Three Bears for the Wolf (Gay Menage)

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Three Bears for the Wolf (Gay Menage) Page 1

by Krishna Brooks

  Three Bears for the Wolf

  By: Krishna Brooks

  ©Copyright Krishna Brooks 2016

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  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the author or publisher.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to the author. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers.

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  About the Author

  Three Bears for the Wolf

  Sometimes life throws one hell of a curve ball.

  As a wolf-shifter, I shouldn't be attracted to the three burly bears of the Brown Claw Clan. But it's their leader, Cable that makes me melt with need. The way he looks at me with those chocolate eyes, as if I'm the only omega that can give him what he needs...

  I'm unable to say no and I will have to give up everything to be with them.

  But does a wolf have a place with bears?

  Chapter One

  I was in trouble the moment three, burly bears walked into The Watering Hole. Wolves and bears are naturals predators so I keep my attention on the bottles lined along the wall, using the bar’s mirror to watch them. The Watering Hole was a kind of sanctuary for people like me—shape-shifters—and fighting wasn’t tolerated. I was sure that wouldn’t stop them, however as bears were known for being grumpy. There were few who could stand up to a bear-shifter.

  “Ben,” my best-friend Colby, said as he came to stand next to me. “Want to take bets on how long before those bears start something?”

  “No thanks. My dollar bills are happy in my pocket,” I said good-naturedly. I knew better than to make bets with Colby. He always won. It was as if he had some sort of sixth sense or something. It was entertaining watching him swindle people out of their money, however.

  I sipped at my drink as the bears took a seat behind me, the chairs creaking under their weight. The biggest of the lot I’d seen here many times before. Sometimes he came in alone; sometimes with his friends. He was always quiet, sipping his scotch in silence as he watched the goings-on around him. He had a certain elegant air around him as if he’d been brought up around money. It was in his mannerisms and the way he held his head up—maybe he was just a typical proud bear.

  Dark eyes the color of melting chocolate slid up to meet my reflection. I looked down, my cheeks heating. Okay, so bear or not, the guy was smoking hot. I’d always liked the big beefy types. As a wolf-shifter, I wasn’t small but a bear would dwarf the brawniest of wolves. I took several deep breaths to steady myself and looked back to find him staring at me. His eyes held me for a moment, my face throbbing with fire. I didn’t even know his name and I still wanted to jump his bones. What was wrong with me?

  “Oh, look who is here,” Colby said and went to meet a friend. I was kind of glad being left to myself. As Colby chatted his buddy up, I tried to still my quaking body but it had other ideas.

  I managed to not look at the mirror but I knew the bear was watching me. I could feel his eyes on my body and I wondered what he was thinking. My drink went down hard, the alcohol irritating my throat and the chill of the ice cubes did little to soothe the fire burning through me. I should just call it a night and go home, rub one out to the bear’s image and try not to think about the reaction he invoked in me.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of thick arms settle against the counter of the bar. I kept my attention on the bottles, the man’s presence immense. He smelled good, like pine with an undertone of cologne.

  “You’ve got a name?” he rumbled, his voice so very deep.

  I finished off the last of my drink to wet my suddenly parched throat. “Ben.”

  “Ben,” the man said as if trying my name out on his lips. “I’m Jax. How are you this evening?”

  “Not bad. How about you?” I said cordially, wondering why the bear was making conversation with me. At The Watering Hole, it wasn’t unusual for shifters that belonged to different clans to commiserate. I supposed that I wasn’t used to dealing with bears.

  “I’m hopeful that this night might turn out okay,” he said. “Let me buy you a refill. Why don’t you come sit with us? Someone wants to talk to you.”

  I looked at Jax for the first time and blinked at him. He was gorgeous with pale, snowy hair and bright blue eyes, suggesting he was a polar bear. Slowly, I dragged my attention behind me where he was sitting. Our eyes met again and I looked away, a sure sign of submission. But damn it, I couldn’t help it. No wolf in his right mind would challenge a bear. Besides, my pack wouldn’t start a fight for me simply because I’d given a bear the stink eye. Why would he want to talk to me anyway? Perhaps he had mistaken my interest in him as confrontation and wanted to remind me that he was dangerous.

  “Okay,” I said and mentally berated myself. Go with the flow, I told myself. Let him go through his routine then scamper away with my tail between my legs, but in one piece.

  Jax ordered a round of drinks. He surprised me by throwing an arm around my shoulders and guiding me to the bears’ table. I searched for Colby but he was nowhere to be found. I knew if things went south, the owners would step in. If there was anything stronger than a bear, it was a dragon and the first rule of The Watering Hole was no fighting.

  I took a seat and realized too late I’d made a mistake. Jax caged me in, leaving me sandwiched between him and the object of my fascination. I smiled awkwardly to appease them.

  “Do you like his face?” Jax inquired, motioning to my crush. “This is Cable, by the way. Clan-leader of the Brown Claws.”

  I swallowed hard and looked to Cable. He stared at me, his expression giving nothing away. “Ah, sure. I can see you have excellent genes.”

