Zombie World

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Zombie World Page 4

by Ronald DuBois

  He told me that they were out there for long time are base was over run just a few weeks after the dead started to take over. We could not stop them, I had to lock up a lot of my men in their barracks. They were all bitten and we could not take the chance that they would get out and bit the rest of my men.

  I asked him, did you come from Georgia, we were there and stopped at a base and we found dead soldier in the mess hall and there were a bunch more in the barracks? Captain Johnson replied yea I left three people there to keep a watch over the place until we got back. When we went back the gate was open and the soldier I left were dead, it looks like they turned and someone took them out.

  I told him that we went to the base and you were right they got bit and turned. We had to take them out. We were looking for food and weapons and ammo.

  Johnson asked so all the weapons we had there you have them now?

  I told him yes and the people that live here are using them to keep this place safe. Captain Johnson asked me if him and his men could help make it safer place to live and that him and his men would help gather more food? He all said that if we need more buildings cleared that him and his men were getting good at it and that they would do it as long as they had a place to get food and have a bed to sleep. I told him that him and his men were welcome here and before they go out and start clearing buildings to go and eat and to get a hot shower and get some sleep. I told him that we can talk more about this in the morning.

  I called for Mia on the radio to find out where she was at, so I could talk to her about the soldiers. She radioed me back and told me that she was at the chicken coops getting eggs.

  I told her that I would be right there, and not to go anywhere.

  I went to her, we were walking back to the school. I was telling here about the military men that showed up.

  Mia asked me if they were going to stay or if they were going to leave to go and find more people?

  I told her what the captain and I were talking about.

  Mia said that it sounded like a good idea, we can use people like that to help us grow. I told her that I was thinking the same thing, but I would like to bring it up to the other to see what they think. I told her that I would call a meeting for later on tonight. Mia told me that she would spread the word to let everyone know.

  We gathered everybody after dinner, I told them that we all had a decision to make. I said you know that Capt. Johnson and his men would like to stay here and be part of our group. Capt. Johnson and I talked about them helping us out. I told him that was not just up to me that would also be up to that people that live here. So that is way I called you all here, I am not going to say that they can stay I am going to leave it to everyone. We all made this place what it is, so I am going to let everyone here decide. Capt. Johnson said that they would help us make this place safer and that him and his men would go out and help us clear the city’s. he also said that him and his men would gather food and clothing and whatever they can find. I put a box on the table I want everyone to write on a piece of paper yes for them to stay or no for them to leave. I will leave you with this I believe that Capt. Johnson and his men would be big help here.

  I had the Captain and his men come into the cafeteria, to hear what the vote was. Mia came over to me and handed me the paper. I jumped upon the table and I got everyone’s attention to let them know what the verdict was. The room got very quiet as I start to read, we the people of New Corning do here by to let Capt. Johnson and his men to live here and to protect us from any danger that may try to kill us or do harm to us. I looked over to the Captain and waved to him to come up here on the table to join me. Everyone cheered as the Captain got upon the table. I yelled out for everyone to be quiet listen up. I said now that we have Capt. Johnson and his men I am feeling safer.

  I asked the Captain if he had anything to say?

  The Captain said yes I do; first will everyone stop calling me Captain my name is Paul. My men and myself are going to help out where ever we can. The first thing we are going to do is we are going to go and block of that bridge. Then we are going to go to the local W-mart and clear everything out of it and bring it back here. We are planning on doing that to all the stores in the area and do the same. I am going to sit down with John and we are going to make a plan to clear out the city as well. We are going to need as any people as we can get to join us. We are going to rebuild starting with one city at a time. I know that there has to be a lot more people out there that we can help and bring them back to help us with making a new world, but I know it’s going to take time.

  Paul stepped back, and asked me if I had anything to add.

  I stepped forward and said yes I do. I am glad you found us, and happy that you are going to help make this place we call home a safe place to live. I told everyone that what we are going to be doing is not going to be easy and I know we are going to lose people to what’s out there but I know we can get over whatever happens. It going to be a long and rough ride that we are going on, but I have faith in everyone here. We need to do this if any one going to survive it’s going to be this group right here. Paul gets down off the table and Mia gets on. I step back and I let her speak.

  Mia begins talking about how she sees everything coming together. We have a lot of strong people here and like my husband said we are going to lose people, but no matter what happens we need to stick together and help one another through it. We have to make this world a safe place, so the people that want to have kids and the ones that already have kids have a safe place to live.

  Paul and I walked into the old office the school had we turned it into are planning office.

  I told Paul that we have a lot to talk about.

  Yes, we do Paul replied, we got a lot to do here before we can leave here and start clearing the city’s. he said that he hopes that everyone here knows how much work that they are going to be doing.

  I told him that everyone has worked hard and you see what they have done so far. Paul said you all have done a lot but there is a lot more to do and that means that we are going to have to get the people here to understand that we are going to have to work night and day.

