Real Love

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Real Love Page 6

by Natasha West

  ‘I do?’

  ‘Yep, Will. He’s over there.’ Ryan pointed to a guy who looked a lot like Reece, only smaller. Daisy had the thought that at the end of every day, some assistant probably lifted up Reece’s top half and placed Will inside him - like a Russian doll. ‘Cool with that, a kiss?’ Ryan asked.

  Daisy had never kissed anyone on screen before. But she’d prepared herself for it. Still, in an ideal situation, if she absolutely had to kiss a stranger, that stranger would be an attractive woman. Not a Reece knock-off. But none of this was ideal. Why should this be any different?


  ‘Great. Jane will give you more direction in a minute but for now, hang back. They’ve got another scene to shoot before you’re up.’

  So Daisy watched as Alexa had an argument with Robyn, debating whether Robyn really should have continued to be friends with such a bitch after she’d treated her brother so badly. It took Daisy a second to realise they were talking about her.


  And now it was Daisy’s turn.

  Jane called the various cast members to her, pointing at everyone as she gave them their instructions for the scene. Daisy was a few feet from Alexa but she was being strict with herself. Not even a glance.

  But if she had, she would have seen Alexa give her a good look. Top to bottom.

  ‘Right, everyone, this is a scene with a lot of elements to it, but we’re going to follow it from start to finish, tracking it all the way, so it feels extra real. Will, you chat up Daisy. Daisy, you kiss Will. Will, you’re trying not to get caught by anyone who might tell Reece. Robyn, you see them and immediately tell Reece. Reece, you know you’re not supposed to get upset about it in front of Alexa but you end up having a row with Will anyway. Alexa, you catch Reece and Will arguing about breaking the bro code and you’re angry with him for caring. Daisy, you walk into the row between Alexa and Reece and you get sucked into it. Everyone got it?’

  There was a murmur of yeses and then Jane shouted, ‘And what’s the magic rule?’

  And then everyone but Daisy chanted in perfect unison ‘DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU CALL CUT!’

  Daisy could barely process the info that had been spewed out but then Robyn leant into her and muttered. ‘Just kiss Will and then wait for Alexa and Reece to row and jump in with both feet.’

  Daisy was beyond grateful to have an ally. ‘Thanks, Robyn.’

  ‘It’s alright, we’ve all been where you are.’

  As Daisy waited for the call of action, she watched everyone get placed in various parts of the bar as Jane constructed the strands into their whole, trying to remember the plot points she’d just called out. But when you got down to it, what was there to really understand about the plot? It was the same thing they always did.

  What blew Daisy away was the amount of mileage they were attempting to get out of such a dull topic. Petty jealousy. That was all the show ever seemed to be about. That and how to maintain a tan even in British winter.


  Will walked over to her and so it began.

  ‘What’s a girl like you-’

  Daisy could have finished the sentence for him. But she didn’t.

  ‘Are you serious?’ Daisy said, interrupting him. Will looked surprised. ‘You can’t possibly think you can get my interest with a line as old as that, do you? It’s a bloody antique!’

  Will’s mouth began to open and shut. Daisy realised she’d thrown him too hard of a curveball. He’d obviously expected her to go a bit easier on him. But maybe she could work with it.

  ‘Instead of trying to chat me up, why don’t you chat up the barman. I’m parched.’ She swore she saw the ghost of a smile on Will’s lips as he turned obediently to the barman and ordered her a drink.

  He turned back with the drink, now sufficiently recovered. ‘Reece told me you had a sharp tongue.’

  ‘You know Reece?’

  ‘He’s a friend… Actually, more of an acquaintance.’

  ‘Does he know you’re trying to make a move on me?’

  ‘Who says I’m trying to make a move on you?’ Will said, trying to pull back a bit of territory.

  ‘If you’re not, you can leave me alone.’

  ‘Then I am’ Will admitted.

  ‘Now we’re getting somewhere’ Daisy said and then grabbed Will by the collar, pulling him in for a kiss. It went on for about five seconds and it was like kissing a mannequin. But then Daisy heard a conversation, amid the din, Robyn and Reece. The action had moved.

  Will leant back and whispered in her ear ‘Camera’s off us.’

  Daisy smiled and nodded. Will then mouthed the words ‘Nice work’ to her. She mouthed back ‘Thank you.’ She thought maybe Will, who looked like Reece from a distance, had a very different air to him. It took Daisy a second to put her finger on it and then she realised. Will lacked Reece’s sleaze.

  Daisy watched the sequence move on and now Will moved away, just in time for Reece to catch up with him near the toilets. Cue an argument, both the men using ‘mate’ a lot in a passive aggressive manner.

  And now came Alexa. Daisy prepared herself, waiting for a good moment. As Alexa asked the question, ‘And why would you care whose lips she’s on?’, Daisy felt the moment. She walked over, making as if to go to the toilet.

