Lord of Legend

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Lord of Legend Page 22

by Charlene Cross

  Anger slashed through Aleck as he imagined those “other things.” “They cannot castigate you for something you could not control. James ordered us married. One cannot refuse one’s sovereign without suffering some sort of penalty. Surely they’ll understand that you had no choice.”

  “I did have a choice,” she insisted. “I could have chosen the Tower. Or even death.”

  He searched her face for what Chandra thought was an eternity. “I suppose you could have,” he said, maddened to think she’d choose either. “But you didn’t. Why?”

  “I don’t know,” she hedged, trying to look away, but he wouldn’t allow it.

  “The truth, little one. Why didn’t you refuse me as your husband?”

  A thousand lies crossed her mind, but she could speak none of them. She felt herself crumbling inside. Her words came out in a rush. “As head of my clan, I should have, but as a woman—”

  Chandra swallowed the rest, knowing she’d said far too much. He now retained control over her, and she’d given it to him. He knew she felt attraction for him. She saw it in his eyes, their questioning look having grown perceptive, then confident. Why had she allowed him such knowledge? Doomed, she thought, positive she’d succumb to his masculine appeal.

  Aleck watched the play of emotions over her face. She hadn’t meant to expose her feelings that way, especially to him. A tiny groan escaped her throat, and she attempted to face away, but again he wouldn’t allow it. His arms surrounded her, holding her fast. “There is no reason to feel embarrassed, sweet. As a man, I want you with all my being. We are married. Nothing can change it. You’re my wife, Chandra. For this one night, allow yourself to feel what it is like to become a woman—fully, completely. I’ll not disappoint you,” he whispered, his warm, sweet breath fanning her face. “I promise.”

  His words rushed through her like a river of fire. Each inch of her flamed with want. Were she a man desiring a woman, enemy or not, she could slake her lust—violently, if she wished—and no one in her clan would question her right to do so. But as a woman, she was expected to keep herself pure, reject that which her family deemed a menace. Even if it meant taking her own life, she must not submit. How unfair it was that they judged her differently, simply because of her gender, Chandra thought. She heard her name, and looked up at the man whom she purportedly should renounce.

  “Allow yourself to be fulfilled, sweet,” Aleck urged, his lips a gentle breath from her own. “Take what you want. Forget everything else. For once, give in to your own needs and experience the enchantment that awaits you this night. The choice is yours.”

  Mesmerized by his words, Chandra stared into his alluring eyes. They entreated her to surrender to her own desires, to surrender to him. From the moment she first saw him, she’d been intrigued by this man. To deny that she felt something for him would be a lie. Forever conscious of their needs, their wishes, she’d given so much to those whom she led. Just this once, why couldn’t she seize what she wanted? Weary of fighting against that which she craved most, her inhibitions fled. On a small whimper, her hands rose; her fingers threaded through his thick, ebony hair. “Kiss me,” she implored, not knowing she did.

  A groan trembled in Aleck’s throat, then his impatient mouth covered hers. Hot and moist, his lips worked their magic, teasing, playing, devouring the sweet temptation offered him. Like honey, he thought, fighting the need to take her fast and hard. From the day he’d nearly ridden over her, he’d wanted to lie with her, had done so many times in his dreams. Virginal, he reminded himself, knowing he had to be gentle with her. She’d made her choice. Elation filled him. But he wondered if regret would later claim her.

  The fire in his loins flamed with a potency that nearly consumed him, and his concern was tossed aside. He wanted her. She was willing. That was all that really mattered. Tomorrow could bring what it might. His eager tongue traced her lower lip, then his teeth nibbled gently on its fullness. “Open to me,” he prompted on a husky whisper. “Let me taste you fully.”

  Hearing the urgency in his voice, Chandra complied. As his tongue slid between her lips, exploring freely, all feeling rushed deep into her belly. The force of it frightened her, for she ached. She clung to him, heat radiating through her, spiraling upward from her core, and thought she was melting. Certain she’d dissolve into a liquid mass at his feet, she felt his tongue withdraw. His foraging mouth left hers; Chandra moaned at its loss.

  Momentarily he traced the delicate folds of her ear; his teeth teased the lobe. “I want to feel your skin—feel its silken touch against mine,” he whispered, his lips playing behind her ear. “Let me unveil you, Chandra. Allow my eyes to behold your beauty.”

