Rise of the Carnelians (Europa)

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Rise of the Carnelians (Europa) Page 20

by Jason Gehlert

  “I don’t know. I’ll try.” Ulysses kept the light on the Carnelians, but didn’t take into account his blind side. Another wave hit him hard, knocking the light from his hands. The flashlight scattered across the floor shattering the bulb forcing the light to eventually fade out.

  Ulysses back himself against the control panel. One of the Carnelians attached itself to his right hand, eagerly gnawing away at the fresh skin. Ulysses managed to raise the power switch back to the on position, as the alien chewed away his hand.

  “Shaw, shoot!” Ulysses begged. “Aim high!”

  Shaw didn’t understand until he figured out the wily engineer’s plan. Ulysses knew Shaw couldn’t save him from the endless horde of aliens. “You are a crafty bastard.” Shaw raised his weapon and aimed high. He squeezed off round after round.

  The bullets severed the main electrical lines high above Ulysses’s head. They split in half and dangled just above the engineer’s reach.

  Shaw started to pick off the scattering Carnelians, just for the pure sport of it.

  Ulysses reached up and with his last burst of strength grabbed hold of the waving wire. The Carnelian’s opened their mouths, displaying rows of sharpened teeth. Their hands opened up, claws drawn with the suckers ready to drink blood and tissue from their prey.

  “That’s it, open wide,” Ulysses screamed at his lurking predators. “Show me those pearly whites, you ugly mother fuckers.”

  The horde let off a series of deafening hisses, and flew through the air, attaching themselves to Ulysses, their ragged claws were drawn, ready for penetration.

  Ulysses brought both wires into each side of his body just as the horde consumed him and used the live electric lines to his advantage.

  His entire body rocked back and forth in a violent electrical shock. The powerful shock wave rippled down his body, electrifying the horde, setting them ablaze.

  Ulysses Tarrant’s jolting, charred body slumped down the wall, along with the swarm of burning, screaming Carnelians permanently affixed to his scorched flesh.

  Shaw’s Plan

  Lieutenant Shaw raced down the corridors of the Abagail, wondering if he had the Carnelians hot on his trail. He occasionally looked back and found nothing but darkness staring back at him. Taking a deep breath, Shaw made it back to the hangar’s large doors and slipped through them. He backed into the space station’s confines.

  Kaspar was waiting for Shaw, greeting him with a hearty shove to the shoulder. “Is he...?”

  “Ulysses saved our lives.” Shaw picked off his gloves using his teeth. He then took off his goggles, letting them hang loosely around his neck. “Did you find the other pair of goggles?”

  “Yeah,” Kaspar replied. “I have them right here in my pocket.”

  “Good. We will need them once the power drains.” Shaw glanced at the flickering lights. “It’s only a matter of hours at this point.”

  “How did Ulysses save our lives?” Kaspar asked, wondering what sort of heroic deed the wily engineer had performed.

  “He was working on the mainframe, when the horde swarmed over his body.” Shaw recounted. “I was too far back to lend an immediate hand. Ulysses waved over to me to shoot down the electrical wires high above his head. After they were severed, he let the Carnelian’s swarm over his body, before he unleashed the electrical surge through his entire body, and theirs. Needless to say, Ulysses has successfully taken out a large number. I personally believe they were hiding in the engine room because it was dark. The rest of the ship still has some lighting.”

  “Now what?”

  “Captain Brody had some C-4 and dynamite left over from our last mission. We had to blow through some of the moon’s stubborn rocks during our last surface expedition in order to retrieve some elements for study.”

  “That’s good news. Where are they?”

  “If I had to guess, back in his locker. He had mentioned it earlier this month, before everything went into the shitter.”

  “Then what?” Kaspar asked. “You said there was a main generator room?”

  “Yeah, right by the second hangar bay. The main generator runs vertically down the space station, linking both floors. There are three emergency gliders in the docking bay on the far end of the space station on the lower level. Reggie found them one night during his restless night walks. He was very hyper during his stay. I think he was starting to go stir crazy inside these walls.”

