Emma's Dream

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Emma's Dream Page 21

by M. Lee Prescott

  “’Cause I can suck it up for the day if it’s what you want. I was just surprised.”

  Maggie went into his outstretched arms, her beloved parent, the only mother and father she had known. “Never. No one’s sucking it up, least of all you, or me, or Emma. This is what I want—you, me, and Emma, together as a family.”

  “Don’t forget your fiancée.”

  “Humph. I guess we can include him.”

  Beers in hand, they went out on the back porch to relax, which is where Ben and Emma found them an hour later.

  While Emma regaled Ned with stories about her day, Maggie walked Ben out to the Rover. “Thanks for bringing her home.”

  “Still mad?”

  She shook her head. “No, just ready for life to calm down.”

  “You and me both.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “Two days, my love.”

  Maggie leaned against him and absorbed his warmth and strength. “Do you promise?”

  “I do.”

  “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me where we’re going after? There’s another thing I know nothing about, one more surprise.”

  He leaned back, cupped her cheek, and gave her a tender kiss. “If the surprises are putting you over the brink, I’ll tell you, sweetheart.”

  Unbidden tears sprang to Maggie’s eyes, and she shook her head. He read her so well, and his generosity never ceased to astound her. “No, I’ll be brave and let you have the fun of this one last surprise, if you promise it has nothing to do with Julianna Williams or other unbidden ghosts from the past.”

  “Not a chance.”

  He kissed her deeply and felt himself grow hard.

  Mischief twinkled in her eyes as she gazed up at him. “Missed me, huh?”

  “I’m in agony. Don’t s’pose you’d like to go for a ride and put this cowboy out of his misery?”

  Maggie’s hand traveled south from his chest until she caressed his erection, which now strained at his jeans. “No can do, cowboy. I’ve gotta get in to see our daughter. Hear about all the things she’s been doing without me.”

  “You’re a wicked one, Maggie Williams.”

  Reluctantly he let her go. She pecked his check, then headed up the walk, waving over her shoulder. “Call it revenge for all the ups and downs of my day.”

  “I’ll get you for this!”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  * * *

  Chapter 69

  It was a perfect night for a barbecue. Carmela and Raoul outdid themselves with everything from the incredible appetizers to the huge armadillo cake. To Emma’s delight, they ceded the honor of cutting into it to her, and Ben held her aloft as she wielded the enormous knife Carmela handed to her, revealing the moist red velvet cake inside.

  Ned, Maggie, and Emma went to Gracie’s for breakfast on the wedding morning, then returned home for a few hours of quiet time. After a small lunch, Maggie insisted Emma nap, and she, too, shut her eyes. Then, before they knew it, it was time to change and prepare. Maggie had refused the services of a professional stylist, so Dara came to help with her hair and a touch of makeup. Ruthie had volunteered to dress the maid of honor so that the bride could focus on her own preparations. She picked up Emma at two. “See you at the chapel, ladies.”

  “See?” Maggie said to her friend, pointing as Ruthie loaded Emma into the Rover. “My life is no longer my own.”

  Dara patted her shoulder. “Lucky you with all this help.”

  Maggie had elected to wear her hair long and flowing, no veil, a few desert flowers her only adornment. When she was finally ready, she gazed into the mirror with tear-rimmed eyes.

  “Hey, sweetie, what’s this? You’ll wreck all my beautiful makeup work!”

  “I just can’t believe how lucky I am, Emma and me. I’m afraid it will all disappear. Like I’ve been in a dream the past year.”

  “No chance. You’ve landed the most eligible bachelor in the valley, and he is crazy about you. He’s a lucky man.”

  Maggie hugged her dear friend. Dara was dressed in the pale blue sheath that all the bridesmaids would wear. The color flattered her. Her long red hair was swept up in a chignon at the base of her neck. Ben had bought all the bridesmaids and Emma simple pearl necklaces. This would be their only adornment save pearl earrings for the women. Carmela had sewn tiny pearls into Emma’s flowered headband to match the other jewelry, and Emma and Ruthie had decorated her wheelchair with blue ribbons and desert flowers in pinks, blues, and white.

