WindSwept Narrows: #23 Molly & Natasha

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WindSwept Narrows: #23 Molly & Natasha Page 26

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Got the costume, thanks, Emily,” Molly wandered around the large, waving one hand over her shoulder. “Tasha needs something. Her guy will be down in a bit.”

  “Her guy…?”

  “I do not have…” Tasha glared at the chuckle from Molly and the quizzically raised brow from Emily.

  “You got a guy?”

  “And why do you make it sound like that?” Tasha glared, his gaze shifting to the brightly colored red and gold Hawaiian shirt wearing guy headed their way. “You got him to keep the shadow.”

  “It’s sexy,” Emily whispered with a little growl, following Tasha’s gaze and landing on the tall man striding toward them. His hair was almost business cut with natural sun streaks in the dark blond hair and tight jeans fade and comfortable. “Thanks for bringing the other boxes in for us.”

  “Looking a bit hectic for a while,” he answered, kissing her and tugging on her ponytail. “Hi, Tasha…heard you were chasing cowboys out west,” he teased, laughing at the stunned expression. “People saw you here and I know Dell was in Utah.”

  “Geeze…this place has a better communications link than facebook,” Tasha shook her head, stalking toward the collection of dresses and gowns of the period.

  “What’d I say?” Jack Garrett grinned at Emily and tipped her head up for another kiss. “I’ll be in the casino if you need anything, babe.”

  “Thanks, Jack,” Emily watched the man in her life stride out of the doors she’d blocked open before turning to follow Molly and Tasha. “I don’t think you’re gonna work in the saloon girl thing with the specks, friend.”

  “Hmm…and I didn’t travel with my contacts…” Tasha moved to the other rack, letting the soft calico flow beneath her fingers. “The dress would hide my sneakers…”

  “Very true…” Emily went down one side and then to another rack. “This one. The colors work better for you,” she told her friend, holding up the apricot and brown tones of the dress. It had long sleeves, lacy cuffs and a fitted bodice with lace at the throat. “A nice push up bra would work good, too…”

  “Leave my girls alone. They’re comfortable,” Tasha growled good-naturedly, taking the dress and heading to the dressing areas to try it on.

  “If you want them happy, keep them happy!” Emily called after her, laughter floating around them as they bantered, customers all joining in the chatter.

  Tasha left the suite with several packages and a garment bag holding the costume. That had to be returned to the shop in Des Moines next week. The purchases…she was a crazy woman. She’d come to the conclusion with each new item she placed on the table that she decided she had to add to her underwear collection.

  Sexy, lacy and totally unlike her typical choices. Until Molly and Emily were giving her suggestions on how to make Dell slowly lose his sanity. She kind of liked the idea. A lot.

  The girls were a little surprised when they returned and the suite was empty, but headed to the bedroom to change and wait. Tasha left a large bag next to the front door when she was finished, turning and appraising the satin and frilly corset dress Molly was wearing.

  It went past her knees and actually seemed modest.

  Okay, not so much, Tasha thought, standing in front of her friend and straightening the feathers they’d arranged around her hair.

  “I definitely feel overdressed,” Tasha murmured, closing one eye but nodding. “You better keep that guy close tonight.”

  “Oh, please…we both know there are going to be some who push the limits just a bit further,” Molly looked into the mirror and grinned. “Nice work on the make-up.”

  “Hey, I excel at exaggeration,” Tasha laughed, patting her neatly wound little bundle of hair at the base of her neck. “And you look like you should either be singing by the piano or standing on the stairs waiting for your next customer.”

  “Customer for what?” Jonathon and Dell came into the suite, the door closing soundly behind them when they turned from talking to one another to look at the women.

  “You need to get changed so we can get a move on,” Molly turned from the mirror. She swallowed and didn’t move a muscle when he stared. “Jonathon?”

