Want Me (Coopers Creek Book 3)

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Want Me (Coopers Creek Book 3) Page 9

by Bronwen Evans

  They laughed together for a few moments.

  Ric asked, “Well, you know that sometimes people say what they truly feel when they’re drunk. Do you want her to be your girlfriend?”

  “I don’t know! Maybe. She’s got trust issues and she has every right to be scared. So am I.”


  “What if we really start to care for each other, and then it all blows up in my face?” Chase ran a hand through his hair. “I’m scared shitless, Ric. What do I do?”

  Ric asked, “Chase, why are you so scared? Why are you dooming this before it really even gets started?”

  Chase sat down in a lawn chair and screwed up his courage. “Are you alone?”

  “Yeah. Kate is babysitting Hayley and the baby over at Em’s. Ty dragged Emily out for a while to start getting her used to leaving the baby,” Ric said.

  “Aw. It’s always hard for a mama to leave her baby the first time,” Chase said. “I’m gonna tell you something, but I’m swearing you to secrecy. Do you promise not to tell anyone? Not even Kate?”

  “I swear not to tell a soul. You know that you can tell me anything.”

  “No one outside of my parents knows this. Well, my grandparents, but they’re gone, so…”

  “I understand.”

  Chase’s right leg jiggled as he fought his nerves. “The summer I moved to Cooper’s Creek, I got a bad case of mumps. It was horrible.”

  “I remember you telling me and Ty that you’d been sick.”

  The old pain surfaced and Chase took a deep breath to combat it. “Yeah. I left out a few things.”

  “Oh? Like what?”

  Closing his eyes tight against the tide of emotion that threatened to break free, Chase said, “My case was so severe that it left me sterile. I shoot blanks. I can’t father children, Ric.”

  Ric was silent for a few moments. “How do you know for sure?”

  Chase rubbed his stomach, suddenly feeling nauseous. “I had myself checked right after high school. I had barely any sperm count. And you remember Denise, right?”

  Ric snorted. “How could I forget her? She walked out on you during college, and you were a wreck for a while.”

  “Yeah. The reason she left me is because I can’t have kids. When I first told her, she was cool with it. Supportive and all. Then she said that we should try for a baby.” Chase gave a mirthless laugh. “I was so happy and stupid that I said yes. We tried that whole last year, but nothing happened, which proved that I don’t have any swimmers. That’s why she bailed on me.”

  “Damn, Chase. I’m so sorry. I wish you would’ve told us.”

  Tears leaked out from under Chase’s closed eyelids. “There’s more.”

  “More? Oh, God.”

  “When I was first tested and my Mum told my Father about the results, he basically disowned me. He said that since I couldn’t produce an heir, I couldn’t inherit the ranch. He never really wanted me to have it anyway, and that just gave him the excuse he needed to it to my brother,” Chase told Ric.

  Ric went berserk. “That fucking bastard! I’ve always hated him, but now I want to beat the shit out of him. He better hope I never see him, or—”

  “Ric, chill out, man. I’ve mostly put that part of it behind me. It doesn’t get to me like it used to,” Chase said.

  He heard Ric take a deep breath. “Okay. You shouldn’t have carried this all by yourself, Chase. It’s a hell of a burden to bear alone.”

  Chase rubbed his forehead to ward off the headache that was brewing. “I just couldn’t talk about it. I just wanted to pretend it wasn’t true. And I didn’t want you guys to look at me differently. You don’t understand, Ric.” He got up and paced, with Lola following by his side.

  “Men are supposed to get women pregnant. It’s part of what makes men, men. But I can’t do that. It makes me feel like less of a man that I can’t give a woman a baby. That I can’t make children when I want them so bad!”

  Silence met his outburst.

  “Ric? Are you there?”

  “Yeah.” Ric’s voice trembled. “I’m here. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t you dare cry, Ric.”