  Ned whistled as his daughter stepped into the living room. “Wow, sweetie. You look like a million bucks. Ben Morgan’s gonna have a really tough time concentrating on his vows.”

  Maggie smiled at her dad in his dark navy suit. “You look pretty spectacular yourself, cowboy.”

  He extended his arm. “Limo’s here. Ready?”

  As Maggie and Ned came in to many compliments and accolades, Leonora and Ben Senior waited in the vestibule. Her soon-to-be father-in-law wore the same suit as Ned, as did all the ushers and Ben. Maggie and Ned stepped into the anteroom and waited as guests filed in. At Leonora’s suggestion, Maggie and Ned would walk down the aisle first, followed by the ushers and bridesmaids. Robbie would push Emma’s chair, and they would come at the end, with Harley, the best man, behind them.

  Finally, strains of “Here Comes the Sun” sounded, and Ned offered his arm. “Okay, sweetie, I believe this is our cue.”

  She nodded. “I wish I could see Emma before I go. Where is she?”

  “Over across the hall. She wants to surprise you with how pretty she looks.”

  They proceeded slowly, the soft music lilting as they neared the tiny altar where Ben waited.

  Spying her beloved took her breath away, so handsome in his dark suit, tanned face smiling at her, his eyes telling her everything she needed to know. This man loved her, cherished her, and was clearly pleased by her dress. The simple lines of the off-white sheath hugged her curvaceous body in all the right places. The dress tapered and fell into a silky bell at the bottom. A plunging collar of silk revealed glorious cleavage, and Ben could not take his eyes from her as he reached to take her hand.

  Beth leaned forward and smiled. “You look gorgeous. Both of you.”

  The music changed, and the bridesmaid and ushers came down the aisle arm in arm, all looking lovely, the women in blue, the men in dark suits and blue ties that matched the bridesmaids’ dresses. Maggie craned her neck, trying to catch a glimpse of Emma. Out of the corner of her eye, something distracted her, and she spied Emma’s wheelchair parked at the side of the altar, just behind Ruthie.

  “What’s happening?” she whispered to Ben. “Is he going to carry her?”

  Ben shrugged as the side door opened. Robbie stepped into the aisle, another handsome Morgan in his dark suit and blue tie. Beside him walked a lovely child in a white crinoline and lace with a garland of flowers in her hair. She leaned heavily on her uncle as they slowly made their way down the aisle. With each step, Emma’s smile widened as her parents, mouths agape, watched with tears streaming down their cheeks.

  “She’s—” Ben said, squeezing Maggie’s hand.

  “Yes.” Maggie nodded, vision blurry as Emma neared the altar.

  Ruthie rolled the wheelchair nearer and whispered, “One last surprise.”

  As uncle and niece reached them, Ben caught Emma up in his arms, and they both hugged and kissed her. Then he set her in the chair and gazed from his daughter to each of his siblings, not a dry eye among them. “I’ll settle up with you all later.”

  “If I forget to tell you,” Maggie whispered, “this is the happiest day of my life.”

  * * *

  Chapter 70

  The Lodge was festooned with flowers and brightly colored ribbons. Tiny lights twinkled as the sun set beyond the mountains. The reception was held on the back terraces. Ben and Maggie had not wanted a sit-down dinner. Instead, tables groaned with cheese plates, fruits, vegetables, and all manner of appetiz
ers. Wait staff passed small plates of tapas. Guests sat or stood casually in the glowing light of early evening. The Farleys, a wonderful local band, played whatever was requested, and Maggie and Ben danced and danced, often with Emma in their arms.

  As Rose Dillon watched the newlyweds with misty eyes, Sam came to stand beside her. “You’ve loved him a long time, haven’t you, Rosie?”

  She nodded. “But she makes him happy, doesn’t she? Look at him. Look at them. They’re perfect together, aren’t they? I’m happy for them.”

  “We all are. There someone out there for you, Rosie.”

  “Where’s Rita today?”

  “We broke it off a few months ago. Timing was perfect, as it gave me more opportunity to help with Emma.”

  “Emma’s progress is remarkable. A miracle, really. I’m only sorry Dr. Heavers isn’t here to see.”

  “How’s he doing, anyway? Ben said he wasn’t well.”

