Aeon Captive

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Aeon Captive Page 2

by Amelia Wilson

  “Please disrobe,” the alien said, and Sarah gave pause.

  “Excuse me?” she asked.

  “Disrobe,” the alien said again, staring at her.

  “We don’t usually get naked in front of people we don’t know,” she said.

  “Disrobe please,” the alien said in her mind once more, and Sarah knew he would not take no for an answer, so slowly she pulled her shirt over her head. When the alien saw her crystal necklace it’s eyes widened and its face turned yellow for a moment, before going back to light blue.

  “This?” Sarah said, standing in her jeans and a bra. She held the necklace forward. “Were you making it glow?”

  “We were tracking it, yes,” the alien said. “Please continue to disrobe,” it added, and then fell silent, watching her.

  Sarah sighed and reached behind her, unhooking her bra and letting it fall to the floor with her shirt. Where her clothes had fallen the floor raised up, forming a small table. Sarah didn’t bothering covering her round breasts with her hands, and the alien looked her body over, and Sarah wondered for a moment if her form would turn it on.

  She took her pants and shoes and socks off together and set them on the table. She paused there, only clad in her panties.

  “Continue,” the alien said, and Sarah took a deep breath and then pushed her panties down to the floor. She dropped them on the pile and looked to the alien. It looked her up and down, and didn’t try to hide it.

  “You are a pleasing form,” it said, and then it turned and waved its hand at the wall, and another doorway opened up.

  “Inside please.”

  Sarah stepped into the small room. The only thing she wore was her necklace, and as the alien stepped in beside her she noticed it was looking at her crystal. She plucked it from her flesh and held it up, the chain still around her neck. “This was glowing,” she said.

  The alien nodded. “It brought us to you,” it said inside her head.

  “I don’t understand,” Sarah said.

  “How came you to this crystal?” the alien asked her.

  “My father found it. He’s a geologist.”

  “I am unfamiliar with that,” the alien confided.

  “He’s a scientist. He studies rocks.”

  “Ah,” the alien said.

  “He found it when I was a girl, gave it to me. It never glowed before,” Sarah said.

  “It began to broadcast to us when we got so close. It has taken us many years to find it. Many centuries.”

  “How old are you?”

  The alien seemed pleased once more, the color of it’s face changing. “Our lifespan is similar to yours, perhaps a bit longer. The oldest of us live to one hundred and fifty of our years, which are slightly longer than yours.”

  The girl nodded. She was still standing naked though she had begun not to feel embarrassed, so interested in learning more about the crystal she had become. The alien stepped forward then, so he was very near her, and Sarah felt her breath catch in her throat.

  “Do I scare you?” he asked her.

  “No,” Sarah said, somewhat truthfully. The alien looked down, taking in her body once more.

  “We are similar in physique,” the alien said, and Sarah nodded. “But different enough that I had not expected to find you so pleasing,” the alien went on.

  “You find me pleasing?” Sarah asked, surprised to find that the notion excited her. Her small rosebud nipples hardened as the alien inched closer to her, and she felt a familiar stirring in her loins.

  “May I touch you?” the alien asked.

  “Yes,” Sarah said, not believing what she was saying, or what was happening. The alien reached one hand out slowly. He only had four fingers (including his thumb) and the fingers were long and slender. Slowly the alien creature cupped one of her breasts, plump and large. Her hard nipples pressed against his blue palm, and Sarah sucked in a gulp of air as she closed her eyes.

  The alien took a moment to explore her chest with both hands, cupping and kneading the tender fatty flesh of her breasts. Sarah had always been one of those women who could almost get off just by nipple play, and by the time the alien pulled his hands off of her she was breathing heavily and sopping wet between her legs.

  “That was interesting,” the alien said, and Sarah couldn’t help but see that the blue creature had an erection, his cock hard and large and pressing against his silver suit in the same place a human man’s would be, right between his legs.

  “Why did you take me?” Sarah asked, working to gather her breath and thoughts. Now that the alien had stopped groping her she seemed unsure about the whole thing, and wondered why she had consented to such a groping in the first place.

  “That crystal,” the alien told her, and Sarah then realized that even with his hands so close to the necklace it had been careful not to touch it. She reached down and plucked it once more from between her breasts.

  “You want it?” she asked.

  “No, I cannot touch it,” the alien said, and it offered no more upon the subject. Instead it waved its hand and a small circle of bright yellow light appeared on the floor. “Step there please,” the alien asked of her.

  Sarah did so and the warm light spread up her body, and she felt a blast of warm air.

  “You are clean now,” the alien said. “You may dress.”

