Queen Of My Heart

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Queen Of My Heart Page 3

by Silver, Jordan

  "Stuff it Jason, oi, why are you with him then if not avenging your sister's honor?"

  "Now Rhian, sister I wasn't doing anything wrong, I was just feeling him out...yes that's it, I was feeling him out to see what he wants here."

  The little liar mouthed the words sorry at me over her head. They were a sight to behold, he was almost twice her size and yet she had him backing away with his hands up in surrender. Then again I was a great many inches taller than he and she saw no danger in coming after me with her sword either had she? I rather liked this new side to my wife, though I might have to tame her with a few smacks to her backside on occasion to curb her tongue.

  "Well did you best him at least?"

  "Yes, you taught me well, I used all my cunning to best him." It seemed young Jason had an aversion to the truth; I'll have to watch him when we took him back home with us. His bent for half-truths and theatrics were sure to keep me on my toes. He seemed more a mischievous youth than the man he appeared to be because of his overgrown girth. This I will have to keep in mind from here on out.

  "Well my queen, are we to leave this day or do you need more time to get your things together?"

  "Jason would you kindly inform this specimen that I have no intentions of going anywhere with him unless it's to escort him to the gates of hell." She had the nerve to sneer in my direction after saying this as though I were nothing more than a peasant beggar beneath her feet. Will she never cease to amaze me? I too was having a hard time withholding my mirth.

  "I should have your father brought up on charges of fraud." I folded my arms across my chest and prepared for the hell fire I was sure was about to be heaped on my head.

  "What is this, how did my father defraud you or do you mean to defame the character of yet another?"

  "He pretended to me that you were a lady of high birth, a princess of the highest and finest order, but instead I find myself saddled with a hoyden, a veritable shrew."

  Steam practically rose from her nostrils at my well-aimed insult as she turned on me once more, sputtering in disbelief.

  "Take that back you rakehell, you cad, you adulterer, I hate you." Of course each word was punctuated by a thrust of her sword. After the initial surprise I realized how skilled she was with a sword, as I had to concentrate so as not to be run through. I barely had time to draw my own weapon to defend myself, as she seemed bent on destruction.

  She was magnificent, hair flying as it had now come undone from the intricate style she'd been wearing when she first came upon us. Her surcoat of deep blue velvet over a lighter blue silk made her eyes shine, the natural cerulean color even more enhanced adding to her already extraordinary beauty.

  Better pay attention before your virgin bride guts you on this field. And wouldn't that be one for the history books? Virgin, ah yes yet another delight to look forward to. I had held off taking her for the silliest of reasons I see now. Maybe that had helped farther the cause of our enemies. Whatever the case maybe her maidenhead wasn’t long for this world. It will be a task to see if I left her intact until we reached my holdings and our marriage bed. I had a sneaking suspicion that may not be the case.

  I pulled a fast one and got in under her guard, pulling her close to my chest so my whispered words would be for her ears only. "If I'd known you had this much fire I would've fucked you on our wedding night." I pushed her away after that incendiary remark. She was struck dumb with surprise, her cheeks blooming a very fetching shade of pink before she came back to her senses.

  "Argh, never you...oooh..." She was quite a sight in her anger as she came at me with everything she had. "Now now my little queen, you mustn't let anger rule your head, that's the surest way to lose the battle." I toyed with her knowing my words would only work to inflame her more. All the while young Jason sat on the grass with a big stupid grin on his face. Of course he was championing his mistress, he wouldn't dare side with me and I understood fully why.

  "That's it Rhiannon get him." What an upstart. Of course when I bested her he gave me a thumbs up, behind her back of course. I was going to have to teach the boy not to be afraid of the little hellion.

  I soon grew tired of our battle and took her down with one foot behind both of hers. I made sure to break her fall before going down on top of her of course; I couldn’t give her anything more to hold against me. She was winded and irate but none the worse for our little clash of wills. I had a moment to cherish the sight of her after so long without having her near. My heart felt full to overflowing with the emotion I held for her as I gazed down at her beauty.

  "I'm sorry Rhiannon." I whispered the words softly with all the heartfelt regret I felt as I gazed longingly into her eyes. I saw the telltale hitch of her breath, and for a second I glimpsed the girl who'd taken moonlit walks in the gardens with me. That innocence that had once held me so spellbound; could I truly have been so lucky to have found that rarest of women? A woman of sweet virtue with a fiery side that fire could keep a man warm at night. Pretty soon that girl was gone she was soon replaced once again with a fiery glare and a spitting hellcat.

  "Sod off arsehole."

  My eyes widened in surprise yet again and my body went lax giving her time to push me aside and roll from beneath me. I didn't know whether to laugh or tan her backside. In the end laughter won out because I'd learned something here today. I'd learned that she was hurt yes, and angry but she was in no way indifferent to me. And one more thing I'd ascertained, my young bride cared for my welfare. On more than one occasion during our sparring, because of my egotistical assumption that no mere woman could best me I'd been a little too lax. She could've done me harm then but refrained. I will hold onto those little crumbs for now, heaven knows how long she'd make me suffer for my ignorance.

