
Home > Romance > BookBrewerLucyKevinSPARKSFLYApril252011 > Page 3
BookBrewerLucyKevinSPARKSFLYApril252011 Page 3

by Lucy Kevin

  Krista held her hands up in defeat. “Fine. You and your never-ending logic have defeated me.

  Just think about it, Ang. You need to have some fun before you dry up completely. Speaking of fun, what are you doing tomorrow afternoon? There’s a shoe sale at Nordstrom that can’t be missed.”

  Glad for the change of subject, Angelina reached into her briefcase for her organizer to check her calendar. She knew she should start using the calendar on her cell phone, but she liked her old fashioned pen and paper system.

  “Oh no. I left my day-timer at Will’s house.”

  “Looks like you’re going to have to go back to his house to get it, huh?” Krista folded her hands under her chin and fluttered her lashes. “Or wait for him to bring it to you,” she added with a naughty undertone.

  * * *

  Will couldn’t concentrate. No matter what he was working on, his mind kept going back to his greatest failure to date.

  Never before had a woman turned and run from him. In all of his previous experiences with the opposite sex, he'd hardly had to expend any effort at all to get women to go out with him. The women he usually dated didn’t look much further than his bank account, but Angelina clearly couldn’t have cared less how many diamonds or houses he could buy her.

  Maybe if I clean up the mess in my office, she’ll come knocking on my door.

  It was a ridiculous thought, but it kept playing like a broken record in his head, so he gave up and told his secretary to reschedule his meetings for the rest of the day.

  He headed for the side door of his house before remembering that Angelina had told him to use the front door for better energy, or something like that.

  He groaned. One visit from a Feng Shui consultant and he needed to see a good therapist.

  Nonetheless, he walked around to his front door. Once inside, he headed down the hall to his office. Picking his way into the middle of the room, he sat down on the floor and reached into the box directly in front of him.

  Amazingly, as he threw away clutter than had been piling up for years, the voices clogging his brain shut up for the first time all day.

  * * *

  Hoping to get this over and done with as quickly as possible, Angelina marched up to Will’s front door and rang the door bell.

  When Will opened the door he let out a low whistle. “I can’t believe it works this fast.”

  Not having any clue what he was talking about, Angelina got straight to the point. “I left my organizer in your office. I just need to grab it and then I'll get out of your hair.”

  Will looked taken aback by her slightly frosty tone. She felt a little bad, but she had her heart to protect.

  “I'm glad you're here, Angelina. I’ve got something to show you.”

  Following Will to his office, hating how much she liked to hear her name on his lips, she stopped dead in her tracks on the threshold.

  “Wow.” The room was spotless and the changed energy was impossible to ignore.

  “You like?” Will asked, grinning from ear to ear.

  “What an amazing transformation. How did you do it all so fast?”

  He shrugged. “I couldn’t concentrate on anything else with the mess in this room hanging over me. The shredder got one heck of a workout today. It’s odd, but I almost feel as if I can breathe better in here now.”

  Angelina leaned against the doorway. “That’s exactly how I explain Feng Shui to people who have never heard about it: If you follow the principles, you will feel like you can breathe better throughout your entire house.”

  Will rubbed his chin with his left hand. “I really get that now.”

  Angelina gave him a soft smile. “I’m glad.” Knowing she had to break the spell Will had over her – and fast! - Angelina picked up her organizer and said, “I should really get going now.”

  “Why don’t you join me for a cup of coffee in the kitchen?”

  Angelina shook her head. “Sorry, I don’t do caffeine. It makes me weird.”

  Will raised an eyebrow and she laughed. “OK, so it makes me weird-er. Anyway, thanks, but no.”

  “How about decaf?”

  For some crazy reason, Angelina couldn’t resist the look in his eyes. “Just one cup.” Wagging her finger at him she warned, “And don’t you try anything funny like mixing caffeine in. I won’t be responsible for the consequences.”

  He held his right hand over his heart and mock-solemnly said, “You have my word. No funny business.”