  “I will gather the others. You set the explosives in the generator room. We will blow this thing from the inside out,” Kaspar ordered.

  “Your banking on the fact that Ulysses has fixed the Abagail’s engine problem.” Shaw fidgeted about as if he were searching for something. “By the way where’s our friend?”

  “Adrian? Don’t know. Probably with the others.”

  “Listen. If your friend has been compromised in any way, once the lights go out, he will be in his glory. We will need these goggles to keep pace with him.”

  “Gillian doesn’t have a pair.”

  “Then I suggest you keep her close to you,” Shaw recommended.

  “I know Ulysses fixed the problem. I have faith.”

  “Stupid question,” Shaw said.


  “If Adrian has the alien’s powers, he will be definitely looking to get off this station and head out for another place to live.”


  “I can bet he used Ulysses to fix the ship for him. You will be needed to fly the thing and, your lady friend will survive because Adrian will want to prolong his species.”

  “That sounds quite complex. Where does that leave you, Shaw?”


  “I’m not leaving you behind.”

  “Listen, I’m your only chance here. I’ll lure Adrian away from you so you can get the crew back to the ship and out of here. I’ll blow this thing sky high along with Adrian.”

  “What if it goes wrong?”

  “Then we all die. By the looks of it, we are all headed down that road anyway.”

  “How do we keep in contact?”

  “There are some spare radios back in the control room. I’ll take one and you take one. We will keep in constant communication. Say, every fifteen minutes?”

  “Agreed. Let’s do this,” Kaspar said firmly shaking Shaw’s hand.

  “Don’t come back for me, no matter what.” Shaw stared directly into the commander’s eyes. “No matter what. Repeat it for me.”

  “No matter what,” Kaspar said reluctantly.

  “We will need to boost our weapons. Let’s go raid the artillery room.”

  Shaw and Kaspar headed down the corridor to stock up on weapons and to grab up the communication devices.

  Adrian spotted Gillian inside the observation room, all alone.

  “Gillian,” Adrian greeted her in his low, monotonous tone.

  “Adrian?” She glanced over her shoulder.

  Adrian ran his eyes over the gigantic telescope that resided in the sprawling observation room. “Whatcha looking at?” He drew closer.

  “Stars and stuff.” Gillian turned back to the telescope. “I’m glad to see you are okay.”

  “Thanks, I missed you too.”

  “How do you feel?” Gillian continued to gaze through the telescope.

  “I feel great.” Adrian felt a surge coarse through his body.

  “Great?” Gillian asked softly.

  “Yeah, considering what I’ve just gone through.”

  “What happened?” For the first time since meeting Adrian in Times Square, Gillian felt genuinely concerned for the awkward billionaire.

  “The caves. Philene and I went into the caves, and she fell down into an inescapable pit. I tried to save her, but I was hindered by my brace.”

  “She died?”

  “Yes. Those nasty aliens devoured her. Then they attacked me. I still don’t know how I made it out of there.”

  “You’re lucky. Damn lucky.” Gillian stepped
down and turned around. To her surprise, Adrian was standing immediately behind her. “Can I help you?” She felt a tad uncomfortable. Gillian gave Adrian the once over with her eyes. He had definitely seen better days. His skin not only had a disturbing yellow color to it, but it also matched the yellow haze in his eyes. His flesh also seemed to crawl to Gillian. “Okay, that was just freaky,” she said referring to the movement.“Oh that?” Adrian raised his arm and wached several bumps move under his skin. “I had that since I was a boy.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  “Listen, I need your help,” Adrian said to her. “Can we shoot on over to your quarters for a drink and catch up?” He started to use his newfound abilities to mentally control Gillian.

  “Yeah, I guess. I could use a drink, it’s been a long trip.”

  “I second that,” Adrian stepped away from her and let her pass. He watched as her demeanor became submissive. He felt her mind beginning to break under his consistent mind manipulation.

  “Such a gentleman,” Gillian quipped back. “So, I notice your walking has improved. No brace?

  “I don’t need it anymore,” Adrian snapped back.