  “Well…” Dell had a garment bag on his shoulder. He winked at Tasha and nodded to the bathroom. “I’ll only be a minute,” he walked up to her, his free hand cupping her chin and tipping it up. “Don’t you look all sweet and innocent…ma’am.”

  Tasha felt her knees shake and every girl section of her bounce to immediate alert.

  Molly raised one hand, walking carefully on the heels to stand in front of Jonathon. “You okay in there?”

  “It didn’t look like that on the hanger,” he managed gruffly, stepping back and letting his gaze begin at the floor. “Or the lacy stockings…well…I’m going to change before I embarrass myself in front of company instead of just in front of you.”

  Molly followed him with her eyes, her gaze shifting just slightly to take in the taut front of his jeans before her head jerked up and the bedroom door closed.

  “Huh…” Tasha cleared her throat, grabbed Molly’s hand and pulled her toward the door. “I’m thinking they both approve of our choices. In their own…very male way.”

  “No kidding…I know I look a little different…”

  “You look really sexy,” Tasha assured her. “Trust me…the front of his jeans…” she felt her face heat up, thinking back to the look in Dell’s eyes. “Yeah…both of them.”

  “Got the note?” Molly lifted the two tickets from the open corset top and clipped them to the door.

  “Got it,” Tasha added the note, grabbed her small pack and quietly turned the handle, both women sliding through the opening and heading quickly to the elevator.

  “We’re supposed to what?” Jonathon came out of the bedroom for the second time, glaring at the things held up in Dell’s hands.

  “They left us two tickets and instructions,” Dell repeated, the slight edge in his voice unmistakable. “And no, I don’t fucking like it. Not with people out there intent on getting to them both, but at this point, doesn’t look like we have much choice.”

  Jonathon took the note, the scowl deepening beneath the black hat he wore. Fingers closed, crumbling the paper inside a taut fist.

  “I’ll drive,” he said flatly, spurs jingling as he stalked the keys lying on the counter in the kitchen. “I swear, that woman…”

  Dell slid the tickets into the top pocket of the leather vest he wore, his own spurs making a matching echo as they left the suite and walked along the solid stone flooring of the hall.

  When the elevator released them on the ground level, they made it partially through the crowds of people trying to decide on a direction to take before Delon stepped in front of them.

  “Gentlemen…I’m guessing by the looks, you’re both gunning for a couple fillies that took off for the event without you,” he chuckled at the scowls he received. “As I thought. Before you make a rash decision that will probably have you groveling because you lack vital, need-to-know information, allow me to enlighten you. From one often confused male to another.”

  “Get on with it,” Dell suggested warily.

  “They took one of the limos offered by the resort,” he said calmly. “Since Molly is staying with you,” he looked pointedly at Jonathon. “It’s an offered service. They figured Tasha would be riding back with you,” he continued with a glance at Dell. “Our drivers are well trained and vetted. I conduct some of the training and this particular driver is aware of the issue we’re currently working to resolve.”

  Jonathon exhaled and raised a hand to Delon. “Thank you.”

  “They’re not helpless…and you don’t need me in your business…but we try and watch out for the members of our family,” Delon said carefully. “Even when they don’t want it. Think of it along the lines of invisible bars on the cages…they’re still there, but it makes it a little easier to accept for them.”

  “You old enough to be this smart?” Dell
asked with a chuckle.

  “Got smacked around by a mom and sister, I learned fast,” Delon answered with a matching laugh. “Have a great evening, guys.”

  “Thanks, Delon,” Dell reached into the pocket of the black jeans that went with the vest and low hanging holster. “I’ll drive. You can return in the limo with Molly.”

  “It’s our nature to fix things,” Jonathon said once they were inside the pickup truck. “But I don’t know how to go into the past.”

  “From what I’ve learned from Tasha, the key seems to be finding out why they wanted to find Molly,” Dell shoved a long breath between his lips. “That information will have to come from them, and something tells me being forth coming isn’t in their nature.”

  “Yeah…I get that feeling, too.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Natasha Banks liked the atmosphere of the event. It felt…real.