  “Poorly, I’m ‘fraid. The treatments aren’t working as hoped. They’re talking about hospice. He’s home in Baltimore with his son and family.”

  “What a shame.”

  “Yes, he is a wonderful person, and he’s been such a supportive teacher, mentor, and friend. I miss him terribly.”

  “I know you don’t feel much like dancing,” Sam said, extending his hand as a slow dance began. “But dance with me, Rosie. One dance?”

  She smiled shyly and let gentle, drop-dead gorgeous Sam Morgan lead her to the dance floor. They made a handsome couple as they glided across the floor, Rose in a pink linen sheath and glittering silver jewelry, her hair soft and loose, and Sam in his dark suit, his handsome features so like his older brother’s. As they chatted, they passed another couple, Harley and Ruthie. He had asked her to dance and immediately swooped her into his strong arms. Ruthie’s eyes as they waltzed by left no doubt of her feelings for the tall, gorgeous cowboy. Harley, usually so guarded, gazed down at her, his eyes soft for a few seconds, allowing her to see the love he had felt for her for over a decade.

  “Hmm,” Maggie said as she and Ben stood arm in arm, watching the dancers. “There seem to be some interesting matches brewing out there.”

  “The Harley and Ruthie match has been brewing for years, but Sam and Rose? That’s a new one on me.”

  Beth and Bill passed by the newlyweds, calling congratulations.

  “We should have everyone out to the farm for dinner soon,” she said. “I barely know Bill, and he seems like a great guy.”

  “He is, and he’s good for my sister.”

  Emma danced with Kyle, her feet six inches from the floor as he swung her around. Her parents watched her proudly, and Ben shook his head. “Pretty amazing, huh? They’ve been at it right under our noses.”

  Maggie laughed. “Even Dad didn’t suspect. Kyle told me they’ve been working most of every day to get her this far. I’m so proud of her.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

  His touch warmed her, and Maggie leaned into him, rubbing her body against his. “Can we sneak off and make passionate love somewhere soon? I need you inside me in the worst way.”

  “Don’t you dare start this now, my beloved wife. I can’t walk around with a hard-on.”

  She laughed, pointing to waiters circulating. “Uh-oh, it looks as if it’s toast time.”

  The wait staff passed trays of champagne in fluted glass etched with the Morgan’s Run logo. When everyone had their drink of choice, Ben Senior and Leonora ascended the steps leading to the house and called the party together with a clink of glasses. They invited Harley as best man and Emma as maid of honor to give the first toasts. Harley came forward, Emma in his arms.

  “Ladies first,” he said, setting her down, his arm round her waist for support.

  Her grandfather had explained toasting, and Emma was prepared. She stood proudly, holding her Shirley Temple in a fluted glass. “To my mommy and daddy, happy wedding! I love you!”

  After the group’s applause died down, Harley toasted his friend and coworker, his speech amusing and touching. He ended with, “Buddy, if you don’t take good care of her, you’ll have to answer to Ned and me. Love you guys.”

  Finally Ben Senior stepped forward, arm around his wife. He cleared his throat and smiled at the group. “On behalf of my girlfriend and me, I want to thank everyone for coming. We couldn’t be happier for our son and his beautiful bride, nor prouder of our darling, beloved granddaughter. Maggie, Emma, and Ned, welcome to our family. We are blessed indeed. Ben’s momma and I want to give the couple a gift, something that reflects our pride in them and our hopes for their future.”

  He reached behind him to grab a long rolled-up sheaf of papers. “As you know, Ben’s home for good and is slowly taking over running the ranch and the Lodge so Nora and I can travel. I know he’ll do a great job. He already is, as a matter of fact. Even so, we think he needs a little something more to sink his teeth into, to keep him from being bored. And our talented daughter-in-law has a dream that we want to help make a reality. So, if the newlyweds could come forward, we have a gift for you both.”

  As Ben and Maggie climbed the steps to join the elder Morgans, Ben Senior handed his son the rolled-up papers tied with brightly colored ribbons. They moved to a nearby table and unrolled the gift—blueprints for bunkhouses, a new barn, a recreation and dining hall, and corrals for a children’s camp.

  Maggie gasped. “It’s too much.”

