Auctioned: An Omegaverse Anthology

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Auctioned: An Omegaverse Anthology Page 8

by Merel Pierce

  “You didn’t…” she started huskily.

  “Not yet. You didn’t think we were done, did you?” He sat back on his knees and let her legs slide down his arms until they rested bonelessly on the bed. His iron-hard cock stood upright, glistening with her slick.

  She might have come multiple times, but her heat would only be assuaged by his cum filling her pussy and locked in by his knot.

  Leaning back on his heels, Ander took Kasi’s hips in his hands, and before she had a chance to reach for him, he flipped her onto her belly. She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder with an expression of both lust and innocence.

  He ran his hands up the backs of her thighs until he reached her curvy ass. Taking a handful of her bottom in each palm, he admired how she filled his grasp with flesh left over. Lifting his right hand, he brought it down sharply, mouth watering when her ass rebounded and a welt rose in the shape of his hand.

  Her sharp gasp made his gaze flick up to her face. Her look of surprised arousal made his Alpha want to grin. His mate liked a little sting with her pleasure. He lifted his left hand and another sharp smack echoed through the room. Kasi sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, her eyes welling with hungry tears.

  That was it.

  “Present, Omega.” Ander removed his hands and added just enough of a command to his tone to let her know that he expected her to follow his order.

  Kasi released a moan that rushed straight to his cock, but he kept his hands off of her sweet flesh. He wanted her to submit to his domination on her own.

  When she rose to her hands and knees in front of him, he lifted off his heels to range over her. He put his hands over the handprints outlined on the pale skin of her bottom cheeks, then ran his palms from her ass over the indentation at her waist and followed her spine to her shoulders.

  “Down, Kasi,” Ander murmured, adding slight pressure on her shoulders so she understood his command.

  When she’d complied, he ghosted his hands back down to her hips, using his thumbs on her supple globes to spread them. Her slick shimmered on her thighs and on the curls that covered her pussy.

  Curling his fingers over the fleshy part of her hips, he aligned the head of his shaft with her opening and brushed it against her folds. Without any other warning, he plunged his cock deep into her hot pussy.

  Kasi shrieked as his cock plowed through her already swollen core, and she shifted as she tried to rise onto her hands. Ander wasn’t sure if she was trying to get away from his thrusting cock or seeking to relieve the pressure from his sudden intrusion, but he returned one of his hands to the spot between her shoulder blades to keep her arched into his thrusts. She attempted to rise despite the pressure, but she was no match for his strength combined with the power of his cock pulsing into her.

  Finally, Ander felt her surrender.

  Kasi’s muscles relaxed and the arch of her spine became more pronounced as she sank her shoulders into the bed beneath her. Each pump of his hips drew a whimper or gasping cry from her throat as he invaded her pussy.

  Reaching his hand around to the front of her mound, he found the hard button of her clit. As he scissored it between two of his fingers, her scream of release added to his pleasure, and her passage contracted around his shaft.

  Moving both of his hands back to her hips, he rut his cock into her still-spasming pussy. Sparks of flame built at the bottom of his spine, and his knot thickened at the base of his shaft until it was catching at her entrance every time he retreated from her warmth. Glancing down at where her pussy grabbed at him like it was trying to keep him inside, Ander felt fire explode through his body.

  With one forceful thrust and a hoarse growl of victory, Ander buried his knot in his Omega’s warmth. Locking it behind her pelvic bone, he stretched his torso along her back, and with his Alpha instincts urging him on, he bit down on the nape of her neck. Breaking the delicate skin, he tasted her life blood on his tongue.

  His knot locked deep in her pussy and his teeth at her neck, he let her keening cry roll over him. Like lava bursting from a crack in the ground, Ander’s seed rushed up from his balls to flood the walls of Kasi’s pussy. Pulse after pulse of pressure forced more of his cum into her swollen passage.

  Releasing his teeth from her neck, Ander ran his hands over her back and listened to her labored breathing. He’d ridden her hard, his knot filled her to keep his cum inside her tight little pussy, and his claiming bite still bled at her neck. He couldn’t help rocking his cock into her, causing his knot to rub against her G-spot.

  “Alpha, please!” Her cry was one of pleasure, pain, and exhaustion.

  Taking mercy on his mate, Ander eased them both onto their sides and gathered her into his arms with her back to his front. Kasi moaned as his knot shifted inside of her which caused another jet of seed to force its way out of his tip. He growled in her ear at the pleasure and she shivered in response. Growl morphing to a purr and angling his head, Ander lapped at his mark. At the sound of his purr, Kasi let go and relaxed into his hold.

