Emma's Dream

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Emma's Dream Page 5

by M. Lee Prescott

  Emma chuckled, taking his hand in a gentle handshake. “Hi, Ben. I thought you and Mom were supposed to have dinner tonight.?”

  Ben winked at her, then turned to Maggie. “That was the plan, but your mom stood me up for someone far more important.”

  “We, I, well, we,” Maggie stammered as two pair of identical eyes stared at her, waiting for an explanation. “Well, something came up, but here you are.”

  Emma stared from one adult to the other. “Mom, we just ordered. Can Ben eat with us?”

  “Yes, we did. Just order, I mean. Would you, I mean would you like?”

  “To join you? I’d be delighted.” He waved to Stacy, who had just emerged from the kitchen.

  “Hey, Ben. Great to see you again so soon. Want a menu?”

  “What’s Gracie’s fish tonight?”

  “Pan-seared rainbow trout with rosemary, corn relish, and polenta. Comes with veggies and a side salad.”


  “Something to drink?”

  Ben noticed that Emma had milk, her mother water, so he said, “Just water, thanks, Stacy.”

  Maggie watched his banter with the young, obviously smitten Stacy. When the waitress disappeared, she said, “You do get around, don’t you? Another member of your fan club?”

  “Stacy and I are old friends. Met her right after our fender bender. So, Emma, what are you having?”

  He directed his attention to the child and kept it there throughout the meal. Maggie watched her four-year-old fall under the spell of Ben Morgan and marveled at his capacity to charm the pants off any female from four to fifty. What hope did she have? In spite of herself, she found herself laughing at his stories, grateful for his antics and kind attention to her precious child. His keen interest in Emma’s every word appeared genuine. She hadn’t seen her daughter this animated and happy for a long time and, for that, she silently thanked Ben Morgan. Before the meal ended, Emma was feeding him her french fries, and he was sharing his polenta with her.

  When the check came, he grabbed it. “My treat. I insist, after I crashed your meal. And,” he added, turning to Emma, “if your mom agrees, I think we should mosey on down to the Daily Scoop for dessert?”

  Emma turned to her mother, eyes wide as saucers. “Can we?”

  “Right, I’m supposed to say no to that?” Maggie laughed, already thinking about what flavor ice cream she would order.

  Ben leaned forward, whispering. “But don’t say anything till we’re outside. Gracie’ll be offended if we don’t try her pie of the night.”

  As he settled the bill, Maggie stood, rearranged the wheelchair, and waited for him to stand so she could help Emma into it. With a last megawatt smile at Stacy, Ben turned to Emma. “Okay, kiddo, want a lift?” Not waiting for the child’s response, he stood and lifted her in one fluid motion, settling her into the chair. She was light as a feather, the frail body no more than wisp of air in his arms. He hated to set her down, her warmth and sweetness a balm to his baffled, tremulous emotions. He realized with a start, that Emma Williams had already found her way into his heart.

  Maggie’s heart lurched as she watched how tenderly he treated Emma. When her daughter reached up to touch his cheek with a “thanks, Ben,” her heart felt like it might nearly break in two.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “Okeydokey, ladies. Are we ready? Then let’s go.” Ben’s voice was gruff, the poignancy of the moment apparent to all three of them as well as to Stacy, who observed from a short distance away.

  Gracie emerged to say good night. As she and her young waitress watched the threesome depart, she said, “There’s a history there, mark my words.”

  Stacy sighed. “Too bad. He’s such a hunk.”

  “What about the young and handsome Jeb Barnes?”

  “A girl can dream, can’t she?”

  * * *

  Chapter 14

  Ben pushed Emma’s wheelchair as they walked the block to the ice cream parlor. Orders filled, they sat in the shade of the shop’s back porch, enjoying their “small cones,” each with three heaping scoops of homemade ice cream.

  “Mmm,” Maggie sighed, as she settled back in her chair.

  He watched her lips and tongue as she savored each creamy drop. “What’s in that Moose Tracks, anyway?”

  “Everything,” she murmured. “So delicious. I’d forgotten. It’s been over a year since I’ve had ice cream.”

