Loving HART

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Loving HART Page 5

by Theresa Hodge

  “Oh my God, Sierra. I forgot you told me about that. Drake Peterson, he’s the fine ex-football player, right?”

  “Yes, honey and those hazel eyes of his mesmerize me to no end. But his wife is beautiful and sweet as she can be. She’s the only thing that keeps me from making a play for him myself,” she laughs to show she’s teasing.

  Sierra suddenly sneezes.

  “Bless you,” I look up from the computer at her.

  She squeezes the bridge of her nose, trying to ward off another sneeze. “Thanks Whit. I hope I’m not coming down with a cold. The weather is changing; fall will be here before you know it. Sorry for running out on you for three days, but I promised the Peterson’s before checking with you or our schedule,” she apologizes.

  “No reason to apologize, honey. We will just have to juggle some things around and try to make it work out for us. I’m sure we can.” I rub the side of my temple thinking about the mounting workload. I don’t need a migraine to slow me down.

  “I’m going to get us someone to handle the front desk for us right now,” Sierra says.

  “Great,” I start to say when I feel a presence before it enters the doorway.

  “Hey.” Hart stands in the doorway of W & S office with a large bouquet of red roses in his hand.

  I look over at Sierra. She sends me a quick look, but she can’t say anything. She’s on the telephone with the temp agency.

  “Hey,” I say, getting up from my desk to meet him at the door. “Let’s go out front.” I walk out the doorway and he follows me to the front reception area.

  “Are you available to talk?" he asks me with devotion in his eyes.

  “Now isn’t a really good time for me. I have an appointment in less than an hour and it’ll take me at least thirty minutes to get where I’m going,” I inform him.

  I cross my arms across my chest. It pushes my breasts together. His eyes follow the movement and linger on the deep cleavage put on display by the low cut of my blouse.

  “These are for you.” He tries to hand over the fragrant flowers to me.

  “I don’t want them. Give them to your girlfriend,” I tell him.

  “I don’t have a girlfriend anymore,” he states with frankness.

  “I haven’t heard from you since I left your home over a week ago and you’re going to waltz in here with roses and inform me you don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t believe you,” I simmer with a slow burning anger.

  “It’s true, I don’t have any reason to lie to you.”

  “I don’t have time for this nonsense,” I mutter. “Stay right there. I’ll be right back.” I retrace my steps and march back to my office. Sierra is just hanging up the phone when I enter.

  “What does he want?” she whispers.

  “I won’t be long.” I hold up my finger to her indicating I won’t be but a minute as I reach for the article on my desk. My heels clack on the tile floor as I walk back out to where Hart is waiting.

  “Here,” I hand him over the paper.

  “What’s this?” he asks looking at the newspaper in my hand.

  “Look at it,” I reply.

  He takes the paper from my hand and frowns. “I don’t see why this should make you angry with me. This was business, not what you think it is.”

  “This doesn’t look like business to me. You have on swimming trunks and she has a skimpy ass bikini. How is that business?”

  “Trust me, it is.”

  “Well, I need to go,” I say looking at my slim wristwatch. “I don’t have the time to talk anymore. I have a business to run.”

  "True, but you have choices," he says with a sneaky smile. His greenish-grey eyes narrow and his teeth flash white against his tan skin.

  "I don't like that look, Hart, and I don’t have time for games,” I glance impatiently at my watch again. “What are you suggesting my choices are?"

  "Well, I just so happen to be off work for the entire day. I can take you to your meeting.”

  Surprised by his offer, I give him a strange look. “Are you telling me that you’re willing to drive me across town for my meeting and wait until it’s over?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying to you. I’ll even take you to lunch afterwards, and then we’ll talk about why it took me this long to contact you.” His eyes plead for me to say yes. His proposal is too tempting. I’ve waited a long time to know why he didn’t call me back.

  “You know what, what the heck? You can be my chauffeur. I hate driving in this traffic anyway. I’m going to get my purse and laptop. Be right back.”

