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Winter Page 151

by Michelle Love

  “And why would I be meeting you in court, Liv?”

  “Liv? I prefer Miss Tillman if you’ll be so kind as to comply with my wishes, Lieutenant Commander Saunders.”

  Jim rolls his eyes and says, “She’s only doing that because you did it first.”

  With a nod, I agree with him. But I don’t give two shits why she’s doing it. I just want to get to the bottom of things. “Okay, Miss Tillman, why would you be meeting me in court?”

  “That’s confidential. I can’t speak about this over any phone line,” she quips. “So, will you be coming or not? I really must know.”

  “Does this have anything to do with the military?” I ask her, as I’m stumped about what she could possibly want with me.

  “No,” comes her quick answer. “It’s purely personal.”

  “And you don’t want to give me even the slightest hint as to what you want from me?” I ask, then think for a second. “Is this about sex?”

  “God, no! Mister, I mean, Lieutenant Commander …”

  “You know what, just call me Damon. This whole thing is stupid, Liv. Now tell me what you want, or I won’t be coming.” I’ve put my foot down and now let’s see what this woman does.

  “You’d be a fool not to, Damon.”

  My name sounds good coming out of her mouth. She has a slight Southern accent, and her voice lilts a bit. I wonder what the hell this chic looks like. She sounds young. “How old are you, Liv?”

  “Not that it matters one iota, but I’m twenty-six. And you, Damon, are ten years older than I am.”

  “And how do you know that?” I ask her as I lean back on my desk, crossing my legs at the ankles.

  “I know more about you than you do, Damon. Come to London. Please.” She waits a moment, then adds, “It is in your best interest. I can assure you, you’ll be surprised.”

  “Pleasantly?” I ask her as Jim looks at me and gives me a wink.

  “I hope so.”

  Looking at Jim, I see him nodding and tend to agree with the man who’s been my right hand since I enlisted in the Navy when I was fresh out of high school.

  “I’ll be there. And I’ll meet you exactly where you told me to. Liv?”


  “Where are you from?”

  “Atlanta. That’s my home base.”

  “And you’re in London just for me?”

  “I am.”

  The mystery is killing me. Why in the hell would a young woman from Atlanta go to London and want me to meet her there? It makes no sense at all. Me going makes no sense at all.

  But I sure as hell am going to do it anyway!


  As a recent graduate of Harvard Law School, I was more than a bit surprised when I was sent a letter from a woman in England, asking for my help with setting up custody papers for her young son. His father was an American citizen, and she wanted to be sure all American laws were followed, as well as English law.

  Genevieve Salisbury was a candy heiress worth millions. She’d had a child with a man who knew nothing about the kid he’d sired and she wanted it kept that way, unless she met an early demise. Which she did. And so did her parents.

  A tragic accident at their factory left Genevieve’s four-year-old son an orphan. Little Harold and his father would’ve been millionaires if only his mother had passed. With the loss of his grandparents too, the fortune grew to billions of dollars that would be split by the boy and the father he’d never known.

  Being so much younger than the career Navy man who is Harold’s dad, I took charge immediately with him. It was a tactic one of the older members of the firm I work for let me in on. Take charge from the very beginning, and things will fall into place much more easily.

  So far it’s working. Damon is on his way here today. In mere minutes, he should be coming to our hotel suite. Harold is napping in the bedroom, and I’m hopeful he’ll stay asleep as I deliver the plethora of news to the man.

  Now, the money I can see Damon being more than fine with. The grand estate that was also left to him and his son is another thing I foresee him taking exceptionally well. But the kid is the thing I find the most concerning.

  Genevieve and I spent quite some time together last year when she employed me. I’ve been living with the family for that length of time. She wanted me to know the ins and outs of the business and how she wanted Harold raised. She became a close friend to me, and I miss her and her quick wit. So does her son.

  I just hope I can get Damon to love the little boy.

  I’m jolted out of my daze as a knock comes to the door. “Liv?”

