The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series) Page 21

by West, Cary

  Kate didn’t know how long she’d been walking. Too consumed in her grief, she did not pay attention to her surroundings. She emerged from the canyon and onto the flat open range. She saw a group of wild horses grazing in the distance. They did not seem to notice the distressed woman entering the open field, all except for one.

  Sensing an intruder, his ears perked back and his head lifted, darting back and forth. His nostrils flared, and a snort escaped his mouth as he caught her scent. He released a cry as if he were commanding his herd to remain still, then with the majesty of a dark prince, he trotted in the direction of the woman.

  Kate stopped walking when she saw Black Thunder. Their eyes met though they were a distance apart. Kate wasn’t sure if she should be afraid being so vulnerable out in the open. She heard Jack’s voice in her head telling her she needed to be careful when in the foothills alone but something inside her whispered that she was not alone.

  Black Thunder made his way toward her like he was greeting an old friend. His long dark mane blew to its side, by the common wind’s usual arrival, just before the sun set over the western horizon. His pace slowed as he approached and he came to stop before her then with the black of his nose, he nudged her hand beckoning her to stroke him.

  “Hello again, my friend,” said Kate as she rubbed the side of his long strong face. “It’s been a while.”

  He seemed to sense her sadness as he lowered his head. She gently rubbed him as tears ran down her face. He nuzzled closer, burying his nose in her belly. Kate laid her head along the bridge of two ears and wept aloud.

  “What am I going to do?” she whispered.

  The thought of this wild creature comforting her made her cry harder. What was this silent bond between them? Kate felt like they understood in spirit, sensing each other’s thoughts and feelings like a silent language.

  And then the great animal did the unexpected. He took a step back and lowered his front legs to the ground as if he were bowing before her. He released a whinnying sound and motioned to her with his head. Kate sensed what he was offering. With her hand against his course skin, she ran it along his mane and to his back. She hesitated momentarily, then bent her legs and slid onto the animal’s back lying against the firm strength of muscles beneath her. She closed her eyes and stroked his sides. She felt so small, like a caterpillar cocooned against this enormous creature.

  All of her energy left her body. She felt so tired. The stallion steadied himself, maintaining his position as if he was providing rest to her weary soul. Kate closed her eyes. She could have easily fallen asleep if she wanted to.

  As she rested, all her troubles seemed to wash away. Her soul stilled and peace eased its way inside. She released a ragged sigh and the last of her tears. Nothing seemed important to her anymore except for this mystical moment. It felt sacred, her heart beating rhythmically against the animal’s back.

  As she lay there Kate began to find her way back, feeling her balance return. Moments of clarity filled her soul and she felt back in control of body and mind.

  The wind blew again and Black Thunder’s ears perked up. He lifted his nose in to the air as if he smelled another presence. He bucked his head up and down, warning the resting woman on his back.

  “What’s wrong, boy?” Kate lifted her head and looked at Black Thunder. She scanned the range of hills looking for something that alerted his senses. She saw nothing unusual, but knew by the way the black stallion was reacting that there was something definitely out there that she could not see.

  Kate slid from his back and stood. Black Thunder bolted to his feet. He reared his head and snorted a trail of wet steam. He became skittish and stepped back, digging his hoof in the ground.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked again seeing the return of the animal’s strength and power. Kate stepped back and it was then she saw him.

  Jack emerged from the canyon and headed for the upper range. His head turned in Kate’s direction when he heard the male war cry that only Black Thunder made. He saw Kate step back as the wild stallion reared up on his hind legs and kick his hooves madly in the air.

  “Kate!” he shouted, panic consuming him in fear she was about to be trampled.

  Jack withdrew his pistol from his holster and fired a warning shot in the air. It worked. The animal began to run with great speed back to the range and away from Kate. Dazed by the sound of gunfire Kate jumped back. She lost her footing and went barreling backward and landed with a thud on the ground.

