Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7)

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Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7) Page 5

by Glenn Bullion

  Donna raised her voice. "Kimberly, what the hell are you talking about?"

  "Mom, just listen to me! It's not going to hurt—!"

  Kim was proven wrong before she could even complete her sentence. There was a loud slap, and Donna crumpled to the floor, holding her palm to the side of her cheek. Jason shouted his wife's name, and tried to circle the table. He only made it halfway when he flew across the room as well, like the chair. His head struck the wall first, and he slumped to his side, unmoving.

  The table violently bounced up and down. Plates of food and glasses fell to the floor. Over the chaos, Alex could still hear the laughing.

  He stood up, and felt a tugging at his hand. Keith looked up to him, panic in his eyes.

  "Don't go," he said.

  He reassured him with a smile and gestured to Amy. "Just stick with my pal Amy here. Stay right with her."

  Amy returned the smile, but looked no more confident than Keith.

  The scene was a mess. Donovan cowered in the corner, while Troy was waving another camera around. Kim cried openly as she squatted in the kitchen doorway. The table continued to bounce, as if a hundred hands lifted and dropped it constantly.

  Alex hated to admit it, but he never felt better. He literally fed off fear, and there was no shortage of that in the Felder residence. It nourished him, made him stronger. He felt like he could run a marathon.

  "You've got their attention," he called, placing a hand on the table. "If you've got something to say, go ahead. I can definitely hear you."

  The activity stopped, as quickly as it started. The laughing that only he could hear ceased. The silence by itself was almost creepy, until Donovan kicked a plate trying to stand.

  "Did…you get all that?" he asked.

  Troy nodded vigorously, filming the plates and food on the floor. "I did."

  Alex shook his head. Their priorities needed some work.

  "What happened?" Amy said from the couch.

  "It's still shy," Alex said. "But we're getting there."

  He checked on Kim first. The girl was trembling, hugging her knees to herself. Tears ran down her face, but otherwise she was fine. Donna was slowly pulling herself into a sitting position. The side of her face was red from the attack, and he thought he could see impressions of fingers start to form.

  "I'm fine," Donna said. Alex admired her bravery. "Please, check on Jason."

  Jason, despite having the wind knocked out of him, was on one knee. He was coughing and gasping for breath. He'd left a mark in the wall from where his head struck. Alex grabbed his hand and helped him to his feet. Jason immediately went to his wife and held her.

  "Is everyone okay?" Amy asked, her voice shaking. She still stood near the couch with an arm around Keith.

  "Does it look like we're okay?" Kim shouted.

  Alex led Jason and Donna to the couch. He approached Kim and held out his hand. She slapped it away and stomped across the room.

  "I'm going to my room."

  "Kim, don't," Donna said. "Please. We should all stay together—"

  "I said, I'm going to my room."

  She didn't even stop to look at her family. Alex watched her walk up the stairs. He thought about following, but decided against it, at least for the moment.

  "I'm losing my family," Donna said, her expression full of sorrow.

  The Felder family was a wreck. Keith had pulled away from Amy and hugged his mother. Jason sat perfectly still, staring straight ahead. Donovan was scribbling notes onto a pad, while Troy moved about from camera to camera.

  "I'd like to run this footage through the computer," Troy said. "See if maybe we caught something."

  Donovan waved at him. "Not now. Later."

  "Are you okay?" Alex asked Jason. "You took a nasty shot to the head there."

  Jason rubbed his skull, and turned to look at the dent in the wall.

  "Nothing a little drywall can't fix," he quipped.

  Alex looked over Donna once again. A visible hand print was on her face now, showing the physical signs that someone literally slapped her as hard as they could.

  "I'm okay," she said. "It just stings."

  "No, we're not okay," Jason said. His voice trembled. "How long before the kids start getting hurt? You're…you're right, Donna. We should move."

  Husband and wife stared at each other, and Alex could imagine the discussions they'd had. Jason had grown up in the house. He was probably the last person who wanted to leave. As easy as it was for an outsider to say just move, Alex knew nothing could be more difficult. Starting over was never easy.

