Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7)

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Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7) Page 25

by Glenn Bullion

  "I'm fine. I'm really going through the shirts." He headed for the bathroom. "At least this one wasn't mine."

  His eyes fell on his phone. He'd gone without it all day. So much had happened. He'd been in a car wreck, shot at, swiped at by a vampire. He hadn't taken a single note for the case or Demons LLC. Hopefully after a night's rest he'd be able to resume acting like an investigator.

  After cleaning the blood off in the bathroom sink he held the flame from the lighter to his face. He let out a relaxed sigh as he felt the wounds closing, his skin healing. Kylie watched from the doorway with a frown.

  "That still freaks me out," she said.

  "You should have seen Cindy the first time she saw this. She's known about my powers almost as long as I have, but hadn't seen the fire stuff. I broke my ankle playing basketball. I thought she was going to lose her mind when I held a candle to my leg."

  Kylie laughed, and Alex realized it was much quieter than normal.

  "Where's Nate?"

  "He's out visiting friends."

  He shook his head. "I've never met a more popular ghost."

  "Well, uh, actually," she said, staring at the floor. "I asked him to leave for a while. I wanted to talk to you."

  He glanced at her. She smiled nervously and wouldn't look him in the eye. She moved hair away from her face. He looked himself over in the mirror while waiting for her to speak. The fire had done its job. His face was better, the injuries gone.

  He pulled a fresh shirt over his head and sat on the edge of the bed. Kylie still hadn't spoken. He checked his phone to see he'd missed four calls from Cindy and few text messages.

  "Is everything okay?" he said.

  "I don't know how to say this."

  He crossed his arms and waited as patiently as his body would allow. He didn't dare risk lying down, as sleep would take him quickly. His concern for Kylie grew as he watched emotions battle on her face. Pain, confusion, worry, sadness.

  "What's up?" he said gently.

  "I'm…I'm done. I don't want to do this anymore."

  He chewed on her words as he slid off his shoes.

  "Wow. I've never been fired from a job before."

  He meant it as a joke, but Kylie looked about to cry as she grabbed his shoulder.

  "You're not being fired. Hell, you did the job. You did exactly what you said you would. I know what happened that night. I know who killed me. But, you know what? I don't feel any better. If anything, I feel worse. Besides meeting everyone, you, Cindy, Nate, I wish I wouldn't have done this."

  Alex tried to fight off the disappointment. He told himself that Kylie's feelings didn't matter. Business was business. This job, in particular, was to provide closure. But closure didn't always mean happiness. Kylie was right. He had done his job, and did it well.

  Still, he felt terrible.

  "The job doesn't feel done," he said.

  She smiled and adjusted her glasses.

  "Okay, so what's the next step? You want to track down that vampire? What happens if you find him? Kill him? That won't bring me back to life. And I have a feeling that vampire hunting costs more than seven hundred dollars a day."

  Kylie was smart, and also right. Alex wouldn't even promise an arrest. He certainly wasn't going to add supernatural creature hunting to any future contracts.

  "This is what I want to do," Kylie said. "You promised my mom a day when this was all over. Tomorrow, we'll do that. We'll do whatever my mom wants to do."

  Alex rubbed his head, not exactly sure how he was going to handle Meagan Sinclair.

  "She wants a name."

  "I'll handle my mom. We can tell her the truth. I was killed in an alley. But we leave out the part about vampires and Zoey. Trust me, she'll be fine."

  "Well, case closed, I guess." The words didn't have the satisfaction they normally did, but it was true regardless. "Speaking of Zoey, what about her?"

  Kylie scowled. Her body stiffened as she folded her arms.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Do you want to talk to her?"

  "Why would I want to do that?"

  "Because she's your friend."

  "I think we stopped being friends when she helped a vampire throw my body in the river."

  "Kylie, being a vampire…you can't really put it into words. Zoey screwed up, sure. But she really cares about you—"

  "Alex…." She closed her eyes. "I just don't want to talk to Zoey."