  Chapter 6

  "So Jason what do you think, do I stand a chance with our fair queen, that most gentle of women?" He had the poor manners to snort at that.

  "Gentle, sure, and that horse of yours is a lamb."

  "You're comparing your sister to my Frisian?"

  "Ssh, keep it down you never know when she's about she's a sneaky one that one."

  The boy had no fear of me, he shushed me, bossed me around, and pretty much told me what to do. I understood it was a measure of his level of comfort with me. It made my heart glad to know that he felt this kind of ease in my presence and I had no qualms whatsoever about using that to my advantage. In the last day and a half since my arrival I had come to see that other than her father, Jason was the most important thing to her, well, other than me of course. I refused to believe that I had lost her for always, though she still refused to speak to me.

  Last night at table she had sat next to me in high dudgeon. At first she had refused to share a trencher with me as was customary but I insisted. And since she didn't want to draw attention to herself she had grudgingly given in. It had been quite comical the way she tried to bite off my fingers when I fed her a piece of pheasant from my hand. She’d made a point of ignoring me the rest of the evening even going so far as to plead a headache from too much sun as her reason for retiring early. I’d let her go not making an issue of it though I would’ve preferred her company, but she had little enough time as it is before I forced my will on her, I figured it best to let her have her little respite.

  "Well, what's your answer, do I or do I not?"

  He seemed to ponder my words very diligently before giving me an answer, and for the first time since we’d met I saw a serious side to young Jason.

  "I think you might, but I think you hurt her heart and her pride, and once you've hurt the heart of one such as she, well, you have to proceed gently. For all her fire and sass she has a soft heart, look at me for example, my own mam set me out at an early age. My Rhian took me into the castle and dared even the king to say her nay, and I've been her brother ever since. She's bloodied plenty a nose on my behalf until I learned how to fight for myself."

  "About that, did I hear you say she taught you to fight?"
r />   "She sure did."

  "And who taught her?"

  "Well now, that's a story in itself. Rhian has always been aware that a king needs sons and since she's her father's only child, she's always set out to fill that role. So when it came time to learn the ways of women she kicked up such a fuss as to be heard from here to the holy lands. The upshot being that if she had to learn bloody sewing and candle making, her words mind you; that she was to be allowed equal time each day studying the art of war. That fight went on for a fortnight until she got it into her head to stop eating until her father gave in to her demands. She locked herself in her rooms, only I knew how to get through the secret passage to reach her and though I tried sneaking her food she wouldn't touch it, she has great honor."

  "Either that or the woman is daft."

  He shook his head at me, "I can see you're going to need me with you when you return home. Now that the cat's out of the bag and you know she's no shrinking violet you say things like that to her she'll brain you but good."

  "What happened after she locked herself in the room?" I chose to ignore his quite accurate assessment of just what might occur.

  "Well three days later her father realized she meant what she said so he relented."

  "This secret passage you mentioned..." I gave him a pointed look.

  "Oh no you don't she'd know I was the one to tell and that'll be the end of me. You're on your own there your majesty. You can hold me over an open pit, flay the very skin from my back, set your hounds on me, I still won't tell."

  "Tell me Jason, did you get your flair for the dramatic from her as well?"

  "Jason, what day is today, what are you about? Consorting with the enemy again I see." She came upon us all aflutter, face set in a mask of stern disapproval. She hardly spared me a glance other than to glower before turning her menacing look on her brother who was backpedaling as if those hounds he’d mentioned were at his heel.

  "No such a thing sister, this husband of yours is a bothersome sort, always he seeks me out with his infernal questions. If you play along I'll tell you where the passage is." This last was whispered to me in an aside.

  "Sorry young Jason, I'll try not to bother you again it's just that I know you're the only one who knows my love and would be best suited to answer any questions I might have about my fair queen." I liked the blush that brought to her cheeks although her eyes still spat fire at me.

  "Humph, you leave my Jason alone, come along Jason."

  “And have you no greeting for your husband this morning my sweet?” If looks could kill she would’ve slain me with that one. At least she wasn’t trying to gut me or take my fingers off with her sharp teeth; no it was just that rapier sharp tongue of hers I had to contend with this morning. She looked rather fetching in a surcoat of green over a lighter shade of green silk. Had I ever noticed before just how the sunlight played in the tresses of her hair? Perhaps not, I’m a man of war I have no time for such things, but today her russet colored locks caught my attention.

  She completely ignored me as she took Jason’s hand and started off.

  "Where are you off to fair Rhiannon?"

  She huffed and flounced before answering. "If you must know your annoyance we're going hunting and you're not invited."

  "Oh...that's okay then, I guess I can find something else to do around here, though hunting might've been fun. I haven't had time since I was a lad, being king is so hard sometimes, takes all your time and energies; oh well have fun you two." I started off at a slow pace in the opposite direction. I must've made a sorry sight with my slumped shoulders and dejected look. I heard them whispering back and forth before she called out to me.

  "Alright, you may accompany us but no talking." The smile on my face must’ve rivaled the sun for brightness. Though she still scowled I’d garnered an invitation. That was a good sign was it not?