  Whoever had come up with the theme, had an imagination and lots of it. The huge main ballroom was designed and decorated like the street of an old western town. With the fronts of stores designed with window-shelves holding the objects up for sale to benefit the local historical society. Everything from special blown glass, to quilts to ceramic pieces and offered nights out on the town or in a specialty spa or restaurant.

  She leaned back in the comfortable chair and stared into the clear sky outside, her gaze shifting from Molly, who stood talking with some of the donators. Tasha wondered how much of the generosity of the donors was affected by the altruistic intent of the WindSwept Narrows that had captured the area. So you stand up to the bullies, tell them it’s the right thing to do, and all of a sudden, the sheep fall in line and agree, it’s a marvelous idea!

  She shook her head, a shadow to the far left of her making her turn to see the tall, very imposingly dressed man in a black coat, a brocade vest and matching trousers. Molly stood in front of him. Large hands gripped her shoulders and toes barely touched the floor. Her head was bobbing rapidly.

  “Trying to desperately think of a place to hide, ma’am?”

  She didn’t move. Isn’t that what you do when a predator corners you? Play dead? No, that wasn’t a good idea. She swallowed hard and very slowly turned her head in the direction of the deep voice hinting at a western twang.

  “Mind if I have a seat?”

  “Yes…oh, no…no I don’t mind,” she finally managed, scooting upright, knees together and hands folded on her lap. “I…”

  “New in town, ma’am?”

  Tasha closed one eye and peeked over toward him just before he perched on the edge of the chair he’d dragged closer to her. He wore jeans, a plain blue shirt open at the throat and a camel colored vest with a badge on it. A holster hung low on one thigh, the thin bands of leather tethered there. Authentic, she thought absently. And damned if he wasn’t just a little more sexy than before.


  “Just off the train or stage?”

  She let her gaze shift a little more toward him. Not a single emotion showed through his features other than the interested marshal he was playing. Okay. She could do this, she told herself.

  “Train,” she answered softly.

  “Not much of a talker.”

  “I don’t know you. Strangers…”

  “I suppose that’s a smart rule when you travel alone,” he said quietly. “Dell Russell, ma’am…marshal,” he answered, one hand offered politely.

  She’d like to think she was a good actress but she knew better and her hand shook a little as it rose from her lap and slipped into his. She didn’t realize how cold her fingers were until they were wrapped in his warmth. At least he wasn’t angry. She wanted to look over at Molly but couldn’t make herself move.

  “Natasha Banks,” she whispered hoarsely, quickly withdrawing her hand and tucking it back with the other one.

  “You one of them mail-order brides?”

  “Am…What?” Her voice rose, heat flushed her cheeks and she stiffened a little more, sitting board straight in the chair. She glared at him. “I am not. But I could be,” she amended swiftly, tilting her nose in the air and refusing to look at his silly grin. Damn him.

  “I am sure you could be, ma’am. Some guy would be damn lucky to have you waiting for him at the end of a long day. So I don’t have to worry about a jealous beau?”

  “I am not here looking for a…a beau,” she answered, slightly miffed that she was letting him get to her. It was getting more and more difficult holding the laugh inside.

  “Hmm…you don’t look like one of the new saloon girls,” he raised his head and glanced toward Molly, now close to Jonathon as they wandered the room. “And I’m sure you’re not one of Miss Lily’s new girls…”

  “Miss…oh…oh!” She followed his gaze to a collection of younger women dressed very scantily. “Oh…well…I could be one of them, too, if I chose.”

  “I’m guessing you’re the new school marm,” he said seriously, letting his gaze slide very slowly from her crossed ankles to the sweetly bound honey curls at the back of her neck.

  “Would you please stop staring at me?”

  “I thought pretty girls were used to being stared at? Let me buy you dinner, Miss Banks,” he stood up and offered his palm.

  Playing the game, she slid her hand into his until she’d stood up. Then she quickly pulled it back and walked with them together in front of her.