  I told him that if we make a plan the people here will do whatever we need them to do. They need to do this I think it helps them from going nuts.

  Paul said that he has no doubt that the people here will bust their ass to make this place a good place.

  We sat down at the desk he sat on one side and I sat on the other side. I pulled out a map that I have been working on of the home base, I had another one of the city of Corning. I was showing him some of the building that I think we need to clear first. I told him that the first building on have on the map marked, if we can clear the building and make it to the roof we would have access to a few more that we could work are way down inside to clear them.

  Paul said that I have good instinct on how to do things and that he was glad that he found us. He also said that he agrees with everyone that I am leader and that they would follow me anywhere.

  I told him that I am not trying to be in charge.

  Paul said that people just me and I am in charge everyone said that they’re going to make you the man in charge.

  I asked him and what if I don’t want to be in charge?

  He looked at me and in this stern voice and said suck it up butter cup you’re their leader.

  I smiled and said ok since you put it that way.

  We worked through most of the night making plans. Mia worked on a singe up sheet, for people to singe up to learn how to use a weapon and how to kill zombies even thou most everyone already knows how. She also worked on a singe up sheet to find out what jobs people wanted to do. She had on that list from cooking to burning the dead zombies. We were going to let people know what was going on and where they could singe up for what they wanted to do. We all headed off to get some sleep before the sun came up.

  I as waken by the sounds of gun fire coming from the front gate. I jump out bed and went
to the find out what was going on, I didn’t even put on my pants before I went out there. I stood at the front gate in my under wear, yelling to my son Willie what in the hell is going on.

  Willie looked at me and pointed that is what’s going on, zombies are coming. He said that there has to be at least a hundred. Mia came running down she handed me my rifle. About ten to fifteen minutes later we had them all down. Paul stood there beside me and with a grin on his face asked me is this how you fight zombies in you under wear. I snickered and said be lucky I have this much on. He started laughing.

  Everyone on here came a running. Mia got up on the bus and told everyone that we have a lot to do today. We are going to need everyone here to help get all of these dead bodies in to the burning pit.

  Kelly came up and asked Mia what about the people that are pregnant? Mai stood up and said the women that are pregnant head to the kitchen and start making breakfast.

  Mia got down and told Kelly thanks I almost got in trouble on that one. Kelly said I am going to the kitchen.

  Mia said stop, you can help with the cleanup.

  Kelly said, well you just told everyone who is pregnant to go to the kitchen. Since I am pregnant I have to go to the kitchen.

  Mia got this big smile on her face and ran to John and said you’re going to be a grandpa.

  I told her I know Sabrina is going to have a baby.

  Mia said not just Sabrina someone else is making you a grandpa.

  Kelly stood there with a shitty grin on her face. I ran over to her and gave her a big hug.

  I told her that she just made me a happy man, I am now having two grand kids.

  Paul and I went to the office to look over the singe up sheet to see who wanted to learn to shot and go out and clean out the stores to start. Once everyone that doe’s learn and doe’s well will be on the team that will help clear the City. We finger that it’s going to take about three to four weeks before we can head out to do any of the clearing. We also came up with a plan that if this place doe’s get over run, we have buses and trucks ready to move out on a moment notice. The buses would carry the people and the trucks would carry the food and weapons. As we look over the list of names we were surprised on how many people were on the list. It looked like everyone that was able to carry a gun were on the list.

  Paul said that there is more people on this list then we have weapons. I told him that there are more weapons out there we are going to have to find them and bring them back.

  Paul told me that the old W-mart might still have guns and ammo there if no one has already cleared it out.

  I told him that there was a trooper barracks in Cooper plans just off the exit. I was telling him that they might have weaponsthere to. I was telling him that it wasn’t that far from here. I said that with his men, and my four sons and myself could go there and check it out. When we get done there we could head over to W-mart and get what they have also.

  Paul agreed and asked when should we do this?

  I said that we can get it done today, give me an hour and I will have my boys ready to go.

  He replied good that gives me time to get my men ready also.

  I radio and called for Willie, Robert, Bryan, and Xander to come to the office. I also radioed to my wife Mia to come also. When they came in to the office I told them what we were going to do. They said that they were ready.

  I told Mia that I needed her to stay here and hold down the base until we got back. Mia told me that they have a lot to do. She said that they need to finish getting to rest of the dead zombies to the pit to get them burned.

  I told her to make sure that they check to make sure that none of them have any weapons on them that we could use.

  She said that she would check every body, she also said that she would not burn them until we got back.

  Paul walked in to the office and said that him and his men were ready to head out. Mia walked up to Paul and told him to make sure that my husband and my boy’s come back safe. Paul said that he would make damn sure that nothing would happen to them.

  Mia looked at him and said that if anything happens don’t come back here, if you do I will bury you.

  I looked at Mia and told her that I will be fine.

