What the Prince Wants

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What the Prince Wants Page 11

by Jules Bennett

  The burn in her throat had her swallowing. Colin and Iris were missing the female figure in their lives and Darcy was missing the family she’d always dreamed of having. Yet they could never mesh together because...well, just because.

  She was his employee, she had goals of her own and right now she needed to get her business back up and running. Added to that, Colin made it clear he would probably be leaving in a few months to go back to Greece.

  Darcy nearly laughed. She’d never have the chance to set foot on Colin’s home turf. If he wanted to treat her like Cinderella today, she would let him. For once she would let someone else take care of her, do something nice for her.

  By the time Darcy finished trying on clothes, she had way more in her want pile than in her “no” pile.

  “Miss Cooper,” the clerk called from the other side of the thick floor-to-ceiling curtain. “I have some shoes pulled and jewelry for you to look at once you’re done. Can I get you any other sizes?”

  Shoes? Jewelry? When had she ever purchased an entire outfit complete with head-to-toe accessories?

  “My sizes are fine,” she called back. “I’ll be right out.”

  When Darcy stepped out of the dressing room, she resisted the urge to adjust her simple V-neck T-shirt. She didn’t fit in this place and the clothes she’d tried on certainly wouldn’t work for her daily activities relating to Iris’s care. But if she left with nothing, she knew Colin would drag her somewhere else.

  “What can I take to the counter for you?”

  Darcy glanced to the perfectly polished clerk with her carefully applied makeup and elegantly coiffed hair. Darcy glanced back into the dressing room where she’d hung everything up.

  “I’ll take that blue dress for now,” she told the clerk. “I need to think about everything else.”

  She hated to admit it, but the blue dress did hug her curves and made her feel beautiful. She didn’t mind said curves or her figure so much, and with her workout sessions she was actually starting to see a difference in her body. The extra boost of confidence had her smiling.

  Colin had liked the dress, so that’s what she’d go with for now. And damn if he wasn’t right. It had looked good on her, better than she’d ever imagined...not that she’d admit such a revelation to Colin.

  “What size shoe are you? I was guessing a seven.”

  Amazing how the woman was dead-on, but Darcy shook her head. “Oh, I couldn’t—”

  “Mr. Alexander made me promise to add shoes and any jewelry you wanted to the outfits you chose.” A soft smile spread across her face. “He also said not to argue and worry about the cost.”

  Darcy couldn’t help but laugh. Colin thought he had all his bases covered. Biting her bottom lip, Darcy pondered what she should actually do versus what she wanted to do. She could go ahead and get the things Colin requested. If she didn’t wear anything, he could return them and get his money back.

  “I should also tell you, he also made me promise you’d leave with no less than three outfits.” With her hands clasped in front of her bright pink capris and crisp white shirt, the clerk nodded toward the dress in Darcy’s hand. “He also said you weren’t leaving without that blue dress, so I’m glad you already chose that one.”

  Three outfits? The staggering cost of all that would be beyond ridiculous. Outfits, as well as accessories and shoes. What else did Colin have planned for her? Buying clothes and loaning her a brand-new car were both so personal. When he’d initially said bonuses, Darcy had assumed he’d meant the monetary kind. She really should’ve asked him for specifics, but she’d been too concerned about keeping her job and making it past the trial period.

  “To be honest, I don’t have a need for fancy clothes,” she told the clerk. “I love everything in here, but I’m a nanny and caring for a child doesn’t necessarily require bling and stilettos.”

  The clerk laughed, reached out and patted her arm. “Tell you what, let’s look around and I’m sure we can find something to make you both happy. You can still be fashionable and comfortable while caring for that sweet baby.”

  An hour later the young worker, whom Darcy now knew as Carly, had delivered on her promise. New shorts, basic tops and adorable sandals were neatly wrapped in tissue paper and placed in two large bags...along with that blue dress Darcy would never have a use for. She had drawn the line at jewelry, though. There was no need for earrings or a necklace for Iris to tug on, not to mention Darcy wasn’t preparing herself for a fashion show.

  She shot Colin a text, telling him she was finished and she’d come to the toy store to meet him. After thanking Carly for all of her help, Darcy headed out the door. So much money spent for two bags worth of clothing, but he’d insisted, and to be honest she’d never let someone splurge on her before. Colin had been adamant he wanted to do this for her and she was done being stubborn.

  Perhaps she was being selfish, but life had thrown so much crap at her, it was nice to have someone refreshing waltz into her life. She truly believed he wasn’t buying her to get her into bed. If he’d pursued harder at home, she would have caved and they both knew it. Getting new clothes certainly didn’t make her want to jump him. No, she’d wanted to do that from the second he’d opened his door and greeted her.

  The bright sun warmed her face as soon as she stepped onto the sidewalk. A familiar scream of delight had Darcy turning her attention down the sidewalk to where Iris sat in her stroller, hugging a brand new elephant in one hand and a waving rather large lollipop in the other. Seeing the big, wide smile across her precious face, Darcy didn’t know if she’d ever seen Iris happier.

