Fearless Mating

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Fearless Mating Page 7

by Milly Taiden

  Candy banked away from ground zero, intensifying the mess of debris in the air, hopefully making the enemy’s shot off-target. Her heart pounded and adrenaline rushed through her system. That was the norm for combat evacs. But she’d never had her helo hit before.

  Two things stood out on that mission, besides the Alpha Charlie ass-chewing she got after landing: On the way back, a guy said she didn’t smell like one of their pilots. She thought he must’ve said “spell” as some jargon of theirs meaning she didn’t have SF at the end of her name indicating special certification. And after they landed, no four-legged creature got off the chopper, but the guy whose name they called climbed down from of the back, buck naked. She knew he didn’t get onboard in that condition. That wasn’t something she would likely miss.

  She never got the chance to talk to any of the guys as they were shipped out almost immediately while she carried out the punishment of being Latrine Queen for a week. They went easy on her since she did save the lives of five men, or four men and a dog/wolf.

  Now, in the security room of the NIA building, she looked into the gorgeous eyes of the hot man close enough to kiss and said, “Are you a wolf?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Josh didn’t know what to say to his mate’s question. There was so much to tell her and they had another crisis to handle at the same time. He guided her inside. As if she were in a long-lost memory, she followed him quietly then sat in one of the desk seats. What clued him into her being in a quasi trance? The fact he had his arm around her without her threatening to kick his balls into his throat and that she then let him hold her hand.

  He plopped into his own chair and rolled to her so their knees touched. He placed his elbows on his thighs then sat back and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sergeant Maj—”

  His mate held up her hand. “I’ve seen you naked. No more military titles. I don’t want to think of military men in the buff.”

  About fucking time! He didn’t want her calling him anything weird when he finally got her naked. This was a big step forward.

  “Okay, Candy,” he said. “Yes, I’m a wolf. And so are my guys, except Frank is a cougar, and Parish is a black jaguar, as you saw.” He watched her eyes carefully, ready to take her down if she went for the gun cabinet. She just nodded, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

  “That makes a lot of sense, now,” she said, running shaky fingers through her hair. “I knew a wolf got on, but a very nude man climbed out.”

  A growl rumbled in his chest. What man and why was he undressed?

  She blinked wide eyes at him. “Is that you? Are you growling?”

  He told his wolf to chill. He had no idea what or when she was talking about. Now was time to pay attention to their mate, not jump to conclusions.

  “So,” she said, “that’s what makes your organization so special.” Still nodding, she continued. “And that’s why you’re all so big, stature-wise.”

  “Not all of us, but those working with the government usually are because of what we do,” he said.

  “And that’s, what, exactly?” she asked.

  “Well, in ALFA, we do what’s needed, from personal security to tracking down international bad guys.”

  “Oh,” she blinked at him. “Like watching over a mafia female or discovering a human trafficking ring in Europe.”

  “Yeah, like those,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. She had called him out on those recent jobs. Though the missions weren’t totally screwed up, they had their moments. His mate seemed too quiet. “You have any questions?”

  She shook her head. “No, not right now. Not really. I’m sure I will eventually. A lot of them.”

  Okay. She was going through a bit of shock. That was normal and understandable. “I’m sure this comes as a huge surprise,” he said.

  “Well, sort of,” she responded, her voice still lacking that bite he was used to. “Not as incredible as what happened in New Mexico, but yeah.”

  “What happened in New Mexico?” he asked.

  Her hand covered her mouth. “Oops. Nothing. You’re really messing with my head.”

  He sat forward in his chair. “You talking about Area 51? That New Mexico?” he questioned.

  She spun her chair to face the wall of monitors and pushed buttons on the board. “I wonder what we missed while outside?”

  “Hey,” he said. “That’s not fair.”

  She grinned at him. “Sorry, dude. If I tell you—”

  Josh flopped back in his chair. “Then you’ll have to kill me.” He winked at her, hoping to make everything normal again.

  “You got it.” Her smile lit him up inside. Candy continued to mess with buttons and knobs, as camera footage ran backward.

  He wasn’t sure what had happened, but he felt as if they’d crossed a long and scary slatted-wood bridge dangling a hundred feet above snapping crocodiles. He was light and happy. She looked relaxed and focused. She smelled content with a tinge of arousal. Was that for him? It had better be, or he’d be kicking someone’s ass.

  “Here it is,” she said, pushing buttons.

  “What are you looking for?” he asked.

  She said, “Before I came outside, Yulian was talking to the newswoman. I think he may have said something important.”

  “We saw the camera guy turn the light on and the mic cord stretched inside, but that was it,” Josh said. “Any idea what Yul said?” He glanced up at a small TV mounted on the wall. A five second commercial promo identified the station as the same as the letters on the van outside. A regular nighttime show played—no live footage, so this crisis was still under some control.

  “No clue what he said, but we’re about to find out.” She twisted a knob. “Hopefully, it’ll answer some questions we have. Like what the hell is going on? And where is his brother?”

  He noted her usage of “we.” That was a good sign, right? The security camera footage played on a larger monitor sitting on the desk in front of them. He watched as the reporter hesitantly stepped toward the glass door to hand off the microphone, then hurry back toward the camera.

