Sweet Sound of Silence

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Sweet Sound of Silence Page 16

by Melanie Dawn

  Tim’s cheeks quivered as he spoke, as if he were withholding an uncontrollable rage. “And here Moss Hayes has done it again. Stolen a girl I wanted right out from under my nose. Just like he did last year in Chem lab.” He released a staggering breath, the veins in his neck straining against his skin.

  He glanced down, sucking a breath. I instantly realized that the shirt I’d chosen for the night was revealing way too much. I was wet and cold, the perfect recipe for pebbled nipples. Tim’s satisfied smile, as his eyes darted from breast to breast, was unnerving. I quickly folded my arms across my chest, and his eyes flicked back up to mine.

  Tim reached up, tucking a damp strand of hair behind my ear. He leaned in close, whispering into my ear. “My, my, my…” His voice was sinister, a far cry from the Tim I’d gotten to know in the coffee shop. “You’re a dirty little girl, aren’t you?”

  I threw my head back, away from the sticky, hot breath on my neck. “Fuck you,” I hissed, digging my fingernails into his forearm and flinging his hand off my shoulder. “Get away from me.”

  How could I have ignored my instincts? How could I let myself get into this situation again? I knew this guy was bad news the moment I laid eyes on him, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. For what? To find myself pinned to the cold siding of a house, in a dark alley, with his hot breath against my neck. The memory of that night in Southside zipped through my mind. Where was Chris when I needed him?

  I wanted to scream. I wanted to knee him in the nuts and take off running as fast as I could to safety. And I almost did. But before I could lift my leg to connect with his ball-sack, a set of hands ripped Tim away from me and slammed him onto the ground below.

  “…the fuck?!” Tim coughed, the air heaving out of him upon impact.

  A dark haired figure held him by his throat as Tim thrashed beneath him. Panicked eyes flashed up at me. Ryder.


  The word was hung in my throat. Her frightened eyes stared at me, her mouth gaping.


  I glanced toward the street where everyone was congregating. She followed my line of sight.

  Tim choked out, “Get off me, asshole.”

  The moment she heard Tim’s voice, she glanced at me again, edging her way toward safety. I glared down at the fucker who’d had her pinned to the side of the house. Without hesitation, I slammed my fist into his face.

  He spit blood at me, kicking and writhing beneath me. When I glanced back up again, she was gone. Thank god!

  The moment I lost my focus, Tim was out from under me. Leaping up, he bounced back and forth on the balls of his feet and held up his fists, ready for a fight.

  “Come on, bitch. Let’s see what you got,” he scoffed.

  And that’s when I lost it. The next thing I knew the cops were stuffing me into the back of a police car.

  I WAS NURSING a busted lip with the sleeve of my shirt when a cop unlocked the barred gate and slid it open.

  “Come on, Hawkley. You’re outta here.”

  I stood to my feet, wiping the dried, crusty blood from my eyebrow.

  The cop smirked, “Daddy to the rescue.”

  I trudged down the hallway toward my awaiting father.

  He stood with his arms folded across his chest, the red tie of his power suit wrinkling against his chest. “Son,” he said, jutting his chin. “Never again.”

  Without another word, he drove me back to campus. He barely even glanced at me as I shut the door of his Bentley.

  I dragged myself up to my room and fell into my bed. The bottle of pills at my bedside looked awfully inviting. I opened the cap and tossed three pills back, swallowing them with one big gulp of water. Before long, I was in a deep slumber, forgetting the helpless look on Alexis’s face when that asshole pinned her to the wall.

  IT WAS NEARLY noon when I heard a knock on my door. Jarred awake, I jumped from my bed and slung open the door.

  Alexis stood there, staring at me. “Oh my god…” she said softly, reaching a hand up to cover her mouth.

  I glanced down at my sleeve, realizing I hadn’t taken my shirt off the night before. Blood still stained my sleeve and my eyebrow. I had a fat lip and could feel the swell of a black eye.

  Alexis grimaced. “I’m… I’m so sorry. I just wanted to come by to… to thank you.” She pursed her lips, hesitating. “Seems like I’m doing that a lot these days.”

