Glass Swallow

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Glass Swallow Page 23

by Julia Golding

  ‘No, I cannot. I’ve been having a little talk with her about you. You and I have some things to sort out, young man.’

  ‘What things?’ Peri’s old feelings of inadequacy rushed back. He was a scavenger. A man like Torrent would want someone much better for his daughter.

  ‘Don’t look so scared. Rain doesn’t want to go home with me. My Magharnan is not very good yet, but I have enough to ask a simple question. Do you love Rain?’

  Peri was very conscious of the audience of apprentices, none of whom were even pretending to work now. He would never live this down if he admitted his feelings then Rain rejected him.

  ‘Yes, I do. I’d give my life for hers.’

  Torrent nodded. ‘I understand you’ve already proved that on more than one occasion.’

  ‘I want her happiness above anything.’

  ‘Good. You’ll do.’

  Peri gaped. ‘Is that it?’

  ‘Yes—I trust my daughter’s judgement. Or do you want me to ask you some more?’

  ‘Er … , no.’

  ‘Have a bit of apple.’ Torrent held out a slice.

  Peri took it automatically.

  ‘Like it?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘Sweet with a sharp edge, so never boring. Seems like you and I have the same taste.’

  Understanding they were discussing something other than Magharnan apples, Peri nodded. ‘And it’s a flavour I find I can’t live without.’

  ‘She’ll drive you mad.’


  ‘You’ll argue frequently.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Like I said, you’ll do.’

  Rain wandered out of the back door of her office into the orchard across the lane. She had her sketchbook with her, wanting to draw one of the trees from life for her window design. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the ground like dark slashes in the earth. The sky glowed, intense orange on the horizon, fading to pink, then to blue above her head. Swallows revolved in the air, transforming the catching of their meal into an elaborate dance.


  She looked up from her sketch to see Timber standing before her. She was tired of him springing out on her at unexpected moments. It was making her nervous.

  ‘It is time, my dear.’

  ‘Time for what?’ she asked cautiously, rubbing at the charcoal line she had just drawn. She had vowed never to be alone with him again, but it was impossible to avoid him completely.

  ‘I’ve given you an opportunity to consider my proposal. I’d like to announce our engagement to your father tonight. I’ve got pressing business back in Holt and I’ve been discussing arrangements with some of the tradesmen here for bringing in the goods they need. Further delay will lose us money.’

  Rain decided she had to stop this once and for all. Placing her sketch on the ground she stood up and brushed off her hands.

  ‘Cousin Timber, thank you for asking me to marry you, but really I have to refuse. Please do not delay your return to Holt with the idea that I will change my mind. I won’t.’

  ‘I don’t think you understand, my dear.’ Timber stood over her, trying to impose his superior height on her. ‘I know you have little regard for me, but it is your duty to your father to accept. He signed over the forge to my brother and me. With very little difficulty, I could have him thrown out of the guild, particularly if I mentioned the role a certain daughter played in his business.’

  The blow was low but she should have seen it coming. ‘You’re blackmailing me into marrying you?’

  ‘I prefer to see it as persuading you to take the best course for all concerned.’

  Rain didn’t know what to say. She’d almost forgotten what it was like to live under guild rules. She knew her father intended to return to Holt soon. Would Timber really go so far as to ruin him to revenge himself on her? Or was it a threat he never intended to carry out?

  ‘You may not believe me, my sweet, but while you’ve been away, your father has paid proper attention to training his boys. The forge is better placed to survive without him than ever before. In short, Torrent Glass no longer needs him.’

  She pressed her fist to her forehead. ‘You don’t even like me, do you?’

  Timber shrugged. ‘What’s that got to do with marriage? Together you and I can become rich, raise a family in style, build a strong business between this country and ours. I do not turn away from such opportunities.’

  ‘And if I marry you and refuse to go along with your little schemes, what then?’

  He curled his hand around the back of her neck. ‘Then, my dear, we fall out—seriously fall out.’

  His hand was abruptly removed and ended up twisted behind his back. Peri stood over Timber, breathing hard from having run the length of the orchard as soon as he saw what was going on.

  ‘Touch her again and I’ll kill you!’ Peri growled.

  Timber tried to shake him off. ‘Let go of me. I can touch my future wife if I wish.’

  ‘Peri, don’t hurt him. He’s threatened to ruin Papa,’ pleaded Rain, scared that Timber would get so angry he’d do what he said to spite them.

  ‘And that’s a reason for going easy on him? Sounds like an excuse to do this.’ Peri kicked Timber on the rear, sending him flying forwards on to the ground. ‘He’s pathetic. If he has to bully you into marrying him, he’s not worth worrying about.’

  ‘But Peri, you don’t know what it’s like in Holt. He’ll—’

  ‘Hush now.’ He put his fingers to her lips. ‘Holt man, you’re not wanted here. Get going.’

  Timber picked himself up and brushed off his tunic. ‘I warned you, Rain. You should’ve listened to me. When you come to your senses, I might accept an apology.’ He stalked off, kicking a fallen branch out of his path.


  ‘Ssh, love!’ He gathered her to him how he liked her best, her head on his heart. ‘Whatever he said, I’ll fix it. Trust me?’

  With a sigh, she nodded.

  ‘You can’t marry him, in any case, because you’re marrying me.’

  ‘I’m what?’ She pushed away to look up at him.

  ‘Marrying me. It’s quite simple. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you either here or in Holt. And I promise not to call you “my dear” in that pompous way he does, or grow a silly moustache. So, what do you think?’