  A pain shot up her back and she couldn’t move. Bright colors of green, red, and blue flooded her vision then broke up into tiny pieces like stars.

  Jack holstered his gun and ran toward her. “Kate, are you all right?” He dropped to the ground beside her. Panic shone on his face.

  “I can’t move,” she choked. “And I can’t breathe.”

  Jack slid his arm underneath her and along her back. “Can you feel my hands?” he asked with growing concern.

  “Yes, damn it,” she growled.

  “I think you just got the wind knocked out of you,” he sighed with relief. “Can you sit up?”

  “I think so.” She grunted.

  Jack reached for her hand and lifted her slowly into a sitting position. He saw a small stain of blood soaking through her camisole. He lifted the back of the thin material and saw a quarter size gash on her back.

  “What are you doing?” She sputtered and tried to nudge him away with her shoulder. An aching pain swept across between both blades.

  “Hold still,” he commanded as he completed a more thorough investigation. “You got a mighty good gash on your back, and some bruising. You’re probably going to be sore for a few days.”

  “I’ll be fine,” said Kate as Jack lowered her top.

  “You’re lucky, he could have trampled you to death instead of pushing you back.” He scolded her.

  “He didn’t push me, I tripped. Besides, none of this would have happened if you hadn’t startled him.”

  “So now it’s my fault?” His eyes narrowed and stared at her with disapproval.

  “We were doing just fine before you showed up,” Kate stated as she took Jack’s arm. “He’s really very gentle.”

  “Are we talking about Black Thunder? The one who has been known to trample men, break corrals, and steal horses?” Jack gave her a wary look.

  “He’s different with me,” Kate tried to stand up. Jack placed his arm under hers and lifted her to her feet.

  “He’s wild, Kate, and unpredictable,” Jack needed for her to understand the ways of nature. She placed her hands on her back and tried to stretch the soreness from it. “Black Thunder is not tame like the horses on our ranch,” he continued. “He’s got the heart of a savage. Just look into those black eyes of his and you can see that horse is crazy.”

  “He’s not crazy,” she said defending the stallion. “I know he’s wild, but around me he’s gentle.”

  “Maybe he thinks you’re one of his mares,” Jack released a chuckle. “I’m not about to share you, baby, especially with a horse.”

  “You have a way with words.” She rolled her eyes, but then a smile curved upward.

  “Listen to me Kate, I don’t want you coming up here alone anymore.” She saw the seriousness on his face. “You don’t understand the ways of nature. I know you think he’s beautiful, but he can be violent too. Black Thunder does what nature has instilled him to do. It’s natural for him to gather and mate with mares.”

  “Then why get so mad at him if he is doing what comes naturally?” She was trying to understand Jack’s thinking.

  “Because he’s destructive,” stated Jack. “Three days ago he stole a mare from Sterling’s ranch and injured one of his hands pretty good too. We don’t want to hurt him, but sometimes a man needs to sacrifice nature to protect its own.”

  “You’re not going to kill him?” Kate gasped as she finally understood what Jack was telling her.

  “I may not have a choice. I would have
tried today if you weren’t so close to him.”

  “No Jack, don’t kill him,” Kate’s eyes filled with tears at the thought of that beautiful animal being taken down.

  “If I don’t do it, some other rancher will,” he said knowing it was hard for her to hear.

  “I couldn’t bear it, knowing it was you,” Kate started to cry. “Promise me, Jack, promise me you won’t kill him.”

  “Kate, I-” Jack couldn’t finish his sentence.

  “Promise me Jack,” she pleaded again as she fell into his arms. “I’ll do anything you want. I’ll move in with you. You can have me anytime you want, but please don’t be the one to kill him.”

  Jack felt the bottom of his heart rip straight up through his chest. “You would do that for a horse?” Jack shook his head. “No, Kate. I’m not that kind of a man. I thought you knew that about me.”

  “I do Jack.” She laid her head on his chest. “That’s why I want you to promise me, because I know you’re a man who does not go back on his word. It would put a wedge between us if you were the one to kill him. I couldn’t bear that.”