  I stood in the doorway, watching her eyes flit around the injuries on my face. According to the police report, Tim had lied. I was supposedly just defending myself, so as far as charges went, I was off the hook. But, as far as injuries went, I narrowly escaped stitches and a broken nose. I couldn’t, however, say the same for him.

  “Anyway,” Alexis said, standing awkwardly in the hall. “I brought you something… as a thank you—” she held out a brown paper bag, “—my favorite snack from the student store. I hope you like them too. They’re not much. And they’re nothing compared to what you did for me, but I couldn’t come to thank you empty-handed. So… here.” She shoved the bag toward me.

  I took the bag from her hand, silently wishing I could say something… anything. Thank you. You’re welcome. You’re beautiful. God, I want to kiss you again. Anything!

  But I didn’t.

  Alexis looked up at me, hopeful. Play wif me Wyduh. Chloe’s also hopeful eyes flashed through my mind for the thousandth time. I ripped my gaze away from Alexis and stared at the bag.

  “Sorry to bother you,” she whispered. “I just can’t thank you enough for what you did last night.”

  I glanced back up again, catching her gaze. The way the light bounced off her curly brown locks. The way she bit the inside of her cheek, waiting for a reaction. The way her blue eyes twinkled under the harsh florescent lighting. I just wanted to reach out and smooth away her worried expression.

  Before I realized what I was doing, I reached up and cupped her cheek in my hand. It was the first time since that night on the blanket under the stars that I’d even attempted to touch her. Her eyes flashed with something. Not fear. Not lust. But something.

  I took a step toward her, silently imploring her to hear the desperation of my soul.

  I wasn’t going to let him hurt you.

  She stared at me wide-eyed, stammering, “It’s like… It’s like you were right there. Just when I needed you. Like you could sense it.”

  My eyes darted back and forth, watching her pupils expand and contract under the lights. I’m not sure why I went to the party in the first place. To see her? Maybe. But, something pulled me into that alleyway. Some instinct I couldn’t control. In some strange way, she was right. I could sense it.

  “But, you know what I can sense?” she asked, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. She pinned me to the floor with the softness in her eyes. “You need me, too,” she whispered. Her eyes lit up the moment she smiled, and my heart swelled.

  “Anyway, I’ve gotta get to class,” she said, glancing at the clock on her phone. “Enjoy the snack.” She slung her backpack up onto her shoulder. With one last lingering glance, she headed down the hallway toward the elevator.

  I sighed and shut the door. Collapsing onto the bed, I unraveled the top of the bag. The aroma from it was sweet, but not nearly as sweet as the feeling welling up in my chest. A familiar feeling washed over me, similar to the feeling I had when Chloe would wrap her tiny arms around me in a hug.

  I glanced down into the bag, gasping at its contents. Honey roasted peanuts!

  Just then, I caught a glimpse of a gray object out of the corner of my eye. The elephant Beanie Boo that reminded me so much of Chloe’s—the one that had been given to me by a sweet little girl by the pond—stared at me from the top of my dresser as if to say, It’s okay, Wyduh.

  I took another whiff of the sweet aroma from the honey roasted peanuts in the bag. The sweet feeling in my chest, that I’d been trying to squelch, immediately returned. I held onto that feeling, remembering the look in Alexis’s eyes when I�
�d cupped her cheek in my hand. Maybe I did need her. More than she could ever know. Definitely more than I was ready to admit.

  Reaching into the bag, I tossed a handful of nuts into my mouth. I glanced toward the heavens. Once again, I could feel my sister’s presence, comforting and reassuring me.

  Thank you, Peanut.

  THE NIGHT OF the dance-a-thon had finally arrived. I’d already picked out my outfit and geared up for a long night ahead. I’d planned to take a nap sometime between Psych 10 and dinner.

  I was sitting in class, willing my eyes to remain focused on Dr. Atkins rather than stealing glances at Ryder, when my phone lit up with a text from Gia.

  Moss is sick. He can’t make it.

  I texted back. Sick? What’s wrong? Is he OK?

  Gia immediately responded. Stomach bug. Dane says it’s bad. Sorry, kiddo. Looks like u will be dancing alone 2night.