  “Wait, take these.” He shoves the roses in my arms. There’s a feeling that comes along with it that I really can’t explain. When he hands the flowers to me, I feel something extraordinary. I stand there for a few moments with them in my arms admiring the beautiful bouquet.

  “Thank you,” I finally say, hiding a smile behind the bunch of roses. A tiny bit of hope rises in my heart. I tell myself that he did take the trouble to look up my business and find my office. Then again, I better wait to hear what his excuse is for taking so long to contact me in the first place.

  Chapter 10


  I chance a look over at Whitney. She’s quietly staring straight ahead as I drive through the mid-morning traffic. I smile inwardly at the stubborn way she’s holding her hands clasped in her lap. Before meeting up with her again, it may have been true that I could’ve settled with dating Sabrina, but not now. Things change. Now that I’ve been blessed with the presence of Whitney, there’s no way in hell I’ll stop wanting her, yearning for her or stop myself from becoming hard as steel every time I think of burying myself into her delectable heat. I would just be prolonging the inevitable if I hadn’t broken things off with Sabrina when I did. My beautiful Whitney’s words set me free to do just the thing I needed to do all along. Sabrina and I have been just wasting each other’s time. Life is too short and precious to settle. I want more out of life. I want something solid…something real. I want to feel complete and I’m going to do everything in my power to pursue all of these things and more with Whitney Martin.

  "We’re here,” I finally say breaking our companionable silence.

  “Wonderful,” she says. I jump out the car, after finding a parking space, and trot around to open her door. “Thank you,” she says.

  “You’re welcome.”

  She stands before me shorter, but sexier than I’ve ever imagined a woman can be. I get a chance to gaze into those fiery eyes, when she asks, “What will you do during my meeting?”

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head about me. Just go and handle your business, boss lady,” I urge her.

  “I’m not worrying about you,” she replies pursing her berry painted lips. I reach over the backseat to retrieve her laptop bag and hand it to her. She places the strap over her shoulder and walks away without another word.

  There’s something between us. It’s almost electric. I can feel it. I smile as I watch the fit of her straight pencil skirt and how it curves against her ass. The skirt and dressy blouse gives her an air of tailored sophistication. She suddenly looks back to catch me checking out her ass red handed. I can only smile at her and find comfort that she will soon return.

  While she was away, I listen to some music on the radio. I love different genres of music: pop, rock and R&B. Grooving to David Bisbal’s “Without You,” I find myself in my own world. I wonder if this is actually meant to be.

  “Gosh Hart. You’re acting so silly.” I stroke my hair. My emotions taunt me as I glance around the car. The interior is clean, everything is. I love the smell that lingers in the air long after she’s gone. It smells just like her perfume, shampoo, and body spray. The atmosphere is eatable.

  The song goes off. I listen to a few more and turn the nob to find some sports. I was sure to get an update on the Braves baseball game. I roll down the window and step outside the car. I look towards the building as the announcer gives a brief highlight and, be
fore I know it, my beautiful lady is walking my way.

  “I didn’t take too long, did I?” Whitney asks as I lean up against the car comfortably.

  “No, not at all,” I glance at my Rolex watch. “Your meeting lasted less than an hour. How did it go?” I ask as I help her into the car before going around to get behind the wheel.

  “It went great. We have the contract. This year is the best year yet for W & S Interior Designs,” she adds with a captivating smile, one that shows more of her features, like the dimple on the right side of her cheek. The flash of something behind those eyes and that irresistible twinkle that glows all around her mesmerizes me to no end. It’s like I can see her soul through her illuminating orbs.

  “That’s great,” I reply looking both ways before merging into the afternoon traffic. I must harbor my feelings inside; I don’t want to scare her away by coming on too strong, too soon. She deserves to be wined, dined and treated with the utmost respect. “Where do you want to have lunch? Pick anywhere you want,” I tell her. It really doesn’t matter to me where she chooses to go. I’m willing to give her whatever she wants.