  Colin, on the other hand, looked as though he could use a stiff drink. His hair stood on end as if he’d run his fingers through it for the past hour, his lids were heavy and he appeared to be in a daze.

  Darcy held back her laugh, but couldn’t stop from smiling as he moved closer. “Looks like you had a good time at the toy store.”

  Colin’s eyes snapped to hers as if he’d just realized she stood near him. “Do you know what they have in that place?”

  “I’m assuming toys,” Darcy stated.

  “From floor to ceiling.” He continued to stare as if he’d been traumatized. “But it’s not just toys. There’s candy. Everything lights up or sings or dances to get your attention. It’s not even safe to walk through the line to check out. She was reaching for everything. It’s like they don’t even care about the parents.”

  Darcy did laugh now. “Surely this wasn’t your first trip to a toy store with her.”

  Colin blinked, raking a hand over his face. “Actually, it was.”

  The statement shocked Darcy. Perhaps his late wife had always taken Iris toy shopping. Maybe they had another nanny where they’d lived before and she did all of that. Or maybe someone just delivered toys and they hadn’t taken Iris to any stores yet.

  “Why don’t you take these bags and I’ll push Iris.” She didn’t wait for him to answer as she thrust the sacks into his hands. “Let’s head home and I’ll start dinner. You look like you need to get back to safer territory. We can’t have all those plush toys terrorizing you anymore.”

  Colin glared at her. “Now you’re mocking me. We don’t need to go home. I just needed to escape that store with my life.”

  Darcy started pushing Iris down the sidewalk toward the SUV—the one he’d bought for her use. Yes, the man was used to getting what he wanted, in one sneaky way or another.

  “I’m not mocking you,” she told him. “I’m just stating a fact based on the evidence you presented to me.” Colin grunted in response. Darcy smiled as she loaded Iris into the car seat. “What do you say we head over to the park and let Iris play while you recover? Then we can go home and I’ll make dinner.”

  Colin seemed to think about the suggestion before a wide grin spread across his face. “Th
at’s a great idea. It’s a beautiful day. We might as well spend it outside.”

  Elation pumped through Darcy. She was seriously having such an amazing day with them and it had nothing to do with her new purchases. Being out with Iris and Colin was just fun and broke up the monotony of being in the house. Darcy had been so dead set on not letting Colin buy things for her, yet here she was watching him load the new clothes he’d purchased into a vehicle that he’d also bought for her.

  She was not a shallow woman and she certainly wasn’t hung up on material objects. But, if she was going to be spending months with Colin and Iris, they would be leaving the house at various times and she couldn’t very well keep going out in her ratty old clothes. Granted she didn’t need thousands of dollars’ worth of clothes, either, but she’d lost that fight. She also planned to leave them behind when her term was over because she didn’t think it would be fair to keep them...not unless something deeper happened between her and Colin. And at the rate they were edging closer together emotionally, she wondered how they actually would end up at the end of the six-month term.

  As they all settled into the car and Darcy climbed in behind the wheel, she realized the main problem. She was getting too comfortable with this family. Not comfortable the way she had on other nanny jobs, but comfortable as in she’d started envisioning this little family as hers. The thought alone was utterly ridiculous, but she couldn’t stop the daydream any more than she could control her hormones around Colin. Everything about this family struck a chord so deep within her, she knew she’d carry them with her for the rest of her life.

  Darcy was completely in love with Iris. The little girl could easily melt anyone’s heart.

  As for Colin...she knew she wasn’t in love with the man, but she did have feelings for him. Feelings that had no place in her life or in this professional atmosphere.

  Now if she could just keep telling herself that, maybe she’d believe it. But would she stop fantasizing about him?


  He had become a creature of habit at a young age, due in part to his royal status. Schedules were a normal part of his life and without them, the members of the palace’s security team would not have been able to do their jobs efficiently.

  And here in the United States he found he was no different. He was in the middle of his nightly workout, which meant he was sweaty, breathing hard and still aching for the woman who lately occupied his every blasted thought.

  Today had been amazing and seeing Darcy’s face light up was worth the sacrifice. He knew she wasn’t easily bought and that was definitely not his intent.

  He treated her just as he would any other employee. Colin and his brother were always quick to supply anything the members of their staff needed. Just because he was in the United States, away from the palace, didn’t mean he wouldn’t treat Darcy like any other member of his staff.

  Except Darcy had become more than an employee the second he’d plastered her up against the wall and kissed the hell out of her.

  Last night their phone conversation had stimulated him in ways he hadn’t expected. Sleep had been a long time coming and he had a feeling he’d be in the same predicament tonight. For the next several months, in fact, if they didn’t end up just giving in to their desires.

  He needed to get his head on straight and figure out how to tell Darcy about this trip. He actually loved the thought of taking her to his home country. He could only hope she’d take the news of his royal status well and agree to go with him. Colin had just started doing squats with the weight bar across his shoulders when his cell chimed from the bench behind him. Of all his exercises, this was the one that nearly killed his back and leg so he welcomed the distraction.