  Ugh. It would be hard enough dancing all night, but to have to do it alone without the support of someone else, it would be nearly impossible. I considered ditching, but the dance-a-thon was one of the university’s biggest fundraisers for charity. What kind of Samaritan would I be if I skipped out last minute? I slumped in my chair. Stupid stomach virus.

  Ryder shot me a sidelong glance, his eyebrows slightly raised. I tried to ignore his curious gaze.

  Then it dawned on me. I wonder if he is planning to go to the dance-a-thon. Oh, who am I kidding?

  Moss texted me shortly after Gia. Sry I can’t make it 2night. This sux.

  I texted him back. Sry ur sick. Hate u have 2 miss it. Get better soon.

  Thx, he responded.

  I sulked the rest of the class period.

  Ryder stood up, grabbing his backpack off the floor. He cocked his head a little when he realized I was still sitting there and hadn’t heard Dr. Atkins dismiss the class.

  Shaking my head, I said, “Sorry. I’m in another world today.” I closed my notebook and stuffed it into my backpack.

  His eyebrows furrowed, then quickly released as he tugged the strap of his bag over his shoulder. He gazed at me, lingering just a moment longer.

  As he took a step toward the door, I found myself stammering, “I… I don’t know if you’re going or not… but my friend for the dance-a-thon just cancelled on me. I could really use a dance partner… to get me through the night. You know… if you’re interested.”

  His back was toward me. I could see his shoulders tense up as he froze in his place. He didn’t turn around. I could see his back inhaling and exhaling, but still no indication that he was considering my request. Then, without so much as a glance back, he took another step toward the door and kept walking until he was around the corner and out of sight.

  I sighed. Well, I guess it was worth a shot.

  “GIRL, YOU LOOK amazing!” Gia grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. “Wow! Hang on, let me grab my phone. This moment needs to be documented.”

  “Oh, stop,” I groaned. I was feeling less than confident in this too-short black cocktail dress.

  “No way! You look hot. Wait ‘til Moss gets this pic,” she said, as she tapped the screen of her phone. “It will make him want to drag his weak ass out of bed to come find you.”

  “No, don’t send that pic to him!” I cried, reaching for her phone to snatch it away from her.

  “Too late,” she said smugly as she willingly handed it over to me.

  I stared at the screen just as a response to her pic text to Moss came through. Wow. Damn, I hate I can’t make it now.

  Okay, fine. The text did boost my confidence a little, so I smiled.

  Gia just crossed her arms over her chest. “See,” she said.

  I wanted so badly to wipe that I-told-you-so look off her face. Grabbing her elbow, I said, “Oh, just come on.” As I pulled her to the door, I tugged the hem of my too-short dress down a little. I couldn’t help but wonder if I might see Ryder tonight.

  THE BANQUET HALL was packed. This was the one annual fundraiser where all of the sororities and fraternities came together to make this big event such a success. Of course, the dance-a-thon was open to non-Greeks, like me, as well. It thrilled me to see so many people across campus working hard to raise money for charity.

  Brynlee spotted us from across the room. She made a beeline to get to us. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry that Moss had to bail on you,” she apologized to me as she hugged me.

  “It’s okay. I just hope he feels better soon. Stomach bugs suck.”

  Pulling away, but still grasping my shoulders, she squealed, “Damn girl, the way you look tonight, I bet Moss wants to kick his own ass right now for having to miss it.” Glancing at Gia, she asked, “Did you send him a pic?”

  “Yep,” Gia said with a knowing grin.

  I rolled my eyes, smiling. “You girls are so good for my ego.”

  Gia and Brynlee giggled and headed off to find Lance and Dane. I scanned the room, searching for the registration table. The dancing was about to start, and all entrants had to be checked-in before the first song played.

  An eager pledge from the Zeta Theta Alpha sorority sat behind the table. “Do you need to check in?” she asked, her smile beaming.

  I nodded. “Yes. Alexis Honeycutt, please.”

  Sitting on the edge of her chair, she quickly scanned a stack of papers in front of her. “Okay. Just to clarify, you’re raising money for Glenbrook Nursing Facility, correct?”

  “Yes,” I said with a nod. Then I remembered, “I don’t think my roommate has checked in either. Her name is Gia Fitzpatrick… for Ronald McDonald House, I think.”