  "No talking, got it, is that a new rule just for me or is that the norm?" She looked at me as though I were the village dolt.

  "If you talk it will scare away the prey, have you never been taught the skill?"

  "No time, I was a youth when my mother's father died making me king. I've never really had time for such things, I've always been told what to do." Good one Shane plant that seed give her food for thought, heaven help me if she ever finds out that I'm an excellent huntsman.

  Chapter 7

  My wife is quite the hunter. I stayed back and played the novice while she and Jason hunted venison in her father's forest. Her aim was true and her skill made me proud to call her mine as she brought down a six-point buck, quite a feat for one so young and tiny to boot. She didn’t gloat at her prowess as us men were wont to do at such a prize, but instead seemed to take it as her due when her brother heaped praise on her head for a fine kill.

  Jason beamed like the proud little brother he was as we men were tasked with bagging the kill.

  "Did you see Shane, you think you can do that?" She was so excited to be showing me her skill, the light in her eyes once more reminding me of the young carefree girl I'd taken into my home not so long ago. Where had it all gone wrong, why hadn't I known what was afoot, the deceit that was brewing to tear us apart? Now was not the time to dwell on such things though as she stood watching me expectantly, waiting for an answer to her question. Time to play the deprived king again.

  "I'm not sure, wouldn't it be easier to stab it with my sword?"

  She rolled her beautiful eyes and released an exasperated sigh that almost had me in stitches. It was quite a chore to keep a straight face. My poor put upon queen, to be saddled with such an inept mate.

  "Now Shane how do you propose we get close enough to the beast to bring it down? I assure you they're not dumb animals." I didn’t miss the implication that maybe I was.

  "Hmm, I hadn't thought of that, maybe you should teach me your skill with the bow then."

  She didn't seem to know what to make of that suggestion but I didn't give her time to ponder.

  "I don't think tis right that a king should be less skilled than his subjects, my education has been sorely lacking since I've spent most of my youth at war with my enemies, trying to secure my throne. And still until now I'm faced with opposition at every turn." I sounded as pitiful as a beggar.

  That small glimpse of my compassionate girl shone through for the briefest of seconds before it was gone again. Damn, looks like my job was going to be even harder than I first thought. Problem is I don't have much more time to give her to get over her mad. I have to leave in two days time and she was coming with me no matter what.


  "I will not go. What has he done to gain my forgiveness? Nothing, one sorry, that's what he gave after destroying my good name. I will not have it, I will not, I will not. Have the union annulled, we've yet to consummate the marriage, the church will allow this." I am at the end of my rope, in the days since he’s been here he’s done nothing but try to win my favor again. He follows me around like a doting husband, always wanting to know what I’m about. He sits at table and watches me like a hawk with its prey. No matter how my skin prickles with awareness whenever he’s near, or how my heart beats faster at the call of my name, I won’t give in.

  "Rhiannon, stop speaking foolishness girl, the king will never allow his marriage to be annulled. Do you wish to bring war down on your poor father's head? Do you not see how he has humbled himself by coming after you here? Now everyone knows how he treasures you. What king has ever done such a thing?"

  "I care not one wit that he came here, he has yet to tell me why I was treated so poorly, three whole days he's been here and not once has he said.

  "He's been too busy wooing you, perhaps he thinks it’s not the right time to speak of such matters as yet. What of all the trinkets he brought you here, and how he sits in the solarium of an evening and plays the harp for you, why can you not give a little?"

  I refused to answer, first the lady Elizabeta and now my own father. Everyone seemed to think I should just for
give and forget. No one seemed to understated the pain of a love torn apart before it was given time to grow and become more. The pain of having your love spurn you and turn you aside, it wasn't to be borne. Though pain had lessened somewhat I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. The fact still remained that he’d sent his light skirt to cast me out, that insult must never be forgotten. The memory of it burned like a hot coal in my chest and helped to reinforce my decision as I stood to face my father.

  “There is no force on this earth that will ever compel me to return to the Dales. If it’s an alliance he’s after give him one of the maids.” It was an insult of the highest order but I cared not. His coming here and only reminded me of what I had lost. What had been ripped away so carelessly and at the hands of that woman whom I hated beyond measure.

  "I've told you what must be, your husband has said you're leaving in another day. I will not stand in his way, if you choose to go against his wishes then you'll bring his anger down on your own head, I wash my hands of the whole mess." With that he turned and left my chambers.

  I know they wanted me to play the dutiful wife, but how could I trust him not to hurt me again? Who knows what would set him off again? Even Jason was siding with the rat, not that he's come right out and said it but I know he thinks I'm being too hard on his precious new friend. Traitor!

  And how dare he king Shane the sod go behind my back and speak to my father of this as if I were a child? One more day and I must leave the safety of my home and go back to his home where everyone had been witness to my shame, never. I should've run him through with my sword when I had the chance, as a matter of fact…


  I wonder how things went with her father. My mother hadn't fared very well before she had to leave herself earlier this day, though she’d tried her very best. She had left me with the assurance that all that was needed was time, but she was sure my bride still held tender feelings for me. She had bid me be patient with the young girl and be mindful of her heart. All of which I already knew, but time I could not give her.


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