  His hands already worked at the fastenings of her gown. She tendered no protest, and each layer of clothing fell away until she was revealed fully. The chain and pendant fell from his fingers, and as his thick lashes shuttered his ardent gaze, he drank in the sight of her.

  Long, flame-red hair lay like a fiery mantle around her shoulders, plunging to her waist; ivory skin, no longer pale, held a rosy blush. Her breasts, full and high, their tempting nipples taut, begged to be possessed by his hands and mouth alike. His eyes skimmed her small waist to settle on the soft russet curls nestled at the juncture of her satiny thighs. The secrets hidden there beckoned to him, and he felt himself harden painfully. Perfection, Aleck thought, then his hands worked at his own clothing, nearly tearing it from his body.

  Naked, they stood facing each other. Accustomed to viewing a man’s nudity, for the males in her clan weren’t much given to modesty, Chandra felt no embarrassment whatsoever. Powerful and strong, proud and tall, the man in front of her was far more exceptional than any she’d ever seen. A sculptor’s hand could not have fashioned such perfection—not to Chandra’s eyes. Unexpectedly, she leaned toward him. Her lips touched his broad chest beside the emerald-encrusted medallion resting there. “Make love to me,” she whispered, her breath fanning the crisp black hair, her lips moving upward alongside the thick gold chain. “Make me forget everything—everything except you.”

  Her words pierced Aleck like a flaming spear. If he’d thought himself aroused before, he found he was mistaken. Pulsing with fire, his blood flowed through him like molten lava; his whole body burned with the intensity of his longing as his loins throbbed unbearably. Worldly as he was, never had he wanted a woman this much. Despite her request, he hesitated. “Is this what you truly desire?” he asked.

  Chandra looked into his questioning eyes, which had darkened to indigo. In their marvelous depths, yearning conjoined with doubt. “Yes … truly,” she whispered, and knew in her heart that it was so.

  Her words had barely left her lips when Aleck lifted her into his sinewy arms. “Then so be it,” he said, carrying her to the bed. The cool sheets met Chandra’s back. Whipping the medallion over his head, Aleck tossed it aside. It clattered against the stone floor; then, all at once, he was beside her. His large hand settled at her waist while he leaned over her. “You’ll forget everything, little one,” he said, his voice husky. “Everything except me.”

  Chandra’s lashes fluttered closed just as his mouth captured hers. Again it worked its sweet magic. When his tongue traced her lips, she opened to him willingly. Impatiently she drew the moist sliver inside, where it played in abandon with her own. Aching to touch him, feel the smoothness of his skin, she lifted her arms, and anxious fingers glided over his sleek shoulders, smoothing and caressing the rippling brawn. They stole toward the nape of his powerful neck, then threaded through the thick, black tresses crowning his head. They curled in his locks, and she pulled him closer, feeling he held himself too far away. Chandra moaned as Aleck’s lips pressed forcefully against hers. His mouth foraged briefly, then deserted hers altogether.

  Aleck gazed at the redness of Chandra’s mouth, then into her inquiring eyes, which had flown open the instant he’d pulled away. He hungered for her, wanted to devour every bit of flesh she offered him. Yet in his urgent need,
he feared bruising her, hurting her. The time would come when the heat of their passion dictated the force of their joining. Wild and free their next union might be, but their first must be achieved with care. “We need not rush,” he said, his hand coming away from her waist, his thumb lightly brushing her lips in order to soothe them. “Go easy, sweet. Allow yourself to feel each new emotion fully before experiencing another.” His fingers trailed over her cheek to her temple, then into her silken hair. He spread the lustrous strands over the pillow. “I want to make love to you, Chandra, but I want the pleasure to be solely yours. Will you trust me to give you the joy you crave?”

  Trust me … Those words settled inside her, and as Chandra searched his face, she wondered if that were possible. His open gaze remained steady on her. All at once she realized that, except for Jason, he’d always been honest with her. She was the one who’d broken whatever trust lay between them. She was the one who’d been dishonest. He promised her pleasure, but what about him? “Don’t you desire the same for yourself?”