  “It’s him!” I mumble to myself as I jump up to answer the door. Stopping in front of the mirror near the door, I run my hands through my dark waves, then hurry to pull it up into a professional looking bun. With a quick wrap of the rubber band I had on my wrist, I look much more like the attorney I am.

  I’d let my hair down as I rested on the sofa, waiting for the man. Genevieve had warned me that he was a real lady killer. I’m to watch myself with him, or he’ll make quick work of me, bedding me and leaving me as just quickly.

  I must get him to pay attention to Harold. That’s my goal, and nothing more than that!

  “Coming,” I call out as I shake my head to clear it.

  When I open the door, I’m kind of star-struck. He’s tall, six something, and built like a mack truck. His eyes are dark and command respect as he asks, “Liv?”

  “Yes, yes, that’s me. Liv, um, Livacious Tillman.” I extend my hand, and he shakes it. Sparks fly through me, and I’m quick to end the physical contact. “Come in. Please.” I gesture to the living area. “Have a seat. Are you thirsty?”

  The way he looks me up and down makes me feel naked. With a swipe of his hand, he takes off his hat. Wearing a formal Naval suit, he looks every bit the part of the Navy Seal he is.

  My knees feel like jelly has suddenly filled them. He hasn’t been here a second and already he’s affecting me!

  Striding past me, he comes into the room, placing his hat on the rack that’s next to the mirror by the door. Then I find him taking off his jacket too, hanging it on one of the hooks, leaving him in only the starched-to-perfection white shirt and some great fitting slacks that accent the bulges of his thighs.

  Oh Lord, this man is an Adonis!

  I can see how good he’ll look in the expensive suits I’ll be helping him pick out in the next few days. He gives himself the once over in the mirror. His blonde hair is short, as I expected it would be. With a quick run of his hand over it, he looks at me, then finally answers my question, “If you’re having a drink, I will too.”

  “Huh?” I ask as I’d kind of forgotten what I’d asked him. “Oh, yeah. A drink. Is tea all right with you?” I walk away, finding him following me.

  “Tea?” he asks, then places his hand on the small of my back, steering me to sit on the smaller sofa. I take the seat and find him sitting right next to me. Far too close! “I was thinking about something a bit stouter than tea. How about something with more than a touch of alcohol?”

  “I’ll ring the Butler to bring something,” I say and pick up the phone on the table next to me, dialing the extension. “Hello, Miles. Can you bring a bottle of something nice for us to drink? My guest has arrived and he’d like an alcoholic beverage, as would I. Anything you think we’d like will be fine.”

  “I’d like to have a Jack and Coke, Liv.”

  I turn back to look at him and find him smiling at me. “Oh, of course. A Jack and Coke for my guest, and what the hell, bring me one too. Thank you, Miles.” I hang up the phone and turn my body so that I’m facing Damon.

  He brushes my shoulder with his hand and it sends more of those pesky sparks through me. “You should’ve mentioned how attractive you are when you sent your letter. I’m afraid you’ve caught me off guard with this rare beauty.”

  Heat fills my cheeks as he looks over me. “Stop,” I giggle like a school girl. “Flattery isn’t a thing
I’m used to.”

  My body goes rigid as his fingertips travel over my shoulder, across my neck, and land on my chin, pulling it up and making me look at him. I bite my lower lip as he goes on. “Flattery? I’d hate for you to think it was mere flattery, Liv. You are gorgeous. I’m sorry you don’t get told that more often.”

  For a long moment, we just stare into each other’s eyes. I should be intimidated by the man. He’s all man, and most likely the most handsome and virile man I’ll ever meet. Then his head tilts to the right only a bit. Mine leans to the left, and we lean in.

  ‘Knock, knock, knock.’

  “The Butler,” I whisper as my eyes seem to be stuck to his.

  “You should get the door then, Liv.”

  With a nod, I get up and smooth out my long black skirt, run my hands over my white blouse, and make my way to the door. Then I realize just how quickly the man had me in the palm of his hand.

  My God! I almost kissed the rogue!