  Locked together, Ander tended to his exhausted mate. He knew this was just a brief respite. Her heat would come back with a vengeance, and they would spend the next several days taking care of their needs and feeding their growing bond.

  She sighed as she snuggled up to his heat, and he leaned over to whisper in her ear, “I love you, my Omega.”

  Her lips parted and he smiled as his well-rutted mate murmured back, “Hmmm… Love you too.”


  Pausing to survey her garden, Kasi rested her hands on her lower back and arched as far as she dared. Her huge belly threw off her center of gravity, and Ander had threatened to carry her everywhere if she couldn’t keep her balance.

  It had been eight months since she’d been stripped, sold, and mated. She would never wish the experience on anyone, but it was how she’d met Ander. Without her loving and incredibly overprotective mate, these last months could have been horribly different.

  She rubbed her palm over her distended stomach as their babe made his presence known. “Yes, I was thinking about your papa.”

  “Only good things I’m sure, mate.” Ander wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his hands over hers on her stomach.

  “Hmmm… Just thinking about how we met.” She leaned her head back to rest on his broad shoulder and basked in the sun shining down on them.

  Ander growled against her hair and his fingers flexed against her swollen stomach. Even though she felt larger than the village shuttle, Ander’s rough growls could still make her shiver.

  Kasi knew he’d felt her response to his growl when his hands caressed over the swell of her stomach towards the apex of her thighs and his mouth moved to whisper against her ear.

  “I think you’ve had too much sun, Kasi. Have you had a nap yet?”

  “I’m actually feeling well-rested, my love. If you’re tired, though—”

  She broke off her teasing on a gasp as his fingers found their way between her legs.

  “I could do with a nap.” He moved his lips from her hair to his mating mark. “I have a mate who wakes me up at all hours of the night.”

  “It’s the pregnancy hormones. It’s almost worse than a heat cycle,” she managed to moan in response.

  “I will gladly make the sacrifice of a little sleep for you, little Omega.” He turned her in his arms, and Kasi filled with warmth at the love shining from his eyes. “Anything for you, my mate.”

  Raevyn London always wanted to write, but it wasn’t until she was inspired by some other aspiring authors that she managed to finally get her act together. When she first started reading romance it was for swashbuckling adventures, but now she knows it was always – ALWAYS - about the alpha males. Raevyn’s debut novel will be out later this year, so if you’d like, you can find Raevyn on Facebook at

  Unexpected Gift


  Leann Ryans

  Chapter O


  Scarlett looked into the full-length mirror in her bathroom, checking her reflection. She had curled her burgundy hair and piled it atop her head, leaving her back exposed in the slinky red dress she wore. Low-cut in the front and backless, she’d glued the edges down to make sure it didn’t end up in a pile on the floor until she was ready for it to.

  The red eyeshadow she used made her blue eyes pop, and her lips pulled up into a smile, showing the tips of her canines as her tail flicked in satisfaction.

  “Will you quit staring at yourself and get out here? We’re going to be late meeting up with the others,” Marisha teased from the doorway.

  Rolling her eyes at her friend, Scarlett turned and glanced at her ass before making her way to the door.

  “Gotta make sure I’m not looking my age.”

  Marisha chuckled and shook her head.

  “You make dirty-thirty look good.”

  Laughing, the girls walked into Scarlett’s living room. Her friends were throwing her a party for her thirtieth birthday, but she had no idea where they were going.

  “Do I need a coat? Should I change into flats? Am I going to regret wearing this?”

  Marisha gave her a mock glare before linking her arm through Scarlett’s.

  “No, no, and no! We’re just going to go have a fun night out with the girls.”

  Huffing, Scarlett let Marisha drag her from her apartment. Her driver was waiting for them at the curb, and they climbed into the back of the transport.

  “Are we picking up the others, or are we meeting them there?” Scarlett asked as they settled into their seats.

  “We’re meeting them there. Just sit back and relax!”

  Narrowing her eyes, Scarlett huffed and settled back in the seat. She loved surprises, and she trusted her friends not to do anything too crazy, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be impatient to get the night going.

  It didn’t take long before they pulled up outside of one of the best clubs in all of Algar-Din. Jaw dropping, Scarlett’s wide-eyed-gaze met Marisha’s mischievous one.


  Laughing, Marisha shook her head.

  “Not me—Sin. You know her father helps supply this place. She had him pull a few strings.”

