Pure Will

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Pure Will Page 4

by Kristi Pelton

  “What took you so long?” Kate asked, standing…wobbling and leaning in to me.

  “Was waiting on Blake,” I said. “He got a phone call and apparently has to go.”

  Blake nodded walking around the corner.

  “No!” Kate wailed. I would never punch a girl, but I’ll be damned if this girl was going to detour my plan.

  For a short second Blake eyeballed me then said, “I gotta go. Sorry Cam.”

  My eyes moved to Cam who seemed…disappointed?? What the hell? Did she like this guy? Had I read her wrong?

  “Blake. If you can come back…Cam will be waiting,” Kate hollered as he closed the door behind him.

  Like hell she will!

  Kate sat back in her chair, filled the shot glass and shuffled the cards.

  “Come on, you two!”

  Cam shook her head. “No. It’s ok. You two play. I’m pretty drunk anyway.”

  “OK,” Kate said. “If I lose anything more anyway, he’s going to have to take me to the bedroom.”

  Cam nodded.

  I’m here to tell you, it was not Kate’s bedroom I was going to end up in.

  As Cam closed her door, she didn’t look at me…that crushed me.

  Being more sober than Kate, I had an idea and I wasn’t beyond cheating at this game. Telling her it was fun, I encouraged her to keep playing, which meant she lost all her clothes and also kept drinking. Continuing to play the role of responsible booty call, I carried her to bed, whispered that I would be back then went and sat on the sofa.

  Now, I knew that I was a good guy. I’d never steal nor would I ever violate a girl in any way. But these girls didn’t know me well enough to let me roam free in their apartment. Concern for their…her…well being swarmed over me as I thought about someone being in here that wasn’t trustworthy.

  It felt a little creeperish sitting on the sofa, so I walked back into Kate’s room. As planned, out like a light.

  With all due respect for their privacy, I tried to figure out a way to leave where I could lock their door, but it wasn’t possible, besides I was pretty tipsy myself. So, I made myself comfortable on the sofa with the TV muted.

  I only could have barely dozed when I heard Cam’s door open. God, I hoped I didn’t scare her. But the minute I saw her perfectly shaped little legs coming out from under her tight tank with no bra…I knew there was a God in heaven. She squinted at the light from the TV and spotted me propped up on my elbows staring at her.

  “You ok?” I whispered glad a blanket was covering my expanding lower half.

  “No!” she cried, and I don’t mean just cried out but literally cried. Big tears. And she covered her face so I couldn’t see.

  Screw being embarrassed, I lunged toward her and took her in my arms.

  “What’s wrong, Cam?”

  She didn’t really push me away but clearly needed…space?

  “I’m going to vomit. I hate to vomit. I mean I hate it,” she whined and sort of paced in a circle.

  “Do you want me to take you to the bathroom?” I asked afraid I might heave right along side of her if she did. Damn I was a pussy when it came to vomiting. But I would do what she needed me to.

  “No, no, no, no, no,” she said. “I need my bowl.”

  “Your bowl?”

  She frantically nodded and pointed to the kitchen. “My white bowl in the kitchen.”

  I darted to the kitchen, rummaging through things until I found a white bowl.

  “Is this it?” I asked holding it up, and she nodded again holding out her hands.

  “Will…” she wept my name and I think a vise cranked a notch on my heart.

  “I’m right here,” I said leaning down next to her.

  “I don’t wanna vomit. I don’t wanna vomit. I don’t wanna vomit,” she chanted gripping my shirt. I swear to God, if I could have induced it in some way to get this over with for her, I would have. Her head hung over this bowl of hers.

  “Cam. Why don’t we go into the bathroom next to the toilet,” I suggested quietly because I did not want to wake Kate. Her idea would be to hand Cam the bowl then go have sex. I was NOT leaving Cam.

  “Why would I put my face in a place that was solely meant for an ass?”

  I laughed at this comment because it was funny and true.

  “Don’t laugh at me,” she moaned.

