Zombie World

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Zombie World Page 6

by Ronald DuBois

  She agreed to put down their weapons.

  I opened the gate, and Paul could not believe that the girl that was yelling was his sister.

  He ran to her and gave her a big hug. He said that he thought that she was dead. She told him that when everything fell apart that she took off and went to the cabin. She said that she thought that he was dead.

  Paul walked over to me and said I would like you to meet my sister Sam. I told her that it was nice to meet you I didn’t think he had any family out there. Sam said that she was sorry for shooting at our people, but I was getting pissed when they would not let us in.

  I told her that I am sorry they were to call Paul or me to let us know that there were people at the gate. I asked her how she knew we were here?

  She said that they came across three people about two weeks ago, they told me to bring the people I have and that you would feed us and shelter us.

  I told Sam that they were right, and I bet you would love to go and get a hot shower and some food.

  Sam asked me what is there to eat?

  Mai told her that there making pizza for lunch today.

  Sam smiled and said hot damn hot water and pizza I must have died and gone to heaven.

  We all started laughing at Sam.

  Paul took his sister and showed her were the showers were. he told that he would wait for her to get done and they could go and eat lunch.

  Mia and I were heading to Paul, Mia had some clean clothing for Sam to put on when she got of the shower. On are way there the sky got cloudy, and it look like it was about to rain for the first time in over a month. We sure could use the rain, it has been very warm for the month of May. The weather this year has been warm through winter, we got no snow it was cold for a few days but then it would get warm again. We went into the gym and Paul was sitting there waiting. Mia took the clothing in to the women shower to give them to Sam.

  They come out from the women shower room. Sam walked over to us. She said that she feels so much better, and I smell a hole better, now if I can find a razor I can shave my hair legs.

  Mia told her that she would get her a razor after lunch. I will also give you a can of shaving cream as well.

  Sam said that she would love that. How did you all get this stuff.

  Paul spoke up and said that we got it all from W-mart. We cleaned the hole place out, we only left the rotting meat.

  Mia said that lets all go and get lunch.

  We headed to the lunch room, there were people running by us. I wondered what was going on so I followed them. They went outside, I walked out and it was raining everyone was out there running around and playing in the rain. I turned around and headed to the lunch room. When I got there Paul asked me what was going on where was everyone going?

  I told them that there were all out there playing in the rain. They all said that it sounds like fun.

  Sam was telling us that she was feeling great. She had a full belly and she was clean, and she couldn’t wait to go and shave her legs. When we got done eating Mia told Sam to come with her and she would give hear what she needed. Paul and I were heading to the office to make sure we got everything set for on the morning to go to the hardware store. On are way there it started to thunder and lightning out. It didn’t take long for everyone to come running back in, the rain was really coming down. I said to Paul that I sure hopes it stops by morning, I would really hate to go out in this and try to get the supplies.

  Paul said that if it’s still raining like this in the morning, we can put it off for another day.

  We were making our rounds, checking to make sure everything was good and safe. The wind started to pick up it was slamming the rain hard on to the side of the building. I was glad that we had no trees any were near the fences or any of the buildings. I was telling Paul that the garden should be grow really good with all this rain coming down. Everyone that are living out in the campers were coming in to the school. They said that the wind was blowing so hard that the campers were rocking back and forth. We told them to stay inside the school until the wind calms down. The wind was blowing so hard that it started to make the windows shake.

  We were walking up the stairs when we heard glass braking. We ran to where we heard it, the windows in the school lab broke from the wind blowing so hard. We covered the windows in plastic to keep the rain out. Sabrina came down the hall telling everyone that dinner was done. Paul stopped her and asked what for dinner? She replied left over pizza from lunch.

  We headed back down, to get dinner. We were going to head to the office after that, to go over our plans for tomorrow. We were in the lunch room when we heard everyone talking about the storm. They were all getting worried. I got up on the table and told everyone that we are going to be fine. The storm should be letting up soon. But for any one that lives out there in the campers if you would like you all can stay in the school tonight, but you all will have to bunk down here in the dining hall. By the time we all headed to bed that night, the wind was not blowing so hard the rain was down to a drizzle.

  The next morning the storm was gone and it look like everything was normal again. I got up and got around so we could go to the hardware store. My boys, Paul and his men were all waiting on me. I told them let me grab my morning coffee and we will head out. I told Mia that we were leaving to hold down the home front. She replied I will and you be careful, I love you.

  I told her that I love her to and that I will be back.

  We all got in to the trucks Willie and Bryan got in to the semi that had the tanker on it. We knew where we could get an empty trailer to put on it.

  It did not take us long, but we got there. The storm we had last night knocked down a lot of trees.

  Paul told me that he was glad that we were getting what we could from the hardware store.