  “It’s your future,” Leonora said softly. “Please accept this gift we want to give to you. We love you both so much.”

  “Sam and I have scouted around the entire property, and there are several sites that would work,” Ben Senior said. “You two can decide when you’re ready.”

  They embraced both parents, Maggie now in tears. Ben hugged his dad, then turned to Leonora. “Thank you,” he said softly. “I love you both so much.”

  * * *

  Chapter 71

  Later that evening, settled into their suite at a luxurious hotel in Phoenix, their honeymoon luggage set by the door with one shared overnight bag all they needed for the night, Ben reached for her. “Champagne, darling?”

  “Thanks, but I think I’ve had enough.” She ran gentle fingers along his jaw.

  “You looked incredibly beautiful today, my beloved wife. I mean, you are gorgeous every day, but today you literally took my breath away.”

  “Ditto,” she whispered huskily, kissing his neck. “When I saw you standing there, looking so incredibly handsome, I was afraid I might faint. I fear I’ve broken many women’s hearts today.”

  “Baloney.” He smoothed back her hair and removed the few clips that held remnants of desert flowers.

  Maggie turned. “Can you give a girl a hand getting out of her dress?”

  “Is there a surprise underneath?”

  “Hmm, maybe. I bought a lacy little thing for tonight, but—”

  “Let’s save it for the honeymoon, okay? I want you too much to wait.”

  As her dress fell round her ankles, she turned back to him, unhooking her bra and dropping it. “Speaking of the honeymoon, it’s time to ’fess up. I know you had Dara pack for me and I wasn’t supposed to look, but I did peek. Mostly warm-weather clothes and not many of them.”

  “I predict that we will spend very little time in clothes,” he whispered, and he captured her full lips in deep kiss. He cupped her breasts and teased her nipples.

  “Oh? Won’t that shock the neighbors?”

  “We won’t have any neighbors. We’ll be on an island, my love, in the Seychelles, only us and very discreet cook who will be dropping off food and provisions each day. There’s housekeeping if we want it, but my vote would be no, since I want you all to myself every minute of every day.”

  “Oh, Ben Morgan, I want you so badly it hurts.”

  “You have me, my love, now and for the rest of our lives.” As his hand traveled down her stomach, fingers slipping between her legs, he looked down. �
��Why Maggie Williams, are those lace panties? On a cowgirl, no less?”

  “You bet your gorgeous ass,” she said, allowing him to slip them off as she dived into a sea of sensation, his lips and fingers setting her on fire. “And it’s Maggie Morgan to you, cowboy, and don’t you forget it.”

  Ben stilled. His hands held her motionless and his eyes stared down at her. “Are you serious? I thought you wanted to keep the name Williams?”

  She smiled up at him, eyes full of love. “Emma and I talked it over and we agreed. We want to be Morgans, for now and forever.”

  “In that case, come here, Ms. Morgan, and let me get acquainted.”

  Suddenly shy, Maggie looked up at him, then wrapped her fingers around his erection, stroking and caressing.

  “Oh, no, you don’t, my darling. The first time, we’re doing this together.”

  Tears rimmed her eyes and Maggie’s arms circled his neck as Ben lifted her, wrapping her legs around him. His tongue was everywhere, drinking her, devouring her until she was delirious with wanting him.

  “Please, Ben, I need you now, inside me,” she moaned.

  He shifted slightly and, hands under her, plunged into her depths, holding tight as he pumped and withdrew with wild abandon.

  Maggie climaxed more quickly than she ever had, and she clung to him, every fiber of her being begging for more. She buried her fingers in his hair, keeping him close. Ben groaned as his climax matched her own, the two of them crying out in a thundering release as they fell to the bed, wrapped around one another, wanting to stay as one forever.

  Breathless, he nuzzled her neck, kissing her sweetly. “I thought we’d made love before, but that was beyond amazing. If this is what happens when you get married, let’s repeat the ceremony every day.”

  “Hmm,” she murmured. “It was pretty amazing, wasn’t it? Wanta see if we can top it?” Her voice was teasing as she stroked his side and buttocks.

  Laughing, he withdrew and sat up, gazing down at his beloved, her thick chestnut tresses spread out on the silk coverlet. “You want to kill me before the honeymoon begins?”


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