  The guy argued with one of his men in Russian, then stood behind the NIA director tied to a chair. “‘Ello, Americans and people of Vashington, DC—”

  Candy looked at Josh and asked, “Is that the same voice as the YouTube we heard upstairs?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, the one you said was Yulian, so that much we have right.”

  The video continued: “ . . . your government do dis to my family. I am here to tell you my story. My American father marry my Russian mother then you kill him years later—”

  “What the hell?” Josh asked. “Is he giving us his life story?”

  “Sounds like it,” Candy replied as she typed into a laptop sitting to the side. “God, does he think this is Lifetime or something? I can’t believe he’s telling the truth. There has to be a good explanation if he is.”

  He grunted. “He’s trying to justify why he’s doing this. What has that got to do with him taking hostages?” Josh couldn’t believe this joker. There was no reason ever to threaten innocent lives, to bully others into doing what you wanted.

  “Great,” Candy said, scanning through the laptop’s screen contents. “He and his brother have a grudge against the U.S. government.”

  “Why?” he asked. “What happened to them?” The CIA logo rested in the corner of the website Candy clicked and typed into.

  “According to their intelligence file, the boys’ father was an American who married their Russian mother. They lived in Russia as their father worked as an ambassador-like person of some kind.” She paused and scrolled farther down on the screen. “In the early 2000s, he was recalled to the States.”

  “Why?” Josh said moving closer.

  “Espionage charges,” Candy continued.

  “Did he have a
trial?” Josh asked. Candy skimmed longer.

  “Shit. The father was killed on a street in DC, coming to the NIB,” she said.

  “By whom?” he placed a hand over her shoulder, and she sat up but didn’t say anything to him touch.

  “Case unsolved,” she replied. “But notes say they think another Russian spy already here took him out before he could testify. Not much after that,” she said. “Bunch of gibberish.” She clicked the back button a couple times.

  “So you’re telling me this guy and his brother are seeking revenge on the U.S. government fifteen years after their father’s murder? And we didn’t even do it.” Josh found that cowardly. Yeah, it was a shitty hand dealt to them, but what they were doing now was more wrong.

  “Here’s something more,” Candy said, her voice excited. “Looks like we kept eyes on the mom and boys for a while in Russia. Says here the mom died from illness a couple of years later, leaving the boys on their own. The two dropped out of school and melted into the Russian underground. End of file.”

  “How old were they,” he asked, taking a few steps back and trying to calm his animal.

  “Yulian was fifteen. Mikhail was seventeen,” she said. “God, poor kids. No wonder they are the way they are as adults. To survive on their own in that environment . . .”

  Her expression and smell turned sad. Even though these guys were terrorists, his mate was caring enough to feel sorry about their situation as children. She may show a hard-lined bitch face to the world, but underneath she was a gooey chocolate chip cookie. One he’d spread open to let the hot chips drip like honey as his tongue caught the ambrosia. He licked his lips and pivoted his chair away from her, hiding his filled dick.

  “Oh, this isn’t good,” she said. She wasn’t talking about cock, was she?

  Chapter Fifteen

  In the security room of the NIB, Josh snapped from his sex-filled daydream before it even started. His mate was a couple feet from him and he couldn’t touch her without her freaking out on him. Apparently, something had happened to her in the past to make her afraid of touch. He needed to find out what and get her past it.

  Candy slid down the counter in front of the monitors to the side, closer to the computer.

  “What isn’t good?” he asked.

  “Director Pommer worked with the two boys’ dad, but Pommer wasn’t director back then, but in charge of the State Department.” She paused, eyes whipping side to side across the form she had pulled up on the computer. “Shit. Pommer was the one who authorized the boys’ father for interrogation.”

  “Well, that explains why here and why tonight,” Josh surmised. “This dedication was the perfect opportunity to get back at the people who the boys think ruined their lives.”

  “I agree.” Candy sat back and rubbed her eyes. “Shit. So not good.” She returned to the camera footage of Yulian’s speech and fast-forwarded through it. Josh guessed she wasn’t concerned what story the terrorist told. She knew the truth and that’s all she needed. “Let’s see if he offers any type of demands at the end of his boohoo,” she said.

  They watched and listened. The accent was thick. The man went on about Russia and the true motherland. Blah, blah, blah.

  Candy jerked forward to stop the video. “Did you see that?”

  Josh about fell out of his chair from her sudden movement. His little woman was as fast as a snake strike. “What?” he asked. Of course, he didn’t see it. He was staring at her. The screen showed rewinding material.

  She leaned forward and placed her finger on the monitor. “Look what he does.” She clicked the mouse and the picture played at normal speed. Josh watched as Yulian’s arm and head moved with no interruption of his story. “Did you see it?” She turned to him. “He looked at his watch.”

  Yes, that was what the slight movement was. “That’s interesting,” he said.

  “Exactly what I thought.” Candy sat back, finger tapping her chin and pressing her lips into a pucker. “What is he waiting for? Obviously, there is an agenda in the works.”

  “What do you think it is?” he asked. “You seem to know more about them than anyone else right now.”

