The Futa's Revenge

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The Futa's Revenge Page 3

by Jay Aury

  Breathing hard, her muscles burned with the aftershock, Amala eased out of Tana, rolling beside the woman. Immediately Tana curled against her side, nestling her face on Amala’s hard breasts. Amala glanced at her, then looked at the ceiling, grinning wolfishly despite her exhaustion. She pulled the pale slut closer. Sweat beaded their bodies, gleaming like diamonds in the lurid red glow of a neon sign outside the room. Sated, on the bed of Jalt’s betrayal, with the woman he had taken in her stead, Amala closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  The Reveal

  The buzz of the door woke her. Amala opened her eyes blearily and lifted her head slowly. She heard a murmur and turned. She grinned at the sight of Tana, head buried among the blankets, naked as ever with thighs still stained with Amala’s seed. Memories of the night filled in and the futa chuckled with delight.

  The repeated buzz of the doorbell called to her however. Reluctantly she pushed herself out of bed, disregarding modesty as she made her way naked to the door. She tapped the panel and the screen blinked with a view of outside the room.

  Jalt looked back at her impatiently, face blurry from the low res screen. “Amala, open up. I know you’re in there.”

  Shock struck her first. To see his face so soon and after what had just happened. But it passed, quickly, and it was not anger which coursed through Amala, but a sense of sated triumph. She smiled in lazy amusement and pressed the intercom. “What do you want Jalt?”

  “Open the door! We have to talk.”

  She pressed the lock, the door sliding open with an atmospheric hiss. Her smile widened as Jalt beheld her naked body, eyes opening wide as dinner plates at the sight of the new grown cock nestled between her legs. “What a pleasant surprise,” Amala said, leaning against the door frame.

  “A-Amala! What the fuck?” he gasped.

  “Why so shocked? You always knew I had bigger balls than you. Now we can actually see it.”

  He looked up, face hardening in anger. Her own smile grew fierce. She rolled her shoulders, her muscles tensing across her body. Rippling with raw strength. She watched him quail before her, seeming to shrink. She sneered. Weakling. What had she ever seen in him?

  “Let me guess,” she said, filling the doorway with a step. “It’s about the account. Well, here’s where the money went,” she said, sweeping her hand towards her cock. “A wise investment I have to say.”

  “You what!” Jalt exploded.

  “Oh,” she gasped in mock surprise. “I’m sorry. Were we supposed to be trusting each other not to stab the other in the back?” she said. Her temper flared and she advanced on him, driving him out of the apartment and into the hall. His back struck the cold durasteel of the opposite wall. He pressed against it as if to melt into it. “It was my money to begin with, Jalt,” Amala growled. “And a small price to pay for the shit I tolerated from you over the years. I don’t know why I bothered! Maybe I was just desperate for some attention after getting out of the navy. Well I’m done. You can go fuck yourself for all I care. And if I ever see you around here again, I’ll break your fucking arm!”

  “Amala. I…”

  Amala gave him a look filled with disgust. “I don’t know what’s more pathetic,” she said. “You, or that I wasted so much time on you.”

  Jalt grit his teeth. She wondered if he would try something. Doubted it. Then she saw his eyes flick over her shoulder, staring in horrified shock. She glanced back, spotting Tana in the doorway, a blanket held loosely against her body.

  “Tana?” Jalt gasped.

  Tana gave him a dull look. A look of disinterest. Then her gaze wandered to Amala, and a spark flashed in her eyes. She tugged the sheet a little more against her, her lips parting as she leaned a little in the futa’s direction. Amala smiled wryly as she glanced back at Jalt.

  “Excuse me, Jalt. I have other things to take care of.”

  Jalt’s eyes shot back to her. “W-wait! Amala!”

  She turned her back on him and walked back into the bedroom. Ignored his last shout. She shut the door with a slap of her palm on the activator.

  For a moment she simply stood there, trembling with excitement.

  “Stars! That felt so good!” Grinning, she grabbed Tana and crushed the young woman with a kiss. Tana started, then submitted eagerly to Amala’s lips. Her slim arms twined around her lover’s shoulders, pressing herself against Amala’s dusky skin. Amala groaned, her cock stirring at the soft press of the other woman’s body. She broke the kiss with a gasp.

