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fortuneswheel Page 34

by Lisanne Norman

  “Don’t worry about me, it wasn’t serious. Sit down, I want you to meet Dzaka properly,” he said, letting her go and indicating the mat beside them.

  Dzaka left the outer door and came over to squat down beside them. He held out his hand, palm uppermost, to her.

  “I’m Dzaka,” he said. “You’re Carrie Hamilton.”

  Carrie touched his fingertips with hers, acknowledging the introduction with a flick of her head to one side.

  “I’m a member of the Brotherhood of Vartra. The statue that you see is of Him. Garras brought you here because you were so frightened. He’s asked me to help you.”

  Garras leaned toward her. “What got you so frightened, Carrie? Was it something someone said or did to you?”

  “No, nothing like that,” she said, keeping her eyes focussed on her hands. “I just needed to get away from everyone, be on my own for a little while. Then I got lost.”

  “Didn’t you see the directions written on every corridor?” asked Garras.

  She looked up. “Yes, I saw them, Garras, but I can’t read them! No one’s taught me to read yet!”

  “I thought you knew everything Kusac knows,” said Dzaka.

  She turned to look at him. “I do, but I can’t use it until I’ve learned how. The corridors were so busy, and everyone was looking at me— when they noticed I was there. You’re all so tall! People kept bumping into me. I was afraid I’d get crushed.”

  Garras could hear the panic in her voice and reached out to touch her hand. “You’re safe now. We’re waiting for Vanna to return, then we’ll take you back up to the Ambassadorial level.”

  “You arrived on level fourteen at the shift change, Carrie,” said Dzaka. “Level fourteen is the dividing line between the starship and pilot crews and the troopers below us. Were they mainly wearing brown uniforms?”

  She nodded.

  “I expect you’ve only seen the areas of the ship that V.I.P.s get to see— the concourse and the Ambassadorial levels where you live now.”

  “And the Admin level,” said Garras.

  “Exactly. You’ve only seen the leisure areas of the Khalossa, not the working areas. That’s why it was so unfamiliar.” He shifted, making himself more comfortable. “Vanna told us this is a bad time for you at the moment. You’re suffering from all the stress caused by a new environment, a new relationship, and a new Talent. Any one of those is enough at a time, but to have all three together! That’s when you need some help, and Garras has asked me to see what I can do for you.”

  Garras sat back and listened to them. Dzaka might still be young and idealistic, but he was good at what he did. He was giving her no half measures.

  “Vartra teaches us personal responsibility for our thoughts and our actions. Being a Telepath, you know thoughts are as good as actions, don’t you? We teach meditation techniques that help to control the mind in moments of stress or pain. If you’d be willing to come here once a day, then I could teach you these techniques.”

  “Would there be other people around?”

  “No. I have times, like now, when I can close the temple to others for an hour or two,” said Dzaka.

  “Yes, I’d like to come,” she said, glancing in Garras’ direction for his approval.


  Fifteen minutes later, with a satisfied look on her face and a promise from Myak to get the Commander to sanction her orders regarding Kusac and Carrie, Vanna headed back to the temple.

  “You timed it well,” Garras said in a low voice as he let her in. “Dzaka’s just finished teaching her a meditation exercise to help her calm down. How did it go with the Mentor and the Commander?”

  “Fine,” said Vanna. “I told the Mentor exactly what I thought of her, then reported her actions to the Commander through Myak. I’ve got his backing and a promise he’ll see the Commander talks to Mnya and Rhuso.”

  “Good. Now, what do you want us to do? Make ourselves scarce while you talk to her?”

  “What’s the point?” she asked dryly, looking over to where Carrie and Dzaka sat talking. “You could get a protein drink for us. I haven’t had time to eat, and I’ll wager you didn’t bother to feed Carrie.”

  Dzaka excused himself as Vanna joined them. “I’ve some business I need to attend to,” he said. “If I’m not back before you leave, just close the door behind you.”

