Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle

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Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle Page 27

by Faye Sonja

  On and on she drove, but it never seemed fast enough. All the women and children laid down flat, except for Frank’s wife, who held onto Adeline’s arm and never let go. A little further on, the man flanked Adeline on his horse.

  “Stop the cart,” he roared at her.

  “No. You have no right to keep these women!” she roared back.

  “Stop now or one of them dies.” He’d pointed the gun into the back. He’d hit someone for sure. Adeline had no choice; perhaps she could talk him around. Maybe pay him for the women. She pulled her horses to a halt. “No one leave the cart.”

  He circled around them like a shark. Then he stopped in front of their horses. “Who are you?”

  “It doesn’t matter who I am. You have no right to make these people work in your fields in the heat like that.”

  “That’s what they come here for, isn’t it? To work for the big farming companies, turning California into something it shouldn’t be.”

  “That doesn’t mean you can go around shooting at people and kidnapping them.” Adeline sounded more confident than she felt inside. But she wasn’t going to let him see she was scared. This was Lex Baxter all over again. She’d gotten out of that and she’d get them out of this.

  “The less Chinese here, the less work they can do and the less chance the farm companies can succeed.”

  “I doubt a band of eight Chinese with kids is going to make much of a difference compared to the hundreds getting off the train in San Francisco alone every day.”

  “I’ll set an example.”

  “You’ll go to jail.”

  “How? Not like there’ll be any witnesses.” He raised his rifle and leveled the barrel at her head.

  Adeline wanted to be sick but she swallowed and kept her cool. “I’m afraid I’ve already notified the police and they’ll be along shortly.”

  “You’re lying.” His finger moved ever so slightly on the trigger. Why hadn’t she told James where she was going? She never expected it to escalate to this. Would Frank tell him? James would come looking when she didn’t get back to sell pies, but it might be too late then.

  “What is it you want? I can pay you money.”

  He laughed, and it wasn’t pleasant. “I want every Chinese animal, and the animals who are on their side, out of the state of California. Then it can go back to being family owned and worked farms like it should be.”

  Adeline felt cold perspiration break on her brow. She’d run from a monster and had now found another one. He kept staring at her and she looked down the barrel of the gun, praying so hard that she didn’t die before she told her husband that she was in love with him. The thought came so quickly, it shocked her.

  But it was true. As she faced this gun and the man behind the trigger, she knew without a doubt that she loved James Blair. She wanted to be his wife.

  * * *

  James had never felt his blood run cold as much as it did when he saw Adeline sitting on that cart with a rifle pointed at her head at point blank range. When Frank told him she’d asked after his wife and the others, he knew exactly what Adeline’s plan had been. Luckily, Frank did tell him and he’d ridden out through the hidden tracks to come up behind them after the chase had finished.

  She’d stopped the cart, which made it easier for him to get into position. He pulled his rifle off his saddle and made ready to shoot. He didn’t want to spook the horses or hit Adeline and her charges. But he couldn’t just sit here and see his wife threatened, either. How he really felt about her swelled in his heart.

  If that filthy dog hurt one hair on the head of the woman he loved, he’d shoot him dead. Instead, James got down off his horse and walked in behind the man. He put the gun barrel to his head and clicked back the hammer. “Put the gun down. Slow.”

  The man hesitated a split second and then lowered the gun.

  “Good decision. You can leave. Don’t ever let me catch you near my wife, or anyone else I love, ever again.”

  “You won’t have seen the last of me.”

  “You face me, not innocent women and children, and I’ll be happy to oblige you with some lead in your belly.”

  The man grunted and turned his horse to gallop back off up the road. The ladies cheered and the dark eyes of the children popped up over the side of the cart to look at him. Adeline just sat staring at him. He gave her the biggest smile. His heart was like a machine and it wasn’t only the threat that had him keyed up.

  He’d just admitted he loved his wife. He did, more than anything else in the world. It didn’t mean he didn’t love Hattie or their child. It didn’t disrespect their memory.

  Now, he understood he couldn’t have changed a thing in the past. But he could change his life now. Adeline was beautiful and amazing and he loved her. Even if she didn’t love him back, he loved her with everything in him.

  How could he have been such a fool and denied the love he felt for her all this time? He knew the day he laid eyes on her in that red silk dress that he loved her. All he had to do was let himself, and not feel guilty.

  “You said you loved me.” Her beautiful eyes were as wide as plates.

  “A man’d be a fool not to.”

  “I love you too.”

  * * *

  A month later, Adeline hooked her arm through her husband’s as they strolled out of the church service.

  “Lovely sermon, that. All about new life.” James smiled and Adeline went on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.

  “I’m so happy you’ve joined me on Sundays. With the bakery business booming and the farm doing so well, I feel all we do is sleep when we’re together.” Adeline held her husband’s hand and thanked the Lord he’d come back to the fold. She’d prayed and prayed hard for him the night he’d sobbed in her arms and finally laid his first wife and child to rest.

