Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle

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Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle Page 134

by Faye Sonja

  Austin sighed. “I will once we’re married.”

  Melody sighed. “No, Austin. I’m not going to let you do this to me again.” She shook her head. “I can’t marry you. I can’t be with someone like you; someone who was willing to hurt me the way you did.” She shook her head again and turned. “I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing, but at least we got to say goodbye. So goodbye, Austin.”

  “Wait,” Austin grabbed her arm and turned her towards him. His heart was racing. He searched her gray eyes for the warmth he’d once found in them, but tonight, there was none. If anything, Melody’s look reminded him of her mother Jill, or even Harmony, a woman with a look of steel that matched her eyes. He shook his head. “Who is he?”

  Melody’s brows went up. “What?”

  “Who’s the guy, Melody?”

  Melody frowned. “Don’t make this about anyone else, Austin. No one else matters. Who I don’t want is you.”

  Austin shook his head. “You don’t go around kissing men that you don’t want, Melody.”

  He watched as her face turned red. Austin smirked. “That’s what I thought.”

  Melody frowned. “Nothing about you has changed.”

  “That’s not true. I’m ready to get married. That’s a big deal for me, Melody.”

  Melody took a step back. “Well, I congratulate you, but you’re too late.”

  Austin’s hands when to his head. “Melody, I don’t think you fully understand what I’ve been going through these last few months.”

  Melody lifted a brow. “Do you really want me to feel pity for you?” Melody shook her head. “Just as I thought, Austin. Your world revolves around you and I don’t want to live in it.”

  Austin crossed his arms and sighed. He looked down. It was someone else, he was sure of it. It was the only thing that made sense, but Austin couldn’t let Melody throw away their entire past. “You’re right. I’m being selfish.” He had to figure out a way to get Melody away from this other guy. Once he did that, he could move on to getting Melody to fall in love with him again. He looked at her. “It’s selfish, but you’re all I’ve ever wanted, Melody, and I’m not capable of just letting you run off with some other guy.”


  “Well, letting some random guy have you just wouldn’t work for me.”

  Melody frowned and looked away; out into the night. She turned back to Austin. “Well, what if this other guy makes me happy, Austin? What if he’s a better man than you?” She took a step towards him. “What if he makes me happy and never makes me cry?” She sighed. “What if he loves me, Austin? What if he’s capable of loving me the way I deserve to be loved? Would you leave then?”

  Austin stared at her. The answer was no, but he couldn’t say that. It would have been selfish, but he also knew that there was no way another man could have made Melody as happy as he had. Sure, they’d had their ups and downs, but what couple didn’t?

  The front door opened.

  They both turned to see a man step out. A guitar was in his hand. “Ah, Melody,” he smiled at her. “I wanted your opinion on what song I should play at the wedding.”

  Melody stared at him. She turned to Austin, stared, and then turned back towards the newcomer. She smiled and walked over to him and placed her hand on his. “Any song you want, honey.” She kissed his cheek. She then turned and smiled at Austin.

  Austin felt his heart hit the ground and his legs ready to give way under him. Wedding? She was getting married? Austin watched as the man lifted a brow at Melody. He was a handsome man. Spanish with a dark tan, dark hair, and mysterious eyes. Austin didn’t have to wonder what it was that Melody saw in him.

  Melody said, “Carlos, honey, I want you to meet Austin. You know of Austin, right?”

  Carlos’ eyes went wide. He turned to Austin. “Ah, yes. I remember hearing about this… Austin.” The man strutted over and came to stand by him. They were the same height and built.

  Austin frowned.

  Melody smiled and then turned to Austin. “Austin, this is my fiancé, Carlos Sanchez.”

  Carlos laughed and then stuck his hand out to Austin.

  Austin hesitated before shaking the other man’s hand. “You’re marrying Melody?”

  Carlos grin. “It seems that way, doesn’t it?”

  Austin sighed and turned to Melody. His heart was racing.

  Melody hugged Carlos and placed a hand on his chest. She looked at Austin. “So, Austin. Now that you’ve met Carlos, you can leave.”

  Austin shook his head. “No, Melody. I love you and I don’t know anything about this guy-”

  Melody tilted her head. “You don’t have the right to-”

  “No, Melody,” Carlos narrowed his eyes. His arm went around Melody. He lifted a brow. “Austin is right. He knows nothing of me, but perhaps he can stick around and get to know me.” He then gently laid a kiss on her head while keeping his eyes on Austin. “Let him see how lucky you are before he leaves.”

  Heat rushed up to Austin’s head. He shoulders tensed as he balled his hands into fists. His breathing came rapidly. “I think I will.”

  “No.” Melody turned to Carlos. “This is a bad idea.”

  Austin narrowed his eyes. “What are you afraid of? Afraid I’ll find out that the two of you don’t belong?”

  Melody frowned. “No.”

  Austin turned to Carlos. “She kissed me earlier tonight? Does she normally go around kissing other men?”

  Carlos frowned. He looked down at Melody. “You kissed him?”

  Melody looked up at him. “Yes.”