  “Hmmm…Let’s go to Journey’s on Peach Tree. They serve the best chili fries and slaw dogs around.”

  “Sounds great to me,” I reply and take the ramp off I-85.

  Thirty minutes later, Whitney and I are seated in a red booth with red and black vinyl menus on the table. There’s a napkin holder and a few condiments lined on the side: sugar, ketchup, and salt.

  “What can I get you two?” asks the young waitress as she pops her gum loudly.

  “I want the slaw dog special with chili cheese fries and a cola to drink. Oh, and hold the onions.” Whitney wastes no time in placing her order.

  “I’ll have the exact same thing she’s having,” I tell the waitress.

  “I’ll be right back with yawls orders,” she says before gathering the menus and walking away.

  Moments seems so damn timeless when Whitney’s around. I’m lost for words and happy that I finally get a chance to be in her presence as we make small talk. The waitress returns and shoves two dishes on the table.

  “I’m waiting,” Whitney looks directly at me as she takes the first bite of her slaw dog.

  I know exactly what she means, so I go straight into my explanation which is the truth. “I had to fly to Maine to take care of a problem firsthand on a job, which was contracted out to my company. When fires crop up, either Leo or myself have to be on hand to put them out, so to speak. I was planning to fly in and out in a day or two, but I had to stay for most of the week to make sure everything went according to plan. If you don’t believe me, my bags are still in the car. I looked you up and came straight from the airport to see you.”

  Whitney looks at me with bewitching, alluring brown eyes. I can see indecision and want warring in her eyes. I reach across the table to gather her small hands that she has clasped together on the table into my own. I look deep into her eyes when I speak to her again.

  “One thing I want you to know about me is that I’m not going to hurt you. I promise to show you off to my friends every chance I get. Eventually when you’re ready to meet my family, you will meet them. Everyone in my life will know that Hart has found the one that he never should have let get away. I just want you to know that I’m on a mission. I plan to win your heart and, once I win it, it’s mine for keeps. You got that, Whitney Martin?”

  She sits there speechless for a moment but nods her head up and down. “I, I need to get back to the office,” she finally says. “I’ve already went over my lunch hour.”

  “I tell you what, lets order Sierra lunch to go,” I offer.

  “Yes, thank you. You’re so kind. She’ll like that.”

  “For you, always,” I say, waving for the waitress to come over. I place a to-go order for Sierra and then drive Whitney back to W & S Design. We arrive in no time.

  “Thank you so much for the ride and lunch,” Whitney says once I see her to the door of her building.

  “You’re welcome sweetheart. Anytime.”

  “Call me soon,” she says shyly.

  “Definitely, I will,” I promise her.

  She looks up at me before reaching her free hand up and placing it against my cheek. She stands on her tiptoes, so I bend my head for her to place a soft kiss against my cheek. “Bye, Hart and thanks again.”

  She opens the door and steps inside her building. The beginning of a smile starts on my lips until it’s a full-fledged grin by the time I’m in my car amidst heavy traffic. There’s nothing in the world that I want more than her now.

  Chapter 11


  “Hey Sierra, everything is going great at the office and the new temp you hired is working out great. I’m heading home for the evening. When you get this voicemail, I just want you to know that you don’t have to worry about a thing. I have everything under control and caught up on this end. And one more thing,” I hurriedly say before the dreaded beep cuts off my message. “Get me an autographed picture of Drake Peterson. Mother loves him. Okay, bye.” I end the call just as I pull up at my apartment building.

  I park my car and grab the dress from the back seat that I had shopped for during lunch for my date with Hart tonight. I let myself into my apartment and head straight for my bedroom. I don’t want to keep Hart waiting when he arrives, so I kick off my heels and discard my clothes on my way to the shower.

  I worked extra late so that I wouldn’t have any business to worry about. I can be completely free to enjoy my time with Hart. I don’t know what kind of plans he has in store, but I’m excited to have another date with him.

