The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) Page 2

by West, Cary

  Jack didn’t want to be bothered, he was here for one reason only and it wasn’t to make small talk with Clara and one of her friends. He worked hard today and was ready to play hard tonight with some sweet thing of his choosing but he found himself looking anyway just to appease Clara knowing she would not relent until he did.

  He saw a woman with long blond hair sitting alone at a table. He did a double take and his breath caught in his chest. Her arms were lean and long and Jack found himself wondering if her legs matched. His stomach did a little flip noticing that she was pretty. He couldn’t help staring at her curled up nose and how her hair hung around her shoulders and over those nice full breasts. He glanced at his hand and thought they would fit nicely. A slow grin formed on his face.

  His thoughts were broken as the bartender placed Clara’s order on the bar. “I got it,” said Jack tossing a wad of cash onto the bar. “After you.” He picked up their beers and headed for the table where the sweet blonde sat. Clara quickly scooped up the two filled shot glasses and ran after him.

  “You can look, but don’t touch,” she whispered to Jack.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said displaying a salivating grin as if he’d chosen his night’s thrill.

  Clara stopped. “I know you Jack McBride,” she warned taking his arm. “Kate isn’t like the women you know. She’s a nice girl, get the picture?”

  He nodded but still strode toward to the table, green eyes honing in on the blond.

  Clara just rolled her eyes and followed after his pursuit. She took her seat and placed the shot glasses on the table. “Kate, this is Jack McBride,” she said trying to maintain a semblance to the introductions. “Jack is the owner of the ranch where you’re staying.” Kate looked over at the brown haired man outlined in jeans, boots and hat and gave him a welcoming smile. “Jack, this is Kathryn Harris, but everyone calls her Kate.”

  “Hi.” Kate held out her hand to shake his. Jack set the beers down and shook her hand, melding it’s smallness into his large strong palms.

  “Always a pleasure to meet a pretty filly,” he said holding on longer than he should before taking the seat next to her. “So you’re the one who moved into the carriage house.”

  “I am,” she said nervously as she rubbed her now tingling palm.

  The air seemed to cling with charged electricity. Maybe it was from the several slot machines that rang loud from simultaneous payouts while blinking red and yellow lights or maybe it was the unsettling man seated beside her.

  “You’re going to be working for me too I take it.” He took a drink of his beer but his eyes never left hers.

  Kate shifted in her seat, watching his stark green eyes roam over her body. Her throat grew instantly dry and she took a sip of her beer and nodded. There was something about this man’s intensity that made him a bit intimidating, and she found herself peering over her glass, almost flustered by his ruddy good looks.

  “So what exactly have I hired you to do?” He asked straight out but didn’t wait for her answer. “Are you the new guide for the horseback riding tours?”

  The visual of long legs astride a saddle brought him instant pleasure and he grazed his front teeth over his bottom lip as if to savor the thought.

  “Oh God no,” Kate nervously laughed and shook her head.

  “You do ride don’t you?” His brow arched in innuendo form as his mouth clicked into a giddy up kind of grin.

  “No, sorry- I don’t ride,” she said not sure how to take his question.

  “Somehow I doubt that.” He looked her up and down thinking he wouldn’t mind testing her riding skills. Jack took another drink of his beer, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Kate’s going to do the housekeeping,” interjected Clara as she kicked Jack under the table.

  Jack gave Clara a cross look then returned his attention back to Kate.

  So this pretty thing was going to be cleaning for him. It would be a welcome sight to see someone with a nice ass for a change. “I like my place tidy and my bedroom spotless. You do know how to maneuver between the sheets, don’t you?”

  Kate choked on her beer.

  “Kate isn’t cleaning your place,” Clara barked at him. “She was hired to clean the bunkhouses.”

  Disappointment washed over him then his spine prickled at the thought of having this delicious woman interacting with his ranch hands. They would be all over her like bees on honey. The idea of her taking an interest in anyone but him grated on his nerves. It was primal, his need to possess. It bordered on a little crazy considering he just met her, but when Jack McBride got something in his head, it wasn’t something he could let go of easily.