  She looked around, expecting to see nothing, but a small pole had risen from the floor behind her with a shimmering frock of silver upon it. The material was light and unlike anything she had felt before, and Sarah pulled it on and closed it over her naked body. The alien, for his part, appeared disappointed to see her dress, and slowly his erection began to fade beneath his suit.

  “Do you have a name?” Sarah asked as she turned to face the blue skinned alien once more.

  “We do not need them,” the alien said. “We speak to each other’s minds. And if we’re discussing someone, we make the other picture them.”

  “So no name?”

  The alien shook his head. It wasn’t something he normally did, but plumbing Sarah’s mind had allowed him to pick up a few things, and he knew she would understand the motion. “Perhaps you could give me one,” the alien said in her mind.

  Sarah smiled and tilt her head to the side. “Me?” she asked aloud.

  “Why not?”

  “Alright. How about Henry?”

  “Is that a name from your world?”

  “Yes,” she answered. “I went to school with a boy named Henry. He was kind and gentle, and I guess he reminds me of you.”

  The alien seemed pleased. “Will you follow me please?” he asked.

  “Okay,” Sarah said. Despite everything that had happened, the necklace glowing and making that sound, the ship appearing, being taken aboard a UFO, having her breasts fondled by an alien, all of the things that she would elsewise describe as “crazy shit”, Sarah felt calm. Something bit at her, in the back of her mind, fighting to for purchase from amidst her thoughts, but she could not bring it to the forefront,a nd for right then at least, it remained merely the shadow of a thought.

  “My name is,” the girl began, and the alien cut her off.

  “Sarah,” it said.

  “You knew from my mind?” she asked.

  “Of course,” the alien said, and it turned and led her through a new door which had just opened.

  Now she saw other aliens, and the hall was much larger than it had been. The aliens were dressed similarly, and looked very similar, and each one stopped whatever it was doing and stared at her as she passed, but none of them spoke (in her mind).

  She was led to another room, the walls a soft yellow, and furniture was there, a small comfortable looking chair and a bed. She went inside and Henry stepped in as well.

  “I will leave you now,” he told her with his telepathy.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I cannot explain,” the alien said, and it seemed to hesitate, as if it wanted to go on further, but then it
simply turned to leave. Sarah didn’t know what else to say, so she watched him go. When he was gone, the door slid shut behind him.

  Chapter Three

  Sarah felt as though she was a captive. When she walked up to where the door had been in the wall nothing happened. No door slid open. The room was comfortable though, and she still felt oddly at peace. She wasn’t frightened by being abducted by a shop full of aliens, though she knew she should be. She wasn’t worried about being stuck in that room, though she knew she should be. It was all very peculiar, but whenever she tried to really sit and think about it, her mind became fuzzy and simply told the rest of her not to worry.

  The young woman from Earth also had a hard time figuring out how much time was passing. There were no windows, and even if there had been it wouldn’t have done any good, they were in space (hurtling at an insane pace that no other Earthling had ever gone before, much faster than the speed of light) and there was no day or night. There was a small switch set into the wall which she could slide up and down to dim the lights in the room (which she couldn't even see, the light simply seemed to pulse from the walls and ceiling itself) or make them brighter. So Sarah slept when she was tired, and Henry delivered food at regular intervals, keeping hunger at bay.

  “Is everything alright for you?” Henry asked, his sentence structure a bit confused, he was still getting used to human speaking, even if he was doing it in his mind. Sarah was sure three days had gone by.

  “There’s nothing to do,” she said. “I’m bored.”

  “To do?” the alien asked.

  “Yes. Like, watch television, or read a book.”

  “Ah,” the alien said, nodding his head awkwardly once more. “We do not have physical relaxers,” he added. “That is perhaps not the right word. Physical… entertainments.”

  “Why not?” Sarah asked, understanding what he was trying to say.

  “If an artist wishes to share his work, he simply shares it directly to the mind. It spreads thusly, or we have a machine which can take down thoughts, and then it can be shared widely.”

  “So your art is simply thoughts?” Sarah asked, intrigued.


  “No painting?”

  Henry did not know what painting was, not at first, but he was connected to Sarah;s mind, and as she said the word she pictured some paintings, some of her favorites, and the alien understood.


  “Talking to you is the only interesting thing I have to do then,” Sarah said.

  The alien seemed pleased by this. She watched the antennae on his head, ending in the bulbous balls, wave slowly.

  “And then we shall talk,” he said, and he stepped fully inside and set a tray of food down for her, it was food that she did not recognize of course, but it was delicious and she had been eating eagerly.