  Chase was barely hanging on to his emotions. If Ric wept in his ear, he’d lose it. He hated being the most sensitive of the three of them, especially at times like this. Chase was jealous of Tyler’s ability to hold in emotional pain. It took something terrible to make Tyler shed tears. Ric fell somewhere in between Tyler and Chase when it came to controlling feelings.

  Ric sniffed. “Too late.” He cleared his throat. “Chase, listen to me. Being able to make a baby doesn’t make you a man. It’s how you live up to your responsibilities and treat the people you love. It’s keeping the promises you make and leaving the world a better place. And by those standards, you’re one of the manliest men I know. Besides, there are so many unwanted kids out there who would love a dad like you.”

  Chase grew aggravated. He didn’t want platitudes. “Don’t pump sunshine up my ass to make me feel better.”

  “I’m not. I swear. Look, we’ve been friends for fifteen years, and I’ve seen you keep every single promise you ever made,” Ric said. “And when you love someone, Chase, you love them with your whole heart. You give so much of yourself and people love you for it.

  “You donate to so many charities that I stopped counting, and you grow vegetables and give them to your employees. If one of them is sick, you make them chicken soup, for crying out loud! If that’s not leaving the world a better place, I don’t know what is.”

  Chase smiled a little. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But none of that helps me with Anna. Hypothetically, let’s say that things would start getting serious with us and we want to get married. I’m not sure I could handle it if my being sterile was a deal breaker for her. Not twice in one lifetime, Ric.”

  “Buddy, I know it’s a risk, but we’re risk takers at heart. Hypothetically, if Anna can’t accept the fact that you’re sterile, it would show you that she didn’t really love you,” Ric said. “Obviously, Denise wasn’t the right woman for you, but maybe Anna is.”

  Calming somewhat, Chase sat down again. “Yeah, maybe. I don’t know when to tell her. I don’t want things to get too far along before I do, but I don’t want to mention it too soon and freak her out.”

  “I think that you should let it ride for a little while and see where things go.”

  Chase pet Lola as he said, “You’re right.”

  “I always am,” Ric quipped.

  “Shut the hell up. Thanks for lending me an ear and the advice. And for not getting all weird on me.”

  “Anytime, Chase. Isn’t that what best friends are for?”

  “Yeah, it is. All right. I’ve had enough of the touchy-feely stuff for one night. Besides, your woman will be home soon, and you’ll want to get her in the sack,” Chase said.

  Ric laughed. “You’re right about that. Get some sleep, and I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”

  “Okay. Tell Kate I said hi. Nighty night.”


  Chase pressed the end button and called out for Lola to come, feeling emotionally drained yet lighter. It was good to finally confide in someone about his situation, and he was grateful for Ric’s support. He smiled when he thought about Ric’s threat of violence against his father. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t thought of doing.

  His father’s defection had cut deep gashes in Chase’s psyche, and there were still times when he felt inferior as a person. Brenda hadn’t fared much better and it was that commonality between them that made it impossible for him to completely cut ties with her. But the shit she’d pulled this last time had been the worst.

  Thinking about Brenda, Chase hoped that she’d had good luck at the job interview she’d had that day. She’d called that morning to cancel their visit because of it, and they’d made plans to have lunch the next day. Chase knew he was going down the rabbit hole with Brenda again, but he couldn’t help himself.
  Chase looked up at the night sky, which had become overcast. “Granddaddy, Nana, if you’re watching, could you give me a hand with all of this? Pull some strings or whatever? I sure could use it.”

  Lola barked at him, and Chase laughed.

  “I know you’re ready to go to bed. Me, too. Let’s go, girl.”

  Chapter 9

  A huge clap of thunder made Anna bolt up in bed. Lightning immediately followed it, and she shut her eyes against the intense light. Thunder crashed again, and her heart thudded painfully against her ribcage. Fright rendered her motionless as she tried to figure out where she was.

  Then she remembered that she was at Chase’ place. She’d had another nightmare about Greg, and the lingering terror from it was compounded by her fear of storms. She jumped at a shadow on the wall and lightning flashed again. Anna threw back her covers, left her room, and ran down the hallway to the living room.

