Emma's Dream

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Emma's Dream Page 7

by M. Lee Prescott

  She stepped between Ben Senior and her child, blocking his view. Fortunately, Ben Junior had been wrapped in conversation with Jay Dillon and had not noticed the exchange, but Ruthie and his mother had. “A white wine would be lovely, thank you,” Maggie said.

  Misinterpreting her husband’s behavior, Leonora moved to his side. “Are you alright?”

  “Never better.” He drew her close and kissed the top of her head.

  As Maggie turned away from the elder Morgans, she found Rose’s hazel eyes darting back and forth from Emma to Ben. Her expression registered surprise, then understanding. Maggie groaned inwardly. What a terrible mistake this was. As she watched, the other woman’s eyes looked sad for an instant before the strong emotion vanished behind a mask of affability.

  Maggie smiled as Ben Senior handed her a large goblet of wine, then moved to sit beside her daughter. The elder Morgan kept up a lively conversation with Emma about everything from jackrabbits to Barbie dolls, although he ’fessed up that he knew next to nothing about the latter. “Wait’ll Ruthie gets here. She can probably unearth her dolls from the attic, since it was just last year when she stopped playing with ’em.”

  For dinner, Carmela passed around a huge earthenware tureen of vegetable ragout along with farm cheese polenta, fresh breads, and lamb kebobs. She made Emma a cheeseburger, with french fries in fancy wire basket accompanied by tiny ramekins of ketchup, relish, and mustard. Delighted, the child ate every bite. Dessert was a creamy tart topped with berries. Each course was accompanied by a different wine, most from the Dillons’ winery, except the last, a crisp California champagne from the case Ben had brought back with him.

  Maggie nursed her glass of wine until dessert, when she accepted a small flute of champagne. Leonora presided at the north end of the table, waving instructions to her husband throughout the meal. Sensing Maggie’s discomfort, Carmela flashed her covert smiles as she served and cleared.

  Ruthie chatted nonstop with Emma. This left Maggie to converse with Jay Dillon, whose conversational repertoire appeared to be limited to wine grapes, livestock and crop reports. As he droned on, Maggie feigned interest as she stole glances at Ben and Rose. Clearly enjoying one another’s company, they fell into the easy conversation of old friends. Like his kind, sensitive housekeeper, Ben Sr. kept his eye on Maggie. As dessert was served, he leaned forward and inquired about the mustang training.

  “Poor Tabasco scared him off, I’m afraid, but he took to Pearl immediately.”

  “Uh-oh.” He gazed over at his youngest daughter, now making funny faces at Emma. “There’ll be hell to pay when she goes. Have to start lookin’ for a pretty painted filly.”

  As Carmela served coffee and tea, Leonora turned to Rose. “So, your mom tells us you’re setting up in Tucson. How wonderful for you and your proud parents. We hear that the clinic is headed for world renown.”

  * * *

  Chapter 21

  As there was still plenty of light when they finished dinner, Ben Sr. suggested a walk to the stables. Instantly Emma’s eyes sparkled. Leonora, Jay, and Martha elected to remain at the house, but the rest of the group headed down the grassy pathway behind the house. Ben, his dad, and Ruthie took the lead with Ben pushing Emma’s chair, the others pointing out the sights as they progressed. Maggie and Rose followed a short distance behind them.

  “She’s a beautiful child, and good as gold,” Rose said softly. “I know a lot of four-year-olds, and none of them are as well-behaved as Emma..”

  Maggie smiled, grateful for the other woman’s kindness. “She was getting a lot of attention, and this is a special treat for her. We don’t go out much.”

  “I was so sorry when I heard about your accident. The whole town is pulling for Emma.”

  “Yes, we’ve had wonderful support. My father takes good care of her so I’m able to work, thank God.”

  Rose paused on the path and turned, touching her arm. “Maggie, I don’t want to interfere, but have you exhausted all possibilities, seen specialists and all, about Emma’s injury?”

  Tears stung Maggie’s eyes. “Let’s just say, we’ve exhausted the possibilities in the southwest, Phoenix, Tucson, even the research center in Santa Fe. We haven’t yet gone east, but there’s a surgeon in Baltimore who came highly recommended by Emma’s doctor in Tucson. Right now, the cost to get her back there, not to mention the surgery itself, is beyond my means.”