  “How about me?” Jax said. “Do you like my face?”

  “Uh…” A different kind of heat went through me, my throat tightening. I was aware the bartender had one eye on us and would call for the owner if things got thick.

  The third bear laughed, his shoulders heaving. “Cut it out, Jax. You’re scaring him.”

  “I’m not scared,” I blurted, though I knew they could smell my fear. Okay, so maybe fear was too strong of a word. Worry. Yeah, there we go.

  “Are you sure about that?” Cable asked, his baritone voice soaking into me. I couldn’t describe what hearing his voice for the first time did. He leaned into me and inhaled and my gut tightened. I got a good whiff of his scent too. It was wilder than Jax’s. Feral. “No… not fear. Something else. Good to know.”

  Jax took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. He handed it to me and I accepted. I looked to Cable for an explanation. “I’m not big on street-fighting in case you haven’t noticed.”

  “And a sense of humor too,” Cable said, his lips ticking up in a smile. And I thought his voice had affected me? “Nothing like that, Ben. I give you oath we aren’t here to make trouble with you or your pack.”

  I nodded slowly and looked to eac
h of them. Jax did a once over on me. I wasn’t sure if he were sizing me up or appreciating my assets.

  “This,” Cable said and pointed to the address. “Is where you can find us. If you are interested.”

  Cable threw down a twenty on the table and the bears filed out, their big bodies bulging under their T-shirts and jeans. I was so caught by the way Cable moved that I hadn’t realized what he’d said.

  “Wait, interested in what?” I called after them.

  They said not a word and left the bar. Stunned by all that had happened, I finished off my drink. I looked at the little slip of paper. The address they’d given me was across town in the nicer part of Chicago. If they wanted a little underground brawling action, they wouldn’t send me there. My heart drummed in my ears as I stared at the script.

  Holy shit. I was considering this, wasn’t I?

  Chapter Two

  Since my apartment was just around the corner from The Watering Hole, I stopped home and took a shower to wash away the scent of beer and whatever that ‘something else’ Cable had smelled on me. I was buzzing, my skin sensitive, my mind foggy. I was riled up from the confrontation—if one could call it that—with Cable and his bears.

  I left the bathroom and settled my gaze on the clock. It wasn’t even midnight yet. Normally on a Friday, I didn’t stumble home until four in the morning. Biting my lip, I did everything in my power not look at the slip of paper but failed. I Googled the address and found that it was a condo in the ritzy party of downtown with an active nightlife. Nothing bad would happen to me there, right?

  “No! Absolutely not!” I growled to myself. My hands shook as I slipped into a fresh pair of clothes, cursing myself the entire time. My willpower was shot and I accepted that I was about to walk into the den of three very large and very dangerous bears. I wasn’t sure why but the fear of not knowing what to expect sent a thrill through me.

  An hour later, I stood at the entrance of the building, my head craned back as I stared at the top where the low-hanging clouds swathed it in a silvery mist. I had to check the paper several times to make sure I was in the right place but I knew it was just nerves. My legs were like rubber as I penetrated the main lobby. As I rode the elevator up to the top floor, my breath grew increasingly hard to come by and a knot formed in my gut. The bell startled me and I jumped. On tip-toes, I inched out of the elevator and blinked at the short hall leading to a singular door. Muffled music spilled out, the beat of a drum syncing with my frenzied pulse.

  I raised my hand to knock, but couldn’t find the courage to do so. Snap out of it! The door suddenly opened and Jax ran his eyes down my body appreciatively. He looked behind him and shouted, “Fork it over, Sam. We win. He’s here.”

  “What!” The third bear pushed Jax out of the way and grinned. “Damn. There goes ten grand.”

  I cocked a brow, the momentary curiosity chasing away the uncertainty.

  “Out of the way. Give him some room,” I heard Cable say before he put his body in front of everyone else. His warm eyes darted all over me from my flushed face to my quaking body. “Come on in.”

  I obeyed, knowing I should turn around and hightail it back to my apartment. Heck, getting off the continent might be a good idea. Jax and who I assumed was Sam, came to stand at the mini-bar and poured shot glasses of amber liquid. Cable turned the music down to a faint hum.

  “Sam was sure you wouldn’t come,” Cable said, his voice smooth and dark. “But Jax and I knew you would.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so, either,” I muttered, eying him suspiciously. I looked around the giant, opulent pent house, everything in its place and serving its purpose. Cable’s crash-pad put my modest little apartment to shame. “Why am I here?”

  “Why don’t you tell me?” Cable purred smoothly. “Why did you come here when those little warning bells are sounding off in your head?”

  “I—” I swallowed a lump the size of a golf-ball and looked at him wide-eyed. I had no idea why I was here. Maybe it was the way Cable was checking me out, or how he spoke that sent a shiver through me. Maybe I liked my excitement laced with fear.

  Cable chuckled and my heart skipped a beat. “You are naturally submissive, aren’t you? Tell me where you fall in your pack.”