  "Can you help us?" Donna asked, desperation in her eyes. "Please! Is there anything you can do?"

  "Is that the first time it was ever like that?" Donovan asked, searching for words. "That…."

  "Violent?" Jason finished. "Besides Donna's fall down the stairs, yes." He looked at the distance between the dining room and the wall he'd struck. "It…threw me."

  "Listen," Alex said, kneeling before Jason and Donna. He gave Keith a pat on the shoulder. He was tired of waiting. The case should have already been over, and at that moment he should have been on the road driving home to his wife. But he had his own secrets to protect. Donovan's arrival ruined everything. "Take your family to a hotel. Stay the night. Donovan and his team can wait outside. Just give me a little time, and I can have this all hammered out."

  "Oh, yeah," Troy chimed in from the dining room. His once calm demeanor bordered on manic. "Now there's a fucking stupid idea."

  "Troy, language," Donovan said, gesturing to Keith. "But…I have to agree. Situations exactly like we just witnessed is why we never work alone. That's not very smart, Alex. Besides—" His glare at Alex was accusing and unmistakable. "I'd like to see the type of work you do."

  Alex shook his head. Everything had to be difficult. He was tempted to remove the money from his back pocket, hand it over, and drive home. But he knew he wouldn't do that, even if Keith wasn't staring at him for answers.

  "Okay," Donovan said. "We need to know more about this house. Clearly, something is happening here. Troy, I want you to—"

  A creak at the top of the stairs silenced Donovan. Everyone turned and stared. Amy and Keith both moved closer to Alex.

  Another creak, and then another. Slow, deliberate footsteps.

  "Kim?" Donna called.

  Her bare left foot finally came into view, but something was wrong. It wasn't until she took another step, and Alex saw her right foot, did he realize what was happening.

  Kim was walking down the stairs backwards.

  She didn't use the railing. She didn't even grab the wall for support. They couldn't see her face. Her arms were locked at her sides. It was an unnatural sight, and Alex thought any moment she would tumble and fall.

  But it was obvious Kim wasn't alone.

  She made it to bottom of the stairs. Her long hair hid the side of her face.

  "Kim?" Donna said again, standing up. "Are you okay?"

  She reached out for her daughter. Alex couldn't react in time.

  "No!" he said, trying to move around Keith. "Stay away!"

  It was too late. Kim turned, and Alex caught a glimpse of a face that wasn't entirely hers anymore. The same cute young lady was still there, but with hate and rage in her eyes. She snarled, baring her teeth, and lunged for her mother, like an animal. Both mother and daughter went to the floor as Kim sank her teeth into Donna's arm.

  Donovan, Troy, and Jason tried to pull her away. It took all three of them to haul her to her feet. Kim cursed and flailed wildly, catching Troy across the forehead with her fingernails. Amy grabbed Keith and turned him away, holding him close.

  Alex kept his distance, staying near Amy and Keith. He wasn't ready to act. Not yet.

  "What the hell is going on?" Troy shouted.

  Alex tried not to roll his eyes. It was fairly obvious to him.

  "She's…possessed," Donovan said, his voice breaking.

  Alex helped Donna off the f
loor. Blood poured down her arm and dripped to the carpet. She sobbed in despair and could barely stand on her own. He guided her to the couch and ran to the kitchen. Grabbing the first clean hand towel he saw, he rejoined Donna and wrapped her arm.

  The men had sat Kim on a dining room chair and were holding her. It wasn't necessary, as she wasn't struggling. Her mouth and chin were covered in blood. Streaks of red covered her thighs. She leaned back and howled with laughter. The laugh was familiar.

  "Help her," Donna begged. "Please, help my daughter!"

  Jason looked to Donovan first.

  "What do we do?"

  Donovan said nothing. His expression told Alex that he was in way over his head. It was one thing to find raccoons in an attic, or even to film things moving on their own. But Kim's life was now in danger.

  "Troy," Donovan said. "Are the cameras still going?"

  "Screw the cameras!" Jason shouted, making Keith jump. "Just…help us! You said you can help!"

  "We can. Please, just trust us."