  “Back on the bed,” she breathed. “Your ass is mine.”

  Tana smiled shakily, a shiver of desire and anticipation coursing through her. She turned, her hips swinging as she sauntered back to the bed. She shed the sheet she had modestly covered herself with and kneeled on the floor, laying her upper body on the bed. She glanced back and wiggled her heart shaped ass enticingly.

  Grinning fiercely, Amala grabbed Tana’s pale cheeks and parted them. She bent over, licking Tana’s taint, slicking her with her spit. Tana moaned at the sensation, her ring of muscles clutching hungrily for the futa’s cock. Chuckling, Amala straightened and pressed her cock against Tana’s puckered backdoor. She breathed out slowly, feeding inch after inch of her raw manhood into the other woman’s tight ass. “Fuuuck,” Amala breathed. “I could do this all day!”

  Tana moaned, torso curling upward as she felt the hot flesh of Amala’s shaft fill her. “Please. Fuck me,” she gasped.

  Amala slapped her ass with amusement. “Gladly!”

  With a will she railed the other woman’s tight ass with her new cock. Again marvelling at the sensations which speared her core with every thrust. Gasping, breathing heavily, she thought of Jalt standing outside, staring in shock at the half naked Tana in the doorway. His eyes shooting to Amala’s cock, realizing what had happened. Amala increased her tempo, fucking the other woman harder. Gasps and the slap of flesh filled the room as she buried herself in Tana, the thought driving her harder.

  “Ever…been filled…this much?” Amala gasped.

  “Nooo,” Tana moaned. “So deep. Ah. Please. More!”

  Amala laughed. She knew she was bigger than Jalt. Hadn’t she taken his worthless cock often enough? Looking back, she flinched from the weak woman she had once been. How satisfied she had been with Jalt. How she had sought to please him.

  Anger spurred her. She leaned over Tana, brutally pounding the girl’s tight backdoor. Tana cried out, quaking as she came at the sudden violent fucking. But Amala didn’t let up. Relentlessly she fucked her, delighting in Tana’s gasping moans. How the sweat beaded her back. It was only when Tana’s second orgasm thundered through her that Amala felt the now familiar tightening in her balls. She thrust a final time and cried out, cumming deep in Tana’s bowels.

  Gasping, Amala pulled out of the whimpering woman. She fell back onto the bed, eyes closed with pleasure and satisfied ardour.

  She felt the bed shift as Tana crawled on. She smiled as she felt gentle hands run along the hills and valleys of her muscles.

  “So strong,” Tana murmured.

  Amala cracked an eye open. “I know,” she grunted. She sat up a little, gathering the pillows behind her so she was propped up against the headboard. “But you made me all sweaty,” she grinned. “I think you need to clean me off.”

  Tana’s eyes snapped up, then grew lidded again. A flirtatious smile painted her lips. “Of course,” she murmured.

  Amala held her breath as she watched the fair woman lean over her dark skin, inhaling the pheromone laden scent which saturated Amala’s body. She gasped as the Tana’s pink tongue ran up her abs, eagerly tracing the hard contours of muscles.

  “Oh that’s good,” Amala groaned, petting Tana’s head.

  Tana smiled lazily. Her thoughts had slowed, a strange, hazy euphoria spreading through her. With growing eagerness she bathed the shemale with her tongue, tasting the intoxicating flavour of her sweat and body. Moaning softly as she devoted herself more and more to it.
/>   Amala sighed in contentment easing back and letting the other woman worship her. Her cock began to stiffen again as Tana went lower, tracing the hard lines of her stomach, the ridges of her flanks, before finally coming to her throbbing shaft. Tana lingered there, breathing in the scent from the source. The joyous aroma which slickened her quim and sent lust burning through her veins. Reverently she leaned forward and lathed Amala’s balls with her tongue.

  “Ohhh,” Amala moaned, tensing at the sensation. She leaned her head back against the headboard, taking in a shuddering gasp as Tana worshipped her balls. “Oh that’s good,” Tana breathed, revelling in the submissive worship. She was still petting Tana when the other woman abandoned her balls and took Amala’s length in her mouth, taking the entirety of her cock in a single go.