  I had her right where I wanted her. Then the damn butler knocked and now she’s taken the spot across from me on the other couch. I can make my play from across a crowded room if I want to, but prefer to be close when I make my move.

  Sipping on the tall glass of dark liquid, I watch her as she fidgets with her much too long skirt. It hits her at her ankles for the love of God!

  “So are you ever going to tell me why it is you’ve brought me to you, Liv?”

  After one long drink, she places the glass on the coffee table that’s separating us and puts her hands on her knees as she leans forward. “Damon, do you remember a woman who you called Jennie?”

  Shit! I knew this had to be about her!

  “I do,” I say with an ease that masks my surge of adrenaline.

  “And can you admit to me that the two of you had a five-day-long sexual experience?” she asks with a hint of pink highlighting her high cheekbones.

  “I can admit that to you, Liv. Why would I have trouble doing that?” I ask her as she’s not making a lot of sense.

  “I just like to get things like that on the record.” She takes out a small recording device and places it on the table. “Would you mind if I recorded our conversation?”

  “Actually, I do mind.” I reach out and take the thing off the table. “What you and I say here stays here. That’s how I roll, baby.”

  “I see,” she says and looks a bit uncomfortable.

  Getting up, I go sit next to her, making myself more comfortable as I lean back and lay my arm on the back of the couch. Taking one finger, I move it over her shoulder lightly. “Go on, Liv. You’ve had your question answered. What else do you need to know? Is Jennie your girlfriend or something? Are you trying to figure her out? Because that woman isn’t a person you can easily figure out. She’s a bit above the rest of us. A sexual phenomenon, if you will.”

  Her cheeks go red. I run my hand over one of them and she looks at me. “Please stop, Damon.” The way her eyes begin to shimmer has me worried.

  Removing my hand, I ask, “You love her, don’t you?”

  “I do,” she murmurs. “I did.”

  “You did?” I ask as I lean in closer. “What happened between you two that you’ve called me to come to you?”

  “Jennie isn’t her real name. That’s only a nickname.” She runs her shaking hand over the front of her shirt.

  I take it, stroking the top of it with my thumb, trying to help her calm down. “I thought as much. It’s not a big deal what her name was. If you’re worried about me, don’t be. She and I were never a real thing. And you seem to care more for her than I did. Is she bringing me up for some reason? If she is, I’m sure it’s just to make you jealous.”

  “We were not lovers, Damon,” Liv says with a low moan. “You’re making this harder than I thought it’d be.”

  Taking her by the chin, I make her look at me. “Just spit it all out. I’m quite adapted at taking in a lot of information at one time.”

  Her hand moves over the hand I’m holding her chin with, and she holds it, moving it to rest on her lap. Red lips quiver as she says, “Jennie was actually named Genevieve Salisbury. She was a wealthy woman whose family owned a candy company. She and her parents were in an accident at the manufacturing plant a few months ago.”

  “An accident?” I ask as my heart flutters.

  She nods. “Yes, all of them were killed in the accident.”

  Pulling my hand away from hers, I hold it to my heart. “That’s terrible.” But then I wonder why the hell this woman wants me here. “That’s awful news. But what does it have to do with me?”

  The sound of a door opening has me looking past Liv, and I see a young boy standing still in the doorway of what seems to be a bedroom. “Aunt Wiv?”

  She turns and gets up to go to the child. “Harold, you’re awake. You should come meet the man who has come to see you. The man I told you was coming.”

  Without asking a thing, I do wonder why she’d be telling the little boy I was coming to see him. I sit and wait as she picks up the blonde-headed kid, bringing him back to sit on the couch, and leaving him on her lap. His big blue eyes stare at me as he leans his cute head on Liv’s breasts.


  “Hi there,” I say and stick out my hand for a shake.

  He looks up at Liv and she gives him a nod, then he shakes my hand. “Hello, sir.” He has a cute little British accent.

  Liv’s voice has me looking at her as she says, “Damon, I’d like to introduce you to Genevieve’s son. This is Harold.”