  Kim spoke in a voice that was no longer her own.

  "You can't help. Can't. Can't can't." She repeated the word, over and over, each time in a different voice. "She's mine now. I like her. She tastes good." Her eyes locked on Donna. "Gary still misses you. He thinks about you at night when he fucks his wife. You miss him too, don't you?"

  Donna and Jason glanced at each other. The mention of Gary, whoever he was, didn't seem to surprise either of them. A look of sadness, of regret, but that was all.

  "Should we tie her down?" Troy asked.

  Donovan loosened his grip and took a step back. "She's not resisting." He took another deep breath, trying to collect himself. "Troy, check the cameras one more time. Bring one with us. Me and you, we're leaving."

  "Leaving?" Donna said. "You're leaving us?"

  He was already halfway across the living room, Troy not far behind.

  "I have to," Donovan said. "We definitely have enough evidence."

  Jason grabbed his shoulder and spun him around before he could reach the door.

  "That's all you cared about, isn't it? The precious camera footage. You don't want to help."

  "Of course I do!" Donovan shouted. He pointed to the camera Troy held. "I'm taking this directly to a priest I've worked with. I'm going to drag him out of bed. But the church…dealing with them isn't easy. They need proof, lots of it. They'll say it's all in Kim's head, that she's just sick. But…."

  Jason had to press. "But what?"

  "He's an hour away. So, we have to leave now."

  Donovan left the house. Everyone followed, with Alex watching everything carefully. Donna nearly joined them, but stayed behind to watch her daughter. She kept Keith with her, never letting go of his hand. Kim continued to laugh horribly and lick at the blood around her mouth, but never left the chair.

  "Amy will stay with you," Donovan said as he crossed the lawn. "We'll be back as soon as we can."

  "And what are we supposed to do?" Jason said.

  "Just…keep an eye on Kim. Don't talk to her. Ignore whatever she says."

  Jason waited for more, and wasn't happy at the silence. Troy ran down the street to get the van.

  "That's it?" Jason asked. "What do you want Alex to do?"

  Donovan could hide his irritation no longer. "Whatever, I don't care. Just…stay here and help them watch Kim."

  Alex looked up to see Nate crossing the street, concerned. He stopped when Alex held up his hand, getting the message. Everyone turned to see who Alex was gesturing to, and stared at him in confusion upon seeing no one.

  "Actually," Alex said. "Amy should go with you. I'll stay behind and watch everything. Don't worry."

  Donovan wasn't budging. "She stays here."

  Alex turned around and gazed at Amy. Troy stopped the van in front of the house and waited. Jason paced on his front lawn as he grabbed the sides of his head in frustration. Alex tried to get his message across with his eyes.

  "It's better if you go," he said. He offered a smile that only she could see. "Trust me."

  She did understand. She returned the smile and peered over his shoulder at Donovan. "I'm going with you guys."

  Donovan gave up as he climbed in the van. "Okay, fine. Then let's go."

  Amy surprised Alex with a quick hug.

  "Be careful," she whispered.

  "Don't worry," he said. "It was nice meeting you."

  Amy climbed into the van. Donovan called out as Troy pulled away.

  "We'll be back."

  Alex watched them drive away and turn at the end of the street. The neighborhood was quiet. The only sounds were of Jason trying to pull himself together.

  "They're gone. I can't believe it. My daughter needs help, and they left. They just got in their van and left."

  Alex smiled as he let out a relaxed breath. It was just him, as it was supposed to be all along.

  He could finally go to work.

  "I know," he said, letting out a laugh. Jason stared at him in shock. "I thought they'd never leave."

  He marched back toward the house, Jason a step behind.

  "What are you going to do?"

  "What you paid me to."

  "Listen, this might not be the best time, and maybe I shouldn't say this, but Donovan told me to keep an eye on you."

  Alex rolled his eyes as he opened the front door.

  "That shouldn't be too hard with fifty cameras spread all over the place."

  Donna and Keith stood next to the door. She stood protectively in front of her son, who looked around her mother with one eye. Kim still sat in the dining room chair, leaning forward to stare at Donna. She licked her lips and ran a finger suggestively along the inside of her leg.