  “I’m not. I promise,” I said rubbing her back.

  She pulled her knees beneath her and I think the time was coming. Inhaling long, slow, deep breaths, I also popped a piece of minty gum I had in my pocket to help with the smell, which always accompanied this sort of thing.

  “What does your side say?” she asked.


  “Your side. By your ribs.”

  I glanced down. My tattoos?

  “I have four,” I said and wondered if ink repulsed her. “Gone but not forgotten is one and the other says…”

  There it came. The vomit. I sat a little more upright and covered my nose, looking over toward the TV trying to control myself. Only heaved a couple of times, then as quick as that she stopped and lay back. Even with the scent of booze lingering in the air from the vomit, she lay before me beautifully bared. And I felt like some freaking fucked up pedophile staring at her incredible body—her breasts under the thin shirt, her stomach exposed and the rim of her panties that were very low on her hips and I saw not one stitch of hair. Get a grip, you freak!

  Adjusting my junk, I stood with the bowl and went to the bathroom in her room, dumping the puke into the toilet very proud of myself for not tossing my cookies…liquor. Her bathroom was impeccably clean, even the mirror and I smiled. Maybe I found someone more OCD than myself.

  Then I heard her, “Will!” and before I could flush and make it to her with the bowl, she flew past me in the bathroom and her vomit projected out and down the wall of the shower, thank God. But, that did it. The moment I saw the brown liquid mixed with chunks of pizza slowly oozing down the wall…I turned, knowing it was coming. First, I helped lower her to the floor when her knees went weak, then I, myself hit the toilet, the place no face should be. I slumped next to her trying to gather myself and thought, Wow, if my father could see me now.


  Eight days had passed with no sign of Will. Kate hadn’t mentioned him, but it wasn’t a good sign that no one had occupied her time either. I vaguely recalled him carrying me to bed that night and when I woke, the wet washcloth lying next to me. I also recalled barfing in front of him. Twice. It was no secret as to why he hadn’t called.

  Will, undoubtedly, was one of the hottest guys on campus and KU had a lot of hot guys. But Will…Will was different. He didn’t have to empty my bowl of vomit. And why was he even on the sofa? Regardless, the thought of his blue eyes when he held that powdered sugar in his hand. He walked toward me…not Kate.

  I’d gone to Eaton Hall almost every day telling Eli I would pick up his papers just on the off chance of seeing Will there…nothing. I wasn’t sure if it was me puking my guts up or Kate’s remark about my brother that had made him sprint in the opposite direction. But deep down I truly thought there was a connection. I knew there was on my part. There was nothing I could do now. Mark him down as a judgmental prick. The thing was…I didn’t think he was a judgmental prick. There was something in those blue eyes that called to me…that needed me. Wow, I was desperate.

  When I walked into the strength center, Ham was already showered and waiting for me with my newest student.

  “Hey Cam,” Ham said and hugged me then handed me a piece of paper. His anatomy test with an 87% at the top. I grinned. “Woofuckinhoo baby!!” He shouted squeezing me in a hug.

  “Landon. This is Cam. She is magical,” Ham said as Landon towered over me.

  “Hi Cam. Nice to meet you.”

  Landon was bi-racial and crazy good looking.

  “Nice to meet you as well. What sport and what do you need help in?” I asked, then spotted Will using littl
e pegs to climb up the wall. Every muscle in his back nearly ripped through the skin.


  I glanced at Ham.

  “I’m sorry. What?”

  Landon spoke again. “I’m on the baseball team and my problem is with college algebra.”

  “My specialty,” I said winking trying to catch my breath.

  Landon and I worked at a table near the front and out of a Will visual. But my heart never slowed with the hopes that he might walk past. Deep down I knew I had to get Will out of my head. It was an unspoken girl code—You can’t dip into your girlfriend’s guys. Besides, Landon was cute and funny and I’d made up my mind that Landon may just be my first kiss after this ridiculous hiatus; not just getting over something that never existed with Will but moving past what did happen with Max.