  She brushed tears away. “Sorry, it’s literally all I think about night and day, but so far, all I’m able to do is think. I try to take the best care of her I can. My dad drives her into Tucson for PT twice a week. We’re trying to keep her legs strong and limber. Her voice trailed off as she watched Ben sweep Emma from her chair and carry her into the barn.

  Rose followed her gaze. “He’s great with her, isn’t he?” Maggie nodded. “Maggie, I’m not sure if you were listening to the dinner conversation about my job, but Dr. Heavers, my mentor and now boss, is one of the best pediatric neurosurgeons in the world. He moved out here to start the clinic, thinking about retirement in five or six years, but he’s still at the top of his game.”

  She reached into her pocket and pulled out a business card. “I brought this for you. I would trust Dr. Heavers with my child in a heartbeat. Please think about coming down to see him.” When Maggie’s eyes registered surprise, she added, “Ben called this afternoon and told me you’d be here.”

  “Thank you.” Silently she wondered about the communication between the childhood friends, but was nonetheless grateful for Rose’s concern. The beautiful couple could ride off into the sunset for all she cared, if Rose’s mentor could help her Sweet Pea to walk again. Like every other avenue she had explored, the Heavers Clinic’s costs would, no doubt, be prohibitive, but for Emma’s sake, she would think about it.

  Harley greeted them inside the barn. “Sorry to miss dinner at the big house, guys, but isn’t this my lucky day? A whole bevy of beauties and Rosie, our prom queen and girl of my dreams, back in the fold. Your folks must be in heaven.” This pronouncement received a scowl from Ruthie.

  Rose laughed, hugging her high school classmate. “Good to see you, Harl.”

  Maggie went to join Ben and Emma, who were getting acquainted with Sunny, a sixteen-year-old Shetland, the ranch’s unofficial mascot. She had been the younger Morgans’ first mount. Nowadays she mostly grazed and followed Maggie, Jeb, and Harley around. Occasionally, one of Carmela and Raoul’s nieces or nephews came for a ride, but mostly Sunny was retired, though not by choice. She was practically dancing over Emma’s attention, every fiber of her body screaming “ride me!”

  “She likes you,” Ben said as they petted Sunny and fed her handfuls of oats. Emma’s arm circled his shoulder, and he held her close. He was so in love with this frail, spunky little girl. “We oughta get you out here for a ride.”

  Emma looked at Maggie, wide-eyed. “Can I, Mom, can I please?”

  “I don’t know, sweetie. It would have to be with one of us, and I’m not sure Sunny could handle the weight. She’s an old girl now.”

  Ben started to speak but then stopped, not wanting to contradict Emma’s mom. His mind was already racing with possibilities as he stood beside the woman who had rocked his world earlier in the day. Casually he draped his arm round her shoulder and was relieved that she did not pull away. His chest swelled with pride.

  Ben Sr. leaned to whisper in his daughter’s ear. “Now, that’s a mighty nice picture, isn’t it? Never thought I’d see your brother head over heels with a lady, did you?”

  Ruthie tore herself away from her surveillance of Rose and Harley’s conversation. What chance do I have when she’s around? “Yup, big brother is certainly smitten.”

  “Always liked Maggie. Level-headed, feet on the ground.”

  “You know Mom’s having fits over this?”

  “Oh, she’ll settle down. It’s just new and so soon after she’s gotten him home. She’ll get used to it with time.”

right. You wait. She’s got dates lined up for him every night for the next month. She’s probably been on the matchmaker hotline all day.”

  “Your brother can handle her. ’Sides, it doesn’t look like her first idea panned out too well.” He gazed at Rose and Harley, who were outside now, talking and laughing. “Have we got ourselves another romance in the making?”

  His daughter scowled. “Humph! Now, what about my horse? When can we start looking?”

  Surprised at her youngest daughter’s change of mood, he gave her a look.

  “You know, honey, I was looking at Emma earlier. She’s…I mean…she looks like…do you see any resemblance to—”

  “Oh, my God!” Ruthie exclaimed. “She’s been in town five minutes and she’s already flirting with every man she sees!”