  “The bunkhouse is out of the question,” he ordered. “You’ll clean my house, and that’s that.”

  “Mr. McBride, I appreciate your offer, but if it’s all the same to you, I would prefer to clean the bunk houses. Besides, it’s only temporary through the summer.”

  “What you mean temporary?” His eyes narrowed.

  “I’m a teacher. I am hoping for a position in the fall.”

  “What do you teach?” he snapped.

  Kate looked over at Clara and frowned. He was arrogant and used to ordering people around. Kate didn’t work like that. As a matter of fact, she was beginning to think it was a mistake taking the job. But she was stuck now seeing as her living accommodations were connected to her employment. She may have to put up with him, but she didn’t have to like him, and she was beginning to think that she did not care for Jack McBride at all.

  “I teach grade school,” she stated firmly.

  “In Virginia City?”

  “Hopefully, yes,” she nodded.

  “So, you don’t have the job yet,” he said with an air of smugness.

  “Kate has her application in with the school board,” interjected Clara.

  “Well, good for you!” He leaned back in his chair and finished his beer.

  “What does that mean?” Kate’s eyes narrowed a bit.

  “It means don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched, baby,” he said with a grin. “You may be working for me longer than you think.”

  Kate bit her tongue. He was too sure of himself, and his confidence bordered on arrogance. He irritated her to no end, and it took all of her strength to remain civil toward him. “I’m a good teacher, and I’m sure the school board will recognize my contribution,” she said politely.

  “Why do you want to teach when you have a good job already?” he stated crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Mr. McBride, do you have something against teachers?” Kate fought back her temper.

  “Not in particular,” he grinned seeing that he had gotten a rise out of her. Oh she was simmering beneath those pretty blue eyes and that sweet pursed mouth, and for some reason it turned him on. “It’s as good a profession as any, if you like that sort of thing.”

  “As opposed to ranching I take it?” she said abandoning her politeness.

  “Ranching is a man’s job, and mighty respectable at that,” he stated proudly.

  “I guess if you like to sit on top of a dumb animal and show tourists around all day.” It was Kate’s turn to lean back and cross her arms. “But who am I to judge.”

  “You’re not from around here are you, baby?” His eyes narrowed ready for a challenge. “Where are you from? Northern California, or maybe southern?”

  “Santa Cruz.” She boasted proudly.

  “I should have guessed.” He laughed and shook his head. “You’re a sun-worshipper by the look of your tan Barbie doll!”

  “I am not a Barbie, and don’t call me doll!” He was really pissing her off now.

  “Oh, you are a California plastic Barbie all the way down to your skimpy bikini and your fake tits.” He grinned from ear to ear. “Tell me, how much did they cost you?”

  “These are real I’ll have you know,” she brimmed angrily from his insult.

  “You want me to tell you if they’re re
al?” He leaned forward in his seat.

  “Don’t you dare!” she gasped seeing a devilish twinkle in those deep green eyes of his.

  “Jack!” Clara scowled and slapped him on the shoulder. “He’s needling you, Kate. Don’t pay him much mind.”

  He laughed and sat back in his chair. He was toying with her and it made her mad. God, he was going to enjoy having her work for him, sparking that little temper of hers whenever he wanted. Just thinking about it made his pants tight and he adjusted himself in his seat.

  “I have no intention of letting the likes of him get to me.” Kate sat up straight and lifted her chin high in the air.

  “Well I’ll be, Californiacator Barbie is snooty to boot,” he laughed. “You’re probably one of those Valley divas.”

  “I think you’ve been kicked one too many times in the head Cowboy?” She re-coiled.

  “I ain’t been kicked yet but fondling is another matter,” he winked at her. “And a little kiss now and again on both ain’t too bad neither.”

  “Well that’s not going to happen,” she laughed despite the red flush to her freckled cheeks.