  ‘Oh, I’m not interrupting, am I?’

  Alexa turned. ‘Unbelievable. Wherever I go, you’re there.’

  Daisy slid a smirk onto her face. ‘Or wherever I go, you’re there.’

  Alexa took a couple of steps toward Daisy.

  ‘You know, I just can’t believe it’s a coincidence that you came here tonight and kissed Will. I think you knew it would make trouble.’

  Reece tried the classic ‘Ladies, please.’ But no one was listening to him. ‘I think I’ll go and get a drink’ he said and walked away, leaving the women to their scene. Daisy hadn’t realised they’d be going one on one. But she was pleased.

  ‘It’s no one’s business who I kiss’ Daisy said.

  Daisy could have sworn that on the word kiss, Alexa’s eyes flitted briefly to her lips. It threw her for a moment.

  ‘Is that a fact?’ Alexa said, the infamous eyebrow rising.

  And then Daisy had a thought. If they were going to play two women off each other, then why not flip the script a bit?

  ‘It is. As a matter of fact, while we’re on the topic, you ever get bored of Reece…’ she paused, thinking, Should I do this? The answer that came back was Why not? ‘Then you can come and find me.’

  She had absolutely no idea how Alexa Lockwood, the actress, was going to respond to that. Daisy was in no way supposed to be hitting on her. And in real life, she wouldn’t have had the bottle to. But there was something about playing this version of Daisy that freed her. She was herself, she wasn’t herself, it was all mixed up. So maybe it was a mistake, she couldn’t tell anymore.

  Alexa, on the other hand, was finding her mouth going up at the corners. She hadn’t seen this coming. And she loved it.

  ‘Are you coming on to me?’

  ‘Seems like.’

  Alexa paused and then she quietened her voice. ‘But you realise I’m taken. By your ex-boyfriend.’

  It was then that Daisy knew she was running with it. She was behaving as though she didn’t want to be overheard, which meant she was having a conversation she shouldn’t be. And if Alexa was gonna join her for the ride, then she was really going to commit to it.

  ‘That’s what makes me think you’re probably ready for something a bit more exciting. I’m not wrong, am I?’

  Alexa looked at her for a long moment, saying nothing. It was thrilling. It also made Daisy feel like she was going to throw up.

  Alexa, however, still quite amazed by the turn the new girl had taken with the scene, decided it was time to wrap it up. Ryan wouldn’t put any of this on the air, anyway. It wasn’t part of the bigger story. They’d never be allowed to go any further with it.

p; ‘Stick to snogging Will. He’s a lot easier than me’ she said and turned on her heel, walking away.

  Daisy watched her go.


  Daisy felt like she’d just woken up from a dream. Reality was now in play. And there was a strange hush over the set. She heard the click of shoes coming toward her. It was Ryan. Daisy had the sudden feeling she was about to get fired.


  She braced herself.

  ‘…You’re a naughty one, aren’t you?’

  Daisy smiled anxiously. ‘Did you hate it? Did I ruin the take?’

  ‘I wouldn’t go that far. But I think we might need another take. For safety.’

  ‘And you’d like me to stick with the original plan?’

  ‘Yes, please.’

  And so they ran through again. And this time, Daisy finished it with a garden variety barney with Alexa. It was less fun, but not by much. Alexa was still a magnetic scene partner.

  ‘CUT! And we’re wrapped for the day.’

  Daisy found herself face to face with Alexa without a camera pointing at them. It was a first. Daisy didn’t quite know what to say to her.

  But that was OK because Alexa knew, as the queen bee of the set, it was her job to make Daisy comfortable.

  ‘You did good work today.’

  Daisy felt herself looking down, unable to look Alexa in the eye for more than a second at a time.

  ‘Oh… Thanks. You too.’

  And then Robyn was rushing at them. ‘We’re all going next door for a drink. You two coming?’

  ‘God, yes’ said Alexa.

  Daisy looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was around ten. She thought she should probably get back home in time to say goodnight to Jake.


  ‘No, don’t even think about making an excuse. You’ve got to come for one, at least’ Robyn demanded.

  ‘She’s right’ Alexa said with a smile at Daisy. ‘Just one.’

  Daisy couldn’t even entertain the idea of saying no now. Not once Alexa had laid the doe eyes on her.

  ‘OK. Just one though.’


  The first drink didn’t really count, so Robyn said. ‘A shot is not a drink any more than a starter is a meal.’

  So when the second drink came, which was apparently considered more legit being that it was in a tall glass with ice etc., Daisy was already starting to feel a little more mellow than she had on the set, standing eyeball to eyeball with Alexa Lockwood.

  They were in a booth, the whole LIM lot, (that was what Robyn called them), which was roped off to stop the plebs pestering them. Daisy was slap bang in the centre of the group, sandwiched between Will and Robyn, who were having a fight that seemed only semi-serious. Daisy’s eyes went back and forth between them as they sparred. It was like watching a tennis match.

