual level of pissed after something like this.”

  And that was her breaking point. Dane’s change in schedule and his keeping it from her until the last minute had screwed up her entire day. Her sleep pattern was off, which was making her cranky. Then he had the nerve to get all bent out of shape over a little anal play.

  She pushed against him, shoving him back so he released her. Anger and sexual frustration made her stronger, because she got free and turned on him. Dane held up his hands in surrender, her moisture coating the fingers of his right hand. He might as well have waved a red flag in front of her face.

  “Down,” she barked, pointing at the floor.

  Dane went to his knees.

  “On your back, damn it.”

  He did as she said, grinning the whole way. Before she could tell him, he opened the front of his pants and pulled out his erection. He stroked it a few times. “Private at attention and reporting for duty, ma’am.”

  Naomie fought back the smile his words caused, her lips twitching with the effort. She wouldn’t laugh. She was pissed at him.

  He said in a cutesy voice while batting his eyelids, “I wuv you.”

  The laugh slipped out before she could stop it, followed by several others. “Oh fuck you, you ass.” She couldn’t stay mad at this man.

  “Yes.” He wagged his dick at her. “Fuck me hard, sugar. I’ve been hurting for you all day.”

  She pulled her top off and tossed it aside. Sick of having her skirt around her waist, she slid it down her legs and kicked it away. “You’d have had me already if you hadn’t gone all caveman on me.”

  “Hey, I had a right—”

  “Yeah, yeah. Shut up. You’re done talking.” She stepped over him and crouched down.

  Dane cupped her ass and guided her onto his arousal. He let out a shuddering breath as her pussy swallowed him deep. She bounced a few times, taking him to the base with each stroke and getting him slicked up. Her pussy wasn’t where she wanted him, not after the day she’d had.

  Lesson learned. Dane wanted to be the only one with access to her asshole and she wholeheartedly agreed. Not because of their marriage or possession or anything else. Fred had brought something out of Naomie that Dane alone had seen up to that point. It had been Naomie’s equivalent of getting sloppy drunk in a frat party and dancing topless on a table.

  There were certain things she wanted specific people to see. How she got when someone was pleasuring her ass belonged at home with her husband. So no, the girls wouldn’t be seeing that performance again. However Dane would be getting the extended encore.

  She lifted off his erection, sorry to let it go but knowing it was going in a better place. Dane watched with avid fascination as Naomie curved her hips forward and positioned her asshole over his dick. His hot pre-cum teased her already sensitive, overly stimulated rear entrance.

  With small side-to-side shifts, she lowered herself. Her hole didn’t need time to accommodate Dane’s width, not like on a normal day. But then this hadn’t been a normal day. He slid inside her with little prompting. She let gravity do the rest, relaxing her leg muscles and taking him as deep as the position allowed.

  “Oh fuck.” Dane and Naomie said the words in unison, using the same tone of reverence.

  Naomie wanted to sit there and savor the moment. Her body decided the connection was enough. She orgasmed—lower muscles clenching, legs drawn together at her chest, hunched in on herself and shaking. Tears sprang to her eyes at how violently the sensation hit her. She couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.

  Dane grabbed her hands and threaded his fingers with hers, anchoring her to him, letting her know he was there. This reaction was partly his fault. It was gratification and distress rolled into one.

  When she could breathe normally again, she started whimpering. Confusion caused the noise. This climax had been different from the one after the nipple ring incident. There was no afterglow with the promise of echoing later in the week. This release came with a sense of fear—tiny but there. That kind of fear after doing something dangerous but exhilarating, living to tell about it and knowing the next time might end in death so it could never happen again.

  La petite mort. The little death.

  The French had sure as hell gotten that right. If this was the type of orgasm that caused them to coin the phrase, they could keep it. Naomie preferred her normal variety. The kind that came with fireworks, eyes rolling back, seeing stars and euphoria.

  Dane sat up. He put her arms on his shoulders and hugged her waist. “Sugar, you okay?” He rubbed her back.

  Naomie buried her face against his neck, fighting back tears.

  “I’m right here. I’m right here, Naomie. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have wound you up so tight. Sorry.”

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t just you. This whole day…” She sighed, letting her body go slack with that outpouring of breath. “Even if it’s a quick finger fuck, don’t leave me wanting like that again. Do not. I mean it, Dane. That was my whole day hitting me all at once. I don’t want to experience something like that again. Sex isn’t supposed to be scary.”

  “You’re right, sugar. I should have told you last night when I first found out about the early hours. I should have also gotten up in enough time to finish what I started.” He leaned back and cocked his head to the side, trying to catch her eye. When she looked at him, he
grinned at her. “Which basically means I should have stayed up all night and made sure my best girl, the woman I love to hell and back, was satisfied.”

  “You got that right.” She kissed his lips. A soft press of reassurance and then another. And another. And one more until Dane had her crushed to his chest with his tongue blazing across hers and his dick surging beneath her.

  Her body had recovered and was ready for the real thing, which wouldn’t happen with Dane holding her so tightly. She pushed at his chest to get him to let her go.

  Dane fell back to the floor with his knees raised and his hips still moving. The new position gave his thrusts more power so he could shove his dick deeper.

  “Yes! You beautiful fucking man, you. Right there.” Naomie braced her hands on his knees. She arched back and met him, rode him. Her pussy cascaded liquid lust over Dane’s dick, slicking him up and letting him move faster.

  The pleasure flowing over her felt familiar and welcome. No more fear. She cried out her passion, loving the melody of Dane’s thighs slapping her ass. Dane sheathed three fingers in her channel and drove them into her in time with his thrusts while flicking her clit with a finger from his free hand.

  “So good. So good. So—so—so yes! Yes! Oh God yes, Big D. Fuck it hard. Fucking love every last inch of you. Oh!” She let her head fall back. Talking was overrated when moaning and panting and other sounds of satisfaction portrayed her delicious joy at this decadent ride so much better.

  No other. No one but Dane fulfilled her this way. Everyone else was priming her for him and she gushed her release over his hands. The orgasm didn’t bowl her over this time. It surrounded her, tickled her senses and gave her the mental fireworks she’d grown used to.

  Dane slowed his pace. Two driving thrusts later, he sheathed his dick to the base and grunted as he seeded her asshole with his cum.

  Naomie sighed at the warm sensation. From beginning to end, she loved all Dane did to her…even when he was being a possessive jerk. The man knew he had her wrapped around his dick. She would do most anything to make sure he gave it to her. But then she had the same power over him.

  A delighted giggle sneaked past her lips as Dane pulled free. The frenzy was over and his movements tickled. The last of his spent arousal left her ass and she rocked her hips, missing the connection.


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