  Still gaping as they climbed from the back of the vehicle, Scarlett took in the black exterior of the building. In daylight it looked like marble struck through with glittering veins of minerals, but at night the walls melted away until only the pulsing, multicolored strands were visible.

  As they made their way up the stairs to the entrance, Marisha caught sight of their friends and waved at them, tugging Scarlett along with her other hand. Whistles and catcalls followed the women as they passed by the crowd behind the velvet rope marking the line to get in.

  Once they made it to the top and the girls had all expressed their greetings and well-wishes, dispensing hugs and squeals of excitement in equal measure, Sindari tossed her glossy black hair over her shoulder and got their attention.

  “We have a table beside the floor until the… surprise… begins later,” she said as her eyes flicked from Scarlett to the others.

  “More surprises, Sin?”

  Scarlett arched a delicate brow as she placed a hand on her hip.

  “Hush and come along. You’ll see,” Marisha said.

  Linking her arm through Scarlett’s and Sindari’s, she pulled them towards the door with their other friends trailing after.

  Since she was an Alpha, the girls had been wary of Scarlett when they first started college together, but it didn’t take long for them to realize she wasn’t going to abuse her dynamic, and she was useful to have around when the male Alphas started getting pushy. The group had grown close during their time in training, and even though they all had different jobs now, they kept in touch and had regular get-togethers.

  Walking up to the entrance, Sindari flashed a smile at the guard who unclipped the velvet rope and held it open for them, the bass from the music causing Scarlett’s heart to beat faster as they moved towards the source.

  Slipping between the heavy double doors that another guard held open for them, her skin prickled with awareness as her senses were bombarded. The inside of the club was just as dark as the walls outside, with strobing lights leaving a confused jumble of impressions on her brain. Music deafening, she could feel the beat rattling through the floor and echoing inside her chest.

  The mingled scents of hundreds of sweaty people assaulted her nostrils as she moved into a stream of recycled air blowing from the ceiling. Wrinkling her nose, she wondered which stench was worse, but her excitement drowned out the brief distraction as she watched the writhing bodies taking up the center of the building.

  “Let’s get to our table and get some drinks!” Sindari yelled next to Scarlett’s ear.

  Nodding, she followed Sin’s swishing black hair as the others trailed along behind her.

  “This place is packed,” Marisha called from behind her.

  Nodding again and flashing a smile over her shoulder, Scarlett moved aside for the other girls to slide into the booth they had come to. None of them made a peep about her claiming the end seat. They’d let her claim it wherever they went ever since the time she had flipped a table, launching herself over it at a dickhead Alpha who had insulted her. Their favorite café hadn’t allowed them back after that, so Scarlett always took the end seat to prevent another issue.

  Settling in, the girls chatted as they waited for a waitress to come take their drink orders. Scarlett could already see Alphas eyeing the group, and she curled her lip at the closest one who caught her gaze, slipping her arm around Marisha.

  Noticing the Alpha she was staring at, Marisha chuckled and cuddled into Scarlett’s side. Though they all knew Scarlett preferred males, they usually pretended to be her harem while they were out together to keep the male Alphas from cutting in, though a few brave souls still tried.

  Smirking when the waitress stopped at their table, cutting off her view of the Alpha, Scarlett turned her attention to the scantily clad woman.

  “What can I get you?” the waitress asked, nostrils flaring as she fixed her gaze on Scarlett.

  With a flirty smile, the waitress shifted closer as she held up her order pad. Scarlett waited until the others ordered before giving her own.

  “And a tray of shots,” Raquel added with a grin.

  Rolling her eyes, Scarlett laughed and nodded. The waitress gave her a wink, swinging her hips as she walked away.

  It seemed like mere seconds before she was back, placing a square tray lined with shot glasses in the middle of the table before passing out their drinks.

  Making sure her fingers brushed over Scarlett’s, the invitation in the waitress’ brown eyes was unmistakable, but Scarlett gave a small shake of her head. Poking out her bottom lip, the girl gave her a pretty pout before leaving their table to tend to other customers.

  “I’m surprised she didn’t slip you her number,” Marisha said as the others all laughed.

  Sliding the tiny strip of paper from the bottom of her glass, Scarlett held it up, chuckling as the others gasped.

  Passing out a shot to everyone, Sindari held one up in a salute.

  “To Scarlett, our faithful, ever-delicious Alpha mistress. May you age like a fine wine.”

  A blush heating her cheeks, Scarlett raised her shot with the others, clinking the glasses together before downing her drink.


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