  Emma licked her crazy vanilla with sprinkles and dripped as much in her lap as went in her mouth. Ben stepped inside to retrieve a wad of napkins, some of which he handed to Maggie.

  “Here, kiddo,” he said as he spread the remaining napkins over the growing pool in Emma’s lap. She rewarded him with a milky grin.

  Maggie watched them, her heart softening at his tenderness with Emma. Still, she reasoned, it was not right to tell him. Not until she knew him better. If he was headed back to California, with or without the beautiful Rose Dillon, she was not about to compromise her daughter’s welfare. She would wait and see what kind of stuff Ben Morgan was made of. Watching him, she longed to reach over and touch his strong arm, scoot nearer to feel his heat. When might he turn his gorgeous brown eyes in her direction? Clearly her daughter was smitten. After all her surgeries and hospitalizations, Emma was an outgoing child, but Maggie had never seen her so entranced by anyone except her beloved grandfather.

  As darkness fell, mother and daughter nibbled the last of their cones. Ben’s had disappeared in what seemed like thirty seconds, but his companions savored theirs. Maggie stepped into the shop for a glass of water, then wet a wad of napkins and did the best she could to clean Emma up. She smoothed Emma’s curls from her forehead. “Time to go, Sweet Pea.”

  Ben watched and realized that he missed them already. How had this happened? He never had a problem saying good-bye. No one, man or woman, had ever affected him this way. After accompanying them to the clunker, he settled Emma into her car seat and strapped her in as if he’d been doing it his entire life.

  “You’re pretty good at that,” Maggie said from behind them.

  “Engineering degree. There you go, Miss Emma, all safe and sound. See you later, alligator.”

  Before he withdrew, he kissed the top of her head.

  She giggled. “After while, croc-dile.”

  Ben winked and closed the door, then turned to Maggie. “What a sweetheart. I think I’m in love.”

  “Yes, she is. Thank you for tonight. It was special for her, and fun for me.”

  “Me, too. So, can we do it again? Tomorrow, maybe?” As he leaned nearer, his lips grazed her ear, and Maggie’s scent engulfed him. “Maggie, I’d really like to see you again. Emma, too.”

  He could see the child’s eyes watching through the window. Every fiber of his body screamed for her mother, but he held himself at arm’s length. Then, mustering every ounce of self-control he possessed, he stepped back.

  “Let’s see how things go.” She did not trust herself to say more, but her eyes betrayed her.

  For an instant, he spied the longing in her eyes. “You feel it, too,” he whispered. He winked at Emma, still watching their every move. “I’ve got an idea. I’ll bring lunch tomorrow. I wanta say hi to Harley, and maybe you and I can take a short ride? What d’ya say?”

  “No way. I can’t. It’ll be a crazy day with Harley back and Tabasco’s rider coming.”

  “You have to eat, don’t you? Look, I’ll come by around one. If you’re too busy, you can shoo me away.”

  Fat chance of that, Maggie thought, and she nodded. “Fine, see you tomorrow. Thanks again.”

  Ben grasped her hand and sent shock waves through her. “Good night, Mr. Morgan.” She wriggled from his grasp and hurried around the car.

  Ben watched as they drove away. Home, I finally found it. The ache in his heart was surprising and real.

  * * *

  Chapter 15

  Ruthie Morgan watched as her brother came up the front wal
k. “Who hit you over the head and left you so starry-eyed? You’re in Mom’s shit house. Better watch out.”

  “What’re you talking about?”

  “Well, first, she’s pissed that you were with Maggie, and—”

  “How did she find out?”

  “Come now, brother dear. You know Leonora, Super Snoop. She has spies everywhere. Harriet Carpenter called her the moment she spotted you at Gracie’s.”

  Ben groaned as he sat down hard in the rocker beside her. “This is precisely why I got out of Dodge. In Santa Barbara, everyone’s anonymous. No one knows your business and no one cares.”

  “She’s also pissed because she’d invited the Dillons for a drink and then you weren’t here to romance the fair Rose.”

  “She’s relentless, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, I am.” Leonora stepped out of the porch. “And I’ve invited Rose and her parents to dinner tomorrow. I promised them that you would be joining us.”

  “What am I, chopped liver?” Ruthie asked.