  “I don’t know. When I fell, maybe I popped everything back into place.”

  “But, you suffer from a rare genetic disorder.”

  “My, you are sure a curious little shit, aren’t you?”

  “And, you don’t look so good. Are you feeling well?”

  “You are the third person to ask me that,” Adrian retorted quickly. “I’m perfectly fine. Totally healthy. Can we go get that drink now?”

  “Almost there. I haven’t settled in yet.” Gillian approached the door.

  “I don’t really care. I haven’t unpacked since we got here either. I’ve been in the caves with Philene.”

  The two entered Gillian’s quarters. “Take a seat,” Gillian offered.

  “Ah, better yet, let me shoot on over to the kitchen and grab some goodies from Randolph.” Adrian winked at Gillian and then snapped his fingers.

  “Okay. I’ll be here waiting.”

  “Excellent,” Adrian retreated back into the flickering corridor and headed back to the kitchen.

  Randolph Kray was sorting out the assortment of kitchen toys when Adrian appeared in the doorway.

  “Adrian?” Randolph greeted his boss. “Is that you?”

  “In the flesh,” Adrian responded as the lights continued to flicker, briefly illuminating the kitchen, before swallowing the men back up in a thick sheet of darkness.

  “What do you need? Are you okay?”

  “I need some drinks and I feel wonderful. I have a date tonight.” Adrian’s sly remarks startled Randolph.

  “Date? Man, you work fast.”

  “Yeah, it’s with Gillian.” Adrian moved in closer.

  “Oh. I don’t think the commander would appreciate you stepping in on his girl.” Randolph reached for a bottle of red wine.

  “That’ll be our little secret.” Adrian pressed his finger against his lips. Randolph caught a glimpse of his old boss.

  “I can’t. I don’t know.”

  “It’s all part of the plan.” Adrian reached out for the bottle and the glasses.

  “Plan?” Randolph asked. “What’s the plan?”

  Adrian took a moment before responding. “The plan I’m afraid doesn’t include you.”

  Randolph Kray took a moment to soak in the weird response. “It doesn’t?”

  “No.” Adrian raised the bottle of wine and struck Randolph on the head, sending the chef sprawling to the floor. The flashing lights illuminated Adrian’s intense attack on Kray, bludgeoning the chef with the glass bottle.

  Adrian stood over his battered colleague.

  Kray left eye flitted back and forth in a sequential pattern. “Why?” he asked one final time, as blood raced from his nose, mouth and ears.

  “I don’t have any more patience for stupid questions.” Adrian bent down and lowered one of his hands. “My quota’s been reached today.”

  What are you doing?” Kray was unable to move away from Adrian’s overwhelming presence.

  I’m hungry.” Adrian opened his left hand, and placed it palm down inches over Kray’s face.

  What the hell?” Kray reached up to defend himself, but it was too late. He looked deep into Adrian’s left hand which opened horizontally inside the palm exposing a tiny assortment of teeth. Kray tried to escape but it was no use.

  Adrian’s palm opened up and revealed a tantalizing new trait; he was part Carnelian.

  He eagerly placed his hand over Kray’s squirming face and felt empowered. He hungrily fed on Kray’s fresh wounds. Adrian then worked down to Kray’s heart and enjoyed a feast. In a matter of minutes, Kray was left completely decimated by Adrian’s bloodsucking palm. His skin became flat as Adrian managed to devour every last morsel of blood, tissue and even some fragments of his prey’s bones.

  Taking in a deep breath, Adrian mumbled a few words. “Ah, now that’s much better.” He stared down at his battered watch. “Would you look at that? I’m late for my very important date.” Adrian stood back up and closed his hand. He turned and walked out of the kitchen with the bottle of red wine firmly clenched in his right hand, letting it loosely sway by his side.


  The Enemy Within

  The mission was failing. Commander Kaspar and Lieutenant Matthew Shaw had other plans in motion. With the newest incarnation of Adrian, the colonization of Europa had taken a back seat to survival. Adrian was now in full possession of the Carnelian’s power and had added another lucrative advantage; Adrian became the de facto leader of the alien’s cause. Adrian had to find a way off the stranded moon and spearhead a journey to a livable planet for his species to thrive in.