  “Who said I was asking?” Jack leaned back and folded his arms over his chest.

  Kate wanted to smack the smirk from his face. He was infuriating. “Don’t you have somewhere to be other than here with us?” She fumed.

  “Not at the moment,” he said with such arrogance Kate just wanted to scream. “But I’ll let you know if I change my mind. Not too often I get a chance to mingle with princesses.”

  Clara watched the two go back and forth swapping insults like ping pong balls in a match of wits. After several more rounds Clara had enough.

  “I need another drink,” she stated and stood. “When I come back you two better have squared off and resolved your differences because quite frankly, you are killing my buzz!” With that Clara left them alone at the table as she made her way to the bathroom and then the bar.

  “So, do you even know how to clean?” His jaw tightened.

  “I am not going to justify that with an answer.” Kate crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Just asking,” he said. “You don’t seem like the type that is used to hard labor.”

  “As opposed to you?” She frowned.

  “Well isn’t it apparent?” He opened his arms and displayed the rippling muscles of his chest and arms.

  “Humph,” she snorted. “I’m not impressed.” But her eyes showed otherwise.

  “You aren’t?” He moved his chair closer to her. He straddled the chair and leaned in mixing his earthly scent with her own delicate fragrance of lavender and vanilla. “You haven’t done your shot, Barbie doll.” He moved the glass closer to her as he filled his lungs with her heavenly balm. She looked at the shot, then at him and frowned.

  “I don’t want it,” she said feeling his pheromones oozing all over her.

  “You’re a lightweight, Kate,” he goaded her.

  She ground her teeth together and shot him an evil stare. She snatched the glass and drank it, then slammed it back on the table.

  “You sure you don’t want to choke or anything, seeing as your face is turning a pretty shade of pink?”

  “I’m fine!” She choked back the coughing spasm forming in her throat. He was the most infuriating man she’d ever met.

  “You want another one?” he practically whispered in her ear. “It might help you relax that uptight ass of yours.” He leaned over and tapped her on the edge of her freckled nose.

  Kate bat him away as if he were an annoying fly which only made him grin wider. He was toying with her, and he laughed seeing her face shift an angry red highlighting the darkened speckles of brown spots across the rim of her nose and cheeks.

  Fortunately, Clara returned and Jack moved his chair back seeing his friend’s scowl. Kate breathed a sigh of relief.

  “So, have you two worked out your differences?” she asked as she pushed another shot toward Kate.

  “I wouldn’t say that exactly,” she frowned.

  “I’ve come to the conclusion that Barbie doll here doesn’t know a thing about hard work.” He gave her a needling smile.

  Her eyes narrowed into sharp dark blue glass. “And I’ve concluded that Mr. McBride doesn’t have a brain in his head.”

  “Then you have reached an understanding,” Clara laughed.

  “We agree to disagree.” Kate took the shot and downed it. This time she didn’t feel the need to choke.

  “Want another one?” Jack leaned over to her. “Maybe I should order us a bottle so we can work on loosening you up, baby.”

  “No,” stated Kate emphatically to Clara’s simultaneous, yes.

  “What are you ladies drinking?”

  “JD,” said her friend.

  “Well ain’t that fitting,” he laughed. “Two women sipping on liquid Jack. Sounds like a threesome to me.” Jack didn’t wait for a response. He flung his leg over the chair and sauntered to the bar. Kate stared after him in disbelief.

  “You shouldn’t have done that.” She frowned. “Now he’s never going to leave.”

  “Oh, Jack’s all right,” said Clara. “He’s just a little rough around the edges that’s all.”

  “Well I’m getting chaffed by all that roughness.”

  “You can handle it,” she laughed. “Actually, I’m having a good time watching you give it to him. It doesn’t happen often to a man like Jack McBride.”