  “All I know is they are unpredictable,” she came back. “They are smart and in with technology. They don’t do anything old school. And I don’t like this.” She pointed to the screen again. “Look at the other guys. Their guns are hanging at their sides. This is all a joke to them.”

  As Josh studied the image, Yulian knocked the microphone on the director’s head and threw it at the door. “Ve are about to have fun soon, Pommer. Let’s get de party started.” His mate sucked in a breath and snapped her eyes to the camera. Something was going through her head and he suddenly felt very worried.

  Candy popped up from her chair and headed for the gun locker. Her smell wasn’t right. It was desperate, irrational. Josh was on her tail. “What are you planning, Candy?” he asked.

  “I’m going to pick them off one by one before they kill someone.” She pulled out a sniper rifle and whipped around to face him.

  “Whoa there.” He blocked her way. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. There are too many of them and you have no good vantage point to set up.” He grabbed the rifle barrel and jerked the weapon over his head, dragging her toward him, right to his bare chest.

  He hadn’t taken the minute to put his shirt back on since coming in from outside. In fact, most of his clothes still lay on the ground on the other side of the door. Going commando in his pants gave him a free, wild sense.

  Her hands landed on his chest. The little fingers were hot. His skin sizzled, though he knew it was the electricity between them. Their chemistry would be off the charts.

  She was pissed, shooting daggers from her eyes. He backed her against the closed locker. Quickly her mood changed to sweet arousal.

  “Candy.” Her name slipped from his lips after a deep breath of her. His eyes still locked on hers, he leaned his head down to take her lips. He didn’t waste any time. Hunger for her made him desperate. Rough. Ferocious. Her open lips gave him an easy entry into her sweet depths. His tongue plundered, tasted, dominated, and took. He’d wanted her and now he was getting her. He was beyond thinking. It was time to feel. She pulled him closer. Time stopped. Everything got foggy as his sole focus became the moans he heard and the scent of her arousal.

  The kiss turned wilder, desperate and consuming. He should stop. He should stop right now. Her whimpers grew, and he envisioned ripping off her clothes. Fuck, but she felt so damn good.

  When he pulled back, her breath feathered over his cheek. “J-Josh . . .” The scent of fear slapped his face.

  “Candy, it’s okay. I would never hurt you.” He moved slightly so he no longer touched her, but barely. Her face reddened and she reached out for the rifle in his hand. The diversion hadn’t worked. Fuck. He’d been too rough. Let his control slip too much and he’d scared her.

  “Hey,” he said gently, “did you hear me? I would never hurt you.”

  She pushed away from him, her eyes not meeting his. “I know that.” She sat on the task chair at the monitors and stared at one of the screens.

  “Candy,” he said. She cringed a bit. His heart died a little. He wanted to ask about her past, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. If it was bad, he didn’t want her remembering things that would make her angry or sad.

  Sirens suddenly reached his ears. In the exterior views, black-and-whites with red lights flashing on top screeched to a stop up and down the street. Police officers swarmed the area, some even coming onto the back of the property.

  “Oh, shit,” she said, face in her hands. “There goes the neighborhood.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Saved by the red flashing lights, Candy thought. A moment ago, when Josh had her cornered and his incredibly ripped body had been within inches of her, she had about come undone. She’d be
en secretly drooling over him since she’d first laid eyes on him in his office hours ago. But being that close to him, smelling his manly scent, she about gave in to the building desire.

  Shit, when he’d been naked outside, she couldn’t take her eyes from him. He was freaking perfect. Muscles defined like the marble of a Greek god statue. And if a normal male’s johnson was supposed to be small when in the cold, dammit to hell, he’d be huge when excited. Her stomach churned, making her feel sick. But she squashed that weakness immediately.

  She was surprised by her reaction—or lack thereof—to him telling her he and his team were shifters. That explained her one SF mission. Actually, the idea of changing into an animal wasn’t foreign to her. When she was little and her parents yelled at each other, she used to pretend she was a fairy princess in a distant kingdom where families loved each other, never hurt each other. Not much of a difference between fairy and wolf, except one was real. One was deadly and scarier than shit. Okay, maybe there was big disparity.

  And then when his lips touched hers. Oh, fuck—that was exactly what she’d wanted to do to him. She wanted to feel Josh touch her in ways no man ever had. Perhaps it was the genuine concern she saw in his eyes or just how cute he was whenever he grinned, but she’d never wanted to have sex this badly. She wasn’t a virgin, by any means, but she wasn’t that experienced, either. When in camp with no solid walls and people always moving around, there was little opportunity for sexual encounters.

  Sex wasn’t that big of a deal to her, anyway. Her early trysts had been short-lived and quick. A lot of the time, she never reached orgasm. But that was what she got for hooking up with young guys who had little idea exactly where her clit was, much less what it took to bring a woman to climax.

  She felt sure Josh wouldn’t have that problem. Not at all. Then imagining his hands on her body, that old fear came screaming forward. Goddammit, she thought she could handle these stupid feelings. This gorgeous man weakened her emotionally and physically. If she stayed with him, he would break her down until she was a blubbering mess like she had been when she’d enlisted.


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