  "Poor Donna," Kim said. "No more daughter. Daughter had to leave." Her voice turned into that of a child. "Everyone's gone. Gone gone. Gone. So sad. I wanted to kill them. I think Kim would have liked that, too."

  Donna said nothing. She cried, occasionally letting out a muffled sob. Jason embraced his wife and son, crying along with them.

  Alex took a step forward. Jason grabbed his arm.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Just stay here. It's okay."

  "But he said not to talk to…it."

  Alex pulled free and crossed the living room. Kim blew him a kiss as he approached. She bounced up and down in the chair, tongue hanging out of her mouth.

  "Kim is gone. She's mine. Mine."

  He crossed his arms and shook his head, as if he were addressing a child.

  "Now, how did you get out?"

  "Lucccccifer," Kim said, laughing once again. Donna let out a wail behind Alex. "Lucifer lets me out to play."

  Alex wasn't fazed.

  "Well, gee, that's interesting. You see, he didn't run it by me."

  Kim's expression changed. The joy, arrogance, smile, it all disappeared. A look of panic took hold as she stared into Alex's eyes, and finally realized.


  He held up a hand.

  "Shut. Your mouth."

  He turned his back, not afraid of Amy in the least. Why would he be afraid? Demons had been in his life ever since he was born.

  It didn't surprise him that the demon didn't recognize him. He still had plenty to learn about the demon realm, but he knew they shared a consciousness. They also had bits of individuality as well. Demons could have their own experiences, their own memories.

  Not all of them recognized their master immediately.

  Jason looked at Alex in awe. He was aware he was seeing something amazing.

  "Alex? What's going on?"

  He approached the first camera he saw in the dining room. It took a moment to find the power button, but he finally found it and turned it off. The last thing the camera recorded was Kim's troubled expression.

  "You never had a ghost," Alex explained. "Your house was never haunted. You have a demon. It must have somehow slipped through a hole in between the realms. It's been waiting and getting
stronger ever since, feeding off your fear. Don't worry, your house isn't a gateway, or you'd be seeing much more than this."

  "A demon?" Jason said. "Realms? Gateway?"

  Alex sighed. He knew it was a lot to take in. He waited until after turning off the camera in the living room before speaking. Donna and Keith seemed a little more relaxed, but continued to watch Kim.

  "There's our realm, the spirit realm, and the demon realm. The spirit realm and ours are closer together. Ghosts are always running around." He thought about Nate. "Some of them really like to talk. The demon realm is a lot harder to get to. We're not meant to see each other, but it does happen."

  Jason asked the only question that truly mattered.

  "And you can get rid of it? You can help my daughter?"


  He knelt in front of Keith and looked up at Donna.

  "Hey, guys," he said gently. "Are you both hanging in there?"

  Keith wiped a tear from his eye and squeezed his mother's hand. Donna actually managed to give Alex a smile and a nod.

  "Good, good. Listen, I need some help. I need you to get an empty trashcan. It doesn't have to be too big. And maybe some old sheets or blankets you don't care about. Can you do that for me?"

  Donna nodded.

  "Thank you. Set it all up in front of Kim. Don't worry, she won't hurt you." Alex turned and glared at her. She recoiled and averted her eyes. "Will you?"

  Alex's presence was already having an impact. The fear in the household was slowly ebbing. The demon was weakening, although it had a solid hold on Kim. It would never release her willingly. Alex wasn't sure if it even knew how to.

  Donna and Keith went to the basement as Alex turned off yet another camera. He headed to the second floor to turn the remaining ones off. Jason was right behind him.

  "Could you hit those cameras at the end of the hall?" Alex asked.

  "Uh, should we be doing this? I don't think Donovan would want us shutting them down like this."

  Alex laughed as he ducked into Keith's room. "Yeah, a lot of good they've done so far."

  "This one doesn't have a button," Jason called.

  "Then just turn it toward the floor."

  They met up in the hall.

  "Are you saying Donovan did the wrong thing?"

  Alex leaned against the wall and sighed.


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