  “Don’t be silly, Ruthie.”

  “Fine,” Ben said, “it’d be great to see the Dillons. Okay if I bring two guests?”

  His sister cringed and slunk down in her chair, mouthing “ouch.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “As long as we’re inviting people to dinner, I’d like to invite Maggie and her daughter, Emma. Maybe even her dad, if he’d like to come?”

  Leonora stared at him, mouth agape. “Do you think she’d feel comfortable? I mean, here at the big house when she’s our employee?”

  Ruthie rolled her eyes. “Mom, Maggie tames wild mustangs. I’m sure she can handle us. Besides, I’ll be here, and Ben and Dad.”

  “And what does that mean?”

  “That you’re the only scary one in the group,” Ben said. “They come, or I don’t.”

  Leonora threw up her hands. “Fine, have it your way. I’m going in to find your father. Good night, you two.”

  As the door closed behind their irate mother, Ruthie turned to him. “She won’t give up, you know.”

  “Neither will I. Night, Shortcake. Lover boy returns tomorrow. You excited?”

  Ruthie laughed and threw a boot at him. “I’ll get you for that one.”

  Ruthie had had a crush on Harley Langdon since elementary school, but he had always treated her like his little sister. She assumed that Harley had no idea of her feelings, nor did he reciprocate them, but her big brother knew better. Ben had seen the way his friend looked at Ruthie during the summers after high school. She was still too young for him, but that didn’t stop the older, seasoned cowboy from looking.

  * * *

  Chapter 16

  Maggie dressed Emma for preschool. The special morning class for disabled children met two days a week in Tucson. Ned drove the child and ran errands until it was time to collect her. Maggie sighed, smoothing her daughter’s unruly curls. What would they have done without her dad and the loving care he provided?

  Once Emma and Ned were bundled off, she hurriedly collected her things and headed out. On school days, Maggie arrived at work an hour later, a situation that was no problem with Jeb. Today she would have preferred to arrive before her boss, but Emma came first. As she drove up, she spied Harley and Ben sitting on the tailgate of Harley’s pickup, chatting.

  Tall, handsome cowboys, they looked like a cover of Western Digest. She envied their easy camaraderie. They were gorgeous, irresistible, and utterly charming, and they knew it. There wasn’t a woman from here to Yuma who wouldn’t give her right arm for a fling with one of these cowboys. This is why you are not going to get involved, Maggie Williams. Do you hear me?

  A head taller and leaner than his friend, Harley had sandy hair that curled at his neck. He hadn’t shaved in a few days and dark circles ringed his green eyes, but his smile that made women go weak at the knees did not look the least bit tired.

  He waved his hat at her. “Hey, Mags, look who the cat dragged in.”

  She nodded at Ben, then turned to the other man. “Hey, Boss, welcome back. How’s the high life at Reagans’?”

  “Kinda boring, if you wanta know the truth. I prefer Morgan’s Run and rough around the edges. Too sleek and tidy out there.”

  Maggie smiled at her boss, she was so glad to see him. “So we’re untidy, are we?”

  “Yup, and proud of it.”

  Maggie sighed. Now she could get back to what she loved, the horses and the riding, and leave the business end to Harley. The mustang training had consumed them the past few months, and they had neglected the riding programs, pony camps, and pack trips that were the ranch’s bread and butter. The exclusive pack trip, led mostly by Harley, had put Morgan’s Run on the map. The ranch was now a destination for the rich and famous who sought an undiscovered piece of paradise for their vacation. The ranch had seen its share of movie stars, studio bigwigs, and tycoons over the years, their intense need for privacy assured at Morgan’s Run.

  The now familiar tingle coursed through Maggie as she regarded the two friends, remembering Ben’s touch, his lips grazing her neck, the heat that had set her afire and was now settling in her loins. Get a grip, Maggie Williams! She slung her backpack over her shoulder and headed for the barn. The sooner she got away, the sooner her heart would stop pounding.

  She waved over her shoulder. “Gotta get Tabasco saddled. Rider should be here soon.”

  “Great. And Mags, when you have a sec, can you show our new coworker the ropes? I imagine Surfer Boy is a bit rusty.”