  It took us about an hour to get to the trooper’s barracks. Paul yelled out to his men, you know what to do I need three in the back, two on the right and two on the left. TC I need you up there on the top of that building.

  Paul and the rest of us headed to the front, Paul banged on the door. We waited but not for long three zombies were in side.

  Paul told me to step back that him and his men got this.

  He whips open the door bang, bang, bang and all three were down.

  He pointed to the three man in his team to head inside, as I was just going through the first set of doors I hear bang, bang and one of his men yelled out clear hear. Then it was like row call one by one clear hear.

  Paul said the building is clear, we can look for what we need.

  There were a lot of dead cops in this place and the smell was almost unbearable. Paul hand me a bottle of Vicks and told me to rub some under my nose, he said that it would help with the smell.

  Wow I said this works great, I need to get me some of this.

  He told me to keep it, I have more.

  Looking around in here I could not believe what I was seeing some of these troopers killed them self before they turned. This place looks like Rambo came through. The troopers that did turn they were missing arms and parts of their face, some had their guts hanging out it looked horrible. Paul had his men move the bodies in to one room. I also told them to put one more shot in their head just to make sure there not going to come back.

  Willie yelled out I found where they keep the weapons.

  Paul told his me to get the weapons that the troopers had on them and to put them in a different bag so they could clean them before anyone shoot them.

  We walked in to the room Willie found and started to pack them up. There was a safe in the room. Paul and I wondered what could be in there. Paul went in to the captain’s office and started to look around in his desk.

  I asked him, what are you looking for?

  He stated that I am looking for the keys to that safe. I know that there has to be more weapons in it.

  I walked out to were his men were moving the bodies and asked if they found the captain. They all said no, but one stood there and said yes he is right here. I went over to the body, I bent down and went through his pockets and no keys I turned him over and the key were on his belt loop. I grabbed them and headed in to the captain’s office where Paul was.

  I told him that I found his keys. I threw the to him.

  We went back in to the room where the safe was, and Paul started to go through the keys to find the one that would open the safe. It took him a few minutes but he found the right one. He opened it and it was full. There were ammo and five machine guns and three sniper rifles, and in the bottom of the safe there were a case of hand grenades. Paul looked at me and said we hit the mother load.

  We were getting ready to head to W-mart. Paul told me that he wanted to stop at the fire stone.

  I asked him why do you want to stop there?

  He told me that we are going to need lead for bullets.

  I told him that W-mart would have that to they do tires there as well.

  I know, but like I said we are going to need a lot of it. We are going also need to find gun powder.

  I don’t think W-mart is going to have that, Paul.

  He said that if we are going to have to find a gun store for that.

  I told him the only one know about around here is that there I one in the town of Savona, and the town of Bath.

  He said that we should be fine for now, but before we can go in to the city of Corning we are going to need to find that gun powder.

  We wer en’t at fire stone long, we went in grabbed what we needed and headed out. We pulled in to the W-mart parking lot. I
have never seen this parking lot so clear. We got out and Paul told his men you know what to do and where to go now move it. TC said sir where do you want me.

  Paul said I want you to climb on top of the truck and keep watch out. TC replied yes sir going sir.

  I asked, what is up with him?

  Paul said that he is a well-trained soldier.

  We headed in on the side that had sporting goods. We were moving slow throughout the store, making are way to sporting goods. Paul stopped by the pharmacy dept. I asked him why are we stopping here?

  Paul replied it looks like no one has been here yet. We need to come back here in the morning and bring a doctor with us. He would know what we might need for med’s. I told him that was a good idea, we will do that.

  We made are way in to where they had the weapons and ammo they didn’t have much for ammo. We loaded everything we could and headed back out of the store. We got to the door when we heard gun fire. Paul radioed TC to see what was going on. TC radioed back and said that there is a lot of zombies heading this way. Do we have enough time to come out and get into the truck before they get here, Paul asked?

  TC yelled out on the radio and said run and make it fast.

  We all ran to the truck and jumped in, as we were pulling out I look to see how many zombies were coming. There had to be at least two hundred if not more. I asked Paul where do you think they are coming from?

  I think there coming from the city, Paul replied.

  We got back to base just in time to eat dinner.

  Paul asked how many people on that list do you think, can shoot a gun and hit what there shooting at.

  I told him there had to be at least ten people on the can shoot well. I said we can talk more about it after we eat dinner, we can head to the office.

  He replied ok we will talk after dinner.

  Chapter 4

  After dinner Paul and I went to the office to talk about who and what weapons we were going to take with us in the morning. Mia walked in to let me know that the doctor was out here. I opened the door and called him in. I told that doctor what we need from him. He replied I will go with you in the morning, but I need you to teach me how to use a gun I am not going out there until I learn to shoot. I told him that I would give him a crash course on how to us a gun. I also told him that he would not be alone that someone will be with him at all time. The doctor said good and headed out the door.


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