  Angelina pulled up one of the stools to his kitchen island, while Will reached in the cupboard next to the sink for the coffee beans.

  She had always had a thing for tall, well-built men, which seemed particularly unfortunate right now, considering Will was off limits in every way.

  * * *

  From the moment Angelina had walked through his front door, Will had been struck by not just her beauty, but her spirit and intelligence, as well.

  The truth was, he had never felt this way about his ex-wife, Susan. Marrying her had been, quite simply, the right thing to do: Get an MBA, start a successful company, marry a good-looking blonde.

  “Angelina,” he said, “do you Feng Shui boats?”

  She looked surprised by his request, but she nodded.

  “I'd like you to take a look at my boat in San Francisco this Saturday.”

  “I already have plans with my friend on Saturday.”

  “Bring her with you,” Will insisted, his palms sweating like he was a thirteen year old boy with pimples asking out the most popular girl in class. “We’ll cruise out to Angel Island and then maybe drop the kayaks in and row around. While we’re at it, we’ll get some Feng Shui done.”

  He held his breath until she – finally! - said, “Yes.”


  Saturday morning, Angelina woke up early and did her usual four-mile walk, hoping to work off some of her nervous energy.

  She should have never agreed to this consultation on Will's boat. But Krista's words - You need to have some fun before you dry up completely - had been playing in her head like a broken record.

  After her shower, she stood in her closet wondering what the heck she should wear. Nothing seemed appropriate. Frustrated, as the clock ticked closer to 9 am, she put on her favorite jeans and a white scoop neck t-shirt. Figuring it might be cold or windy out on the bay, she also pulled out a red sweatshirt and a jacket. Topping off the whole outfit with red tennis shoes, she looked in the mirror and declared herself ready to sail.

  She was midway through plaiting her hair into a French braid when her doorbell rang. Quickly finishing the braid and slipping a covered rubber-band around the end, she yelled, “Coming.”

  When she opened the door, she had to steady herself. Will looked more gorgeous than ever in his khaki shorts, Giant’s t-shirt, and baseball cap.

  “Good morning,” she said as she locked the door behind her. Don’t drool all over him, she chided herself. But when she saw his car she blurted out, “Mustang convertibles are my favorite car.”

  “You’d be surprised how many women complain that it’s not a BMW or a Jaguar.”

  “What kind of women have you been driving around?” she said, cocking her head slightly to one side.

  “The wrong ones, I guess.”

  She directed him to Krista’s condo, which was a couple of blocks away. They knocked on the door and heard her friend call out, “It’s open. Come in and I’ll be ready in just a second.”

  As far as Angelina was concerned, Krista rode a very fine line between Feng Shui greatness and disaster. Her decorating style consisted of sharp lines and ultra modern furniture in varying shades of cream and gray. Angelina had often told Krista that if she ever felt ready to settle down with the man of her dreams, she should soften the sharpness inside her house. But since Krista didn’t seem interested in limiting herself to only one man, Angelina let it be.

  Krista flounced out through the doorway and made a Madonna-esque pose for them. �
��Am I gorgeous or what?” She pirouetted in a slow circle in white Capri pants and a white crop top, an orange scarf tied flamboyantly in her wild mass of curly red hair.

  “As always,” Angelina agreed.

  Before she could introduce them, Krista enveloped Will in a hug. All in one breath she said,

  “Hi Will. I feel like I know you already. You’re just gorgeous. I can’t wait to see your boat. Isn’t Angelina absolutely scrumptious?”

  Will just laughed in response. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Krista.” Stepping back out of her embrace, he looked at his watch. “We’d better get going or my friends may just sail off without us.

  Either that or drink all of the beer on board,” he added with a wink.

  They flew up Highway 101, past suburbs along the bay, chatting about nothing in particular, relaxing into the freedom of a Saturday off—top down, blue skies and the ocean waiting to be explored.