  “Ha, ha,” Ben said, nudging his friend.

  “Excuse me?” Maggie asked, turning back.

  Ben answered before his friend could reply. “Yup, I offered my services and was told this is where I’m needed. They’ve got a corporate group coming in for a pack trip, and thought I could organize it since you guys are busy with the mustangs.”

  Mouth agape, Maggie stared at her boss.

  Harley shrugged. “Don’t look at me. Came from the boss man himself. Besides, who am I to argue? Be fun to see this tenderfoot bumble around after years as a beach bum.”

  “Beach bum?”

  “Whatever. Look, Mags, it’s a big group. I can use the help, and it’ll be great to have him riding with me.”


  As she turned on her heel and disappeared, Harley looked at his friend. “What’s up with her? You two have something goin’ on I should know about?”

  Ben grinned. “It’s complicated.”

  “Didn’t look complicated to me. More like pure, unadulterated lust, at least coming from you, ole buddy. I go away for a couple of weeks and you’ve reduced my best trainer to a trembling schoolgirl. What the hell’s been happening around here?”

  “Nothing yet.”


  “There’s an attraction, no denying it.”

  “Yuh think?”

  “We met up when I drove into town. Had a minor fender bender. She freaked out.“

  “She would, of course, with Emma and all. How did a fender bender turn into carnal lust overnight?”

  Ben shook his head. “I don’t know. There’s just something about her, you know?”

  “Oh, I know, Maggie’s sensational, but what about Miranda, your beach bunny girlfriend?”

  “We split up a few months ago. Wasn’t going anywhere, and we were getting on one another’s nerves.”

  “None of your romances go anywhere, buddy.”

  “Look who’s talking.”

  “Yeah, but I’m still waiting for your baby sister to grow up.”

  “New flash—she’s there, even though I’d never tell her.”

  “Never mind about my pathetic love life. What’s stoked the fires with Maggie and you?”

  “Can’t tell you, man, but they’re definitely stoked. We had a one-nighter before I left. Did you know that?”

  “Round-up Night? Yeah, I remember you disappeared somewhere, but I never knew with who.”

may have taken advantage of her, Harl. I was pretty drunk.”

  “Maggie’s a big girl, and she’s tough as nails. If she went along, she knew what she was doing.”

  “Maybe. Now she’s all I think about. Her girl’s a cutie, isn’t she?”

  “Em? Watch out, buddy. She’s already taken. Em’s my sweetheart. Has been from the day she was born.”

  “That had to be rough for Maggie, coming home pregnant, then the accident.”

  “Like I said, Maggie’s tough. We almost lost her after the accident. Never left that baby’s side. Hardly slept or ate. Got so thin you could almost see right through her. Thank God she has Ned. He’s great with Emma. All I’m sayin’ is, tread lightly, buddy. Maggie’s the best trainer in the valley, and I don’t wanta lose her ’cause you break her heart. You break her heart and you’ll have me and Ned Williams to contend with.”

  Jeb drove up, and conversation ceased as Harley began going over the day’s work with his assistant.

  * * *

  Chapter 17

  Maggie brushed Tabasco, her voice soothing as she slipped a saddle onto the massive creature. Ben watched and marveled at her gentleness and courage. He wasn’t completely comfortable around a horse that size, yet here she was, apparently fearless, her slender frame pressed against the horse’s flank as she went about her work.

  “I won’t crowd you,” he said softly, not wanting to startle her. “I didn’t ask for this work, but they didn’t need me at the farm, Raoul doesn’t need drovers for at least a few weeks, and my parents are king and queen of the hospitality brigade.”

  A shy smile played across her face as she continued to stroke Tabasco’s flank. “We can use the help.”

  Forgetting his fear of the horse beside her, Ben covered the distance between them until he stood inches from her. “Maggie, I—”

  She gazed up, her eyes reflecting the longing he felt. Before he knew it, Ben swept her into his arms and captured her luscious lips and mouth with his, delving deeply as she responded, her tongue circling his. He groaned, already growing hard as he pulled her closer, desire nearly overwhelming him. No woman had ever had this effect on Ben Morgan. He was lost in the agony of wanting her.


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