Knowing You (Jersey Series #2)

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Knowing You (Jersey Series #2) Page 8

by Sienna Skye

  “Excellent! I can use the help. But maybe Alexis wants to learn how to fix a door too. What do you say, Alexis? Would you like to learn?” Hunter asked.

  “Yes. Girls can fix things, too,” Alexis said firmly.

  Her comment was directed at Ryan. He didn’t seem to mind though. He was just happy he was avoiding a life sentence at the mall.

  “Well then, it’s all set. Your mom and Sarah can go shopping and the three of us will stay here and fix some stuff. Maybe order pizza for lunch?”

  The kids looked at Hunter like he was a God. Hunter looked at me and winked.

  “Happy shopping, ladies. We’ve got things covered here.”

  We said our goodbyes and then Sarah grabbed my arm and pulled us out the front door.

  “Was this your idea?” I asked her.

  “It was a joint effort. I mentioned to Hunter that you might not want the kids around for all the things we are going to buy.”

  “What things are those? I’m planning on buying a dress and shoes.”

  “A sexy bra and panties set. I guarantee you do not have any ‘bring him to his knees’ undies.” She looked at me as if daring me to lie.

  “Well no, but…”

  “But nothing. We are getting you prepared.”

  “What if it doesn’t go there?” I said with some concern.

  “It’s going there. Trust me, it’s going there.”

  “Wait, you told Hunter I don’t have sexy panties?”

  “Of course not. I told him I figured you would want to buy some sexy stuff and that might difficult with the kids there.”

  “Oh, because that makes it so much better. Now Hunter knows I want in Jace’s pants.”

  “Honey, we all know you want in Jace’s pants. Just like we all know Jace wants in your pants. Jace invited you to Sophia’s birthday. That right there screamed of him being interested in you. Then the two of you together at the party. The chemistry was off the hook. We all felt it.”

  I rubbed my temples. “I’m not sure I like the idea of everyone sitting around discussing their theories about me and Jace.”

  “It wasn’t like that. We’re all adults. I think everyone was tuned in to what was going on. Except for you and Jace. Well, maybe just you. I think Jace kind of had a clue. We weren’t all talking about it. It was just Hunter and me and Morgan and Julia.” She stopped to look at me out of the side of her eye when she felt me staring at her. “It wasn’t like that. It was more just the look we gave each other. Like we knew you guys would be really good together.” She stopped for a second and bit her lip. Then she shrugged. “Well, Kyle had a few more descriptive things to say, but that’s Kyle.”

  “Do I even want to know?”

  “No, probably not. Not yet anyway. In the world of Kyle though, it was pretty tame. If that makes you feel any better?”

  “Oh yeah. Loads better.” My words were dripping in sarcasm.

  When we got to the mall, Sarah asked me where I wanted to look for a dress. I told her a couple of stores I had in mind and she added a few of her own. I started to look at some dresses and held them up for her to see. She gave me a thumbs up or thumbs down. I tried the dresses on and while there were a few possibilities, none of them were making me feel like it was “the one”.

  We went to one of the stores Sarah had suggested and I watched as she expertly weaved her way through store, pulling dresses for me to try on. When she was finished, she started holding them up one at a time.

  “Oh Sarah. Don’t you think those are a bit much?”

  “No, I don’t. They may not be what you are used to wearing, but for a dinner date at the restaurant he is taking you to, these are all very appropriate.”

  “They are going to show a bit of skin.” I chewed on my bottom lip.

  “Sexy, but still appropriate. Trust me on this.”

  She put a hand on my shoulder and nudged me along to the dressing room. She closed the dressing room door behind us.

  I looked at her incredulously. “You don’t trust me to come out and show you these.”

  “Nope. Let’s go woman. Try on some dresses.”

  She looked proud of herself while she watched me slip into each dress. She made adjustments here and there while she lavished on words of encouragement. I picked up the last dress and slipped it over my head. Sarah zipped it up for me. Then she walked around to the front and started to tug on the lacing. Her eyes were wide when she looked at me and then she stepped back.

  “This is the one, Madison! You look gorgeous!”

  I took a long look at myself in the mirror. The dress was black, it hit just above the knee, and it did a good job accenting my modest curves. The top was a bustier style with somewhat thicker straps. I’d never worn anything like this before. I’d never looked like this before. Doubts started creeping into my head. Could I pull this off? I wasn’t sure.

  I never took my eyes off the image in the mirror. “Do you really think so?”

  “Without a doubt. Look at yourself, Madison. You’ll have Jace on his knees.”

  I shifted around to get one more good look. I blew out a breath.

  “Okay. I’ll get it.”

  The next purchase was a pair of black platform pumps. I had to admit, they did wonders for my butt. At the lingerie store, Sarah handed me a black demi bra made of the softest lace. It was beautiful. And rather see through.

  “You need something cut lower for the dress. And it will push your boobs up.” Then she pointed to an array of panties made of the same material. “Go through and pick whatever style you like. There is nothing here that isn’t super sexy.”