  “My pleasure will come through you. By giving, I, too, will receive,” he said. “Will you trust me?” Seeing her nod, his own excitement grew. No woman had ever agreed to award him such power over her body as had Chandra. He’d not abuse it. Far from it. “Then, little one, you must do everything I say.” Again she nodded. “Place your hands beneath the pillow, then close your eyes and let your mind float free. Don’t think. Just allow yourself to feel.” Her hands found the place he’d named, and Chandra searched his face again. His look promised fulfillment. Slowly her eyes closed; her breath flowed from her lungs, and she relaxed fully. “Just feel, Chandra,” he whispered, his lips brushing hers. “Feel the pleasure I give you.”

  Lashes sealed against the outside world, Chandra felt the touch of his lips on hers, then they lightly trailed across her cheek to her ear. Teeth nibbled softly on the small lobe. A moment later, his open mouth, moist and warm, traced her throat. Instinctively her head sank deeper into the pillow as her neck arched, giving his lips more freedom to play. His tongue laved her throat, stopping at her pulse. Momentarily it teased the spot, then his lips sucked gently. Chills ran down her spine, gooseflesh rose on her arms, and she shivered from head to toe.

  Aleck drew back to gaze at her; Chandra’s eyelids fluttered. “Don’t look, sweet. Feel the sensations. Hold each one to yourself and enjoy it.” Her eyelids settled and she relaxed again. “That’s it, love. Become one with the moment.” His attention had moved to her breasts, and he surveyed the taut nipples. Wanting to taste them, he eased his hand over her waist. Slowly his fingers glided upward to capture one breast’s fullness; his palm grazed over its crest, and her flesh dimpled. He leaned toward the tempting peak and whispered, “Experience the pleasure.”

  The words skimmed over her breast, then his hot tongue flicked against her nipple. His teeth tugged gently just before his mouth covered the crown. As he suckled, lightning shot through Chandra, bolting up, then down. She jerked at its force; her fingers curled into the underside of the pillow. Distantly she heard Aleck’s chuckle as his mouth lifted. The energy that had raced through her settled deep in her stomach. It pulsated, ready to renew itself, and when his lips captured the second peak, it charged through her again; her breath rushed into her lungs.

  Hearing the air hiss between her teeth, Aleck smiled to himself. Then his lips left her breast to brush along her satiny skin until he reached her navel. His tongue played lightly in the tiny recess, then moved to the outer edge of her hip. Down one leg and up the other, his kisses rained freely; Chandra moaned softly. When at last his mouth came full circle, Aleck aimed it at her center. His lips brushed her curls, and Chandra’s whole body nearly propelled itself from the bed. “D-don’t,” she cried as her hands flew from beneath the pillow to cover herself.

  Aleck’s heavy-lidded gaze met hers. “Does it give you pain?”

  “N-no,” she said, her voice unsteady.

  “Then close your eyes, sweet, and enjoy the sensation.”

  Her vision blurred by desire, she looked at him. After a moment her lashes slowly closed; her hands fell to her sides. He urged her legs apart, and Chandra opened to him. Settling between her outstretched thighs, Aleck devoured her with his eyes. Swallowing a groan, he leaned toward her. Chandra felt the brush of his lips, then the soft flick of his tongue. As it traced her silken folds, probing tenderly, a tempest of longing swept through her, her fingers curled into the bedclothes as she attempted to hold on. Buffeted by the winds of passion, she felt she was about to sail into oblivion, never to return. Frightened, she blurted, “Stop … please! I can endure no more.”

  Aleck settled back, his heels meeting his sinewy haunches, and saw that her eyelids were squeezed together tightly. She dared not look at him. Her emotions spun wildly inside her, he knew. Fearing their force, afraid she’d be forever lost, she refused to allow her desire to fly free. “’Tis only just begun,” he breathed huskily, determined that she experience the ultimate of all sensations. Then as he knelt between her legs, his fingers claimed her. Expertly he coaxed her with the rhythm of his hand until she was again wet and wanting. Impatient to taste her anew, his lips found her, his tongue probed, and when her hips writhed against him, he left her to move above her. Again they were face to face. “Look at me, Chandra.” Her eyes came open. “Tis time for my pleasure as well. Guide me, sweet,” he said, taking her hand. Her cool fingers found him. At her touch, he throbbed intolerably; droplets seeped from the slick crown. He fought for control, his head falling back. A growl escaped his throat, then air filled his lungs as he steadied himself. “Show me the way,” he implored on a rasp, and he was unerringly led to the haven he sought. He eased into her, meeting her maidenhead. “Kiss me, Chandra.”