  Jack lifted her chin with his hand and made her look at him. “I don’t want to put a wedge between us Kate but I don’t want you to put one there either,” he said as his eyes burned dark with longing. “I want you to move in with me. I want to have you anytime I want, but I want it because you want it too, and not because of some promise I make not to kill a blasted horse.”

  “What are you saying Jack?” She looked up blue eyes fixed to his green.

  “Ah hell,” he rolled his eyes as he heard his own words. “I guess I’m saying you can’t make me promise not to kill a horse in order to have you by my side just as I can’t force you to move in with me unless you want to do it on your own.” he grunted hating to say it. “But just because I say it doesn’t mean I have to like it and I don’t like it.”

  “I know. Thank you, Jack.” Kate leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll think about your offer.”

  “Well don’t think too long Kate or you’ll drive me insane. Tonight, you can sleep in one of guest rooms at the house till you decide. I’ll have Mark bring your things back to the carriage house if that’s what you really want.”

  “I’m not sure yet,” she stated. He nodded respecting her honesty. “Does this mean I can go back to cleaning the bunkhouses?”

  “Oh no, you’re staying right where you are.” He was stone serious. “Just for the record you belong with me Kate and I aim to have you by my side but for now I’m loosening the rope a little. That doesn’t change the fact that you’re still going to clean and cook for me among other things.”

  “Maybe we can work out a deal?” she said smiling up at him.

  “You and your Californiacator deals and promises.” He finally laughed and shook his head. “You’re going to negotiate me to death, aren’t you Kate?” She just shrugged. “It’s getting late and I don’t want us out here after dark,” said Jack as he took her hand in his. “You okay to walk?”

  “I think so.”

  Jack nodded and they started walking, heading for the canyon. Kate’s back was a bit stiff and she couldn’t take large steps like she was used to. Jack saw her difficulty and frowned.

  “Ah hell, Kate,” he said as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her.

  “What are you doing?” She gasped.

  “What does it look like I’m doing? At the pace we’re walking we couldn’t possibly get out of here by nightfall, and with no flashlights I’m not about to be attacked by coyotes or worse, mountain lions.”

  “There are mountain lions out here?” Kate grabbed him tightly around the neck and looked over his shoulder to see if she could spot one.

  “Yes baby, like I said before, it’s not safe to be wandering around out here unprotected.” Kate looked at Jack and thought the same about him. “I’m the least of your worries, trust me,” he laughed sensing her thoughts.

  Jack made it out of the canyon in the nick of time. When he reached the carriage house, twilight was upon them.

  “I can walk the rest of the way,” said Kate.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He smiled at her. Jack carried her to the main house, up the stairs and through the front door. He didn’t put her down until he reached his bedroom and the rod-iron bed. Jack laid her gently on the plush mattress.

  “You are a mess, Kathryn Harris,” he smiled at her. “You’re covered in dirt from head to toe. I’m going to start you a bath.”

  Kate didn’t object. She sat quietly on the bed as Jack disappeared into the bathroom. Several minutes later he returned. He knelt down by Kate’s feet and removed her shoes. He rose and offered her his hand to help her stand. Kate placed two bare feet on the carpeted floor before lifting her hands over her head while Jack removed her camisole and bra. He unzipped her pants and lowered them with the rest of her undergarments. He held her hand as she stepped out of her clothes then he led her into the bathroom.

  “I need to clean that gash on your back so it doesn’t get infected,” said Jack as he turned her around and instructed her to put her hands on the sink. Jack retrieved some gauze and peroxide from the medicine chest. He soaked the gauze in the clear liquid then proceeded to clean the wound on her back.

  “Be gentle, it’s sore,” stated Kate.

  He was gentle, stroking the gauze over the gash making sure all the debris of dirt and dust was cleaned away.

