Wish Upon a Wedding

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Wish Upon a Wedding Page 1

by LuAnn McLane


  “Sweet romance with small-town Southern charm. . . . McLane weaves together walks in the moonlight, stolen glances, and kisses under the stars with seduction and sizzling sex, populating the carefully crafted story with a cast of affable characters.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “A wonderful series.”

  —The Reading Cafe

  “A lovely, sweetly sexy, terrifically enjoyable read. . . . McLane’s Cricket series is similar in style to Susan Wiggs’s bestselling Lakeshore Chronicles.”


  “McLane nails the charm, quirks, nosiness, friendliness, and sense of community you’d experience in a small Southern town as you walk the streets of Cricket Creek.”

  —That’s What I’m Talking About

  “[An] excellent series.”

  —Debbie’s Book Bag

  “Visiting Cricket Creek, Kentucky, feels like coming home once again.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “LuAnn McLane has a rich and unique voice that kept me laughing out loud as I read.”

  —Romance Junkies

  “McLane packs secrets, sex, and sparks of gentle humor in an inviting picnic basket of Southern charm.”

  —Ft.Myers & Southwest Florida

  “Charming, romantic . . . This new series should be a real hit!”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “No one does Southern love like LuAnn McLane!”

  —The Romance Dish



  Written in the Stars: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Walking on Sunshine: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Sweet Harmony: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Wildflower Wedding: A Cricket Creek Novel

  “Mistletoe on Main Street” in Christmas on Main Street anthology

  Moonlight Kiss: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Whisper’s Edge: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Pitch Perfect: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Catch of a Lifetime: A Cricket Creek Novel

  Playing for Keeps: A Cricket Creek Novel

  He’s No Prince Charming

  Redneck Cinderella

  A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action

  Trick My Truck but Don’t Mess with My Heart

  Dancing Shoes and Honky-Tonk Blues

  Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots


  “Hot Whisper” in Wicked Wonderland anthology

  Driven by Desire

  Love, Lust, and Pixie Dust

  Hot Summer Nights

  Wild Ride

  Taking Care of Business


  Published by New American Library,

  an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC

  375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014

  This book is an original publication of New American Library.

  Copyright © LuAnn McLane, 2016

  Penguin Random House supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin Random House to continue to publish books for every reader.

  Signet Eclipse and the Signet Eclipse colophon are trademarks of Penguin Random House LLC.

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  eBook ISBN 9781101989814


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to brides-to-be.

  May all of your wedding wishes come true!


  Praise for LuAnn McLane’s Cricket Creek Novels

  Also by LuAnn McLane

  Title Page




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Excerpt from Marry Me on Main Street

  About the Author


  I would like to take this opportunity to thank hair stylists for their creativity and hard work behind the chair. Getting pampered at a hair salon is a treat a woman treasures, especially on her wedding day. Thanks to Cara McLane for answering all of my many questions about the hair industry. Someday I will finally learn how to French-braid your hair.

  Thanks so much to the entire editorial staff at New American Library. The gorgeous cover captures the heart of Cricket Creek, bringing the story to life. Thanks so much to the copy editors for the attention to detail and grammar and to sales and marketing for getting the book on the shelf. I couldn’t ask for a better team! I want to give a special thanks to my wonderful editor, Danielle Perez. From brainstorming new ideas to tackling revisions, you continue to make me a better writer.

  As always I want to give a heartfelt thanks to my agent, Jenny Bent. Your knowledge of the industry and confidence in my writing made my childhood dream of becoming an author a reality.

  Thanks so very much to my loyal readers. From reading my stories to posting reviews, your continued support means the world to me. My goal is to bring you love, laughter, and of course a happy ending!


  White Lace and Promises

  “Sophia Gordon, now just what in the world are you doin’ reading Good Housekeeping? For pity’s sake, that’s for my older clients, not for a young cutie pie like you.”

  Sophia looked over at Carrie Ann through her foil-covered bangs. “Well, there’s a recipe for—” she began, but Carrie Ann tugged the magazine from her fingers so quickly that the salon chair swiveled sideways.

  “This is what you should be reading, sweet pea.” Carrie Ann placed the latest issue of Cosmopolitan in Sophia’s hands.

  Sophia gazed down at the scantily clad model on the cover and looked at the hair and makeup with a critical eye. “That eye shadow is way too shimmery.”

  “Oh, forget about that and turn to page thirty.”

  “Page thirty?” Sophia flipped through the magazine until she was staring at a hot male model lying in bed wearing nothing but boxer briefs and a wicked smile. “Twenty-five surefire ways to drive your man wild?” When Sophia shook her head and laughed, the foils made a light tinny sound next to her ear. “Well, unfortunately, I don’t have a man to drive wild.”

