Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle

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Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle Page 46

by Faye Sonja

  The news nearly knocked her over. Daniel was there immediately. His arms held her upright. His strength still amazed her. She looked up into his face. The look in his eyes were no longer masked. Concern for her stared back at her. “Why are you leaving me?”

  Plane confusion was there now. Katherine couldn’t blame him. He’d been so sweet to her. So kind. He’d laid his soul at her feet and she’d walked all over it. “I thought that was what you wanted.”

  Katherine shook her head. Yes. No. She wasn’t sure. All she knew is that she loved him. She needed him. Her hands came up to cover her face. Without Daniel in her life, Katherine wasn’t sure she’d make it. She didn’t want to live a life without love. Not ever again. Daniel loved her. She knew it. She had no doubt in that. Katherine could feel it in his every action and hear it in his every word. She loved him. She just couldn’t live with what he’d done. Yet, even still… “Please don’t leave me.” She’d never cried so much in her life. She’d never felt safe enough to do it in front of someone, but Katherine knew that even though Daniel was a dangerous man, her tears were safe here.

  Katherine felt the first dash of tears slide down her face. They came more rapidly as Daniel took her into his arms. He was so warm. So loving. She didn’t understand how he could stand her after the way she’d treated him.

  Daniel’s hands rubbed her back through her sleep dress. “Don’t cry, Katherine.”

  “But you’re leaving me,” she whispered.

  “Not by choice.”

  That got Katherine’s attention. She stopped crying then and looked up unto Daniel’s eyes. There was something dark in them, but he was shutting her out again. She should leave it alone. The last time she’d pushed, Katherine had ended up pushing Daniel away. But she had to know. “I don’t understand.”

  “Sure you do,” Daniel’s expression relaxed. The wall to his heart and mind was building. “I’m a monster. I’m going to go play with the monsters now.”

  Katherine could hear her heart in her ears. “Don’t do this, Daniel.”

  Daniel took a step away from her. “Why not? This is who you see me as. No matter what I do, you’ll always see me as a monster. I might as well go and be one then.”

  Katherine grabbed his arms then. She tried to shake him. “No, Daniel. You don’t have to be that way anymore. You could be a good man, Daniel,” she could hear the plea in her voice. She hated it, but it couldn’t be helped.

  Daniel’s words were calm. There was no anger. It all just sounded final. “I tried, Katherine, but you’re right. I’m not a good person. It’s like you said, I should have been killed. Maybe we’ll luck out this time.”

  Katherine’s anger flared bright enough for the both of them. It filled the air around them. “You’re not doing this, Daniel. I won’t let you.”

  Daniel smiled. It wasn’t an evil smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Katherine felt his hand come up to touch her face. It hesitated, waiting for Katherine to stop him. She didn’t. He touched her cheek. His brown eyes just stared at her. The simple smile still pursed on his lips. After a moment, Katherine realized what was causing it. Sadness. “I wish things could be different. I wish we’d met under different circumstances.” His hand fell. “I tired to be someone you could truly love, but now I have to be the thing I absolutely detest.”

  “No one’s forcing you.”

  Daniel looked away, but only briefly. It was all Katherine needed. “Is someone forcing you?”

  Daniel started for the door. “Leave it alone, Katherine.”

  Katherine felt a flutter start in her stomach. “What’s happening, Daniel?”

  “I’d rather you stay in town when I leave. Don’t move into the woods like we planned. Stay around people,” Daniel started to close the door behind him, but Katherine stopped it.

  She yanked him towards herself. Pure panic in her pale eyes. “Are we in danger?”

  Daniel sighed, closed his eyes, and rubbed her arms, trying to calm her. “You’re not in danger, Katherine. Only me. I won’t be here to protect you, so you need to stay close to others. Do that for me?”

  Katherine’s anger returned. He was keeping things from her again. “No, Daniel. Tell me.”

  His dark eyes opened. His stare neutral once again. Katherine fought the urge to hit him. Daniel started speaking before she did anything she’d regret. “Goodbye, Katherine.”