  Will took the 4th street exit and pulled into the Pier next to the baseball stadium. He parked in his reserved spot and directed each of the women to grab a light cooler from the trunk. Unlocking the gate, he led them down Dock C to his boat, which was easy to locate because his friends were waving at them from the bow, drinks already in hand.

  “Oh my god, only a tycoon could own a boat like that.” Krista looked more closely at Will and a flicker of recognition caught in her eyes. “Wait a second. You’re the guy who...”

  Will cut her off. “All aboard,” he said as he tried to gauge Angelina’s reaction to his boat. The last thing he needed was for Angelina to find out just how famous he was. He was truly enjoying how she treated him just like anyone else.

  Maybe he had done the wrong thing by inviting her on his boat. She was bound to ask some questions about his net worth, just like her friend was doing right now.

  Adding to his problems, Krista was saying, “Damn, Will. The only time I’ve ever seen a boat this big was when I used to watch reruns of the Love Boat on TV as a kid. Is this really yours?”

  Angelina elbowed Krista and changed the subject. “I’d love to meet your friends.”

  Will breathed a sign of relief. Was it possible that Angelina really didn’t care about his wealth at all? His inner voice mocked him instantly, saying, Yeah right. You think you’ve found a woman who doesn’t want a piece of your fame and fortune. If you believe that, I’ve got a used car I’d like to sell you.

  Will shook the voice out of his head. Leaving Krista to gape in amazement at her opulent surroundings, he placed Angelina’s arm in his and walked with her down the length of the boat.

  Angelina leaned close and whispered, “Sorry about that. Krista can be a little inappropriate sometimes.”

  Will shrugged and then introduced her to his friends. When Krista finally joined them, he had to make the introductions all over again, which gave Angelina a moment to settle back into her surroundings.

  Frankly, she was floored by the size of Will’s boat. It was moored at the longest spot on the dock, equivalent in size to two of the huge nearby yachts.

  Angelina wondered if he had actually earned it all or if it had been handed to him on a silver platter. Not that it mattered all that much, she reminded herself. He was just a client.

  She looked up from her musings just in time to witness sparks flying between Krista and Derek, one of Will’s friends, who was dressed very conservatively in khaki dockers, and a white button down short sleeve shirt with a pencil in the front pocket.

  How interesting, Angelina thought to herself. Krista usually had more chemistry with guys like James, Will’s other friend on board who was flashier, a quintessential playboy.

  When Krista perched next to James, Angelina thought disappointment flared in Derek’s eyes.

  For once, she hoped that the underdog would get the girl. She didn’t know why, but she had the feeling that this gentle man might be the missing link in her friend’s life.

  Was Will her missing link?

  The thought shocked her deeply and she sank down numbly into the deck chair behind her. He couldn't be the one!

  Her one-special-man would not be the type to own a fifty foot yacht. She had always pictured herself with someone undemanding and serene, a man with far less presence than Will. Plus, how could she forget that his ex-wife had hired her to get him back? For the hundredth time, Angelina rued the day she ever agreed to take on this consultation.

  “Right, Ang?” Krista said and Angelina blinked in confusion. Fortunately, before she had to

  'fess up to daydreaming, Krista said, “Oh look, we’re moving.”

  Will was getting ready to motor out of the marina, so Angelina jumped up out of her seat and tracked him down by the engine.

  “Do you need any help?”

  “Help me pull up the rubber fenders and we’ll be off.”

  Angelina scampered onto the dock to unhook the long white bumpers. Handing all ten up to Will, she mounted the steps back onto the open deck.

  “Keep an eye on the harbor traffic while I maneuver out, would you?”

  “Aye aye, captain,” she said as she saluted him.

  They made their way out of the Marina with no problems and then Will cranked up the speed, jetting them under the Bay Bridge and out toward Angel Island. The water worked its magic, the delicious sensation of wind whipping past, the sun warming her skin.

  Will, who was steering from the fly-bridge up top, called down for her to join him. She carefully walked up the short metal ladder and came to stand beside him at the control panel.