  He held up his hands in defense, willing to let the subject drop. He wasn't sure if he would call Kylie and he friends, although he liked to believe they were. Still, it wasn't his place to offer unsolicited advice. If she wanted his opinion, she'd ask.

  "So, one more day," he said, changing the subject.

  Kylie smiled. "Yeah. You know what I'm doing after tomorrow?"

  "What's that?"

  "Nate and I are going out. We're going to see a movie."

  Alex shook his head and laughed. Somehow, it seemed fitting. Nate and Kylie were ghosts, and could go anywhere they wanted. They chose to spend their first date together in a theater.

  "Sounds like fun to me."

  "I know. I can't wait, but I'm also nervous as hell. Hey! Maybe you can bring Cindy and we'll double date."

  The thought of Nate trying to keep his mouth shut during a movie was an amusing one.

  "I don't know about that. Your first date should be just you two. But I'm sure later Cindy and I will tag along." He couldn't fight the yawn from coming. "Listen, if I'm going to be any good tomorrow, I have to get some sleep."

  "Can you leave the TV on for me, real quiet? At least until Nate gets back."


  "Look at it this way. Tomorrow will be a nice, easy day. Nothing like today."

  "Yeah. I could use nice and easy."


  Alex went from groggy and half-asleep to fully awake when he barely made out four digits on the alarm clock. It was seven minutes past ten in the morning. He'd slept far longer than he'd meant to. The morning was already mostly behind him.

  He turned in bed to see Kylie and Nate sitting at the corner table. They were talking and laughing quietly. With the case behind them Alex could see the two ghosts were smitten with each other. Kylie brushed hair out of her eyes, but no longer in an awkward manner. She now owned the gesture. There was a playfulness in her movements, a flirtatiousness. He'd seen a lot, but a possible romance starting after two people had died was a first.

  "Ah, shit, guys," he said. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

  "You had a tough day yesterday," Kylie said. "We figured we'd let you sleep."

  "What's the plan today?" Nate asked.

  "First, shower." Alex threw the covers off and headed for the bathroom. "Then it's up to Kylie and her mom."

  "There is one thing I want to do first."

  Alex stopped at the bathroom door, giving Kylie his attention. She looked at the floor, then at Nate.

  "I'd like to see Zoey."

  He smiled, glad to see that at least Kylie could say Zoey's name without the rage that followed. Nate smiled warmly as well, and gave Alex a wink. Alex had no doubt that Nate had something to do with her change of heart.

  "Okay. Zoey, it is."

  He showered and was halfway through dressing. It was still strange to know he was the only living person in the room, yet still had to dress in the bathroom. He'd finished brushing his teeth and was in the middle of gargling when there was a knock at the door.

  "Shit," Alex said. Fresh memories of the day before smacked him. Being in a car accident, running from local mobsters, getting raked across the face by a vampire. It all started with a knock at the door. "Not this again."

  "Maybe you shouldn't answer it this time," Nate said, laughing.

  Kylie crossed the room and stuck her head through the door. Pulling it back inside, she glanced at Alex and Nate with curiosity before sticking her head out once again.

  "Uh, actually, you should answer it."

Alex pulled a shirt over his head and opened the door. He didn't quite believe it.


  His gorgeous wife's eyes brightened at the sight of her husband. She dragged a single suitcase on wheels behind her, and let it go to jump into his arms. He squeezed her tight, and could barely catch his breath as she forced him into the room, finding his lips with ease. They both heard Kylie and Nate laughing and snickering at the display of affection. Cindy pulled away, and after a quick smile, her demeanor changed instantly. Her brow furrowed as she shoved Alex by the shoulders.

  "What the hell is going on here?" she asked.

  Alex glanced at Kylie and Nate. They were as lost as him.

  "I'm working on a case."

  "I haven't heard from you at all for two days."

  "Yesterday was a crazy day. Wait a minute…I did send you a message last night."

  "You didn't send anything. I was worried sick."

  He reached for his phone on the nightstand.

  "I sent a text. I know I did." His heart sank as he focused on the screen. "Oh, shit. I forgot to hit send."