  “Well, cub,” said Vanna, sitting down beside her. “What put the wind under your tail and made you run away like that?”

  “Nothing really,” Carrie said evasively, taking a drink from Garras.

  “You had a row, didn’t you? Come on, you can talk to us, you know. Everyone needs friends. We’re here to help,” said Vanna, touching her cheek fleetingly for reassurance.

  Carrie sighed. “Everyone assumes that because I have a Link with Kusac that I know everything he does. I don’t. It’s there, yes, but until someone tells me about it, I can’t remember!” she said. “I’ve been pushed in the deep end too soon, Vanna. They expect me to know everything when I don’t even know the basics. Kusac complains because I forget to keep my shield up, but it’s all new, even that. I can’t cope with it all at once! I don’t belong here, I just don’t fit in.”

  Her cup began to shake and Vanna hastily reached out to rescue it, putting it and hers down on the floor. She wrapped her arms around Carrie, pulling her close.

  “Hey, don’t talk like that,” she said. “You’ll fit in fine once you get used to us. Remember, I told you that for the next few days you’d have mood swings? Well, this is one of them, just like Kusac had when he got angry. It has nothing to do with you, it’s because of the chemical balances in your bodies.”

  “I just felt so isolated, Vanna,” Carrie said, her voice muffled against the other’s jacket. “Everything was suddenly strange and frightening. I don’t want to be dependent on one person. What happens to me if Kusac changes his mind and doesn’t want me living with him? Where do I go? What do I do?”

  Vanna gave her a little shake. “Stop even thinking like that,” she said sternly. “You must know how Kusac feels about you. Believe me, he has no intention of living without you beside him.”

  “How can you know that if I don’t?” Carrie asked, sitting upright again.

  “I know,” Vanna said. “Trust me. He’s spoken to me about what he feels for you. You’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about.”

  The comm chimed and Garras got up to answer it. He leaned out round the doorway. “It’s Kusac,” he said. “Do you want to take his call?”

  Carrie looked at Vanna.

  “Talk to him,” Vanna whispered. “He’s come to you this time.”

  Carrie got up and walked over to the other room. Garras moved out of her way, joining Vanna on the mat.

  As she sat down at the desk, Carrie felt Kusac’s mind reach for hers.

  Cub, I’m sorry. If I come to fetch you, will you come home?

  She hesitated, unsure what to say.

  Carrie, it wasn’t you I was angry with, it was the Mentor and Rhuso. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m sorry. Let me come and fetch you.

  She nodded. Come soon.

  Kusac grinned. Don’t get too comfortable, he sent as he signed off.

  She got up and returned to Vanna and Garras. Garras lifted her drink up and handed it back to her.

  “Thanks,” she said. “Kusac’s coming for me.” Her hand went up to her face, feeling the swelling along the jawline. “Ouch. That’s sore. What happened?”

  Garras’ ears flicked. “I’m afraid I had to knock you out you were so hysterical,” he said. “I didn’t realize how little it takes to make you bruise.”

  She gave a lopsided grin. “I suppose it’s a fair exchange for your bitten arm. I really am sorry about that. I don’t even remember doing it.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad it was me who found you.”

  Carrie sat down and took a drink from her mug.

  Garras reached out a hand to touch he
rs. “Don’t ever feel that lonely again, Carrie,” he said. “We all went through a lot together on Keiss. It makes me feel we’re almost family. Don’t forget I’m your friend as well.”

  Carrie smiled and reached out to gently touch his cheek, a gesture so Sholan it seemed natural until Vanna mentioned it to him later.

  “Thank you,” she said.


  Vanna answered the door to Kusac, moving out into the corridor to speak to him in private.

  “Kusac, I have to say this quickly. She’s scared. Scared of us and of being without you. She’s not adjusting as quickly as we thought. You’ve got to help her, Kusac. Watch for the mood swings in you both and make allowances. You’ve the training and experience to cope with it, use it.”

  “Vanna, I don’t know what more to do,” he said.