  When we got back to my place, we found a giant six foot four man being attacked on the floor by my kids. They were taking turns doing belly flops on Hunter. He would growl, grab them, and then tickle them mercilessly. An echo of laughter filled the living room.

  “Hey guys, your mom is home. Let’s go say hello.”

  The kids expressed their dislike with overexaggerated moans but listened to Hunter and came over to greet us. When Hunter stood up, I bit my lip to keep from laughing. His hair was standing on end.

  “How did everything go? Did everyone behave?” I asked.

  “Yes, Hunter, did you behave?” Sarah laughed.

  “They were great. We fixed the door. Good as new. We had pizza for lunch,” Hunter said brightly.

  “And zeppole!” Alexis reported enthusiastically.

  “And zeppole.” Hunter shrugged his shoulders and wore a grin that made him look like a little kid. Then he looked knowingly at Sarah and me. “How was shopping? Did you get everything you need?”

  I held up my shopping bags. “Mission accomplished.”

  Sarah dangled her bag from the lingerie store on one finger. “I found something too.”

  “Is that so?” Hunter’s grin grew larger.

  “Yep.” Sarah batted her eyelashes at him.

  I laughed. “Don’t let us keep you guys. Go enjoy the rest of your day.” I hugged Hunter. “Thank you for fixing the door. And for letting me have some quality time with your wife.”

  “Don’t mention it. I was happy to do it.”

  I hugged Sarah next. “Thank you for all your help today.”

  “You’re very welcome. But, the only thanks I need is for you to go and have a good time with Jace. You deserve this, Madison.”


  When the kids and I got home on Wednesday I set them up with a snack while I went to shower. Then I came back and helped them get started on their homework. I’d have an hour after Ralph picked them up to get dressed and do my makeup. Thankfully, it was a light night in the homework department. I let them watch TV while I did my hair.

  Five minutes after the kids were supposed to be picked up, I got a text telling me he was running late. I asked him how late and he was evasive. Now what? Okay, plan B. I’d do my makeup. My phone went off again.

  Sarah: He didn’t back out did he? Ralph, not Jace. No way Jace is backing out. />
  Madison: He’s late. He won’t tell me how late he is going to be. I’m on to Plan B and starting to get ready.

  Sarah: Damn him. Let me know if you need me. I can be there in 10 minutes.

  Madison: Thanks…will do

  I went to my room and started with my makeup. I brought out my special occasion makeup. The high end stuff I only wore when I was going out.

  A half hour past pick up time, I got an update saying he’d pick them up in fifteen minutes. That was cutting it close. I finished my makeup and then decided to get dressed. When I was dressed, I slipped on the heels and took a look at myself in the full length mirror.

  The combination of the bustier top and the demi bra did wonders for my chest. And the shoes, well I had to admit, my legs and butt looked pretty damn nice. It was a quarter past six. Where on earth was he? I sprayed on some perfume and then grabbed a small handbag and did a quick swap over from my purse. Five minutes later, I finally got the text that Ralph was out front. I ran out to the living room…well as fast as I could run in four inch heels…and told the kids their father was there.

  “Wow, Mom! You look pretty!” Ryan said.

  “Like princess pretty!”

  “Aww thank you guys! Now come here and give me hugs and kisses.”

  “You’re still going to walk us outside, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t I always?”

  I walked the kids outside. Ralph was standing by his car. He gave me the once over. Disdain evident on his face. I took a breath. I had no time for this. I needed to get him to leave before Jace—

  I saw a familiar SUV come to a stop.


  I told the kids to get in the car and buckle up.

  Jace stepped out and closed the door. Damn the man looked incredible all dressed up. He paused by his door, but never took his gaze off us.

  I was starting to sweat. Partly from running around like a loon getting ready, partly because of the situation at hand, and partly because Jace looked like a walking God.

  “So, this is why you needed me to take them overnight. Just so you can slut it up tonight.”

  “Excuse me? Are you fucking kidding me? You are accusing me of slutting it up?”

  He paused for a second, taken back by the fact that I lashed out. Then he eyed me up and down and scoffed as if to say the proof was standing in front of him.

  “You know what? What I do is none of your damn business anymore.”

  He stepped closer, dropping his voice to an even colder tone. “You’re such a dumb bitch.” He laughed before he proceeded. “Look at him. Do you honestly think a guy like him wants you for anything other than a quick night of fun? Maybe he has some older woman fantasy to scratch off his list. You’re nothing more than average, Madison. Don’t you think he would rather be with some hot sexy woman? Someone say…closer to his age?”

  Damn him. He knew my insecurities. How to penetrate the small bit of armor I had. His words cut me. Took away the confidence I had been working on building. And what the fuck was wrong with me letting him get to me like that?

  I had no comeback. There was no way I was going to be able to rip into him when I felt like I couldn’t breathe, let alone stand on my own two feet. Despite Jace being the subject of Ralph’s venom, I had kind of forgotten Jace was there. That was until I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Jace, looking bigger than I had ever seen him look, was walking over.

