Venerabile, 80
Venus, 697
Venusberg, 66
veterinary science, 12
Virgil: Aeneid, 694, 696, 697, 704; Eclogues, 704
vis comica, 47, 366
Wahlverwandtschaft, 63, 551
Wahrheit, 150
Wallace, William, Hegel’s Logic, 693
weakness: and strength, 143–44, 622
Weber, Carl Maria v., 698
wedding, 111, 165, 169, 355, 375, 434, 611–12, 615, 644, 679
Weil, Gustav, Tausend und eine Nacht, 748
Wends, 93
Wessel, Johan Herman, 321; Kierlighed uden Stremper, 686, 721; samtlige Skrivter, 686
Wessel, Peter, 711
Westphaler, Gert, 464, 592. See also Holberg
Wette, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de, Lærebog i den christelige Sædelære, 742
whale, see analogy
Wheeler, Arthur Leslie, Ovid Tristia Ex Ponto, 678
whipping boy, see analogy
Wiener, G. A., 696
wild bird, see analogy
will: and imagination, 508; and intellect, 508; and judgment, 305; one thing, 210; and sensuousness, 508; and spirit, 248; and talents, 259
Wilster, Christian: Homers Iliade, 702; Homers Odyssee, 691
wind, 17
winters: and summers, 263
Winther, Christian, “Hjertesorg,” Haandtegninger, 701
wit, 29
witch’s letter, 246
wolf, Fenris, 142
Wolff, Pius Alexander, Preciosa, 698
woman (women): clever, 290–91, 590; coquetry of, 67–68; corruption of, 563–64; and deception, 50–51, 75–76, 78–79; and dialectic, 274; emancipation of, 124; and erotic love, 37, 46, 57, 548; and the essential, 563; and the ethical, 48, 145; faithfulness of, 53, 545, 546; faithlessness of, 53, 55, 63, 545, 546; and falling in love, 124, 131–32; and fashion, 66–71, 553–56, 662–63; and fate, 63, 79; and finitude, 62, 75, 76; frivolousness of, 49; as half-person, 43, 48, 55, 76–77; and ideality, 48–49, 59, 550, 557; illusions of, 57–58, 61–62, 77, 145–46; and immediacy, 166–67; inner beauty of, 130, 132–34, 140–42, 159–60; as inspiration, 58–59, 61, 96, 548–49, 663; as jest, 48–51, 53, 55–56, 550; making of, 35, 43, 74–78; and marriage, 166; as meaningless, 56, 550–51; misfortune of being, 56, 58; modesty of, 77–78, 167, 559; as mother, 133–40, 143; negative meaning of, 59–63, 77, 146, 473; not wanted at banquet, 24, 535–36; and passion, 302; praise of, 73–74, 76, 126; reality of, 133, 146; and reduplication, 65, 630; and reflection, 51, 64, 67, 69, 91, 166, 270–71, 303, 306, 475, 544, 573; as relational, 38, 547; and the religious, 166–67; and seducer, 559; and slaves, 56, 549, 687; and spirit, 67; and suffering, 306; as superior, 75; as temptation, 46, 78; as tragic, 50; view of, in “In Vino Veritas,” 515, 653–54, 663; as weaker sex, 51, 57–58, 65, 142–46; as wife, 140–44; of years, 133, 140–42; youthful beauty of, 130, 132–33, 158
wonder: as beginning of knowledge, 348; erotic love as, 122; of faith, 163; falling in love as, 121, 123, 147, 163; married man as, 166
writing, xii, xv, 183–84, 307, 565, 658–59
Wulff, Peter Frederik, see Foersom
Xanthippe, 50, 53, 473, 545, 687; and death of Socrates, 418
Xenophon, Memorabilia, 709
Xerxes, 49, 295, 685–86
Yonge, C. D., Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, 694
Young, Edward, 151, 339, 601; Love of Fame, 746; Night Thoughts, 702
Young Man, 22, 28, 511–12, 534, 538, 546, 559–60, 651, 652, 678–79; appearance of, 21; soul of, 21; speech of, 31–47, 515, 743
Zabelthau, Dapsul v., 281
Zerlina, 19, 531, 533
Zeus, 682, 691, 714, 746; as τέλειος, 101
Zimmern, Helen, Hamburg Dramaturgy, 734
Howard V. Hong, General Editor, St. Olaf College, 1972-
Robert L. Perkins, University of South Alabama, 1972-76.
Niels Thulstrup, University of Copenhagen, 1972-76.
John W. Elrod, Iowa State University, 1977-85.
Per Lønning, Bergen, Norway, 1977-
Gregor Malantschuk, University of Copenhagen, 1977-78.
Sophia Scopetéa, University of Copenhagen, 1978-
Wim R. Scholtens, Boxmeer, Holland, 1986-
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kierkegaard, Søren, 1813-1855.
[Stadier paa livets vej. English]
Stages on life’s way: studies by various persons / by S0ren Kierkegaard; edited and translated with introduction and notes by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong.
p. cm.—(Kierkegaard’s writings; 11)
Translation of: Stadier paa livets vej.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-691-07323-6 (alk. paper) ISBN 0-691-02049-3 (pbk.)
I. Hong, Howard Vincent, 1912-. II. Hong, Edna Hatlestad, 1913-. III. Title. IV. Series: Kierkegaard, Søren, 1813-1855.
Works. English. 1978; 11.
B4373.S832E5 1988
Stages on Life’s Way Page 89