  “Take her out among our people. Let her see life, don’t spend all your time in that damned suite! She feels isolated. And why haven’t you told her about the torc?”

  He shook his head. “I had to give it to her too soon. I can’t tell her yet.”

  “I think you should. She needs the security of knowing what it means.” She felt the door move behind her. “Leave it for now. We’ll speak later.”

  The door slid open as she turned round. “He’s here, Carrie,” she said, moving back into the room.

  PART 2


  Chapter 10

  Anxiously Mito paced her room, waiting for a call from her contact in Security. If it took much longer, she’d be on the bridge before she heard, and she’d have to take the message from the Rhyaki. Then the comm chimed. She rushed over to her desk and activated the unit. It was Personnel.

  “Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you, Lieutenant, but I’ve been able to secure you an appointment in Medical. If you report there now, the on-duty medic will examine you for the records. Don’t worry about missing your shift, I’ve allocated a replacement.”

  Baffled, Mito sat down and blinked at the secretary. She opened her mouth to speak, but she was forestalled.

  “You look confused,” said the secretary with a frown of concern. “These fevers can take you like that. Have you a companion who can accompany you?”

  Mutely, Mito shook her head.

  “Is there someone I can contact to join you there? You really shouldn’t be on your own for the next twenty-six hours at least.”

  Then Mito realized what was happening. “Yes,” she said with the faintest of grins. “I have a companion. One of the Keissian Terrans. Anders.”

  Why not? It was worth a try. Because the humans’ movements about the ship were still restricted, she’d never had the chance to be alone with him. He was always pleasant to her, ready to accept her invitation to accompany her when she was involved in an outing with Carrie and Kusac. It wasn’t exactly a lie. With any luck, he would be her companion shortly.

  The young male turned his head, obviously listening to someone out of sight of the screen. Mito held her breath.

  “We’ll contact him, Lieutenant,” he said, turning back to her. “If he’s agreeable, he’ll meet you at the medical section.”

  Mito tried to rearrange her grin as she headed for the door. She was supposed to be suffering a fever, not celebrating.


  When she arrived there, she was ushered straight into the physician’s examination room.

  “Good evening, Lieutenant,” he said, scanning his comm. “Take a seat on the examination couch, I won’t be a moment. Ah, yes, you were one of the crew that was stranded on Keiss for several weeks.” He turned round to face her, getting to his feet.

  “Right, open your mouth,” he said and gave it a cursory look. “Yes, definitely inflamed. You can close it now.” He felt the palms of her hands, then touched her nose. “Palms hot and nose dry; definitely signs of a fever.” He turned back to his comm.

  “I see your companion is human and has recently recovered from a dose of Terran flu. There’s no doubt in my mind that you contracted it from him.” He sat down and made an entry in her files. “You’ll be quarantined in your quarters for the next five days, but that shouldn’t be a problem for you since your companion will be with you. We don’t want this flu to spread.”

  He turned to glance at her again. “Plenty of rest and plenty of fluids. You can eat what you fancy.” He passed her a small container. “Take two of these every five hours if you have any aches in your joints or muscles. Come and see me again in five days.” Nodding to her, he turned back to his comm.

  Dazed, Mito slid off the couch and with a quiet “Thank you,” left his room for the waiting area. She barely noticed Anders hurrying over to her.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, his tone concerned as he took her by the arm. “They said you were ill and would I come down to Medical to look after you.”

  Her eyes focused on him and with great presence of mind, she leaned against him. “Thank you for coming,” she said in a faint voice. “I didn’t know who else to call.”

  “Don’t be silly,” he said, supporting her as they made their way slowly to the elevator. “I’m glad I could help.”


  The door of her room safely shut behind them, Mito let go of his arm and stood up. Across from her a red light blinked on her comm. Hurriedly, she crossed over to it, switched it on, and keyed in the command to download a hard copy.