  He’d come to see it wasn’t anyone’s fault. That God had called them into His arms for His own reasons. Still, it was awful to see him in such pain.

  “I have a surprise. I’m hoping you’ll keep an open mind.” James grinned and led her to some shade under a tree.


  “I know the bakery is your first business.”

  “Yes.” Adeline wasn’t sure where he was going with this. She wondered if he’d mind that she was handing it over to Frank’s wife, Lily, to run. It was wonderful and very successful but it took all of her time. And soon she would need every scrap of time she had.

  “It holds you hostage and I’d like us to plan our new home. It can be built in a year if we don’t make it too big.”

  “I see.”

  “So maybe Lily and the ladies could run the bakery for you.”

  Adeline had to laugh.

  “Is something funny?”

  She nodded. “I handed the key to Lily this morning. That was my surprise to you.”

  “Why? You love that place.”

  “I want to free up my time. I think a new house will be good. We need more space. Not too much mind, but a little.”

  “Seems too easy.”

  “There’s a catch.”

  “I knew it.”

  “You’ll have to share me.”

  “I know, Amelia arrives at the end of the week.”

  “Yes, but not with my sister.” Adeline put her arms around him. “I’m pregnant, James.”

  He just stood there. He never moved, never uttered a word. Then his arms came around her. “Are you sure?” he whispered.

  “I’m sure.”

  He held her so tight then. Like he was so frightened of losing her.

  “It’ll be fine. We’ll get through this together. One healthy day at a time.” Adeline hoped her words would reassure him. That’s why she wanted him to know, instead of guessing.

  “You’ll follow Doc’s orders. To the letter.”

  “I will.”

  “He better not tell me to leave the room because I won’t leave you alone until our babe is born healthy and I get both of you home.”

“I’m sure that’ll be fine, under the circumstances.”

  He leaned in and kissed her lips very gently. “You are beautiful and I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He wrapped his arms around her then, and Adeline felt as safe as she’d ever been. No more thoughts of being unlovable. No more thoughts about Lex Baxter; her plan was working to perfection. The best thing she’d ever done was become a mail order bride, even though she’d almost changed her mind.

  But God showed her His plan and the plan for the wonderful man she married. He could finally be free to love again. With this baby came new hope for them all. A new life in the West, and a new start for all her family. She could only pray her sisters and ma found some of the joy she had out here.

  And pray she did, for each and every one of them, because they all deserved happiness. God gave her exactly what she needed in the most unorthodox way, His divine way, and Adeline could never have planned her life to be this way.

  She loved her husband and he loved her. A mere two months ago she thought she’d never be loved, and now this baby growing inside her would be the start of their happy little family.

  “Thank you, Adeline, for giving me a second chance at love,” James said as he still held her close.

  “Thank you for giving me my first.” Adeline had come out to the frontier and, against all odds, found true love. She hugged her husband and knew she’d made the right decision.

  * * *



  BOOK 2






  b o o k 2


  Amelia Archer-a romantic DREAMER by nature. When reading the poetic letters from Jack Blair, she knows he's the perfect husband for her. Everything seems PREFECT...until reality struck...

  What will happen when IDEALISTIC Amelia realized a ranch is nowhere near as romantic as she imagined?

  Will INSECURE Jack choose his bride not for love but for her ability to further the family empire?






  Heart Meets








  “I’m marrying you, tomorrow,

  not your parents.”


  “Amelia!” Adeline rushed up and hugged tighter than Amelia had ever felt before. “You’re finally in California. How was the train? It’s such a long way in two weeks.”

  “I loved every second of it.” Amelia smiled at her older sister. “Look at you. You’re so different. Glowing. You’ve gained a little weight. Thank goodness, I was beginning to worry about you before you left New York.” Amelia had never seen her sister look so good, and ordinary. She felt completely overdressed now.

  Adeline patted her belly. “I’ll be gaining a lot more soon.”

  Amelia screamed and held her older sister to her again. “A baby! Oh, Adeline, how wonderful. Things are going well then?”

  Adeline nodded. “It’s been hard, though. I never knew I was so tough. How’s Mama?”

  “She’s well.”

  “And Averill?”

  “I think our little sister is a little worried about coming out here.”

  “She worries too much for an eighteen year old.”

  “You know Averill. She’s extra careful about everything. Now, where’s this husband of yours, and when do I get to meet my fiancé?”

  Adeline looked behind her, smiled and beckoned with her hand. Amelia watched the two tall, broad men approach from way back near the exit. She held her breath and squeezed Adeline’s hand. This was it. Jack Blair was even more striking than his photo.

  They’d been writing each other for almost four months now. James set it up soon after Adeline first wrote to him of their plight. Jack wanted a wife and Amelia needed husband. Now they were rushing towards one another. Before she knew it, he stood close to her.

  “Jack!” Amelia spoke first as she gained control over her rush of emotions and moved back a little.

  “How was the trip, Amelia?”

  “As well as can be expected. Thank you.”