  “Mmmn!” Amala moaned, thrusting into Tana’s greedy lips, feeling her cock hit the back of the other woman’s throat. In good time she came, and Tana dutifully drank every drop of her addictive cum.

  They spent most of the day so. Alternating between rough fucking and simply basking in the afterglow. Soon enough the room reeked of sex and the heady scent of Amala’s pheromones. Inevitably the futa rose, showering while Tana remained slumbering on the bed, Amala’s sheets and their lingering scent wrapped around her like a python. Dressing, Amala cast a last look back with a grin before leaving the apartment, sliding shut the door behind her and locking it securely.

  She made her way down the neon lit promenade and towards the station’s elevators. She wore a tight shirt showcasing her prominent breasts and a pair of baggy pants to allow her cock more freedom. She’d have to look into something new. Her clothes were far too small for her broadening frame. And her old modest attire would never suit her anymore.

  No, she thought as she stepped into the elevator. That woman was gone now. She was renewed. She flexed her arms a little, admiring her muscles, grinning as the women who shared the elevator began to shift, their cheeks reddening from her proximity. Briefly she considered taking them there, wondering if they would be able to resist her. But she pushed the idea aside. She would probably get in trouble with Station Authority if she did. They tolerated a lot but that might be too much. She shrugged, striding out of the elevator as it reached deck eight and making her way down the dark corridors of ringing steel and humming machinery.

  With every step her excitement grew. Her triumph! She replayed the events of the morning over and over in her mind, relishing every detail. Coveting with miserly delight every expression on Jalt’s face. She was practically skipping by the time the glowing sign of Morinth’s Modifications fell over her.

  She pushed through the door and made her way inside. A quick glance showed the shop was all but empty. Morinth alone was within, currently at the pillar of cables, working on the screens. At the sound of her entrance he looked back, the green visor before his eyes humming.

  “Amala.” He pressed one of the screens, halting the descent of data as he turned to face her. “What can I do for you?”

  “Do?” Amala laughed, hopping onto the desk, crossing her legs and leaning flirtatiously towards the splicer. “Do? Look at what you did! Tana was with me for less than an hour and was drooling over my cock! Right after I finished fucking her into a quivering puddle of lust Jalt comes knocking! You should have seen his face!” She giggled with delight, wriggling in almost girlish excitement.

  “Hm. Interesting. You seem…euphoric. Are you experiencing any loss of inhibitions? It may be a side effect…”

  Amala grinned, stretching cat-like atop the desk. “Not at all. I’m just so happy!”

  The door to the shop hissed open. Amala turned, and her smile vanished like it had been slapped off. In the doorway stood Jalt, eyes roving over the interior of the shop.


  Amala jumped off of the desk. “Jalt!” she spat. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  He walked inside. He had that look. The one he always had when he did something he thought clever. Amala bunched her hands into fists. How she’d always hated it.

  “Just had a few questions, Amala,” he said, voice oozing with sincerity. “You cut me off this morning so quickly I didn’t have a chance. So I did some digging. The transaction. Our account is still joint. I found out easily enough where all our money went.”

  Amala grit her teeth. Her fists creaked with tension. “You…”

  “Welcome to Morinth’s Modifications,” Morinth said, cutting through the tension between them. “I’m Morinth. How can I help you?”

  Jalt paused, glanced at the slender splicer in his loose and open lab coat. His lips curved into a smile. Amala felt a sudden chill of fear. “With peace of mind. Do you know that genetic modification is illegal?”

  “How very astute,” Morinth said dryly. His visor of light flickered and washed itself in new pixels.

  “Thank you. And, as a concerned citizen, I felt it only appropriate I inform station authority someone was performing illegal mods in their jurisdiction.”

  Amala took a menacing step forward. Hesitated, glancing back to Morinth. Anger warred with shame. “Morinth. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

  “And here they are!” Jalt cried, swinging an arm triumphantly towards the entrance. The door slid open with a hiss. A figure filled the doorway.

  “Well now! What’s this I heard about a splicing operation?”