  “The dispenser is over there,” she said, pointing to a covered hatch in the wall beyond her. “Why don’t you get us a couple of coffees?” She turned her attention back to the comm.

  It was his turn to be baffled, but realizing that there had to be a good reason for her deception, and that he was likely to find out sooner rather than later if he played along with her, he fetched the coffees. He put hers on the desk.

  “Thanks,” she said, taking the mug and handing him a sheet of paper. “This is for you. It should explain everything.”

  She watched him read the document through twice before he put it aside.

  “Five days’ quarantine,” he said, “for Terran flu, which I, as your companion, am supposed to have given you.”

  She nodded.

  He finished his drink, putting the mug down by her full one.

  “A companion is…?”

  “Your partner of the moment.”

  “Uh. I presume since I haven’t been ill, that neither are you.”

  She shook her head.

  “Do I get to know what the security reasons for this are? No? I thought not. Well, five days off is five days off,” he said with a slight smile. “It gives me a chance to…”

  “No more questions about Shola!” she said in mock exasperation, reaching forward to touch his face. “There are things about you I’d like to know.”

  Anders’ arm went round her waist, gently pulling her closer while his other hand stroked her cheek. “I was only going to say it gives me a chance to get to know you better,” he said quietly.


  The following day Vanna called the suite to speak to Kusac. She got Kaid instead.

  “They’re out at present,” he said. “She’s seeing Tutor Rhuso, and he’s with his mother.”

  Vanna grunted. “Well, let’s hope Rhuso’s less heavyhanded this time. How did things go last night after they got back?”

  “I believe they sat up late talking. This morning they both seemed more relaxed. He asked me to fix up a visit to the Storyteller’s Theater and to ask you and Garras if you’d like to accompany them.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea,” she said. “When do they want to go?”

  “Tonight. I’ll get back to you when I’ve made the arrangements.”

  “I hope you’re not overdoing it,” she said warningly. “I’d prefer you still in my sick bay, but I expect there’s no chance of that.”

  “None,” he said, “but be assured, I know the futility of fighting against nature’s time scale when it comes to the healing of wounds. I will take proper rest and ex
ercise, Physician Vanna.”

  “See that you do,” she growled. “Ask them to meet me in my lab at the sixteenth hour today. You can come, too. I’ll have a look at your leg after I’ve seen them.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better for you to come here, Physician? I’m concerned about them mixing too much with the rest of the ship’s crew. I don’t want any more incidents.”

  “No, it’s better for them to come to me,” she said firmly. “They need to get out and mix. Carrie has to feel at ease with our people and she can’t do that stuck behind the doors of that suite.”

  “Very well, Physician,” he sighed. “I’ll pass on your message.”


  Garras was the next one to call.

  “They’re out,” said Kaid.

  “I know. It’s you I came to see. It’s time we had a chat.”

  Kaid nodded, and closing the door, led him toward the food preparation room.

  “I’ll make us a drink,” Garras grinned, watching Kaid limp toward one of the tall stools by the c’shar brewing unit. “How’s the leg?”

  “Sore,” he said shortly, moving aside to let Garras pick up the jug. Wincing, he pushed himself up onto an adjacent stool.

  Garras filled the jug at the sink then returned to the counter. “Pass the c’shar,” he said, filling the brewing unit with the water.

  Kaid handed him a pack of fresh leaves.

  Garras ripped it open with his teeth and poured it in at the top of the unit, closing the lid and switching it on. He tossed the empty packet at the disposal unit by the sink then sat down.

  “Vanna knows we’re ex-Brotherhood,” he said. “I didn’t tell her, she told me.”

  Kaid raised an eye ridge. “How’d she find out?”

  “She’s being catalyzed by her association with Carrie and Kusac but she doesn’t realize it yet. She thinks she worked it out by logic.”

  “Is she going to be a problem?”

  “No, I can take care of her. She’s suspicious and is watching us, though. Look, Kaid, I need to know how you feel about Carrie and Kusac. What report did you make to Ghezu?”


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