  “So Cam. I’m sure you tutor lots of guys,” Landon said as we walked to my car.

  “Lots!” I laughed.

  “And you have a policy on not dating someone you tutor?”

  I shrugged. “I suppose. I never have at least.” This was weird. “This is me,” I said as we reached my Passat.

  “Well there is a first for everything, right?” he smiled an all tooth smile. He was cute.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “Dinner tonight?” he asked. “Nothing fancy but maybe…”

  “She’s eating with me!” The deep voice echoed behind us and we both turned to see a sweaty, shirtless Will.

  Landon looked from Will to me. I, on the other hand, couldn’t take my eyes off Will’s midsection. Shit! I couldn’t even swallow the saliva pooling in my mouth.

  “Sorry. I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” Landon said.

  I shook my head in confusion. “I.” I swallowed. “Don’t.” What was Will talking about?

  Landon turned his back to Will and Will’s face pulled up into a snarl. What was wrong with him?

  “OK. Dinner then, Cam?” Landon asked and touched my arm in an attempt to pull me out of the trance I was under.

  Before I realized what was happening, Will shoved Landon against the car parked next to mine. “She is your tutor. Don’t misconstrue that. And you fucking lay even a finger on her again and you won’t play another baseball game as long as you live because I will break your fingers with a baseball bat—one by one. You got that?”

  Landon didn’t fight back. He glared at Will and nodded. Will backed down.

  As Landon walked away, I grabbed Will’s sweaty arm. “What are you doing? Do you ever wonder what life would have been like if you’d gotten enough oxygen at birth?” I asked appalled at his actions.

  “Do you know anything about Landon Cassidy?” he asked.


  “Exactly! What you don’t know could hurt you.”

  I reared up on my tiptoes. “I don’t know you either!”

  He took three measured steps toward me and his nose was inches from mine. “What do you want to know?”

  What did I want to know? I wanted to know everything about him. Why hadn’t I seen him? Where I could find him?

  “Why haven’t you been by? We haven’t even seen you?” I asked and hated the words once they were out. That wasn’t what I meant. I was flustered. Damn it. THINK!

  Confusion clouded his face for a moment. “I don’t know! She hasn’t texted.”

  Anger swelled inside of me. “I’ll remind her to do so. And I hope you have shag carpet at your place, it’s easier for her to hold on to!” I said trying to open my door, then he closed it as quick as I opened it.

  His hot breath blew on my neck and sent chills down my body on this 90 degree day. “Do you want me to text her, Camden, because I’m not sure how me just showing up at your apartment would go over. She would think I was there for her. I wouldn’t be. Just a little news flash.”

  I closed my eyes relishing the feel of his body up next to mine. His words were an added bonus. Hearing my whole name come from his mouth did something to me…

  “Do you think for a second I’d hurt you?”

  “No,” I whispered. “But you’re hers.”

  He gripped my shoulders and slowly turned me to face him—his eyes even more piercing than normal in the sun.

  “I’m not hers,” he said with pure conviction.

  “You know what I mean. She had you first. It’s like a friend code. You don’t do that.”

  “Camden. I’ve had more of a connection with you in our conversations about nothing than I’ve ever had with her. And those mean something to me.”

  I knew it. I knew he felt it too. But I didn’t know what to do…or where to go from here.

  “I don’t know how to do this, Will.”

  “How to do what?” he asked softly.

  “Like somebody. Get to know somebody.”

  The tips of his fingers dragged the length of my cheek as he studied every inch of my face.

  He swallowed hard then said, “It’s OK. I can take it from here.”

  “But me being mean to guys usually pushes them away. Why do you stay? Why don’t you at least fight back when I say mean things?”

  Only one side of his mouth turned upward. “Camden…why would I push away the one thing in life I want to be close to?”

  I held up my palm. “Don’t. Don’t say stuff like that. I’m not like Kate.”

  He chuckled. “It’s not Kate I’m after and I know more about you than I do Kate.”