  Carlos lifted a brow. “Was it the last time?”


  “Very well,” Carlos turned to Austin. “If you don’t believe us, then stick around for the wedding.”

  Austin felt his knees going weak, but he hoped he’d manage to keep his face neutral. “I will.”

  “No.” Melody’s eye went wide. “You’re not invited. You’re not invited to the wedding or my new life, Austin.” She stomped her foot. “Just leave.”

  Austin shook his head. “Melody, I love you too much to just go back home. I’m staying and I plan to change your mind.” He had one finally look at the couple. Melody held on to Carlos for dear life. Carlos had a grin on his face. A challenge.

  He’d never been challenged before. Not where Melody stood. Carlos didn’t know him. Austin the head of the Northeastern division of the mail-order-bride company, Heart Arrangements. It was run by his brother, Orlando Bakely and the company was unlike any other. Heart Arrangements focused on making the best connections for couples and was known for their ‘happily-ever-after’ effect. Many mail-order-brides had suffered under the hand of a mail-order-bride service, but not the women that went through Heart Arrangements. Their specialty was love, and Austin already had an advantage with knowing more about Melody than anyone else.

  He accepted Carlos’ challenge with the slight tilt of his head before heading for the taxi that was still in the driveway. He’s asked the driver to wait for him. He’d be back tomorrow and everyday until he saw Melody walk down the aisle himself. Until then, he planned on reminding her of everything they’d ever meant to one another.

  * * *


  Chapter THREE








  “ … but she had to move on, and she couldn’t

  afford to let him ruin her heart again. ”


  “What did you just do?” Melody asked as she watched Austin’s taxi drive away. She turned to find Carlos with a grin on his face.

  He laughed. “So, that is your Austin?”

  Melody crossed her arms. “He’s not my Austin. He’s not my anything. I want nothing to do with him.”

  “You’re lying and it’s not a very good one.”

  She turned to him. “How could you have done this? I wanted him gone.
Couldn’t you tell?”

  Carlos frowned. “Was that what you wanted? I thought you wanted to make him jealous.”

  Melody closed her eyes and placed her fingers at her temples. “No, Carlos. I didn’t want him around. After everything I’ve told you about him. Why would you ask him to stick around?” She looked at him. “And we’re not getting married! What’s supposed to happen when he finds out?”

  Carlos shrugged. “Well, you’ll marry him, of course.”

  Melody shook her head. “No. I’m not going down that road again. He’s hurt me too badly.”

  “Has he ever hit you?”


  “Called you out of your name?”


  Carlos narrowed his eyes. “Degraded you in any way?”

  Melody cross her arms. “Yes.”


  Melody felt tears begin to fall. “When he cancelled our engagements.” She shook her head. “It was so humiliating, Carlos. You don’t understand.”

  Carlos frowned. “I believe I do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Carlos shook his head. “Never mind that.” He turned to look out at the empty night. “But now that I’ve met your Austin, it’s added… color to we way I see him now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, that he is no longer black and white in my mind. He’s a person and I think there is something more to his story.”

  Melody sighed. “If there was, I’m sure I would have found it by now.” Melody threw her hands up in defeat. “There is nothing else to figure out about Austin. I just want to be done.”

  “Alright, then we will do what you feel is best. I will send him away first thing tomorrow morning.”

  It felt like large hand had gripped her heart and was squeezing tight.

  Carlos gave her a side hug. “It will be alright, Melody.”

  She looked at him. “I just don’t want to be hurt again.”

  He smiled, sadly. “And I do not wish to see you hurt.”

  Melody sighed. “You don’t know Austin. His entire life’s work is in romance. He’s really good.”

  Carlos lifted a brow. “And you believe he is better than me?”

  Melody smiled. “Hey, let’s keep this about me and my problems.”

  Carlos laughed. “You’re right.” He turned back out into the night. He sighed. “I believe that you will be fine, Melody. I truly do.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  Carlos grinned. “Because, you Melody, are not the same crying woman I met on the train the day you and your sister came to town. You’re stronger and Austin will see that. He will appreciate it.”

  Melody placed her head on his shoulder and looked out into the black with Carlos. She hoped that he was right, because the last thing Melody could handle was another broken heart. A part of her would always yearn for that future with Austin, but the new part of her was telling her to leave it alone. Both sides of her were being driven by love. A love for Austin on one side and a love for the new Melody on the other; love was driving her crazy.

  * * *

  Melody woke up the next morning ready to face Austin. She’d showered, changed into a light gray pants suit with a big collar. Twin rows of eight white buttons marching down the middle of the top, and a white belt went around her waist. The pants and stopped just below the knee. A pair of white heels were on her feet and a matching gray with a white ribbon was on her head.

  She’d done her makeup in a classic style, with some eyeliner, blush, and a red lips, then stepped out her door to find all the Christmas decorations to be gone. She frowned.

  Harmony came out of the master bedroom. “I know,” her face mirrored Melody’s. “I hated to see it go, too.”

  The sisters grabbed hands.

  Harmony said, “You rushed off to bed last night without telling me how it went. What happened?”