  We seem to be getting closer and closer with each conversation we have, since he calls me every night. I love to fall asleep to the sound of his voice in my ears. The huskiness of his voice soothes me to sleep at night. Sometimes, I pretend he’s lying there with me. His tone is so sensuously deep, more seductive than I can hardly take at times. I crave for him to crawl through the phone and hold me in his arms as he makes sweet love to me, but I dare not voice my salacious thoughts to him. He has been such a gentleman at all times in my presence; I refuse to be the one trying to get freaky. We haven’t even had a real kiss yet.

  The even better thing is that we have a lot in common. Hart believes in punctuality and so do I. We even talked about money and finances. I’m happy to know he believes in being financially responsible. My parents taught me financial responsibility at an early age and it’s still ingrained in me, even until this day. Hart is laid back and I take a more serious approach to life. I welcome that difference because we can balance one another out. He’s my yin to his yang…He believes in love and family and so do I. What more can I ask for in a guy?

  I step underneath the hot spray of the showerhead. As the first drop of hot water hits my skin, I stand immobile for a bit. The refreshing spray is relaxing with soothing effects. I reach for the herbal, fruity, conditioning shampoo in the caddy and squeeze a dollop onto the palm my hand. I rub my hands together and give my natural hair a good lather before rinsing the suds from my head, leaving it squeaky clean. I pay close attention and reach for the bar of Dove soap to lather every inch of my body before the irresistible feel of the hot water rinses the suds away, leaving my skin smooth and soft to the touch. The thought of Hart’s big hands all over my body causes my nipples to perk up and harden as I step from the shower to dry off.

  I give my wet hair a vigorous shake as I open my mouth to speak. “What have I gotten myself into with Hart Strong? I’m falling for him faster than I thought was possible.”

  I clear my mind of those thoughts to quickly warm wand my natural hair so it will be set in time. I slide on a pair of black, silky lace G-string panties and a matching black lace bra before sliding my new Paisley halter print dress over my head. I slip my freshly pedicured feet into a pair of slinky Bowknot high-heeled shoes to compliment my dress. By the time I’m fully dressed, I remove the wand curlers and clips from my
hair. My curls brush my shoulders in a bouncy and sexy way that leaves me satisfied with my handiwork.

  Hart arrives right on time and knocks on my apartment door. I open the door and his magnetic presence overwhelms me, causing my throbbing pulse to run erratic.

  “Oh my God, you’re so beautiful,” he says standing in the doorway assessing me with his heat-filled gaze, holding a single red rose in his hand. “This is for you,” he hands it over to me.

  “Thank you, Hart.” I blush as I take the rose and bring its fragrant petals to my nose to sniff. “Come in, I have a small vase I can put this in.” I step away from the door to allow him to come inside and close the door behind me.

  “Your apartment is very nice,” he compliments.

  “Thanks, but it’s not as great as your house.” I reach for the small vase on my curio shelf and walk to the kitchen to fill it with water. I place the lone rose into it. “Do you want anything to drink?” I call over my shoulder.

  “No,” his seductive voice makes me jump nearly out of my skin from fright. I didn’t realize he had walked up behind me.

  “Sorry,” he says, catching the small vase I nearly dropped on the tiled kitchen floor. That would have been a disaster.

  “That’s okay, great save. I just didn’t realize you were this close behind me.” I look up into his handsome face as the exotic smell of his cologne assails my nostrils. I bite my bottom lip and clench my hands to keep from grabbing his shirt front and demand that he kisses me properly.

  “I love when you do that,” he says, sitting the vase down on the nearby bar.

  “You love it when I do what?” I ask as our eyes continue to devour one another.

  “I love how you bite your bottom lip every time I get this close to you.” A shiver runs down my spine from the truth of his words. “Do I make you nervous, Whitney?” He invades my space by moving even closer to me. His body seems to dwarf my kitchen’s size.


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