  Gillian had managed to cull the captain’s information from his spastic journal, and found out that another planet comparable to Earth currently existed in the farther region of the Milky Way galaxy.

  “We need to keep a close eye on Adrian,” Shaw said.

  “Let’s break up and do this,” Kaspar said sternly. He adjusted his radio and titled his head to slide in the small earpiece.

  “I’ll check the lockers for the C-4, and then head on over to the main generator room.” Shaw slipped on the earpiece and double-checked the radio. “Testing 1-2-3,” he whispered into the earpiece.

  “I hear you.” Kaspar nodded.

  The lights kept their flickering pace, briefly displaying the corridor.

  “Where the hell is the captain’s locker?” Kaspar asked.

  “Somewhere around here. I know my way around. I’ll find them, eventually.” Shaw started to head down the north end of the corridor, towards the observation room, the crew’s quarters, the lockers, the captain quarters, and main generator room.

  Kaspar turned and headed back down the south end towards the laboratories, kitchen, mess hall, and the docking bay where the Abagail was stranded.

  A soft knock rapped on her door.

  Gillian shuffled across her room and opened the door.

  A pair of yellow eyes seemed to entrance her the very moment she took notice of the stranger at her door.

  “May I come in?” Adrian asked.

  “Yes, please do.” Gillian opened the door wider and invited him in. “I see you brought the wine.”

  “Nothing is too good for my Gillian.” Adrian closed the door behind him.

  “So, where are the others?” Gillian asked. “Have you seen them?”

  “I ran into Randolph in the kitchen.” Adrian paused for a moment. “He’s suffering from dehydration right now.”

  “I hope he’ll be okay.”

  “I’m sure he will be. He’s comfortably resting.” Adrian poured the drinks and offered one to Gillian.

  “Thank you.” Gillian took a sip from the glass. Her lips tingled as the red wine passed through. Gillian eagerly polished off the rest. She shifted on the bed, trying to find a more comfortabl
e position. “These beds sure are lumpy.”

  “I have to be honest, I’ve liked you for quite some time.” Adrian poured her another round. He swirled his own drink and forcefully swallowed it down his throat.

  “I find you to be arrogant and cocky.” Gillian was strong to keep her personal brand of honesty and sarcasm intact.

  “Ah, those are only minor character faults,” Adrian responded back with a flick of his tongue. “I’m here for another purpose.”

  “You want to get laid. I get it. But, its not going to happen. Not tonight, or any other night. Not even in this millennium. So, keep your small dick in your suit, mister,” Gillian said, bravely setting down the boundaries for the odd visit. “I’m only having a drink with you. My heart is elsewhere. I am here for you as a concerned colleague.”

  Adrian stared deeply into her eyes. He was parlaying his unique new powers on Gillian’s weakened mind. “I don’t want your heart,” he stated moving in for the kill.

  “Adrian,” she tried to ward him off with her words, but she felt a sudden, jerking change consuming her mind.

  Gillian entered into an altered state. Her mind was slowly becoming convoluted and twisted. She chalked it up to the alcohol, but either way, her resistance was failing her, miserably. Adrian had her right where he wanted, under his powerful thumb of influence.

  “Gillian, relax,” Adrian moved in closer. He grabbed her hand, and pushed her down on the bed. Gillian let her empty glass fall to the floor, breaking on impact. The lights had finally blacked out for the last time as Adrian crawled over Gillian. His fingers carefully unzipped her suit and exposed her powder blue bra and thong underneath.

  “Commander,” her words were soft and feminine.

  “I like that. I could get used to commander.” Adrian began to kiss her neck and worked his way down her breasts, eventually reaching her inner thighs.

  Gillian writhed in a lustful daze, eager for the commander to enter her. “I want you, Commander.” Her mind raced with thought of Thaddeus. Her fingers traced her mouth in anticipation. Adrian enjoyed her wetness, bringing Gillian to a fast and furious orgasm.


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