  Almost constant lightning illuminated her way as she rushed through each of the rooms until she reached Chase’s bedroom. The next lightning flash revealed that he lay on his back, sound asleep in the middle of his bed. She hopped over Lola and dived onto the bed.

  Whipping back the covers, Anna crawled over to him, and yanked the covers over her head. She snuggled up against his right side and buried her face against his chest.

  His arm came around her. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Just a little thunderstorm,” he murmured and then yawned.

  Anna tried to stop trembling, but she couldn’t. “I’m sorry. I’m terrified of them.”

  Chase rolled towards her and gathered her to him. “You’re safe, honey. We have great storm protection and backup generators. Nothing bad is gonna happen.”

  His scent and warmth were comforting. “I know it’s stupid, but I can’t help it.”

  He put his lips close to her ear. “Guess what?”

  She smiled and shivered as his warm breath made contact with her skin. “What?”

  “I sleep naked.”

  Anna drew back and met his eyes as lightning flickered through the windows. The naughty grin on his face made her giggle. “You do not.”

  “Go on and see for yourself. I dare you.”

  His challenge made Anna forget the storm. It also made her feel reckless. “Okay.”

  She placed her hand on his chest and ran it lightly over his hard muscles. He felt so good and his skin was smooth. Moving her hand lower, Anna explored his defined stomach.

  “You’re getting warmer,” he said.

  Her longing to touch Chase made Anna push through her shyness, and she moved lower still until she encountered his hardening cock.

  “Told you,” he whispered. “It’s okay to touch me.”

  Anna accepted his invitation and took his long length in hand. He felt so different than Greg, and she thought that not all penises were created equal. Chase was far superior in that department and many others. She started stroking him, and Chase moved restlessly.

  “That feels so good.” He slid a hand around the back of her neck and kissed her lightly. “Enjoy yourself.”

  “I am. Kiss me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  His mouth settled firmly over hers, and he ran his tongue over her bottom lip. Anna opened to him, her tongue eagerly meeting his. He tasted of whiskey and she kissed him harder, enjoying the flavor. Swiftly, he responded, plundering her mouth in a thorough way that thrilled her.

  She ached between her legs and felt herself grow damp. His hips hitched forward, and she stroked him faster. He growled into her mouth, pressing harder against her as he placed a hand on her left breast.

  Suddenly, he dragged his mouth from hers. “Anna, let me make love to you. I swear that you won’t regret it. Can’t you feel what you do to me? How much I want you?”

  Anna met his gaze. “Yes, I do. I want you, too.”

  “Let me go, sweetheart.”

  She complied and found herself flipped over on her back. Laughter bubbled from her as Chase pulled her into a sitting position.

  “Arms up!”

  Putting her arms over her head, Anna let Chase remove her sleepshirt. She’d taken off her sports bra before bed, so she was completely bare from the waist up. Her nipples tightened in the cooler air and she shivered as Chase’s fingers skimmed over her skin.

  Anna wanted to touch him some more so she flattened her hands against his stomach and ran them down over his muscular thighs. Coming back up them, she detoured to his erection and played with his balls.

  “They’re so soft.”

  “No other guy you were with waxed?” Chase asked, running a hand over her hair.

  “Greg was the only man I’ve ever slept with, and he didn’t wax.”

  “Gotcha. You’re driving me crazy, baby.”

  Anna smiled. “Good.”

  Closing her fingers around his cock, Anna leaned forward and opened her mouth. She ran her tongue around the head, loving Chase’s sharp intake of breath.

  “Oh, shit.” His voice was tight with need.

  Anna understood his longing completely. He tasted good as she took him in her mouth and fluttered her tongue over him.

  His breathing grew heavier as he ran his fingers through her hair. “That’s incredible.”

  He brushed his fingers down her arms, making her break out in Goosebumps. Anna was enjoying pleasuring him in a way she never had Greg. Most likely because Chase hadn’t demanded or even asked for it.