  Daniel dropped his hold on Katherine’s arms then and made a hasty retreat to his room. Katherine stuck her head out of her door and saw him close the door behind himself. The lock slid into place. Katherine slammed her own door, sat on her bed, and just stared straight ahead. She was too angry to sleep now. Daniel thought this was the end, but he was wrong. If he wouldn’t give her answers, she’d get them from someone else.

  * * *


  “How Can I Help You?”








  “ She was going out west.

  The decision was made. ”


  Mark was right where Katherine thought he would be the next morning. She gracefully opened the doors to the church and pulled them closed behind her. She was smiling. After looking around, she saw that only Mark stood in the building. The smile soon fell, and her face took on the expression she really felt.

  She marched down the hall of the small church until she came up to Mark. He’d been sitting in the front pew, reading a Bible. When he’d seen her coming, he’d grown nervous. He was nervous now.

  “Good day, Mrs. Price. Might I say, you are looking well today. That dress sure does bring out your eyes.” He was grinning now, but Katherine could tell it was a false one. Pretty eyes and a killer smile wasn’t likely to get him out of this one.

  “Don’t good day me, Mark. What’s going on with you and Daniel?”

  His smile became shaky. Mark looked around nervously. “What? I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Katherine’s eyes narrowed. She crossed her arms.” Let’s step outside, shall we?” She turned then, not waiting for Mark to follow. She was sure he would. If not, she’d come back and drag him out.

  Mark came out through the door, like she knew he would. Good boy. His face told her that he wasn’t pleased. He was giving her that look that Daniel sometimes gave her. The blank stare. No emotion. No passion. But Mark wasn’t Daniel.

  “I don’t know what you two are doing, but I’m getting the sheriff.”

  That got Mark’s attention. His eyes flew wide. “Wait, now. There’s no need for all of that.” His hands came out in defense. “We’re just trying to protect you, that’s all.”

  Katherine threw her own arms up in the air. “Why is everyone trying to protect me? Protect me from what?”

  Mark was silent for a moment, but the look Katherine gave him was full of steel. Her pale eyes made him visibly shiver. She’d given that look to some of her students. It was the look that warned them not to even breathe in the wrong way. Mark sighed with resignation. “Tobias.”

  Katherine’s head whipped back then. Tobias? She remembered Daniel had mentioned that name before. Digging one of her fingers into Mark’s chest, she spoke very low. “You’re going to tell me everything, right now, or else.”

  Mark was stubborn for a while, but he eventually cracked open like a newborn chick. He told Katherine everything. Mark told her about Tobias’ return and even the discussion Mark had had with Daniel once Tobias left. “I had just stopped by the church to have one last talk with God. I’m heading out tonight.”

  Hearing Mark speak of it broke Katherine’s heart. She hadn’t known Daniel and he had been so young when they’d joined Tobias’ gang. Sixteen. They were practically still babies. Babies that had grown up without parents of their very own.

  Under those conditions, the boys probably would have soaked up the attention of any man that came along. Tobias had just got to them fi
rst. Hearing it from Mark made Katherine regret her harshness towards Daniel. He’d watched Tobias take away the only woman he’d ever cared for, and now Tobias was back to do it once again. Well, not if Katherine could help it.

  When Mark was done speaking, Katherine placed a hand on his arm. “Thank you for telling me.” She then left, feeling too sad to stay and say anything more.

  She’d misjudged Daniel. She should have asked more questions. Listened closer. Katherine headed for the bank. But Daniel wasn’t there. She went into their home, but couldn’t find him anywhere. Where’d he go? Was he already gone?

  Katherine went back to the church, even with the fear that Mark would be gone before she got there. He was.

  Thinking quickly, Katherine went to the telegraph office. An hour later, she was walking into the sheriff’s office.

  Sheriff Franklin Graves was young and looked to be way too green to be a sheriff. Still, he was all Katherine had. He stood quickly when Katherine walked into the room. He was tall, thin, and was just sprouting a mustache. His hazel eyes were wide. Apparently, he could see the alarm on her face. Maybe he wasn’t as green as she thought. “Mrs. Price, how can I help you?”