  Rain was tempted to smile at Peri’s brusque proposal. For all his declarations that she was wedding him, he was clearly worried she’d turn him down.

  ‘Let me think.’ She tapped her chin. ‘You’ve abandoned me, threatened to tie me up, and shot me.’ His face fell. ‘How could I not marry you?’

  ‘Is that a “yes”?’


  He picked her up and spun her round, the apple trees whirling dizzily.

  ‘Good decision,’ shouted Peri. ‘Now let’s go and take a chunk out of old Timber. I know just how to handle him.’



  Tigral, ten months later

  ‘Your Majesties, may I introduce the Master of Magharna,’ announced Prime Minister Melletin. King Ramil and Queen Taoshira rose to greet the Y head of state of an allied nation. Now in his prime after twenty years on the throne, Ramil looked very fine in a green velvet robe over a silver tunic, complementing his dark complexion. Yet he would be the first to admit that he was outshone by his wife, her long fair hair streaming to her waist, her slender figure clad in a pale blue gown embroidered with silver dragonflies.

  Down the centre of the long audience chamber walked a youth dressed in a deep orange robe threaded with glittering jewels. He wore a most unusual crown made of many-coloured glass arranged in a glorious rainbow, set in gold. Behind him followed his ambas sador, bearing a magnificent peregrine falcon on his wrist, and the diminutive head of the Magharnan glassmakers’ guild.

  ‘He’s very young,’ whispered the Queen. ‘About the same age as our little Lagan

  ‘According to Torrent Glassmaker, the Master is about as mischievous as our son. That’s why I’ve asked Lagan to show him and his companion around Tigral after the ceremonies.’

  ‘Is that wise?’

  ‘Probably not, but it should be fun for the three of them.’

  The King and Queen descended the steps from their thrones to stand on the same level as the Master.

  ‘Your Majesty.’ Ramil bowed.

  The Master returned the gesture.

  ‘Welcome to our court,’ the King continued.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Ret in Common tongue. ‘I have heard much about you from my friend here.’ He beckoned the head of the glassmakers’ guild forward. ‘I’ve borrowed her from your country but I fear I have no intention of returning her to you.’

  ‘Rain Glassmaker, isn’t it?’ Ramil smiled at her. ‘News of your exploits has travelled ahead of you. Your father is very proud.’ He turned back to the Master. ‘I’m rather afraid I might have to go to war with you over this. I understand you’ve stolen our best designer of stained-glass windows.’

  ‘I have,’ said Ret, his delight evident. ‘You should see what she has done to my summer palace. I’m turning it into a school, but it has the most wonderful windows. Not a stroke of work is going to get done; everyone will be dreaming of escaping into her landscapes.’

  ‘Perhaps we will travel to see her designs,’ said Queen Taoshira. ‘I’ve always loved stained glass.’

  ‘Oh, but you don’t have to go far. I did yours too, Your Majesty,’ said Rain, blushing as she realized she had spoken out of turn. She tugged nervously on her necklace of teardrops.

  The Queen laughed. ‘How wonderful! And is it true that you have said you will only trade with our glassmakers’ guild if they allow women into their craft?’

  Rain’s blush deepened and the Magharnan ambassador reached over to take her hand reassuringly. ‘Yes, Your Majesty. Their attitude was standing in the way of progress.’

  ‘Good for you, Mistress Glassmaker,’ commented King Ramil. ‘You’ve succeeded where I could not.’

  ‘It was my husband’s idea.’ Rain smiled up at the ambassador. ‘Peri told me that the way to their heart was through their purse.’

  ‘Excellent. Your husband is a very wise man.’ The King signalled to his servants. ‘But enough of ceremony, Your Majesty. We’ve a feast prepared tonight and a hunt with our falcons tomorrow. Darling, would you lead the Master in?’

  The Queen offered her hand to Ret. ‘Please, come with me.’

  The King, Queen, and Master filed out, leaving Rain alone with Peri in the throne room.

  Peri bent down and kissed her nose. ‘Well done, Mistress Glassmaker.’

  ‘Well done, Ambassador.’

  ‘Ready for the feast?’

  ‘Definitely. But you must promise that you won’t leave me alone with Timber. He’s still going on at me about giving his trading company preferential treatment.’

  ‘He’s lucky you let him trade in Magharnan glass at all, love.’

  ‘He can’t help being awful.’

  ‘And you can’t help being too kind to him.’

  Rain tugged his hand, leading him towards the banqueting chamber. ‘I can afford to be generous. I got you, didn’t I?’

  Light poured into the passageway through a stained-glass window depicting a flock of birds. Peri stopped in the pool of multicoloured sunshine.

  ‘One of yours?’ He cocked an eyebrow.

  ‘Of course.’ Playfully she trapped the shadow of the swallow in her palm and pretended to press it to his heart.

  He kissed her. ‘A miracle.’

  They stepped out of the light together and headed into the celebration beyond.

  JULIA GOLDING grew up on the edge of Epping Forest. After reading English at Cambridge, she joined the Foreign Office and served in Poland. Her work as a diplomat took her from the high point of town twinning in the Tatra Mountains to the low of inspecting the bottom of a Silesian coal mine.

  On leaving Poland, she joined Oxfam as a lobbyist on conflict issues, campaigning at the United Nations and with governments to lessen the impact of war on civilians living in war zones. She now works as a freelance writer.

  Married with three children, she lives in Oxford.

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