  However, it wasn’t long before Chase said, “Anna, you have to stop now unless you want me to come.”

  Anna released him and smiled at him. “Not yet.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Chase said. “We gotta get you naked the rest of the way.”

  Anna pulled her yoga pants and panties down over her hips and pushed them down her legs. Chase took over, yanking them over her feet and tossing them away.

  “That’s much better,” he said, gently pressing her onto her back. “You just relax and let me do the work.”

  Anna grinned. “Is that what you say to all the girls?”

  He chuckled as he parted her legs and settled between them. “Sometimes. Other times, I tell them how much I want to taste them, just like I want to taste you.”

  Anna arched into his palms when he started kneading her breasts.

  “You certainly were well blessed,” he remarked.

  She gasped when he flicked his tongue over her nipple and then closed his mouth around it. Molten heat burned low in her belly, and she lifted her hips against his stomach when he created suction. A moan escaped her as incredible sensations ran straight to her core.

  Chase paid that breast thorough attention before switching to the other. Anna gripped his powerful shoulders as her need for him intensified.

  “Please, Chase.”

  * * *

  Her plea didn’t fall on deaf ears. Lifting his head, Chase said, “You have the sweetest nipples and I’m betting that you taste just as good everywhere else, too.”

  “Why don’t you find out?”

  Her playful statement delighted him because it meant that she was enjoying herself and felt comfortable with him. “I aim to.”

  Chase moved lower a little at a time, kissing, nipping, and licking as he went. He repeatedly ran his hands over her, enjoying her silky skin and her ripe flesh. Slowly, he trailed his tongue downward until he encountered the mound of her sex. Chase lightly bit it before delving his tongue gently between her soft folds. She whimpered and buried her hands in his hair.

  “I was right.”

  “About what?” she asked in a husky voice.

  “About you being delicious. Is it okay with you if I have some dessert?”

  He smiled when she laughed at his dirty question.

  “Please do. I insist.”

  “So polite.”

  He pressed a kiss to her and ran his tongue up her slit. Groaning as his cock hardened in response to her taste, he settled his mouth over her and found her clit. Her moan and the
way her hands fisted in his hair told him that she was already close to the edge. He took pride in the fact that she was so ready even though he’d barely touched her.

  Moving his tongue in a circular motion, Chase slid a hand up her body until he found her breast and teased the tight peak as he continued to stroke her. She rolled her head to the side and started to tremble against his mouth. Groaning his approval, he flicked directly over her swollen nub and loved hearing her gasp as she neared the brink.

  * * *

  Amid the lighting and thunder, a sensual storm brewed between Anna and Chase. His tongue was warm and soft and his thoroughness made it clear that he actually enjoyed doing this for her. Every movement of his tongue sent her higher and all her senses became focused on what he was doing. She tightened her fingers in his hair as her climax started.

  “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,” she begged.

  Chase responded by increasing his pace, and Anna lifted her hips to him as the gentle pulses of pleasure quickly changed to a sharp crescendo of bliss.

  “Chase! Oh, God, yes!”

  Anna couldn’t keep still as the sweet sensations flooded her body. It surprised Anna when Chase kept going until she relaxed. Then he gave her a last kiss and moved up between her legs.

  “I think that was the best dessert I’ve ever had,” he said.

  Anna giggled. “Do you always talk this much in bed?”

  “Absolutely. Communicating during sex adds another level of excitement and lets me know what you like,” he said.

  When he lowered his lips to Anna’s, she shied away.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I, uh, you don’t mind kissing after doing that?”

  His brow furrowed. “No. Do you?”

  Anna hated not having any other man besides Greg to compare Chase to. “That was something he never did. After I performed oral sex on him, he wouldn’t kiss me.”

  Chase cupped the back of her head, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Forget everything you ever did with him, Anna. I’m not him. Some guys don’t give a shit about a woman’s pleasure, but I do. It’s not good for me if she’s not enjoying herself.


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