Wild Passion [Werewolves of Forever, Texas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Wild Passion [Werewolves of Forever, Texas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Jane Jamison

  Werewolves of Forever, Texas

  Wild Passion

  Tired of failing at love, Daniella Monson returns to Forever to visit her friend, Sandy Hamilton. When she meets werewolf brothers, Brick and Mica Holloway, she’s hit with an unusual sensation that instantly draws her to the sexy brothers. Her friend tells her that it’s called the “connection,” the instinctual sexual bond between werewolves and their future mates, but Daniella thinks Sandy’s pulling her leg. At least, until Daniella sees the men shift.

  Brick and Mica Holloway know Daniella’s their mate. Yet before they can do much more than show her a little fur, they’re sent on a search mission to find Miss Clara, the matriarch of the pack. They take Daniella along, hoping to show her their more human side and win her over. But hell. Who knew she’d get lost, too?

  Finding one woman was hard enough, but two? Brick and Mica are ready to bite anyone and anything if they don’t find the women soon.

  Note: This for-sale version has been revised and expanded and is at 20,994 words. The original short version at 16,835 words is available for free only inside the BookStrand App.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 20,994 words


  Werewolves of Forever, Texas

  Jane Jamison


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2015 by Jane Jamison

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-811-1

  First E-book Publication: February 2015

  Cover design by Jane Jamison

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Thank you, Readers, for loving my Werewolves of Forever, Texas series. It is an honor to write for you.

  Jane Jamison

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About the Author


  Werewolves of Forever, Texas


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Daniella Monson hadn’t expected such an exuberant greeting from Sandy Hamilton, but she was happy to get one. She’d gone to college with Sandy and another friend, Celia Ray, but once they’d stumbled across the small town of Forever, Texas, Sandy had found the men she loved and had stayed. Although Celia had gone back to college with Daniella, she’d returned to Forever not long after that and had fallen in love, too. That had left Daniella alone at college, shaken by the sudden loss of her two best friends. They’d stayed in touch, but she’d never visited her friends. Not after what she’d seen. Huge, fierce wolves. Not in the pastures. Not even in the land surrounding the ranch house they’d stayed in. But in her bedroom. She’d taken off in a hurry of panic and hadn’t looked back, much less thought about visiting.

  Until now.

  Daniella plastered on a smile for the people surrounding them, including the three men standing behind Sandy. Sandy called them “her men,” and she could understand why her friend had fallen head over heels in lust with them. They were strong, loving, and faithful. Not to mention hotter than a mix of soldier, fireman, and bad boy all rolled into three sexy hunks. She’d been jealous when Luke and Will Braxton, along with Mark Colter, had chosen Sandy over her, and as much as she hated to admit it, she still had a bit of the green monster digging at her.

  As Sandy’s hug continued, she studied the people milling around them. How did one town have so many drop-your-panties-and-lick-me-where-it-counts men? Celia’s three men, Aiden Carr, Steve Wilton, and Trent Tarrow were just as handsome as Sandy’s.

  Life just wasn’t fair.

  The street was packed as people from Forever and the surrounding towns gathered for the Fall Festival. Booths selling food lined the main street while the stores behind them crowded the sidewalk with merchandize. It was warm in spite of the arrival of fall. Colorful flowers in pots gave a colorful background to the bustle of fun and excitement. Music from a makeshift stage at the end of the street had people swaying as the tunes and the good times flowed.

  “Sandy, you’ve got to turn me loose at some point, you know. Before you choke me to death.”

  At last, her friend thrust her back and took a good look at her. She couldn’t have studied her any harder if she’d had her under a microscope. “You don’t look so great.”

  Daniella laughed, knowing Sandy hadn’t meant it in a bad way. The girl didn’t have a mean bone in her body. “Gee, thanks. But this is me. Maybe Skype makes me look better than I do in person. You, however, look like a million bucks. No, scratch that. A zillion bucks. And I know why.”

  She eased past Sandy and offered her hand to the closest man. He gave
her a hard, suspicious look. “Hi. Remember me? Daniella Monson.”

  Luke snorted, then acted sheepish when Sandy shot him a warning glare. “Sure. How could we ever forget you?”