  “Sheriff, I need you to help my husband.” And quickly, Katherine shared with the man everything she knew. She told him about Tobias and the rendezvous location. The meeting was to be tomorrow.

  The sheriff whistled. “Tobias is wanted for a long string of crimes. We’re not equipped to take on a gang that large.”

  Katherine began to breathe rapidly. Very quickly, she felt lightheaded. Daniel would die and she wouldn’t be able to apologize. She’d been too late. He would die thinking the worst of himself.

  A chair from out of nowhere was placed under her. Katherine looked around and spotted a deputy. She hadn’t known he’d been in the room until now. Katherine was still struggling to breathe or think when she spoke again. “Are you not going to help me?”

  Sheriff Graves began to speak again. “I didn’t say that. I’m going to call the sheriff in Kansas City and see if anyone can locate a Marshal. We’ll get your husband back, Mrs. Price.” His hand touched her in a comforting gesture. He then looked at his deputy. “You see that she gets home safely, then meet me at the telegraph office.” He was gone then.

  Katherine was then ushered home. The rest of the night was a blur after that. She remembered going to sleep while the sun was still out. That night, she dreamt of herself sitting on the couch, reading Daniel a book while she stroked his hair. She silently prayed her dream would come true and not just remain a memory.

  * * *


  “You Boys Ready to Ride?”








  “ She was going out west.

  The decision was made. ”


  Daniel watched as the last star left the sky, hearing a horse off in the distance. It was still a little dark outside, but the sun would be peaking over the land soon. Mark was asleep next to him. Daniel had left earlier than Mark had. Daniel hadn’t wanted to run into Katherine. He’d feared that he’d change his mind, grab as much money as he could, and run away with her. They could start over. But then, Daniel couldn’t do that to her. Katherine would never be safe. Tobias had eyes and ears everywhere. Katherine would have never been able to see or talk to her parents again. It would have been too risky.

  So, he’d left and come to the desert on his own. It had been the perfect place to talk to God. The conversation had been one he’d had before. Daniel’s favorite topic: forgiveness. Daniel had asked for it many times, but still couldn’t believe that his sins would be washed away. Not after the things he’d done. It wasn’t possible.

  The rider on the horse was growing closer. Daniel stood up and surprise fell upon his face. It was Joshua.

  Joshua brought the horse to a stop at Daniel’s feet. In the dark, and on top of his horse, Joshua looked large. His Stetson casted a shadow over his face. A shoulder holster was visible in his outline.

  “Daniel,” his voice was rough. Not just deep, it also sounded horse. Time and hard life experiences could do that to you.

  “Joshua,” Daniel replied.

  It was silent for awhile. Awkward. Neither of them knew what to say to one another. ‘How ya been?’ seemed too casual a line. Joshua was an outlaw.

  Joshua turned his head to Mark’s sleeping form. “That Mark over there?”

  Daniel nodded his head, but wasn’t too sure Joshua could make it out in the dark. Daniel went over and woke Mark up. Mark didn’t seem too thrilled, but shot up when he saw the newcomer. “Josh?”


  “Where have you been?” Leave it to Mark to get a conversation going.

  Joshua looked down at his hands. The hat on his head completely covered him from view. He then looked up into the sky. “I’ve been around.”

  Mark was walking closer to him. “How’d you know where to find us?”

  “Daniel’s wife.”

  Daniel’s brows frowned with confusion. “Katherine? How?”

  “A telegram. It simply said, ‘Joshua, Mark and Daniel need you. Tobias has him. - Katherine Price.’ The next telegraph had the location.

  Daniel knew where Katherine got her information without even looking over at Mark. He shook his head. “I don’t understand. How’d the telegraph office know it was for you?”

  Joshua was quiet then. “I have people.”

  “I bet you do.” The way Daniel said it, you could tell he wasn’t pleased. He lived horrified by the things he’d done his whole life, while Joshua simply embraced it. Daniel couldn’t understand that. He didn’t want to.