  Adeline introduced her husband. “Amelia, meet James Blair, Jack’s cousin and my husband.”

  Amelia grinned. They’d both obviously gotten along so well. She knew love at first sight was possible now.

  “Anyway, this is your time with Jack. We’ll go to Goldrush and prepare the church to be ready for tomorrow. We have lodgings and supper arranged at the bakery.” Adeline took James’ hand and smiled.

  “I’m so excited. See you two tomorrow.” After a quick hug, Amelia watched her sister walk away. What a wonderful thing to happen. A baby.

  “Amelia. You’re so beautiful. Your picture did not do you justice.”

  “Neither did yours. Oh, Jack. I can hardly believe the day has arrived and here we are.”

  “Tonight we’re having dinner in a fancy restaurant. Then I have separate hotels booked for us. I’ve saved all the money from selling fresh eggs, mostly to the bakery, thanks to Adeline.”

  “How wonderful. I’m sure I’ll want to talk all night and never sleep.” Amelia kept staring at his unruly dark hair that almost needed a trim. She liked the fact that it wasn’t perfectly short with rigid lines.

  His steel blue eyes twinkled at her. “I’m so glad you’re here. C’mon, let’s go to your lodgings and leave your things, then we can take in some sightseeing. ”

  “Sounds wonderful.” She fell into step with Jack, who carried her larger case with ease.

  Amelia knew, without a doubt, her choice in husband and agreeing with Adeline’s mail order bride idea was right for her. What she needed to do was work out how she was going to get back to New York with Jack and get the documents from Lex Baxter. Without those, he had nothing to threaten them with, and no agreement to uphold.

  Of course, all that could wait until after the wedding. She had dreamed over and over of their special day. A small church, full of fresh flowers, her sister and Jack’s family there to give their blessings. He hadn’t spoken a lot about his parents, except that they lived in San Francisco. But Amelia was determined to be close to them and be the best daughter-in-law and wife this country had ever seen.

  In their many letters they’d talked of marriage and a family of their own. Jack was very eloquent and wrote freely of his wish to be married and for them to build a future together at the ranch. Amelia wanted that more than anything and now the time had come.

  Once she settled into their quaint cottage and into ranch life, she could discuss the Lex Baxter situation. She hoped her mother and sister would fare well in New York alone for the next two months. Papa’s lawyer was handling the sale and debt payment and keeping it all as quiet as possible.

  He’d encouraged them in their idea to leave town when Adeline came up with them running away during the mourning period as mail order brides to escape a fate worse than death. Their lawyer looked for a way out of the signed agreement Lex had with Papa, before Papa had taken his own life from the shame of acquiring a massive gambling debt and signing off one of his daughters as payment to a much older, despicable man, but no loophole was to be found.

  Lex Baxter had come to the house demanding Adeline’s hand in marriage and saying he’d have one of them as a wife. He’d even threatened to impregnate Averill and force an heir if the girls refused to marry him.

  Amelia wished her father had been able to come to them and tell them he needed help. Her marriage would be about communication and togetherness. She’d be sure of that.

  For now, everything was organized back in New York. Averill agreed to go out in mourning clothes once a week for groceries, and as Mama had a similar figure, Amelia left her mourning dresses for Mama to wear out now and again, and Averill would
pretend it was Amelia with her. Under all that dark crepe, no one would know.

  This would keep Lex’s suspicions at bay. Such a grand idea of Adeline’s to give them time to get away. She’d insisted on a proper mourning period, which bought her time to make a plan. It was pure genius, but that was Adeline.

  “How has Adeline been coping? I know she’s written but one never gets the full story from her.”

  “That sister of yours could run the world with no troubles.”

  “Yes, she’s like Papa was. Nothing was impossible with hard work and planning.” Amelia thought about her father’s words. It was all so distant now. “Except, of course, stopping gambling. That, he never quite mastered.”

  “It’s a pity your father took to gambling. He sounded like a very clever man.”

  “He was. I guess some people get caught up in sinful activities. It gets a hold on them. That is why I’ll always follow God and have faith that all will be well, if we live as good, Christian people.”

  “You’ll need a lot of that attitude out here. It’s tough for the menfolk, but the women have it even tougher at times. I’ve never seen a woman give up yet, though there’s been plenty of men that have packed up and made them leave.”

  San Francisco was so different from New York. Amelia just kept staring around, and smiling. So much to see and do, so much she could paint. A pang went through her. She hadn’t been able to bring any of her painting things. She hoped some gardening and getting her hands in the earth may help with her creative yearnings.

  “You’re quiet, Amelia. Not having doubts, are you?”

  “No. Not at all. It’s a big change for me but I believe it will all turn out for the better.”

  “Have you brought a dress for our wedding?”

  “That’s what’s in this smaller case. My whole wedding attire. I wanted this day to be special and romantic, just as I’ve always imagined, so I can remember it fondly forever.”

  “I hope it lives up to that. I bought a new suit.”


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