  We pulled into the parking lot and Paul drove around the store, he said that he wanted to make sure that all doors were still closed. I had Willie and Bryan drive around behind the W-mart to get an empty trainer. Paul told his men you know what to do, now move it.

  The rest of us were at the front of store, I got the doors open with my handy dandy crow bar. We moved in slowly. It was a lot darker in here then the W-mart there is no sky light in this place. Paul told me that he has a plan for this. He had two men head back out to the truck to bring in their generator and lights. They hooked it all up at the front of the store but it did not light up the store to good. We could only see about half of everything. I asked Paul what if we find a few more generator’s and hook them up, and they got to have shop light in here some place? He had one of his men go back out to the truck to bring in two of the gas cans. He said that we were going to need fuel to run the new generators. It took us a little bit to find the generators and lights, but the store was almost well lit.

  We were looking around to see what they had. Paul said that we are going to need a least two more trucks or we are going to have to make a few trips.

  I radioed Willie and asked him how many more trailers is out behind W-mart. He said that there was two more.

  I told Paul that we can load this trailer and have them come back and get the other ones and we can load them.

  Paul said that it sounded like a good idea, let’s do it.

  As we were loading the first trailer I had Willie and Bryan unhook and go and get another trailer and park it by the other loading dock.

  I told them when that come back from taking the first one to get the other empty. It took us about two hours to get the first one loaded, as they took off with the first one we started to load the next.

  It took us all day we did not get back until late that night. We told everyone that we would unload the trucks in the morning. Everyone took off the get cleaned up and get something to eat before they all headed to bed. Mia was still awake when we got back. She asked me if I was ok?

  I told I was just hungry and tiered, and I know I am going to be hurting in the morning. I went and took a shower. Mia went and got me
some food so I could eat when I got out of the shower. I ate and I went to bed I was going to have a long day when the sun comes up.

  When I got up the next morning I went down to the dining hall. I was sitting there drinking my coffee and eating. Mia came in and told me that they almost have all the trailers empty, there working on the last one now. I thought to myself that they must have gotten up early. I finished eating, I grabbed my coffee and headed outside. I stood there drinking my coffee when Paul came out, he asked me how long I have been up?

  I said that I just got up about an hour ago. I told him that Mia got the people to come unload the trucks. I had nothing to do with it.

  Paul went and got him men, he told them what he wanted done. As he was telling them I had a group of people. I told them to listen that they were going to help build as well.

  Paul told them all to go and grab tools and let’s get this shit done. Paul said that we should have enough to build around the old fire dept. and the health clinic, and some of the houses with it.

  I said good maybe we can get some of the people out of the campers and in to houses.

  We worked for days, to walls were almost done. We took the old clinic and turned it in to a mini hospital, on the first floor the other four floors we turned them into small apartments. So when we got more people we could put them there to live. I thought to myself that we should be done in a few days.

  Chapter 5

  It been about three weeks and we just heard from the group that we sent to DC. They said that it took longer then what they thought I was. The storm slowed us down, we were in it for two days. We lost the truck, we had to walk the rest of the way to DC. We have some bad news. The white house has been overrun by zombies it looks like some might have made it out. There is a lot of dead military people walking around, we also see a lot of dead zombies by the fence they broke through. What do you want us to do?

  Paul got on the line and said to come back, but on your way keep an eye out for the ones that might have made it out of there.

  We can do that sir; we will head out first thing in the morning. It will take us about one to two weeks to get back.

  Paul and told Mark to round everyone up in the dining room, so we can let them know what is going on.

  Mark replied that he would round everyone up, and have them in the dining room in about an hour.

  Paul and I were going to head to the office, before we go to the dining room. We were talking about the people that might have got away. Paul thinks that they might head this way, and the team that we sent out might catch up with them. He said that the vehicles that they would be driving, are big so they would go around the long way to get through mess. The team might just catch up with them if they take the same way back they will find them. I was telling Paul that we need to get to the dining room. If the team doe’s catch up with them I hope that they call to let us know.

  We entered the dining room and instead of getting up on the table they built a stage for us. It took all most an hour and in half to get everyone in there. Paul and I were standing upon the stage. Paul started telling everyone that the white house was no more. By the time the team got there the zombies broke in, but on the other hand some of the people got out. Now it was my turn, I told them that we believe that they might be heading this way. Now the team we sent is on their way back. Now they might meet up with them. Paul and I think that they would have to take the long way around. The vehicles they would be driving are big and can’t make it through the mess the storm made. Now the team we sent are going to come back the same way they took out there. I told them that Paul and I were going to call them when we are done here. We are going to tell them that if they find them to call us first before they make contact. Now I would like to let you all know that we are going to have to have more of you all on the wall as guards and look outs.