  “What’s that, honey?” But Ruthie had already stalked off. As she headed back to the house, her father joined the others.

  Maggie smiled as the elder Morgan approached. “This has been a lovely evening, Mr. Morgan, but we should be heading home. Thank you so much.”

  Ben Sr. winked at her. “Lots more get-togethers in the future, I expect.”

  * * *

  Chapter 22

  Car seat stowed back in Maggie’s car, Ben walked them to the door, where Ned waited.

  “Hey, you three. I was getting worried.”

  “Night, Em,” Ben said, giving the child a hug, which she returned. “See you later, alligator.”

  “After a while, croc-dile.”

  When she smiled up at him, adoration shone in her dark eyes.

  Ned wheeled the chair in and closed the door behind Maggie and Ben.

  As soon as the door closed, Ben swept her into his arms for a deep, lingering kiss. “Wasn’t too terrible, was it?”

  Breathless and weak-kneed, Maggie nodded as she ran her fingers along his strong jaw. “Thank you. It was very special for Emma.”

  “What about you?”

  “It was fun to see her happy.”

  “And her mom?”

  “Do you want the truth?”

  “What do you think?”

  “As one of the hired help, dining at the big house was a bit uncomfortable. Your dad’s great and all, but it feels more than a little strange. Why do you think Harley begged off and ate in town?”

  “He was busy.”

  “Maybe.” She gave him a wry smile. “Look, it’s no big deal, but you and I grew up in different worlds. I didn’t hang out at the Rancho Mirage Club, playing tennis, golf, or whatever they do there.”

  “Neither did I.”


  “Well, I might’ve spent a summer or two there.”

  “Hmm, and I suspect many evenings with young adoring ladies at your side. You do have a bit of reputation, you know.”

  “That was a long time ago. That’s my mother’s world. I walked away from it in my early twenties and never looked back. My father’s never been comfortable off the ranch.”

  “A ranch that counts celebrities and the A-list of the rich and famous among its regular guests.”

  “Again, not me.” He felt her stiffen in his arms and decided to change the topic. “Emma loves horses, doesn’t she?”

  Maggie nodded. “I should bring her out more often. It’s been so busy with the mustangs.”

  “Now that I’m here, that can change. I’d be happy to take her riding. Probably not on Sunny, but I could take her on one of the quarter horses.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Please let me do this, Maggie. I didn’t want to say anything in front of Emma, but I’d be thrilled to take her riding.”

  “It’s not that,” she said quietly. “I trust you. I haven’t taken her because I don’t know if it would be safe, with her injury. I wouldn’t want to cause more damage if there may be hope someday.”

  “Of course, I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”

  She reached up again to stroke his cheek. “It’s okay. I was talking to your friend about Emma’s injury. She suggested I come to her clinic.”

  “You should. She works with the best, or so I’m told.”

  “She’s nice, your Rose.”

  “Yeah, Rose is a nice person, but she’s not ‘my Rose.’ She’s an old family friend.”


  “Do you honestly believe I could be interested in another woman after today?”

  “Hard to tell. Maybe that’s what you do with all the female help.”

  He stared down, ready to do battle until he glimpsed the teasing in her eyes. “I’ll get you for that, Maggie Williams. In fact, if we weren’t standing on your front stoop, I’d have my way with you right now.”

  With one long, sensuous kiss, tongues entwining, teasing, and caressing, they said good night, and Maggie went in.

  “Hot date,” Ned said, smiling as he watched his daughter close the door.

  Maggie blushed crimson. “Something like that.”

  “Sounds like Emmie had a ball?”

  Maggie nodded.

  Her dad said, “She’s waiting for you.”

  * * *

  Chapter 23

  Within a week, they wondered how they had ever managed without Ben. More mustangs were delivered, and Carl Delgado’s work with Pearl took most of Maggie’s time. Harley and Ben spent their days running between the Lodge and stables, working with Ben Sr. to plan the corporate pack trip scheduled for the following week. Ben took Emma, Maggie, and Ned to supper at Gracie’s one night, but other than that, they’d seen little of each other except in passing.