  Melody frowned and then told Harmony the entire story, not leaving out a single detail.

  Harmony sighed. “Carlos is right. You are much stronger than the last time Austin saw you, but that kiss-”

  “I know,” Melody began. She shook her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s like… we’re magnets or something. We can’t be close to one another and not touch.” She squinted her eyes. “Do you know what I mean?”

  Harmony smiled. “Yes, because I feel the same way about Andrew.”

  Melody grinned. “You and Andrew are so perfect. I love that. You’re so happy. I want to be happy like you.”

  Harmony frowned. “I don’t think that’s going to happen with Austin.” She crossed her arms. “The man only cares about himself.”

  Melody sighed. “Yes. I know.”

  “I can have Andrew get rid of him-”

  “No,” Melody shook her head. “I’ve made my decision.”

  “And what is that?”

  “I’ll get rid of him myself.”


  “With Carlos’ help.” Melody frowned. “I want to make him pay.”

  Harmony lifted a brow. “What does that mean?”

  “I want to make him jealous. We’ll fake a wedding and then I’ll watch him leave knowing he can’t have me.” Melody smiled. She’d gone to bed last night and had allowed the plan to form in her mind. If Austin didn’t want to leave, fine. He could stay, but he’d regret it.

  Melody shook her head. Austin had broken her heart too many times. It was his turn to feel the pain that she’d felt over and over again. This time, Austin would get a taste of what it was like on the other end of love; the side that gave, yet never received a thing. It was a New Year and a new Melody.

  Harmony frowned. “Melody, this plan of yours is crazy.”

  Melody started to go down the stairs. “That’s alright. All I need for you to do is attend the wedding.”

  Harmony followed her down the stairs. “This is revenge.”


  They headed for the kitchen.

  Harmony said. “Revenge is the Lord’s, Melody.”

  Melody turned abruptly. Harmony almost collided with her. Melody started up at her sister. Her breathing came hard. “It’s Austin’s choice to stick around. I’m not forcing him to do a thing.”

  Harmony shook her head. She placed her hands on both of Melody’s arms. “What is going on in your head, Melody?” She sighed. “This does not sound like a woman who is over him.”

  “I’m not over him, Harmony. I love him.”

  Harmony stepped back. “Then how could you do this to him? How could you willingly hurt him like this if you love him?”

  Melody walked into the informal dining room. It was a small room that held a simple table for four. The larger room, which would seat over twenty, was down the hall. Harmony sat next to her and Sarah, one of their maids who had just served their food.

  “Thank you, Sarah.” Melody smiled at her.

  Sarah smiled back. “You’re welcome.” She was pretty with a shade of brown hair much darker than Melody’s and large green eyes.” Sarah went into her pocket and handed Melody a note. “I was told to give you this.”

  Melody took the note and took a deep breath when she saw the name scrolled across the front. Her hands were shaking.

  “It’s from Austin.” Harmony hadn’t asked. It was a statement.

  Melody nodded her head. She placed the note down on the table and then picked up her fork. It clanked against her plate a few times as she tried to catch her food.

  “You’re not going to read it?”

  “I will.”

  “But not with me here.” Harmony said.

  Melody sighed. She put down her fork and then picked up the note. She used her butter knife to cut open the envelope and then pulled out the small card inside. She read the note and started to smile. Then she laughed.

  Harmony frowned. “What does it say?”

  Melody was still laughing when she said, “Good morning.”

; “That’s it?”

  Melody nodded her head, still laughing.”

  Harmony’s frown deepened. She held her hand out. “Let me see the note.”

  Melody handed it over.

  Harmony looked at the note and tried to fight the smile that spread across her face. She chuckled. “He’s horrible.”

  Melody was still laughing. “Isn’t he?”

  The note did only say “Good morning,” but it wasn’t the words that made the two women laugh. It was the picture in the bottom corner. Austin had done a doodle of a smiley face with a crooked grin, stick legs and arms, but no body. The arms and legs just popped out of its egg shaped head. It mirrored the ones that Melody used to draw as a little girl.

  Harmony was smiling as she handed the note back to Melody, “You use to draw these things all over the house. Dad kept telling you that you were missing a body, but you didn’t care.”

  Melody laughed as she took the note back and gave it another look. “Yes.” She shook her head. “How old was I? Six?”

  “No, I think you were like, five. Wasn’t it Austin who eventually got you to start drawing the body?”

  Melody frowned. “Have I really known Austin my entire life?”

  Harmony frowned too. “You have.”

  Melody sighed and put the note down. She picked up her fork and started eating.

  Harmony said, “He’s not going to make saying goodbye easy.”

  Melody agreed. She could already feel the pain of never seeing Austin again. They’d been through so much together and she’d always thought she’d grow old with him. But, there would be no going back now. Melody vowed to stay focused and would try to keep her heart of out it.

  * * *


  Chapter FOUR








  “ … but she had to move on, and she couldn’t

  afford to let him ruin her heart again. ”


  Austin looked around. He’d heard movement from the other side of his table. He put down his paper and looked at the man sitting across from him. “Can I help you?”


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