  Nodding, the Zeta tapped the paper with her pen. With the other hand, she scuffed the chair a little closer to the table. “Got it. Okay, here’s your wristbands. You have two meals, two snacks, and four drinks each. You will get your wristband stamped once for each. Do what you want, but you must stay on your feet. Do you have any questions?” She fiddled with the pen in her hand, as her feet bounced on their toes beneath the table.

  “Nope,” I said.

  Her eyes were wide and rounded as if she’d consumed entirely too much caffeine that day. “Okay, then. Have fun!” She gave me a little wave.

  Just as I was about to step away, she stopped me. “Oh wait! Do you have a partner? I need to sign him in, too.”

  I shook my head, biting the inside of my cheek.

  Her lips instantly curved, exposing an exaggerated pout. “That’s too bad. What will you do at four in the morning when your feet hurt and you can barely stand up anymore?”

  I had tried not to think of that too much. “I’ll manage,” I said, trying to maintain a gleam in my eye.

  With an understanding nod and a weak smile that came across more patronizing than anything, Miss Overzealous said, “Of course you will.”

  I hated to say I felt defeated before I’d even begun dancing, but the long, low sigh that escaped my mouth said it for me. I had to make it until eight PM the next day for the money to go the charity of my choice. Otherwise, if I bailed early, my money would go into a pot that would benefit this year’s honored charity, The Ronald McDonald House.

  I didn’t mind my money going to the Ronald McDonald House. After all the families they’d helped through the years, they could really use it. But, I really wanted my donation to go to Glenbrook Nursing Facility where I volunteered. Glenbrook was a non-profit nursing home that could really use the extra donation.

  I was just about to walk away when someone walked up beside me, brushing their shoulder with mine.

  Miss Overzealous stared up from behind the table, her eyes a mix of shock and fear. I turned to look at the looming figure. Crystal blue eyes stared down at me.

  “Ryder.” The last syllable of his name lodged in my throat.

  He stared at me for a second then looked expectantly at the zealous Zeta pledge whose mouth was still gaping, opening and closing like a fish out of water.

  “Ryder Hawkley… um,” she hesitated, glancing at me. “So… is th
is your…” She fumbled for words.

  Without taking my eyes off of him, I finished her sentence for her. “Dance partner.”

  He slowly turned his head to look at me, making firm eye contact with me. I felt a weight release from my chest with the quiet exhale that escaped my lungs.

  He was here. He came here for me. That’s when I felt the pitter patter in my heart.

  “Thank you,” I mouthed.

  With an almost non-existent curt nod, he leaned toward me, once again brushing his shoulder with mine. For a moment, I was keenly aware of my own heartbeat as it beat wildly in my chest.

  Miss Fish Mouth interrupted the moment when she handed Ryder his wristband. “Ryder, you’re not on the list, but we’ve had a few people who haven’t shown up tonight, so I guess you can have their wristband.”

  Of course she’d know his name. Everyone knew Ryder. I wondered what kind of bet the Zeta Theta Alpha house had going with the other houses to get him to speak first? And I suddenly felt territorial. Grabbing the wristband from her long, slender fingers, I flipped my hair over my shoulder, “Thanks,” I said. The mocking, high-pitched sorority girl stereotype wasn’t lost in my tone.

  “You’re welcome!” the pledge called after us, as I pulled Ryder toward the dance floor.

  Ryder and I stood awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor. He stood about two feet away from me, shifting on his feet, seeming unsure of what to do next.

  “Thanks for coming,” I said softly, considering reaching out to touch him.

  He shoved his hands in his pockets, tucking his elbows tight against his sides and staring at the floor.

  I glanced around the room. “I’m sure this is uncomfortable for you.”

  He suddenly peered up at me, pressing his lips together with a pensive expression.

  I gingerly took a step toward him. “I mean it, Ryder. Thank you.”

  His eyes remained locked on mine. It was as if he wanted to say something. I silently begged him to just go ahead and say it. As his beautiful eyes swirled with so many unsaid thoughts, I tried to ignore the kaleidoscope of butterflies that were fluttering in my belly.


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