  “I’ve seen you hanging out with handsome-as-sin Avery Dean a time or two. I’m pretty sure you could drive him wild all twenty-five ways and
think of a few more to add to the list.”

  “We’re just friends,” Sophia insisted, but her pulse beat a little bit faster at the mere suggestion. She glanced at the article with renewed interest. Number two involved a feather trailing over certain body parts. “Oh my,” Sophia said when the image of Avery popped into her head. She squeezed her eyes shut but the image remained.

  “Share, please.”

  “These ideas are just silly.”

  “Really? I think this falls into the category of don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” Carrie Ann looked at Sophia in the mirror. “My motto is to always be prepared.” She arched an eyebrow. “Know what I’m sayin’?”

  Sophia chuckled at the owner of A Cut Above. In her mid-fifties, Carrie Ann Spencer had the hair and curves of a vintage pinup girl and a sassy Southern attitude to match the look. She’d been styling Sophia’s hair since last summer when Sophia arrived in Cricket Creek, Kentucky, to help out at her pregnant sister-in-law’s Walking on Sunshine Bistro after Mattie had been put on bed rest. “You crack me up.”

  Carrie Ann fisted her hands on her hips and tilted her head. Her big auburn hair was so full of product that it barely moved. “I’m serious, girl. Hey, how about me and you head over to Sully’s Tavern after your hair is all done up with those highlights? I’ll be your wingwoman.”

  “Have you forgotten that I’m heading back to New York City soon?”

  “No, but if you ask me, you don’t seem in any big hurry.” Carrie Ann took a seat in the chair beside her and swiveled it around. “But now that your mama, sister, and brother all live in Cricket Creek, I was hopin’ that you might consider moving to this sweet little town too. I’ve grown fond of your smiling face here and when I have breakfast at the bistro.” She leaned in closer. “Don’t tell Mattie I said so, but I think you’ve mastered her melt-in-your-mouth biscuits,” she said in a low voice. “I just add some strawberry jam and it’s like there’s a party in my mouth.”

  “Oh, thank you, Carrie Ann. And you know I’m fond of you too.” Sophia shifted in her chair and inhaled deeply. Of course she’d thought about staying in Cricket Creek, especially recently. The peace and quiet of a small town drew her in more than she’d expected and she would sorely miss living in the same town as Garret, Grace, and her mother once she moved back to the city. “But Lily is nearly six months old and Mattie is back full-time at Walking on Sunshine. And while I love cooking and had enjoyed filling in as a chef, I’m a hair stylist and makeup artist. I’ve worked hard to develop my clientele, and it’s time for me to head back to New York before I lose them. I really need to get ready for the June wedding season. I’ve already extended my stay way longer than I intended and my bosses are running out of patience with me. They will only hold my position open for so long before I’m permanently replaced at the salon.”

  Carrie Ann pressed her deep red lips together and gave her a level look. “And just why did you extend your visit?” she asked, but continued without waiting for an answer. “Um, maybe because you want to stay in Cricket Creek?” She raised her eyebrows. “Hmm? And you could have a chair here.” She waved her arm in a wide arc. “I could certainly use someone with your reputation and skills. Girl, after you helped out with updos for the Snow Ball dance, requests for you started pouring in.”

  “You’ve mentioned that a time or two.”

  “Or ten.” Carrie Ann gave her a slight grin.

  While Sophia loved the little salon situated in the heart of Main Street and honestly didn’t miss the drama of the bridezillas she had to deal with, her expertise was in updos and makeup for elaborate events and weddings. But how could she tell Carrie Ann that working at A Cut Above wouldn’t be enough of a challenge without sounding uppity and rude?

  “Hey . . .” Carrie Ann raised her palms upward and inclined her head. “I know what you’re thinkin’. You’re used to the hustle and bustle of that fancy salon in New York City and this wouldn’t be enough for someone with your skills.”

  “Carrie Ann . . .”

  “Hear me out, sweet pea.”

  “Okay.” Sophia gripped the magazine and and waited.

  Carrie Ann nibbled on the inside of her cheek for a few seconds as if gathering her thoughts. “We’ve been slow today but A Cut Above still holds its own against the chains popping up outside of town. I have lots of loyal local clients and I could use a couple more stylists.” She put her hands on her knees and leaned forward. “But I’ve been tinkerin’ with the idea of opening a salon up in Wedding Row. You know in that pretty strip of wedding shops overlookin’ the river?”

  Sophia nodded her foiled head and felt a warm flash of interest. “I’ve been up there with Grace. If I remember right, there’s a florist, jewelry store, and lovely bridal boutique, among other things.”

  “You’re right. From This Moment is owned by Addison Monroe, daughter of Melinda Monroe, the famous financial guru.”