  Keeping a watchful eye on the boat traffic surrounding them, he asked, “Are you having a good time?”

  “Oh yes. This is so much fun.”

  Nonetheless, she knew she should keep her manner as professional as possible. “When we drop anchor, why don’t we do some Feng Shui?”

  Will shook his head. “No way. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s have a little fun first.”

  What the heck. A little fun wouldn’t kill her. Grinning impishly at Will, she said, “All right, you win.” Pulling her hair out of the French braid, she let it blow in the breeze. She was intent on letting herself go with the flow for once.

  “Sailing past Fisherman’s Wharf, under the Bay Bridge, looking out towards the Golden Gate.

  It’s amazing. Have you always loved being out on the water?”

  Slipping on his sunglasses to fight the glare from the water, he replied, “I guess so. I grew up spending every summer in the Adirondack Mountains of New York with my grandparents. There weren’t many fancy things in that small cottage, but we had sail boats.”

  “Did your parents come out to the lake too?”

  “My mom did, when she could.” He paused. “My dad skipped out on us when I was five. I haven’t seen him since.”

  * * *


  Will knew he'd already said too much. But he felt so comfortable talking with Angelina that the words kept coming. “The thing is, it wasn’t so bad that he left me. But my mom was on her way to becoming a truly amazing painter. After he left she had to work two jobs to keep us flush and by the time she got home she was usually too tired to paint. I used to set out her easels for her, hoping she would paint for even a few minutes, but she never did. By the time I was about to graduate from college, and I saw just how tired she had become from all her years of hard work, I vowed that one day I would make so much money she could paint all day, every day. I wanted to give her everything.”

  “I’ll bet you did just that, didn’t you?”

  “I wanted to build her a mansion and fill it with clothes and jewelry, but the only thing she wanted was the summer house my grandparents rented all those years. I’ll never be able to make up for what she had to sacrifice for me.”

  “It sounds to me like she has everything she needs. It sounds like she’s happy.”

  Maybe. But he would never be able to do enough to make up for the way his dead-beat dad had treated her.

  Everyone clambered up on t
he fly-bridge to join them and Will hoped she would forget his foolish babbling. Rounding the corner into a calm bay off of Angel Island, he announced, “Let’s drop anchor and head ashore.”

  A cheer went up from the crowd on the fly-bridge. Turning off the engine, Will grabbed the two other men on board to help him lift and dump the huge anchor off of the bow, leaving Angelina and Krista alone up top.

  Krista wasted no time. “Can you believe this yacht?” Without waiting for an answer she said,

  “And his gorgeous friend James? Oh my god, I could lounge around on this boat forever! Your boyfriend is the most delicious, wealthy catch in the entire world. In fact, he’s on this month’s-”

  Angelina glared at her friend. “Shh!”

  “What? It’s not like his big bucks are a huge secret or anything.”

  Angelina rolled her eyes and thought, not for the first time, how amazing it was that her best friend could be so incredibly intelligent about some things, but so clueless about others.

  “First of all, he’s not my boyfriend. And second, every time you bring up how rich he is, you really embarrass him.” When Krista opened her mouth to protest, Angelina smacked her on the arm.

  “What if every person who met you commented on your big breasts?”

  Krista grinned wickedly. “They usually do.”

  Angelina was more than a little exasperated by this point. “You know what I mean. And by the way, I think you should know you’ve got it all wrong. You’re making your moves on the wrong guy.”

  Krista looked confused. “What? You don’t think James and I are perfect for each other? Our kids would be absolutely adorable, you know.”

  “Try your look-how-shallow-I-am act on someone else. I’m not saying he wouldn’t be fine for a night-”

  “Or two. Or three.”

  “Fine, give the guy a whole week. That’s not the point. All I’m saying is that I think you should consider Derek.”

  “He’s not my type.”

  “He could be.”

  Before her friend could reply, Will called up to them from the deck below. “Anyone up for a ride to the beach in the dinghy, or some kayaks?”


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