  She smiled, letting him know that she was okay with his reaction. “I wouldn’t blame any of you if you wanted to kick my ass out of town. I was a bitch and a half the last time I was here. The only time I was here.”

  “No, Daniella, I wouldn’t say you were a—”

  She whipped up a finger, a gesture she used to do all the time to silence Sandy and Celia into submission. “Stop right there.” She dropped her hand, realizing what she’d done. “Sorry. Old habits die hard, I guess. I know you’re just being your usual nice self—I can see that much hasn’t changed—but let’s say it like it was. I was a spoiled, rich girl who wanted what she wanted when she wanted it. I was horrible to you and Celia.” She had to give them their due. “And to you guys, too.”

  “You say that like it’s in the past. Like you’ve changed.” Mark lifted his hands, palms out to the scowling Sandy. “I’m just checking.”

  “You’ll be happy to know that I have changed. My bitchiness is in the past.” She searched her friend’s face. She’d missed Sandy more than she could say. “I went through some rough times without you and Celia by my side, but it made me grow up. Since then, I’ve worked really hard to change my bratty ways. That’s why I finally decided to stay with you. If the invitation you gave me over a year ago still stands.”

  She’d surprised them, all right, by calling Sandy yesterday and saying she was coming to town. They could’ve laughed in her face and she wouldn’t have blamed them. After all, who waits a year to take a friend up on her offer “to visit anytime”?

  The men were skeptical. That was easy enough to see. And in a way, she was still trying to manipulate Sandy as she’d done in the past. But she needed a good friend and Sandy fit the bill.

  Good old Sandy wrapped her arms around her again. “Of course you can stay. But I’m afraid Celia’s out of town.”

  Disappointment flashed through her. She’d really wanted to see her redheaded, fiery friend. “I guess I should’ve called sooner, but I was afraid you’d say no.”

  “Not a chance. Once a friend, always a friend. You can stay with us as long as you want. Celia will be back in a week. She and her men flew out to California for a little fun in the sun.” Sandy motioned to Mark.

  Mark took the strap of Daniella’s duffel bag and pulled it onto his shoulder. “I’ll take this to the pickup. Just let us know when you want to head back to the ranch. But take your time. We know you two want to catch up.”

  “See?” Sandy beamed. “They’re happy you’re staying.”

  Daniella ignored the men’s less-than-thrilled expressions as they offered her halfhearted smiles, then made their way through the crowd. Every few feet, someone would stop them to chat or offer them a drink. “I’m sorry, Sandy.”

  “What for?”

  “For being such a bitch to you back then.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Wow, you really are too nice for your own good.” Her gaze found Sandy’s men still trying to make their way through the mass of people. “You’re one lucky woman.”

  “That I am. And I’m so glad you came. You couldn’t have picked a better time what with the festival going on.”

  “I’m glad I came, too.” She wished she could say that she was there just for the fun and to see her friends, but that wasn’t the only motivating reason.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of the chaos so we can talk.” Sandy linked her arm in hers and tugged her to the right. After introducing her to several people, they finally made it to the other side of the street and into the small diner where Sandy had first met her men. Milly’s Coffee Spot hadn’t changed much. The place had the same down-home décor that it had had two years earlier with square metal-style tables and red leather barstools lining the counter. It still exuded a comfortable and friendly coziness that drew people inside for the good food.

  “You remember Milly’s, right? Still the best food around, bar none.” Sandy led her to a table on the far side of the room, snagging it after two men slid out of the seats to greet some friends at the counter.

  “Bar none, huh? Damn, you’re even talking like a cowboy now. Um, I mean, a cowgirl.” The aroma filling the room was heavenly. “Wow, everything smells amazing. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”

  Suddenly, the chatter died as every set of eyes landed on her. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “Nope. Not at all.”

  Sandy had spoken loudly as though wanting to be sure everyone heard her. “Mack’s food will do that to you. I think I’ve gained fifteen pounds since moving here. And I’m blaming it all on Mack.”

  “Don’t I get any of the blame?”

  A pretty blonde woman tossed a small towel over her shoulder. “It’s good to see you, Sandy. You need to get into town more.” She stuck her hand out. “Welcome back, Daniella.”