  People were coming up to us and saying that they would like to help out any where they can. We were telling that it was good hear, we said that we were going to let them know when this is going to take place. We told them that we have to come up with a plan where we are going to put people.

  Paul and I got to the office, we were still talking about where we were going to put people at. Paul was telling me that he has an idea, we need to start teaching the kids how to shot. We got a lot of pellet and BB guns that we can train them on those. I was thinking the same thing. We pulled out the map, Paul said that he was going to us the old baseball field to train the children. We were also picking out spots to put people on the wall, and where we are going to build guard towers. We both agreed that everyone that is going to be one the wall and in the guard towers were going to be armed.

  Five hours go by and we have everything planed out on how we were going to do it all. We walked down to the dining room to get a cup of coffee. Mark came running in he had the sap phone in his hand, he said that he had corporal Frank on the line. Paul took the phone, he told him to call when they find them. He told Frank to call before they make contact, we want to make sure that they are good people first. Frank told Paul that they were not that far from them. We found their tracks, we are not on foot anymore we found an old pickup truck in an old barn. Frank to Paul that they only had to be at least one to two hours ahead.

  Paul told him to be careful if they are military they may shot first and ask question later.

  Copy that sir, Frank replied.

  Mark said that he also got the pa system working inside the school, I unhook to speakers outside we don’t need to have the zombies hearing it.

  I told him thank you it will make it a little easier so we don’t have to run all over the school to find people. Now we only have to come up with a system to get the people that are not living in the school. I asked Mark if he could come up with a way to hook up the phone lines in all to homes so when we need them we can get ahold of them. Mark replied I will come up with something just give me a little time. I said good you go work on that.

  Paul told us that he was going to go and lay down, come and get me when Frank calls back.

  I told him to go and get some sleep I will have someone come and get you.

  I headed off to my place to get some rest and sleep, Mia was there and was telling me that three of that cows were going to have cafes very soon. She also told me that they have found a few more cows and another bull. Wow it sounds like the farm is going good, how is the garden doing.

  She said that the garden was doing great the plants are starting to grow. We both headed off to bed, as I was laying there I was proud of what we have done. We have come a long why and I was hoping that we can keep pushing forward to make this place the best place on the planet. I know we are going to have bad day but we are going to have a lot of good ones to.

  Mark came running in and woke me up, Frank was on the sap phone. He told me that he took the phone to and gave it to Paul, he told me to come and get you. I got up and ran down the hall to Paul’s room, he was still on the phone. I heard him say to bring them all here. I stood there listening as Paul was telling them; I was waiting for him to get off the sap phone. Mia came into the room to find out what was going on.

  I told her that I did not know until Paul gets off the phone. She said that she would wait here with me. I was on the phone for 15 minutes I heard bits and pieces of the conversation.

  Paul told me that they found the ones that left the White House, and that they were pretty beat up and that they have wounded. He said he told him to get them here as soon as they could so that we could help them. Frank also told me that the president of the United States was still alive but he was badly wounded, and that their medic was doing the best they can to help them. They lost her doctor at the White House he was bit and they had to put him down.

  I told Paul that it’s a little after 4 AM that I’m going to back to bed for a few more hours.

  Paul said that he was going to do the same, and that he will meet up with me in the dining hall.

  He lay back down and I headed
back to my room, Mia was with me she said that she was going to that the alarm for 7 AM.

  Mia said that she would wake me up, so that I can head to the dining room to get my breakfast and coffee hopefully before Paul comes. She also told me to let her know and what we were going to do when the group got there.

  Mia woke me up at 7 AM like she said she was going to. I got up got dressed and headed to the dining room my morning coffee and donut. I wasn’t there long when Paul came walking in.

  I told him to get his coffee and food, I would meet him in the office when he was done. He told me that he was going to get his coffee and a donut and bring it with him. I told him we could talk on the way to the office, so you can tell me everything that Frank said on the sap phone.

  He went to go and get his coffee and donut, Mia came in and told me that she was just down at the barn and two of the cows had their cafes sometime last night. I told her that was great news, how long before they can start giving mike? She said that she doesn’t know but she would talk to the vet we have.

  Paul came over and said that he was ready to head to the office.

  We headed to the office talking on the way, I telling Paul that I think the firehouse would be the best bet for our new place for the president to turn into an office. We were also talking about putting everyone into the old clinic. If they did they would be comfortable living there, and they need more room for other people we still have a few houses in the campers left plus a few more rooms left in the school.

  He was telling me that most of the people for the president’s staff, and the rest were military. He also said that they lost most of the military that were at the White House. He told me that the president had lost his son and his wife was also hurt. The president was hurt the worst but their medic said that if they can get him here to a doctor that he would at least have 75% chance of surviving.


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