  After the dinner at the big house, Maggie had asked for space to work, to catch up at home, and think things through. It was torture for her and for Ben. He nonetheless respected her request until the day before the corporate group’s scheduled arrival.

  After an exhausting day, Maggie saddled Tabasco. The gentle giant had had little attention since Carl Delgado’s rejection. He nickered softly as she adjusted his harness, nudging her as if to say, “Hurry up.”

  “Okay, boy, I’m going as fast as I can,” Maggie said, ruffling his mane, patting his shoulder.

  “Want some company?”

  She jumped at the sound of Ben’s voice. “If you like, but it’s gonna be a quick ride. No stopping along the way.”

  “Fine with me. Meet you outside?” As he moved away, Ben took a few seconds to drink in her sweet scent, thinking how much he missed her.

  They took the Falling Water Trail but did not ride out far enough to reach the falls, which were a trickle at this time of year. The trail wound north through a forested area, so they were in shade for most of the time. Tabasco trotted merrily and seemed thrilled to have escaped the confines of barn and corral. Despite his size, he was agile and steady. Maggie thought again how glad she was that Carl Delgado had chosen Pearl. If she had the money, she’d offer to buy Tabasco in a heartbeat.

  Ben rode Rowdy, the stable’s resident “wild stallion.” A ten-year-old quarter horse, he was the mount most often favored by his brothers and men wanting lessons on a feisty mount. A beautiful sorrel, he was sure-footed and dependable as long as his rider used a firm hand. Ben had already decided that Rowdy would be his mount for the pack trip. Harley would be riding Pepper, his five-year-old Appaloosa. Since Rowdy and Pepper did not always see eye to eye, Maggie had suggested he take Royal, but Ben had assured her that with two experienced riders who would no doubt be at opposite ends of the group most of the time, there would not be a problem.

  Watching her, he marveled at her ease in the saddle as she guided the enormous horse up the narrow trail. She barely moved a muscle, her curvaceous body one with the horse as they moved in perfect sync. Ben had been riding his entire life, but if he were being truthful, Tabasco’s size and wildness scared the heck out of him. Yet here was this slender, lithe creature riding him as if he was the old gray mare. Her hair was tucked under her hat, and a long chestnut braid trailed down her back.

  When they reached the ridge, they paused
at the overlook to gaze down the valley, farmlands and pastures stretched out before them.

  “Time for this city slicker to take a quick break,” he said.

  She laughed and dismounted alongside him. “If you need a break after twenty minutes of easy riding, you’d better bring knapsacks full of panty hose and Advil with you next week.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “Harley’ll give you no end of grief about it.”

  “I’m prepared. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve to distract him.”

  She laughed. “Good luck with that.”

  Maggie leaned back against the red clay outcropping and gazed toward the mountains. “This is one of my favorite places on the ranch. Best views in the valley.”

  “The best view anywhere, and I’m not talking about the mountains.” Gorgeous eyes, dark and smoky, gazed down at her. “I’ve missed you, Maggie. Can we plan something special when I get back?”

  Maggie felt her resolve crumble as her body cried out for him. “Ben, I’m not sure this is a good idea. I work for you. Your mother’s got you married off to half the women in the county, and I have so much going on with Emma and work.“

  “Hush, my sweet.”

  He leaned down and captured her full, trembling lips in a deep kiss, his tongue probing, hers swirling to meet him. Strong arms lifted her and he wrapped her legs around his waist, his erection pressed against her.

  “Sweetheart, please don’t pull away. I can’t live without you. Forget my mother. I certainly do. There’s no one else for me.”

  Her arms circled his neck and Maggie let go, giving in to his embrace as his hands grasped her shirt and pulled it free, fingers slipping under her bra to rub, caress, and tease until her nipples grew hard, and she moaned with pleasure.

  “Oh, Ben, I can’t live without you, either.”

  With several swift movements, he loosened and removed her jeans and panties, unleashed his erection, and lifted her higher to plunge into her wet, warm depths. He moved gently and slowly at first, then faster and harder as she urged him on. Breathing as one, they spiraled skyward until Maggie’s climax shattered her and his followed right behind.


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