  Amala gaped stupidly. Stared at the cloth straining curves. The gravity defying breasts pressing against the hard fabric of a dark blue uniform. A belt which rode the wide hips. Plump, kissable lips drawn up in a grin and a bright blonde ponytail jutting from a visored helmet.

  Dava strolled in, swinging a shock stick in one hand. She scanned the room. Its glowing green screens and ropes of cable. The glass tanks filled with bubbling blue liquid. The machines glowing, projecting images into the air of dancing women moving with slow, lazy gyrations in humming fields. She paused in the middle of the room, turning her head slowly about before fixing her gaze on Morinth. “Well sir, mind telling me what you sell here?”

  “Ice cream,” Morinth said blandly.

  “Mmmhmmm.” Dava’s teasing eyes slid over the room and came to rest on Amala and Jalt. Her smirk widened. She approached Morinth, fishing a pair of magnetic cuffs from her belt. “Alright sir, while I look around I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to take a seat so I can secure you.”

  “You must be joking,” Morinth deadpanned.

  Dava giggled. “No sir! I take security veeeeery seriously. Now please sit down.”

  Morinth exhaled in annoyance and took a seat. Dava straddled his lap, pressing herself against him, thrusting her heart shaped ass out. Morinth’s visor buzzed as Dava’s breasts crushed his face between them. She grabbed his arms and held them behind the chair. The magnetic cuffs beeped as they locked against each other, securing the splicer to the chair.

  She lingered for a moment, tracing her hands over Morinth’s hips, brushing his cock, straining the dark fabric of his pants. “Oh dear,” she said. “It looks like you’re armed! I’m afraid I’m going to have to investigate.”

  Morinth’s jaw clenched with annoyance as Dava lowered herself to her knees and undid his pants. His cock sprang to attention, rigid in the warm sterile air of the lab. Dava giggled, running her fingers up his length. “Oh my. A very dangerous weapon. I’m afraid I’m going to have to disarm you.”

  “What are you doing?” Jalt said, indignant, but with the first inkling of fear touching his voice. Turning it into a whine. He looked at Amala, who had nearly doubled over with suppressed laughter, then back to Dava. “Aren’t you going to arrest him?”

  Dava looked back over her shoulder. “Sir! This is a delicate operation. I’m going to have to ask you remain there while I disarm the suspect.”

  She turned from the stunned Jalt, her hips rocking as she ran her tongue up Morinth’s shaft. The splicer hissed. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he asked the buxom officer.

  “Very,” Dava giggled, then took him in her mouth.

  Morinth grunted, bucked as Dava began to suck. Amala bit her lower lip, watching with awe how Dava’s cheeks hollowed as she bobbed atop Morinth’s length, her lips sliding to the tip before descending again. Morinth bared his teeth, his visor humming as he strained against the hold of the cuffs while the officer sucked him off. Dava hummed, her hips moving, rocking her ass forward and back, her whole body moving with the motion of her bobbing head.

  Watching the display, Amala let her hand slide down her pants, feeling the hardness of her shaft through the fabric. She started to rub herself through the pants, her breath deepening as Dava showed her skill, her plump lips formed perfectly for sucking cock. Her hips begging to be grasped. Her cunt and ass stuffed with cum.

  Jalt looked more alarmed by the second. He glanced about the lab as if expecting some explanation written on the cold durasteel walls, but he dared not move. He knew something had gone wrong but he couldn’t yet fathom how.

  Morinth bucked, a grunt escaping his lips as he came. Amala could see Dava’s throat work as she swallowed the splicer’s seed, taking every drop. When she pulled back off Morinth’s softening length her bright tongue flashed across her lips, chasing the last beads of cum.

  “Mmm. Well!” Dava said, standing, hands on her hips as she scanned the lab. “I have to say your ice cream is among the best I’ve tasted! I see no evidence of Splicer activity here.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Jalt exploded. He gestured wildly. “Look at this place! It’s practically screaming illegal gene science! What the fuck is going on here!”


  Dava’s voice cut through his tirade. The bimbo drew herself up, her outfit creaking against her impossible curves, her nipples hard points in the fabric over her breasts. “Sir! You do know that filing a false report with station SS9 Security is a very serious offence.”


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