  She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head, her frustration laced with amusement.

  "You forgot to hit send," she repeated.

  "Still, Cindy, you didn't have to fly out here just because of that."

  "Oh, I didn't?"

  She grabbed his phone and tapped away. She turned the screen toward him when she found the video she was searching for.

  It took a moment to recognize what he was looking at. The video struggled between grainy and clear. It was an aerial shot of small businesses and homes, taken from a helicopter. In the brief moments of clarity Alex saw a pair of wings he knew quite well. The video was taken from far away, but he could clearly make out what was supposed to be impossible, a human flying through the air. Detective Lisa Nash clung to him, but his flight was still smooth. Two people spoke, the pilot of the helicopter and his passenger. They were loud to rise over the rumble of their flight.

  "What do you think it is?"

  "I have no idea. I've never seen anything like it."

  "It looks like a huge bat."

  "I don't know. I think it's wearing clothes. I think I see jeans."

  Alex shook his head. The term it stung more than he thought it would.

  "Is it…carrying a person?"

  "I think maybe you're right."

  "They're landing! Keep recording."

  "I am, I am."

  The camera struggled to find them, and when it did, Nash was pointing her gun at him as he struggled to stand.

  "She's going to kill it!"

  "Circle the helicopter around!"

  The video went dead. Uncomfortable silence followed as he took back his phone.

  "And there's more, too. Videos taken from the ground, from phones. That is the last thing I heard about you yesterday. I caught the first flight out I could."

  "Man," Nate said. "That's love, right there."

  Alex checked the video. Normally, he would have been bothered by the fact he was caught on video. Perhaps Victoria's words were finally sinking in. Humans typically didn't want to believe the truth, even when it was right in front of them. The video was only a footnote in the social consciousness. More people were concerned with the latest celebrity scandals, and which reality show dancing contestant was having sex with their partner. The video's comments were already littered with thoughts of Terrible special effects and When is this movie coming out?

  "I'll ask it again," Cindy said. "What the hell is going on?"

  "We found who murdered Kylie." He held up the phone. "The lady I'm carrying here is a cop, and she was on the case, too. But the mob or something is after her. It's a crazy story, really."

  "Crazy story?" Cindy said, shaking her head. "Babe, I swear to God, I could fucking slap the shit out of you right now."

  Kylie laughed and looked at Nate.

  "Now, there's your love."

  "I'm sorry," Alex said. "I didn't know someone was filming me. I didn't get back until late. I thought I sent you a text—"

  She pushed him hard in his chest. Alex toppled backwards and landed on the bed. Kylie and Nate flinched, not expecting the sudden move. They thought Cindy was angry, and were more surprised when she moved across the bed on her knees and straddled her husband.

  "Be quiet, honey," she said. "Any ghosts watching might want to leave now."

  Kylie rolled her eyes. She grabbed Nate by the hand and pulled him along. He kept his eyes locked on Alex and Cindy, just long enough to see Cindy pull her shirt over her head before being dragged through the door.

  "Man. What a weird couple."


  Thirty minutes later, the four of them were on their way to Zoey's house. Alex and Cindy avoided any post-sex awkward conversation by having Kylie and Nate ride in the truck bed. There wasn't room for all four of them up front. Alex kept an eye on them over his shoulder. Kylie had come a long way from when he'd first met her. She didn't fall out once.

  He filled Cindy in on key events since arriving at Stewardtown. He also left out a few, such as getting his head slammed like a basketball in the back of Detective Nash's car.

  "A damn vampire," Cindy said, shaking her head. "Wow. And Kylie doesn't want to find him?"


  "Good. Leave the vampire hunting to other companies."

  Alex laughed. "She just wants to talk to her friend, and her mom, and we're done."

  "What will she do after? Is she going to…move on?"

  He smiled as her glanced at Kylie. Nate and her were laughing about something. Nate was probably telling another of his insane stories. Kylie laughed so hard she rested her head on Nate's shoulder.

  "I think she might be sticking around a while."

  Cindy glanced behind her, and understood what he meant.