  “I know.” Sophia nodded slowly. “Um . . . Addison was engaged to my half brother Garret before she married Reid Greenfield. It was a messy story in the tabloids until my mom’s ex-husband came to Cricket Creek to straighten out the crazy lies. Rick Ruleman was a rock legend with a reputation to match, but he would never have had an affair with Garret’s fiancée.” Sophia shook her head in disgust.

  Carrie Ann slapped her hand to her forehead and winced. “Well, hell’s bells, how in the world could I have forgotten about that little detail?”

  “Addison and Garret are on great terms now.” Sophia lifted one shoulder. “My mom and Rick have mended their fences too. I never thought I’d see the day when he’d settle down in a small town.” Sophia chuckled. “Life is so weird.”

  “Tell me about it. Did you ever think that your fashion model mama would marry a bass fisherman and run a fishin’ camp for underprivileged kids?”

  “Not in a million years. But she loves it.”

  “How about your Grace swooping in and helping Mason Mayfield save his craft brewery?” Carrie Ann picked up the mixing bowls and walked over to the sink.

  “Now that I would have believed. Unlike me, Grace loves a challenge.”

  “That’s a whole lotta movin’ and shakin’ going on. I’d say your family is pretty doggone awesome.”

  “Why, thank you. I totally agree,” she said with a firm nod.

  “And they’re all here. This is why you need to consider staying in Cricket Creek.” Carrie Ann walked over and checked one of the foils. “Not done processing yet.” She folded it back into place.

  “Carrie Ann, why are you so adamant about me staying?” she asked, but had an inkling of where this conversation could be heading.

  “What would you say to opening up a wedding-themed salon as partners? I’m thinking I’d like to call it White Lace and Promises,” she said in a dreamy tone.

  Sophia’s heart thudded with excitement but about a dozen questions popped into her head all at once. While her mom and sister were all about taking financial risks, Sophia was much more conservative. “Would there be enough weddings to keep the business brisk?”

  “Good question. I spoke with Reid Greenfield’s sister Sara who said that she’s getting big barn weddings booked from Nashville, Tennessee, and Lexington, Kentucky. Sara’s wedding reception venue with the gorgeous river setting is growing by leaps and bounds. She’s also booking more intimate receptions at Wine and Diner right here on Main Street. We might be a small town but we’re close to some big cities. And don’t forget that there’s a convention center down by the baseball stadium now. I’m sure there will be some black-tie events, which could mean even more business. Sophia, sugar, with your expertise and reputation I truly think the clientele would grow quickly.” Her voice picked up speed and her hands did the talking as she became more and more excited. “The businesses up on Wedding Row support and feed off one another. There’s a shop available for lease right next to Flowe
r Power and it’s located just two doors down from the bridal boutique! And it’s already set up to be a salon. Can you believe it?” She paused to take a breath. “So what do you think? Not that you have to give me an answer right now. But thoughts . . . Give me some feedback.”

  “I think the idea has potential, for sure.”

  “So you’re interested?”

  “I’m . . . intrigued.”

  Carrie Ann smacked her knee. “Sweet! I’ve been thinkin’ about this ever since Wedding Row opened up but I didn’t have anybody like you who could take the reins for me. And I have to keep on top of things here at A Cut Above. My mother opened this shop and I want to keep the doors open in her honor.” She raised her arms skyward. “This is so perfect! We definitely need to head to Sully’s or down to the taproom at the brewery and celebrate.”

  “Carrie Ann . . . I said I’m intrigued.” Sophia carefully added a note of caution to her tone. “I’m not making any promises, though.”

  “Okay then . . .” Carrie Ann flipped her palm over and put her index finger to her opposite pinkie. “Let’s start a list of reasons why you should do this. You’d be your own boss. I would basically let you run the whole thing. You’d live in the same town as your family. The cost of living is nothing compared to New York City. You already told me that you love your condo overlooking the river.” She leaned forward and put her hand next to her mouth and whispered, “And you already know that most of the hot Cricket Creek Cougars baseball players live there. Thought I’d toss in that tidbit.”

  “I hadn’t noticed,” Sophia said.

  “Oh . . . well, maybe that’s because someone else in this town has caught your eye. And that someone just might be Avery Dean.”

  “Pffft . . . no way.” She pointed to her eyes. “Not caught. We’re just friends.”

  “Right. And I’m a natural redhead.”

  Laughing, Sophia pointed to her own hair. “And I’m about to become a natural blonde.”

  Carrie Ann sat back in her chair. “You’re gonna look that way because of my expertise. Actually, those highlights will be just the perfect little boost to your gorgeous caramel color. A very Jennifer Aniston look. You kinda remind me of her . . . So pretty but not in a flashy way.”


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