  Dropping the bar back into place, he turned and smiled when he saw the name on the screen. He should’ve expected this.

  “Is this going to be a ritual?” he asked in lieu of saying hello.

  Darcy’s soft laugh greeted him. “I just wanted to tell you again how much I appreciate the clothes. You didn’t have to do anything like that for me, and saying thanks seems so inadequate, but...thanks.”

  Colin gripped the phone, wishing she’d come down and thank him in person. From her soft tone, he knew she was feeling a bit insecure, most likely about the money, which meant absolutely nothing to him. He had an exorbitant amount of it, so why shouldn’t he be able to spend it on people he cared about?

  “You’re more than welcome,” he replied, playing it safe instead of telling her what he really wanted to say. “But you don’t have to keep thanking me.”

  “Maybe I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  Colin froze as she tossed back the words he’d given her last night. “You hear my voice all day.”

  “It’s not the same with Iris around.”

  Closing his eyes, Colin reached out and rested his arm on the cool bar. He dropped his head and contemplated how to approach this shaky ground, because each step could set off a series of events he either didn’t want or wasn’t ready for. “You can come to the gym if you want to hear my voice,” he said, hoping she’d take him up on his offer.

  “No. This is best. I just...this is so silly.”

  “What were you going to say?”

  Her pause had him lifting his head, listening for the slightest noise in the background. Was she already in bed? Had she lain there and thought of him?

  “When I talked to you on the phone last night it was as if we were alone, just without the pressure of being alone.” She laughed, then let out a groan. “Forget it. I’m not making sense.”

  She made perfect sense. Everything about her and this crazy situation made sense to him at this point in his chaotic life.

  “Maybe we should pretend we’re alone and we don’t have to have any boundaries,” he stated, his mouth spouting off words before he could fully filter his thoughts. “What if you were here with me now? Or what if I was up there with you? If we were just two people who met and there was nothing holding us back from taking what we wanted, what would you do?”

  Silence greeted him and he knew without a doubt images were flooding Darcy’s mind because they sure as hell were playing through his.

  “What would you do if I showed up at your bedroom door right now?” he whispered.

  He knew he was torturing himself. Unfortunately, he fantasized about Darcy whether he was speaking the words aloud or keeping the thoughts to himself.

  “If nothing stood in our way, I’d let you in.”

  Colin wasn’t sure whether to be thrilled or angry at this torturous piece of information. At least she came right out and said the words, but words meant nothing without action.

  “What would we do after I came in?” he asked.

  Her soft laugh enveloped him. “I’m not having phone sex with you.”

  “I wasn’t headed there.” Though now that she’d put that thought in his mind, he wouldn’t object to a little phone sex. “Tell me, Darcy. Once I came to your room and you let me in, what would happen?”

  “Everything I’ve been dreaming about,” she whispered. “But dreams aren’t always meant to come true.”

  That sad tone of her voice said so much more than her actual words. He knew she’d been saving for an adoption. He wished he could be the man to give her what she wanted, but he was in no position to give anything unless it was financial or sexual. All superficial things, yes—anything involving his heart or too many emotions, hell no. He wasn’t naive. He figured if things were different they may actually have a shot at something special, something more meaningful than intimacy. But how could they pursue anything beyond that when she had no idea who he was and he had no idea who he wanted to be?

  A muffled sniff slid through the phone and Colin gripped the device tighter. “I’m coming up.”

  “No. Colin, you can’t.” A
nother sniff. “This is good, just talking. I haven’t really talked about my feelings for a long time.”

  “You’re crying.”

  He hated the thought of her lying up there upset, most likely over a bad memory that had been triggered by what he’d said. Colin wanted her happy, wanted that light in her eyes he’d become familiar with and he wanted to break down every damn wall she’d erected between them.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. “It’s getting late and I need to get up early for my workout.”

  “You have a standing invitation to work out with me.”

  “I know.”

  She still wouldn’t take the offer, but he had to remind her anyway. He wanted to be here for her, to give his support, and that thought scared the hell out of him. Taking on someone else’s problems was not going to help him solve his own and would only push him deeper into Darcy’s life...a place he couldn’t allow himself to be.

  “Good night, Darcy.”

  “’Night, Colin.”

  He disconnected the call and resisted the urge to throw the phone across the room. This was a dangerous game he was playing with her. Not only were her feelings obviously involved, he had a sense her heart was teetering on the brink, too. That wasn’t his ego talking, either. He didn’t know if he had it in him to give her his heart. He knew he wanted her on a primal level and he was fully aware that his emotional connection with her was stronger than he’d intended, but there were so many uncertainties.

  On the other hand, he wasn’t too keen on the idea of another man capturing her heart, either, which left him in quite a predicament.

  He had some decisions to make in his personal life here and back on Galini Isle. No matter what path he chose, Colin feared he’d be making a mistake and now there were even more lives—and hearts—on the line.

  * * *

  Colin kicked a ball to Iris, and just as she went to raise her leg the ball rolled right by her, causing her to laugh hysterically just like the past seventeen times he’d purposely kicked it by her.


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