  They turned onto Zoey's street, and he immediately didn't like what they saw. A collection of vehicles with flashing lights sat outside her house. Several police cars, an ambulance, a firetruck. Neighbors gathered on their lawns to watch the scene. Whatever happened wasn't too long ago.

  "Oh, no," Alex said. "What the hell?"

  Cindy parked as close as she could. They climbed out and jogged down the sidewalk, Kylie and Nate just behind them. Alex held Cindy's hand so she wouldn't be lost in any conversation.

  "What happened?" Kylie asked. "Did Zoey do this?"

  Alex wanted to say no, but the truth was he didn't know. Zoey wasn't a bad person. He knew that, and Kylie knew it as well, despite her current feelings toward her. But Zoey wasn't the person she used to be. She was no longer human. There was a thirst inside her that would never go away, that would take time to learn to control.

  How many people would be hurt before she had that control?

  "Oh my God," Kylie said, grabbing her head. "Zoey…her parents…." She looked at Alex, her eyes hopeful. "Will you help?"

  There was no logical reason for him to go any further. Kylie herself pointed out the fact that her case was over. Zoey wasn't a part of it, and made him no extra money. Demons LLC certainly didn't benefit from staying in Stewartdown any longer than necessary.

  He glanced at Cindy. Her smile was warm and knowing.

  "Of course we'll help."

  Another car approached from the opposite end of the street, driving erratically. It nearly hit the curb in front of Zoey's house. A woman jumped out, and Alex could tell from the horror on her face that it was Zoey's mom, having been called with terrible news at work.

  "David!" she shouted. "Zoey!"

  An officer intercepted her before she could run into the house. She fell to her knees, her grief consuming her. Kylie nearly ran forward to be with her. She'd spent almost as much time with Zoey's mother as her own.

  "She can't see me," Kylie said. "There's nothing I can do to help her."

  "I'm sorry. But there is something you can do. Go to Zoey. Let us know where she is, how she's doing."

  "You don't
think she's dead?"

  Cindy answered for him. "No. If she were, you'd see her here." She held up her hand, still entwined with Alex's. "Even I'd see her."

  "You want me to…teleport? I don't know. I'm not very good at it. To the motel, sure, but…."

  Nate took her hand.

  "You're the only one that has a connection with her. You can go right to her, and come back here. You can do this."

  All it took was gentle encouragement from Nate to bring a smile to her face. She nodded and quickly squeezed his hand.

  "I'll try." She took a deep breath. "Wish me luck."

  Nate shook his head. "You don't need it."

  Kylie stood still for five seconds with her eyes closed. Just when Alex thought she wouldn't be able to vanish, she slowly disappeared from sight. Nate stared at the spot where she was, a look of pride on his face. A sight on the other side of Zoey's lawn caught his attention.

  "Alex," he said, nudging his shoulder. "Check that out."

  Alex saw what Nate referred to. It was difficult not to. Everyone's attention was on the police moving in and out of the house. Neighbors gossiped, shook their heads sadly, some even filmed the scene with their phones. Yet two men stood on the lawn, not far from one of the front windows. They argued loudly, cursing and shouting as loud as they could. No one gave them a second glance, or even a first one.

  A covered gurney was wheeled out the front door, and one of the men lost what little composure he had left. He fell to his knees, looked up to the sky, and shouted in agony.

  "Ghosts?" Nate said.

  Alex nodded. "You know it. Can you get close enough without them spotting you?"

  Nate flashed a look of hurt. "Dude, I'm insulted. They're like newborn deer. I'll be back in a few."

  He vanished as well. Alex had no idea where the young ghost went, or how he intended to spy on the two men. But he knew Nate would get the job done.

  "What about you?" Cindy asked. "What are you doing?"

  "Zoey has blood in her basement. She's going to need it, and I don't want the police finding it." He kissed her on the cheek. "Keep the truck running for me."

  He tried to pull away, but she held tight.

  "Wait a minute, wait. You're just going to walk in there, grab some blood, and walk out?"


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