  “I knew you’d help us,” there was gladness in Mark’s voice. “So what’s the plan?”

  “No plan, Mark.”

  The comment drew a confused look from Mark. Now he and Daniel had matching expressions. “What do you mean? Then why are you here?”

  “I’m here for the same reason you are, Daniel.”

  There was silence once again. How could Joshua know?

  Mark’s eyes shifted between the two men. “I don’t understand. What am I missing? Why are you both here?”

  Daniel looked at Mark then. “Atonement.”

  Mark’s face almost went white. “What? How?”

  “You already know, Mark,” Daniel replied. It was what had kept Daniel up all night. This would be his last day. He was going to sacrifice himself to prevent the hurt of others. Never again would he take food off someone’s table or watch the life leave someone’s eyes just so he could be rich. Daniel would do what needed to be done for God and mankind. He accepted his fate now. His soul was at ease.

  Mark sighed. “So, Tobias get’s here and we do nothing?” When Daniel didn’t answer, Mark turned to Joshua.

  Joshua was still staring at the sky. A faint light was creeping up, pushing the darkness away. It was such a simple thing. It would be missed. “No more ‘we’, Mark. You’ve got to decide for yourself. What kind of man will the Earth remember you as? We’ll all answer for our sins. Maybe, with this final act, God will let me have some peace.” There was sadness in Joshua’s voice. It was the voice of a man that was at least twice the age of Joshua’s thirty-two years.

  Daniel looked over at Joshua and couldn’t agree more. Mark had to make his own decision. He was given free will. The chance to choose. This choice would not be made for him.

  Mark looked back and forth, between the two men who were his only family and smiled. He didn’t say anything more. He just smiled, then turned his head towards the sky.

  The men who were more like brothers all stood there in the silence and watched the world around then come to life. When the sun finally reached the sky, the sound of a team of horses made them all turn. Tobias. He and his gang were riding towards the trio, hard. There were at least twenty men. Maybe more.

  As the horses drew clos
er, Daniel felt fear course through him. He closed his eyes and sent up one last prayer. He asked God for one final favor. He wouldn’t blame God for not granting him this final token of grace, but he asked for it anyway. He asked God to make sure that Katherine found happiness.

  Tobias’ horse stopped right in front of them. The rest of the riders stayed less than a yard behind. “Joshua? Is that you? I’m so happy you could join us.” His smile seemed genuine.

  “So am I, Tobias,” Joshua’s voice still sounded tired. It was as if he hadn’t slept for years. Maybe he hadn’t.

  “You boys ready to ride?”

  There came no reply. Joshua went to the gun in his holster. The rest of Tobias’ men did the same. They were quicker. They aimed at him, ready to take out his heart in an instant. But Joshua didn’t point the gun at anyone. Instead, he threw it to the ground. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to decline, Tobias.”

  Tobias sighed. “Now boys, we don’t have to do this the hard way, unless that’s the way you want it. I’m being mighty generous in letting you live. I should just kill you all right here and now.”

  “That choice is yours and yours alone.” Joshua placed his hands in front of him, keeping himself steady on his horse. It was obvious to Daniel. Joshua wanted to be sitting high when he went down. He made it seem as though he was accepting some kind of honor. There was no fear.

  Daniel straightened then. He too would die with dignity.

  Mark stepped up beside him, silently agreeing.

  Tobias pulled out his gun. “I always saw you boys as my own sons. It pained me when you left, but… oh well.”

  A shot went off.

  Tobias’ gun was suddenly knocked from his hand. He reeled back in shock.

  Everyone turned in every direction.

  Riders were coming. A hundred maybe. They were going to be surrounded. Tobias’ men began to panic. So did Daniel, Mark, and Josh, but as the riders came closer, Daniel relaxed. He recognized Sheriff Graves, but the woman behind him stole the show. Katherine, with shotgun in hand, was riding like some professional gunslinger. They were being saved.


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