  Instantly, I had a feeling he was talking about the things she had said to him about my brother and my walls shot up about fifty feet. Clearly he sensed it because he started talking again.

  “I have an idea. Get in my truck and we go get a drink. You get 10 questions and I get 10 questions,” he offered.


  “Now?” he asked and smiled.


  “Why not?” he asked.

  I bit down on my bottom lip. He pulled it free with his thumb.

  He motioned for me to come with him…so without thinking for once, I did.


  With the lift kit I’d put on my truck last summer, there was no way she was getting up there without a lift of her own. So I took the liberty of boosting her up by casually supporting her ass. Once in the cab, she turned and eyeballed me.

  “If you want to touch my ass that bad, just ask,” she laughed.

  I winked and ran to my side—literally ran. I was taking no chance of her changing her mind.

  I’d never taken a girl back to my house because I knew that would lead to questions. But this was different for me. There was something about Camden…I wanted her to know who I was.

  When we pulled up, her lips parted and she stared at the all brick house.

  “Do you live with your parents?” she asked.


  “Do you work?” she asked.

  Mentally I noted that was her second question.

  “Yes, sort of. I do cross fit competitions.”

  “What is that?”

  Question three. “It’s a series of cross-fit exercises that you do being timed and in competition with others,” I explained and got out of the truck darting around to her side. She was already trying to edge herself down.

  “Just wait for me, please.”

  She smiled. “That’s a hazard,” she said as I allowed her feet to touch the ground. “So, these cross-fit competitions, they pay for this ginormous house?”

  I nodded, hoping she was ok with that. Question four.

  She followed me in through the garage and into the mudroom. Wrigley met her with full force. Two legs on the ground and two on her chest.

  “Down boy!” I said grabbing my chocolate lab, but not before he could lap her with his tongue.

  “Hey there buddy,” she said rubbing his ears. “How cute are you? What’s his name?”

  I truly didn’t want to say. I feared this would make her run away.

  “Come on, boy!” I ordered.

�Will. What’s his name?” she asked again.

  “Wrigley. Can I get you a drink?” I asked.

  “Is that one of your questions?”

  “NO! It was an offer. Forget it…be thirsty,” I teased. “Get something from the fridge if you want it. Here is the kitchen. There is the living room. Watch TV. Sit and look pretty. Do whatever you want…except leave.”

  She giggled and that was music to my ears.

  “Come Wrigley,” I shouted.

  After my shower, I found her looking at the pictures of me in the cross-fit games. My mother had framed them and I was a little embarrassed that I had pics of myself in the house.

  “You have a very ugly body,” she said.

  “Why thank you. I work hard to have an ugly body.”

  “You smell soapy and clean,” she said leaning into me. I wanted to pull her closer.

  I inhaled her soft scent. “You smell sweaty and rank.”

  Immediately she sniffed her pits and I busted up laughing.

  “Should I shower?” she asked.

  “No, I was teasing. Drink here or go somewhere?” I asked. “Wait, are you 21?”

  Her brows arched up. “Do you think I am?”

  I shrugged. “Actually, I don’t care. My objective is to get you drunk then take advantage of you.”

  “It happens a lot. Most of the time, I can’t even remember who or how it happened.”

  A low growl rumbled through my chest.

  “What was that?” she asked her eyes widening.

  “A nonverbal warning to all the other men out there.”


  I walked toward her with the prowess of a jungle cat… “Any guy who thinks he might have a chance with you.”

  Her little body squirmed. Though her breasts were small, they curved beautifully on her chest.

  “I’m 21,” she said somewhat maneuvering away from that subject.

  I grinned. “I would have rounded up anyway. What’s your poison?”

  Her little shoulders jetted up then down. “Do you have vodka?”

  “I do,” I said, surprised by her choice.

  In the living room, she sat in the corner of the sofa, so I tried keeping some distance and sat a couple of feet away from her. Wrigley had taken up shop at her feet.


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