  I gaped at his brazen questions as Jax handed him a drink. But his command penetrated me, urging me to give him what he’d asked for. It shouldn’t because he wasn’t my alpha, much less a wolf. I had no loyalty to him.

  “Oh, can we take bets on this?” Sam chimed in. “I need to win my bills back, man.”

  Cable stared at me, his eyes piercing me to my soul. I cleared my throat. “I’m omega so if you’re looking for information about my alpha, he shares very little with wolves of my station.”

  “He thinks he’s here because we want to take over his pack’s territory? How cute,” Jax murmured.

  No one said anything for a long time as if they were communicating telepathically with one another. Sam approached and the bears boxed me in, the heat wafting off their bodies rivaling the summer sun.

  “No, Ben,” Cable said softly. “You are here because we wish to claim you as our mate.”

  My heart threatened to jump out of my chest as I looked to each bear with wide eyes. Okay, so I had been kind of hoping they might be interested in sex. They inched closer until I was surrounded by towering, bulging strength. I couldn’t look away from Cable, his intense gaze holding me. Mate? Holy shit. I made a pathetic sound as my pants tightened.

  Cocking a brow, Cable dragged his eyes down to my obvious erection, his lips pulling up in a smirk. “I knew from the moment I first saw you in that bar that you would be ours. It was just a matter of waiting for the right time to strike.”

  The declaration of ownership reached something deep inside and I nearly crumbled to the ground. Yes, I wanted a powerful shifter to claim me in such a way. As an omega, and not just the lowest rank of my pack, my fellow wolves paid very little attention to me and I was only required to appear for gatherings as representation of the pack.

  Cable stepped forward and slowly backed me against the kitchen counter, his intense focus making me shake. Now that I knew what they expected from me, that thrill that followed on the heels of fear took front and center. My butt met the edge of the counter and I could go no further. Cable leaned in and I sucked in a breath and he ran his nose along my neck, taking my scent in.

  The man growled low in his throat. “You want me. You want us. That is what I smell on you. Tell me I am wrong and you may leave. We will never bother you again.”

  I couldn’t look away from Cable. If I did this—mated them—I’d be a wolf without a pack, but an omega with a mate. Several, I mused. It was not uncommon for shifters to mate more than one male but I never thought such powerful shifters like these bears would be interested in little old me. Cable’s hot breath glided across my skin and I tipped my head back, wanting to feel his lips on my throat.

  Instead, he griped my neck and commanded my attention with a firm hand. His eyes blazed as he spoke. “You understand that to mate one is to mate all of us? That is how it will be forever more should you choose to accept.”

  I parted my lips to speak but nothing came out. What was I doing? This was dangerous in so many ways and yet I didn’t care. “I understand,” I managed, my voice hoarse.

  Chapter Three

  Jax and Sam growled next to me and took off their shirts, their beautiful chests moving perfectly. Cable slid his warm fingers under the hem of my shirt and slowly, agonizingly dragged his palm up my abs. He helped me out of my shirt and hands—so many hands—glided across my body that my brain couldn’t process the sensations. Someone traced the subtle rise of my abs; another tugged at my nipple until I was gasping for breath. Jax and Sam flanked Cable, holding my arms to the side so I could do nothing but feel.

  Cable guided me to his lips and I opened for him. He teased me, pretending to give me what I wanted and backing away at the last moment. A laugh rumbled in
his chest, the sound like the warmth in my gut after a good scotch. And when our mouths finally met? Fucking fireworks. He controlled my tongue with his and I responded to every lick, his authority and dominance coming through loud and clear. I wanted to touch him, to feel the steely hardness of his muscles but Jax and Sam wouldn’t let me. It was clear Cable was the alpha in this relationship.

  The bear allowed me a breather, his eyes dilated with arousal as he watched my reaction. Slowly, he moved to my neck and nipped, his teeth scraping across my skin. He could so easily rip my throat out yet he was as gentle as a teddy bear. That thrill doubled but trust followed as he kissed the skin over my jugular. He moved south, leaving little marks on my body until he settled his warm lips on my nipple. I watched as his pink tongue swirled around the stiff bud, his attention on me as the others held me in place. It was exciting seeing him work my nipple, his mouth warm and—I let out a moan as he pulled at the bud with his teeth.

  Cable prowled back up my body and whispered in my ear, “I like that sound. That is exactly what I want from you.”

  I moaned in response as he pulled his shirt off and let it flutter to the floor. He was body-builder buff, every muscle developed and begging for my tongue. “Oh fuck.”

  “Do I meet your approval?” Cable inquired and flexed his pectoral muscles playfully. “Perhaps you should show me how much you want me.”

  Jax and Sam released me and I dropped to my knees in front of Cable. I was no longer in control of my own body. I looked up to him for guidance and he stroked my cheek with his thumb. Turning my attention on his washboard abs, I leaned in and kissed them. He hissed, his palm cupping the back of my head. I licked at him, tracing every hard ridge, loving the way his body sloped.


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