  “All done, baby,” he said discarding the gauze in the trash. “Let me help you into the tub.” Jack lifted her into his arms then set her feet in the heated water. Gently, he eased her into the tub. Kate felt the water sting against her back. Within seconds it subsided and she was able to lean back and rest her head on the edge of the tub.

  Jack pulled out a bottle from the medicine chest and poured two pills in his hand. He filled a glass of water and walked back to the tub. “Here, take this.”

  “What is it?” Kate asked as he placed it in her hand.

  “Ibuprofen,” said Jack handing her the glass of water. “It will help with the pain and also with any inflammation.”

  “Thanks.” She popped them in her mouth, took a drink, and swallowed then handed the glass back. Jack placed it on the floor, then knelt down by the side of the tub and reached over Kate to retrieve a washcloth along with a bottle of her body wash.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to wash you, baby,” he smiled as he opened the lid and smelled the sweet fragrance.

  “You don’t have to do that, Jack,” she said feeling a bit awkward and placed her hand on his preventing him from going any farther.

  “I want to,” he whispered. “Let me do this for you, please Kate.”

  She moved her hand away and he dipped the washcloth into the water then dowsed it with the liquid soap. Jack lifted Kate’s foot from the water and proceeded to wash her moving upward over her leg. He gently returned it to the water then repeated the procedure on the other side. Jack moved up her body, washing her belly and then her chest, sweeping it gently around each rounded breast. Kate closed her eyes and relished in his sweet touch.

  “Does it feel good, baby?” he asked with genuine concern.

  “Yes, it does,” she murmured through closed eyes so he wouldn’t see the emotional tears forming.

  “Sit up so I can wash your back.”

  Kate sat up and Jack soaked the washcloth again adding more body wash. He began to scrub her back clean. He was tender and gentle, making tiny strokes avoiding her bruise and leaving a film of soap. Jack splashed the water over her back and watched the tiny suds run off her back and into the water.

  Jack moved to her face. He delicately brushed the cloth across her forehead, then over her freckled cheeks and chin. “Tilt your head back so I can wash your hair.”

  Kate complied as Jack reached for the shower head and ran it over her hair. He poured the shampoo in his hand. It smelled like mango and coconut. He liked the wa
y all her female products smelled, and he liked that they were in his bathroom. He needed to remind himself they would be leaving tomorrow along with Kate. He pushed the thought from his mind.

  Jack rubbed his hands together, then massaged the shampoo through Kate’s hair. He worked up a good lather and kneaded her scalp with his fingertips. A sweet purr escaped her lips. His touch felt good, and she got lost in the selfless act. No one, not even her ex had ever washed her body much less her hair before. It was soul-touching and tear-shedding as the warm water fell over her face.

  Jack rinsed her hair then applied conditioner, running it down the strands of hair. It was silky and soft as it lay flat against the middle of her back. “Your hair is pretty,” he whispered as he ran his fingertips along the satin like surface.

  Kate’s warm smile encircled her mouth and he leaned down and gently placed a light endearing kiss to her lips.

  “You know I’m sweet on you,” he said lingering by her lips. “Tell me what I need to do to make you believe me?”

  “Just what you’re doing now,” she whispered as a tear fell on her cheek.

  “Why are you crying?” Jack kissed the tear away.

  “I don’t know,” she said as he kissed the other side taking the salty taste to his mouth.

  He finished rinsing her hair then turned off the water. “You ready to get out?” Jack asked as he stood from the tub.

  Kate nodded and he helped her to her feet. Jack watched as she brought her hair to one side and wrung it free of excess water. He wrapped the towel around her body then lifted her from the tub, setting her feet on the mat. With another towel he ran it over her hair and soaked up its wetness. He dried her arms and legs then tucked the towel between her breasts.

  Kate felt like a small child, being tended to so lovingly by this strange and wonderful man. Once more Jack took her hand and led her back into the bedroom.

  “What do you want to wear tonight?” he asked her as he opened the drawer of the dresser filled with her clothes.

  “You decide,” said Kate in a little whisper still feeling quite childlike.


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