  Chapter Six


  A few things caught my attention when I pulled up to Madison’s house. The first was that her ex was obviously late picking up the kids. I was pretty sure it was a common occurrence that he was late, or a no show, or dropped them off early. Madison never really said anything directly, but I began to take notice how she had to change session dates or times. Madison seemed a little nervous. That was not uncommon for her. She was smoothing down her dress with her hands. It was one of her tells.

  I was monitoring the situation, but I was letting her handle it. I didn’t want to step in the middle of a family matter. That was until I noticed his body language change. It was meant to be intimidating and then I could see as every ounce of self-confidence left Madison. That sure as hell wasn’t happening on my fucking watch.

  I walked over, never breaking my gaze from her ex. He couldn’t take the eye contact and looked away. By the time I got to him, I already had this asshole figured out. There was no challenge to it at all. I only broke my line of sight when I reached Madison. I smiled at her.

  “Hi sweetheart.” I gently touched her upper arm and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

  I didn’t miss the fact that she was shaking, though she was making an effort not to show it.

  I was somewhat to the side of her, but placed myself between her and her ex. I looked him in the eye. No doubt about it, my first assessment was correct. This guy had insecurity written all over him. He needed attention and positive reinforcement. Lots of it. He needed to belittle Madison because he couldn’t handle that she was worth more than what he gave her. It was the only way for him to feel like a man.

  “I’m Jace.” I held out my hand for him to shake it. When he grabbed it, I shook it hard enough to get my point across. I was cognizant of the fact that the kids were in the car and I didn’t want to start something in front of them. I also didn’t want Madison worrying about that happening.


  “Well Ralph, if you will excuse us. Madison and I have plans for the evening. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again.”

  He got in the car and started to drive away. I waved to the kids in the back seat.

  Madison was still off. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

  “I’ve got you.” I squeezed her hand again and led her to my car.

  I opened the door, but stopped her before I let her get in. I put her face in my hands. “You look absolutely amazing tonight.”

  I could see in her eyes that she didn’t quite believe it. I leaned over and kissed her. She looked up at me with those hazel eyes, the amber flecks sparkling with the way she did her makeup. The expression on her face told me she was judging my sincerity.

  “You’re stunning, Madison.”

  I saw her blush and the slightest hint of a smile touched her lips. I motioned to the car and held her hand as she climbed in. I closed her door and walked around to my side. I climbed in but paused before starting the ignition. I turned to look at her. She was calmer, but still too quiet.

  “Are you alright?” I asked her.


  “If you want to talk about it—"

  “No. Really, Jace, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  That was a lie, but I was choosing to let it go. It gave her some sense of control and if that is what she needed, I’d give it to her.

  “Good. I’ve been wanting to try this place out for some time now. I’m happy that I’ll be sharing it with you.” I reached my hand up and caressed her cheek. For a brief moment, she leaned into it.

  She just needed to shake off the episode with her ex. I’d try to loosen her up on the car ride. I didn’t know the details of what he said to her, but maybe that really didn’t matter. I just needed to treat her right. Let her see herself through my eyes.

  By the time we got to the restaurant, she was more relaxed. We chatted in the car, the small talk seeming to change her focus. When I parked the car, she started to get out. I placed a hand over hers and shook my head.

  “Hold on. I’ll get the door for you.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was soft, but it was the smile that lit up her face that did me in.

  From the outside, the place looked like a regular restaurant, which it was. But hidden away inside was the part of the restaurant which was also a speakeasy. You needed a reservation and a password. The area was significantly smaller than the remainder of the restaurant, so there were a limited number of guests who were granted entrance. It didn’t hurt that the owners were friends of Kyle or that he designed the
building for them.

  “Is there a secret to get in?”

  “I was given the instructions when I made the reservations. The first thing we need to do is ask for a man named Sam.”

  She chuckled in response.

  When the hostess greeted us I told her, “We’re here to see Sam. He’s expecting us.”

  “And who may I say is here?”

  “Jace Monroe.”

  She made a show out of reaching under the podium and bringing out what looked like an older leather bound book. She skimmed through the names listed.

  “Right this way Mr. Monroe.”

  She led us through the restaurant, around to an area next to the kitchen. The only other door was a janitor’s closet. She passed her hand over the frame of a picture that was hanging on the wall.

  “Please wait here.” And then she was off.

  About a minute later, a portion of the wall opened up and this time a young man approached us.

  “You’re here to see Sam?”

  “Yes, he’s expecting us,” I answered.

  “Did he give you a password?”

  “Yes sir. Charleston.”

  “Very good, sir. Please follow me.”

  We slipped through the wall and then down a flight of stairs. There was another door below. This one made of red tufted leather. The young man pushed the door open and ushered us through.

  “Enjoy your evening.”

  Once inside, another hostess led us to our table. It was a private table, set back in the corner. I watched as Madison took it all in. The art deco décor, the dim lighting, the plush velvet seats. There was a crescent shaped booth around the table. Perfect for an intimate night. Madison slid into the booth and I followed her. The waitress took our drink orders and we looked over the menu.

  “Goodness, it’s so hard to choose,” she said as she continued to scan the menu.

  “Let’s start with the appetizers and work our way down.”

  She leaned over and pointed to one item on my menu and then another. “That looks really good, but so does that.”


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