  “Harold?” I ask then run my hand through his mop of curls. “I think you look more like a Harry to me.”

  He giggles a little then buries his face right into Liv’s plump breasts. She runs her hand over his shoulders, then pulls him back and looks him in the eyes. “Harold, do you recall what I told you about this man?”

  He nods and I feel a little nervous. “What could you have possibly told him about me?”

  “There’s a one hundred percent chance that you are his father, Damon.”

  My world tilts and I lean back on the couch, trying hard not to pass out. “No way.”

  “Now that I see you two together, I’m even more convinced. Genevieve was confident about it, Damon. But you’ll be required to get a DNA test done before anything else occurs,” she says as she strokes the little boy’s hair.

  Looking back at him, he looks at me too. His hair is like mine when I was a kid. His eyes are his mother’s. His face is plump with baby-fat, but I can see the slight dimple on his chin. With time and growth, that dimple should become more prominent, just like mine is. His lips already look a bit chiseled.

  When his plump hand touches the top of mine, I feel something odd as he says, “I miss my mummy.”

  The way my heart pounds and clenches at the same time has me reaching out for the kid. He comes to me, climbing on my lap, and I hug him tightly. “Me too, buddy.”

  His mother and I weren’t a thing to each other. But it’s not a lie about missing her. I did think about her from time to time. She was great in bed and everywhere else.

  Suddenly I feel shame as I sit here, holding her son, a child who might be mine, and think about her and me that week. Looking at Liv, I have to ask, “How long before I can take this test? I don’t want either of us to get attached if I’m not his …”

  “I’ll ring the butler to bring in the person I’ve hired to do the test. We can have the results back in five days. Hence why I’ve made arrangements for you to stay that amount of time.”

  “Then let’s get this going.” I run my fingers through the kid’s golden locks and take in the smell of his clean scent as I look at Liv. “Can I count on you to help me?”

  She nods and I breathe out a sigh of relief. I’m no parent. I’ve been there for my country and my fellow military personnel, but not a soul else. A thing my father used to condemn me for.

  Thinking of my father, I know I have no clue as to how to be a fath
er. He sure as hell didn’t!


  After Damon’s blood had been drawn, dinner is served in our suite. Harold is quiet, as he seems a bit shy around the man who is most likely his father. And so is Damon.

  Deciding it might be best for me to talk in order to stop this eerie silence, I ask, “Do you like the duck, Damon?”

  “Sure,” he says then leans over and nudges Harold’s shoulder. “Do you like those chicken nuggets, Harry?”

  Harold nods and pops another one into his mouth. “Mmm.”

  In an attempt to keep up some chatter, I say, “Genevieve looked me up last year and had me help her with finding you, Damon. She’d been a bit sneaky when you two spent your time together. Your wallet was left on the dresser it seems, and she jotted down your name and was able to get your military ID number as well. It made finding you a piece of cake.”

  “I was wondering about that,” he says with a smile. “You and little Harry here seem like you know each other pretty well.”

  “We do.” I ruffle Harold’s hair and push a carrot stick toward him. “Veggies, please.”

  With a nod, he complies and takes the carrot. Damon watches us, then says, “How is it that you were hired as her lawyer, then ended up getting close to her kid and her?”

  “That is odd,” I agree with him. “You see, Genevieve seemed to have a sixth sense about her. It came to her quite suddenly when Harold was only three years old that she needed to make sure things were set up for him if she should meet her end sooner rather than later.”

  “So he’s four?” Damon asks.

  I don’t have to answer as Harold nods and holds up four of his chubby fingers. “Four, yep!”

  “Anyway, Genevieve wanted me to stay around. Get to know her son and how she was raising him. And get to know the ins and outs of the business too. A thing I have to admit, I didn’t get to. The CEO has taken over their company, a thing I thought was best. I did make a deal with him that thirty percent of all profits will still go to Harold and Harold’s father.”

  “Wait. What?” Damon looks a little shocked. “If I’m his father, then I’ll get a percentage of the profits?”


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