  “Where is the restaurant?” She must have missed that part somewhere, but then they really hadn’t explored too much when they arrived. They were waiting for Jonathon and Dell. “Why a marshal?” She asked politely, peeking over at him as they walked. His hand rested just north of public on her hip, guiding her around people and heading to the far end of the large chamber.

  “I like making things right,” he answered after a quiet minute. “I think it took me a little while to realize that.”

  “Sometimes things aren’t as right as you see, though. It always takes time to figure out the answers,” she slipped into the chair he held for her with a smile. “Thank you. I bet you’re a really good marshal.”

  “Are you always this trusting?”

  She saw his hand cross over the table, two fingers beneath her chin and tipping her face up from the glass top she was studying. She met the dark soft eyes and sighed. He wore his hat, tilted a little back on his head and the smile he offered was sweetly boyish, making him look younger even with the slight shadow from not shaving.

  “I think so…usually…it’s much easier with children. They don’t tend to have hidden agendas,” she confided, staring at the plate of food being set between them. Finger foods of all types, from meats to vegetables to fruit and cheese. “Thank you.”

  “Is that why you’re a school teacher?”

  She grinned around a bite of mushroom stuffed with cheese and crab. Buttery and delicious; she thought about the role she was playing, deciding to keep it peppered with the truth.

  “Both my parents are professors in a university in Boston. I grew up in libraries and classrooms and around kids.”

  “No siblings?” Dell began eating.

  Tasha shook her head. “Just me. I’m not sure my folks are happy with my choice, or that they understand how much fun it is…I think they wanted me to be more immersed in one of their fields, history or literature,” she crossed her eyes behind the lenses of her glasses. “Boring,” she whispered, smiling when his deep laugh broke free.

  “It doesn’t surprise me that you’d find children more entertaining.”

  “Fun and open. I teach classes at a couple of the youth centers,” she told him, studying the large plate of food and making a choice, a long sliver of BBQ pork bitten into with a sigh. “You have siblings?”

  “A sister…couple years younger…only girl in the family,” he remarked comfortably, stretching out one leg and lifting a slice of apple and holding it to her lips.

  “Do you smother her?” She met the surprised look in his eyes. “You see it as protecti
ng her from life. You might try seeing it from her perspective before you lose her.”

  “You get these traits…some are natural, some come from elder males who believe they’re doing the best possible,” Dell ate slower, taking a bite of one of the slices of cucumber and cheese. “And you hope…she believes it isn’t for selfish reasons.”

  “Tell her…” Tasha offered a little smile. “You make a really good marshal,” she told him, her hand rising and stroking along his cheek. “I know this wasn’t in your plans for the evening. I appreciate you being…”

  “Spontaneous?” Dell captured her hand before she could withdraw. “I think we passed spontaneous when you sat down at my table in the diner, Tasha. And after a leisurely stride through the costume room…” he leaned back and studied the firm, rounded breasts beneath the thin calico. Then his gaze lifted to her face and the hint of pink there that confirmed his thoughts. “I’m wondering just what type of bloomers a sweet little school teacher might wear under her teachin’ dress.”

  “You are incorrigible,” she hissed at him, pulling her hand free and stuffing the last mushroom in her mouth.

  “That I most certainly am, Miss Banks,” Dell rose and took her hands in his, pulling her to her feet and into his arms. They circled her and held her tightly until she sighed and peeked up through her lashes at him. “And some part of me believes you find it hot and sexy,” he lowered his mouth, his lips soft at the corner and kissing across the little pout that relaxed by the time he’d made it across to the other side. “Are you wet, Tasha? Is it a good thing that I drove my truck and brought a couple condoms with me in my vest pocket?”

  Her hands were trapped at her side, their bodies aligned and not a single mistake that he was already partially aroused. Tasha moaned softly into his kiss as it firmed and deepened, his palms stroking over her behind until she pushed against his side.


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