  ‘That’s what happens when you say yes, though, isn’t it? It’s never just the one selfie, you’re gonna get at least five taken. Then it’s ‘Can you sign my chest, can you record the outgoing message on my answer service? I’m not sure which is worse’ Robyn complained.

  ‘But you realise that the guy asking you to sign his chest - he’s the reason you’ve got a job. Because he watches the show, contributes to the numbers, promotes you on his Twitter and Facebook, and he does that all for nothing. If the only thing he wants in return is five minutes of your time, you should kiss his arse’, Will retorted.

  ‘If I gave five minutes to every nutcase that watches the show and mistakes it for reality, I wouldn’t get time to sleep. Doesn’t it count for anything that I do the show in the first place and give them the pleasure of watching me going on bad dates!’

  Will rolled his eyes. Reece decided it was his turn to take the limelight. ‘Personally, I love it. All those girls that approach me? I get my pick.’

  ‘Yeah, but I bet some of them think you’re actually cheating on Alexa, don’t they?’ Robyn said.

  Reece shrugged. ‘It doesn’t seem to stop ‘em.’

  Alexa, who’d been considering the bottom of a cocktail glass, suddenly spoke. ‘I’m sure that’s part of the appeal.’

  Reece looked at Alexa, cockily. ‘Don’t pretend you’re not jealous.’

  Alexa could only laugh at that. ‘Fill your boots, Reece.’

  Reece tried not to look hurt but Daisy saw it before he could fully cover it up. He’d said all that because he wanted her to be jealous. And it hadn’t worked remotely. Daisy felt pity for him, the first human empathy she’d felt for Reece. She supposed it was because it was easy to put herself in his position. That close but no cigar? It had to be a killer.

  ‘Right, I’m going to the bar’ Reece said and stood up. ‘If I stand there long enough, I’m bound to pull.’

  ‘And I want to dance’ Robyn said. She turned to Will. ‘Come on, I need a partner or I’ll get showered with dickheads trying to grind on me.’

  ‘Go on, then’ Will conceded. ‘But you better not grind on me.’

  ‘I can’t promise anything.’

  And then everyone was suddenly gone. Except for Daisy and Alexa.

  They exchanged a small, awkward smile, the smile of two strangers who’ve been left to make chit-chat. But Alexa didn’t let that last long. ‘You certainly made an impression today’ she said as she slid around the booth, getting a little closer to Daisy.

  Daisy silently thanked the person who invented Tequila because its existence meant that she could at least answer Alexa with full eye contact now. ‘If you mean on Ryan, I’m not sure that’s a good thing.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry about that. I think he admired your nerve. But I didn’t actually mean him. I meant me.’

  Daisy felt like she did the type of gulp a cartoon character does when they’re nervous. ‘Oh?’

  ‘Yeah. You really did something interesting with the scene.’

  ‘I wasn’t sure if I overstepped.’

  ‘I was glad of the swerve. All those scenes I do, they all start to blur into one. But that take…’ she laughed. ‘I think that one will stay with me.’

  Daisy smiled, thrilled. It wasn’t just the attention of Alexa, it was getting respect from her scene partner. It felt good.

  ‘But it won’t make it into the show, will it?’

  ‘Probably not. Because that’s how these shows are. They would hate to be called out on it, but they want to keep it simple and hetero. It’s not real homophobia, as such. To them, it’s just business. I think they just believe scripted reality isn’t ready for that kind of story. Not front and centre, anyway. They all worry about losing the larger audience, becoming niche.’

  Daisy thought that was insightful, if depressing. ‘I suppose I shouldn’t have done it.’

  ‘I don’t agree.’


  ‘No. Neither did Jane. She said something to me between takes. She said we have great chemistry.’

  ‘She said that?’

  ‘Yes. She said it was a shame to waste it. I’d concur on that point’ Alexa said, the subtlest of wicked smiles crossing her lips.

  Jane hadn’t said any such thing. Alexa just wanted to see what Daisy would do in the face of her comment. And from how round Daisy’s eyes had gone, Alexa knew that what had happened in the first take wasn’t just some snappy improv. There was something else, something underneath.

  Alexa had to admit to herself, from the second she’d seen Daisy, her eye had been caught. She’d always enjoyed a blonde. And the face beneath the hair was about as cute as they came. Not to mention the fact she had an arse you could bounce a penny off. Put it all together, add a touch of unassuming charm and Alexa couldn’t help but notice her. And then that scene… It had awoken something that had been asleep for a while. And now here they were, sitting in this booth, alone for all intents and purposes. Alexa found herself wondering about the possibilities of the situation.

  Alexa put her hand near Daisy’s, touching her little finger ever so slightly, giving
her a meaningful look. ‘Hey, maybe you and I could go somewhere else after this…’


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