  “I’m sure it doesn’t.” She spoke her thoughts aloud as she took a quick glance at the bar and watched in disgust at the not too subtle exchange between the infamous Mr. McBride and a female patron. “He’s awfully arrogant, don’t you think, and crude?” she huffed and returned her attention back to her friend. “If he thinks I’m cleaning his house, he has another thing coming. I was hired to clean five rooms, no more, no less.”

  “Good for you, Kate stand your ground,” she nodded.

  “I will,” she said then caught sight of his rugged male frame turn from the bar, leaving a disappointed female in his wake. “I mean I am.”

  A smirk crossed her friend’s face catching sight of the same exchange. “I think you intrigue him.”

  Before Kate had a chance to respond, Jack strode up to the table. He moved his chair closer to Kate and straddled it. He leaned his arms on the back of the chair, holding the bottle of whisky in his hand. Without so much as an offer, he opened the bottle and filled each shot glass.

  “Drink up ladies,” he commanded.

  “Mighty presumptuous of you,” Kate grumbled.

  “Thought you said you could handle it Barbie doll.”

  “I can,” she said drinking the shot with Clara. “And quit calling me Barbie doll!”

  “Why?” he asked with a smug look on his face. “It suits you.”

  “Just as Cocky Arrogant Bastard suits you!”

  “I’ve been called worse.” He shrugged then lifted his glass and downed the shot. He filled their glasses again. “I’ve been thinking,” he continued their conversation. “You told me earlier you don’t know how to ride.”

  “Nope,” she said emphasizing the ‘p’.

  “Well it’s time to learn, baby. Can’t have you working on a ranch without knowing how to ride.”

  There was that innuendo again hanging in the air and she frowned.

  “I don’t want to learn to ride,” she said vehemently squashing any of his hope. “Besides horses make me nervous.”

  “Horses make you nervous?” He looked at her and raised a questioning brow.

  “Kate hasn’t been around horses much,” said Clara giving Jack fair warning.

  “Everyone has been around a horse at one time or another.” He brushed off her comment.

  “Not me,” said Kate. “Contrary to popular belief, there are some of us who have never seen a horse up close.”

  “And you being one of them?” He stared at her like she had three heads.

  “Yes-” she said then paused. “Excep
t maybe for today when I took a walk.”

  “You were by the corral?” He rubbed his chin. “Been there most of the day, and trust me I would have noticed a Barbie doll like you wandering around.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She rolled her eyes. “I went for a walk up in the canyon and I saw a group of horses that I presume are wild.”

  The smile left Jack’s face and was replaced with a serious frown. “That’s not the smartest thing to do considering you aren’t familiar with these parts,” he scolded.

  “I didn’t see the harm in it.”

  “They could have trampled you!” He was practically yelling at her. “They aren’t called wild for nothing. For the time being you shouldn’t wander alone unless someone like me is with you.”

  “I think I’ll take my chances alone with the horses, thank you very much.” Kate reached for the shot glass.

  “Not on my ranch you won’t!” He grabbed her wrist and prevented her from drinking.

  “Do you mind?” she growled at him.

  “I do,” he growled back. “Not until I knock some sense into that thick city-slicker head of yours. Girl, you’re lucky that you didn’t run into that black stallion and his herd. He would have chewed you up.”

  “But I did.” She jerked her hand free.

  “You saw Black Thunder?” Clara leaned forward in her chair as if alarmed.

  “Is that his name? He’s magnificent.”

  “He’s a menace,” interjected Jack. “He is a mean, crazy, son of a bitch.”

  “I thought he looked regal.” Kate defiantly flared her nostrils, much like the stallion.

  “He could have killed you!” Jack got angry again seeing she was not taking this seriously.

  “But he didn’t.” She looked to Clara for support. “He just stared at me for a minute then took off back into the hills with the other horses.”

  “Kate, I have to side with Jack on this one,” said Clara. “You shouldn’t be walking alone. It’s not safe.”

  “How many other horses?” Jack inquired.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “A dozen maybe?”

  “Damn menace,” he grumbled as he threw his hat on the table and ran his fingers through his thick brown hair. “Three of those mares are mine.”


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