  Daniella shook her hand, surprised that Milly remembered her. “It’s Milly Swinson, right?”

  “Actually, it’s Milly Swinson-Hudson now.”

  Damn. Is the entire world paired up? “So you’re hitched now?”

  “Sure thing. To the Hudson brothers.”

  So Sandy wasn’t the only one doing the multiple man thing. It didn’t seem fair, especially to women like her who had zero men. “Forgive me for prying, but I’m too curious not to ask. What happens when you guys want to make it legal? Can you get married? Legally, I mean? If you do, will you hyphenate your name, too?” She assumed Milly was married, but she didn’t wear a ring.

  Sandy exchanged a telling look with Milly. “I’m as married as I can get. I don’t need the state telling me that I have to choose between them. And no, I don’t want to hyphenate my name. Sandy Hamilton-Braxton-Colter is too long. But a lot of women around here do.”

  “You want your usual, right, Sandy? And how about you, Daniella? What are you craving?”

  A man. Or men, since that seems to be the thing to do in these parts.

  “The smell of hamburger is about to drive me crazy. How about one of those with all the trimmings? And make it as pink as the health department will allow.”

  “Ah, a girl after my own heart. One Moo-Moo burger coming up along with a couple of chocolate milk shakes. And on the house, too. No, Sandy, just accept it as a treat to welcome Daniella to town.”

  “Thanks. That’s very nice of you.” Forever was a friendly town. Too bad she hadn’t realized that the first time she was here.

  “Milly’s the best. Now you can see why I’ve gained all the weight.”

  “Pff. A little weight will do you good. You’ve always been too skinny. Back in a jiff.” Milly was off in a whirl, pausing only to check on the people along her path toward the kitchen.

  “Skinny? I wish. Okay.” Sandy leaned over the table and seared her gaze into Daniella. “Spill.”

  Daniella didn’t bother trying to hold back. Even after the time they’d spent apart, Sandy still knew her too well for her to get away with a lie. “What can I say? I have a knack for picking jerks.”

  “Aw, honey, what happened this time?”

  This time. How many times had she turned to Sandy when a relationship failed? Too many, but the last one was the one that had pushed her over the edge. Once it was over, she’d realized that he wasn’t the man of her dreams, but rejection still hurt. How much more rejection could her fragile ego take?

  “The same old thing. I go to work. I come home. I find my boyfriend in bed with another skank. You know. The usual.” She shook her head. “At least Rob gave it a twist the others hadn’t. The skank is, or was, my best friend at work. The bitch called in sick that day.” She let out a laugh loaded with pain. “And there I was, holding a container of chicken soup that I’d planned on spoon-feeding to her once I changed out of my work clothes. Did I mention that she lived on the nex
t floor up from me?”

  “That’s horrible. You don’t deserve these assholes.”

  She would’ve bet she’d cried all the tears she had in her, but she would’ve lost that bet. Wiping away the first one as it slid down her cheek, she fought against allowing any others to escape. “I don’t get it. Am I revolting? Don’t I treat them right? I try my hardest to make a man happy, and then, bam, he’s off and running to fuck the first thing he can find with a Vacancy sign on her vagina. Fuck the bastard.” She laughed again, the sound not any better than the first. “Oh, wait. Someone already did. Sorry for the language.”

  “Hey, when the language fits, use it.”

  “Anyway, I hate to ruin your fun. Maybe I should go—”

  Sandy gripped her hand. “Don’t you even think it. I’m glad you came. You’re going to stay and we’ll get this hashed out. It’ll be like old times, sharing a bottle of wine while you vent.”

  Third time was the charm. Her laugh sounded more like a real laugh this time. “Oh, sure. What’s more fun than going to a festival with a crying friend at your side? Not.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll have you feeling better in no time. Right after we eat, I’m going to get you so busy having fun you’ll forget all about that asshole. And maybe, just maybe you might meet a man who can make you forget all about the asshole you left behind.”

  “I have the best timing in the world.” Milly held a tray loaded with plates and tall glasses filled with the creamy chocolate concoction. “Sandy’s idea is a good one, but to my way of thinking, the best way to get over a man is with good food. Plus, it’s a special day which means not one single bite has any calories.”


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