  Their lips met eagerly. When he felt certain his teasing mouth held her spellbound, he thrust upward, then slid into her fully. When she was accustomed to him, he moved, slowly, gently. At her prompting, the rhythm soon increased. She seemed eager for release, and Aleck lost himself in her. Her pleasure was his. Only by giving could he receive. His hand slipped beneath her enticing little bottom, drawing her closer. The cadence of his lovemaking changed as his hips gyrated against her. A small cry filled his ears, and as he gazed down at her, ecstasy painted her beautiful face. Holding still, he felt the remnants of her joy. Tiny spasms caressed his manhood, and he could no longer contain his own desire. Once, twice, he drove into her, and with a guttural cry, he spilled his seed deep inside her.

  Their heartbeats slowed as breathing soon eased; Chandra lay dazed. A sweet warmth filled her. Never had she experienced such bliss. And Alexander Hawke was its source. Her beloved lord of legend. Her enemy once, he was now her husband and lover. She was damned if she’d ever abandon him. She’d be his for as long as he desired her, as long as he wanted her by his side. Her clan would simply have to accept that, for she’d never leave him. These new feelings wrapped themselves snugly around her, and Chandra wondered if this might be love.

  His heart overflowing with joy, his body still covering hers, Aleck looked down into Chandra’s glowing face. Ecstasy didn’t begin to describe what he had felt, still felt. He was amazed by the experience, at a loss for words. Tempted to taste her lips again and relay his pleasure to her, his head descended.

  At the same moment, the door securing their privacy burst open; loud laughter echoed through the room. With a cry, Chandra snatched at the sheet as Aleck rolled away from her. Hidden beneath the cover, they both stared at the many frolickers who’d joined together for the bundling party, including their king. Nearly all were drunk.

  “We’re too late,” James said on a heavy lisp. “The deed has already been done.”

  Their sovereign stumbled toward the bed, and Aleck sat up with a jerk. “Aye, it has,” he stated, placing his body between his trembling wife and their uninvited guests. “Fortunately for us, you missed the event. Since no sport exists, kindly take your leave.”

  “Pah!” his king replied
. “You need not be so unfriendly. We only came to wish you well.” Seeing double, James noted how both Lord Montbournes glared at him. Not desiring in the least to do battle with two Aleck Hawkes, the king wisely beat a retreat. “Children, children,” he said, turning to his flock, “we are not welcome here, so let us depart.”

  With much grumbling, the group turned, then weaved its way out the door. Only two remained, and Chandra felt highly uncomfortable. While the Lady Emory coldly appraised Chandra, Jason perused his cousin, his manner nonchalant.

  “Do you wish to follow the others, Whitfield?” Aleck asked after a moment. “Or need I rise and toss you out on your ear?”

  “Not necessary, cousin. The Lady Emory and I were just leaving. Come, Felicia. The marriage has been consummated, and from what I can see, our newlyweds are quite stricken with each other. Let us give them some privacy to continue what they were doing.”

  Felicia’s frigid stare shot briefly to Aleck, then she spun on her heel and marched through the door. With a wave, Jason sauntered after her, the panel closing behind him.

  Aleck leapt from the bed, a vivid curse rolling from his lips as he shoved a sturdy chair against the door. The sheet held fast to her body, Chandra sat up. “Do you expect them to return?”

  “I expect most anything to occur as long as we remain at court.” Retrieving the medallion and slipping the chain over his head, he strode to a chest and pulled out some clean clothing. “Rise, sweet,” he said as he started to dress. “After I’ve awakened Winnie, she will help you dress.”

  Feeling somewhat shy, she continued to hide behind the sheet. “What do you plan to do?”

  “We leave immediately for Montbourne,” he said, his eyes glinting. “There we can do whatever we like, for as long as we like, and no one will dare disturb us. We have much to share, Chandra. All of it more pleasurable than what has already passed between us.”


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