  “Can I ask you questions?” she asked.

  “Of course,” Henry told her.

  “Do you have parents?”


  “Are they alive?”

  “Yes. I also have two.... I think you call them siblings?”

  “Are they boys or girls?”

  “Both are girls.”

  “So your species has two sexes?” Sarah asked, thinking back to the bulge she had noticed in Henry’s suit when he had groped her breasts. The alien seemed pleased by this, and she realized that he was reading her mind.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “Show me,” Sarah said, without thought or consideration to just what she was asking. Without word or complaint Henry stood up, and his long fingers began to undo buttons upon his suit, until he had disrobed.

  He stood tall and proud before her, his penis the same light shade of blue as the rest of him, long but flaccid, hanging down the inside of his leg. Sarah was surprised to see that his member was very much like a human’s, though uncircumcised as most of the ones she had ever seen had been.

  The human girl stood up, and she began to disrobe as well. She stood before the alien naked, and watched as his manhood began to stiffen, pulsing with each beat of his heart until it was rigid, jutting out from his pelvis like a steel rod. He had no pubic hair, indeed it looked as though Henry had no hair upon his body at all. He seemed interested by hers, which she kept trim and in a small line leading up from her pubic lips, and he stepped forward and reached for her, and though Sarah tensed, just for a moment, she did not step away.

  Henry ran his fingers through the bristly tuft of hair, and then he slid one finger down, and Sarah stepped slightly apart so his finger could trace along the suddenly swollen and moist lips of her womanhood.

  As he rubbed her there, not going inside, but just trailing back and forth along her slick spot she reached for him, the tips of her pale peach fingers bright against the light blue of Henry’s skin. When her fingertips brushed against his erection it leapt at her touch, and she could feel his pulse when she touched him again, this time wrapping her fingers around his cock.

  She jerked him slowly, back and forth as she spread her legs a bit more and he slid one finger into her, making the young woman gasp, for his fingers were longer than any human man’s and it pushed deeper inside her than anything ever had been.

  “The bed,” Sarah groaned, and she stepped back towards the furniture, pulling the alien along by his mahood. When the back of her legs hit the edge of the bed Sarah turned, taking her hand from Henry’s member and putting it instead on his shoulder, spinning him and forcing him to sit and then lie down upon the bed. She crawled on after him, on her hands and knees, each knee on either side of one of his legs. She hovered over his rigid penis for a moment and then part her plump lips and took the alien into her mouth.

  Her brain didn’t let her focus on what she was doing, on the fact that she was giving an alien a blowjob, else it would be so absurd and crazy that she would simply shut down.

  Instead, she enjoyed what she was doing, letting her velvet tongue swirl around the tip of Henry’s penis until she was comfortable with it, and his rigid rod was lubed up with her hot spit, and then she moved down, inch by inch, taking as much of his considerable girth into her mouth as she could.

  “Yes,” the alien moaned, and she felt his long fingers on the back of her head, holding her there for a moment as he pushed upwards with his hips, getting another inch and a half into her mouth.

  She pulled her mouth away from him when she could take it no more, the slit between her legs yearning for him, slick with passion. She moved on the bed, throwing one leg over his hips, reaching down and holding his rod still as she lowered herself upon it, gasping as he filled her completely.

  She rode the alien slowly, neither of them speaking. He seemed hesitant, and she took his wrist and guiding each of his hands to a breast, her nipple hard and jutting against his palm as he groped her once more, this time with his impressive member inside her, her hips working constantly atop his, letting him slide mostly out of her and then bringing her body back down once more.

  She bent down, bringing her full lips to his thin ones, pressing them to his, kissing him, something he seemed confused by, but he was a quick learner, that blue skinned alien she had begun calling Henry, and soon their lips were parting and her tongue was touching his, exploring his mouth, tasting him.

  “The male is usually in charge,” the alien said to her, his hands moving from her breasts to her hips as he pushed her aside so she fell on the spacious bed onto her side. She began to roll onto her back as Henry moved, shifting onto his knees, but he stopped her with a touch and roller her instead onto her stomach.

  One hand found her ass, plump and inviting, and he kneaded the skin there, and Sarah began to push herself onto her hands and knees but once again she was stopped and Henry kept her down, lying flat upon the bed so her breasts were squashed between her and the sheet.

  Atop her Henry positioned himself, his hairless pelvis pressing against her ass cheeks, his long rod snaking down to her wet slit. He pushed inside of her womanhood on
ce more and Sarah couldn’t help but groan.

  He pushed deep inside her, holding her down with each hand on her shoulder blades, and his manhood pumped in and out. He was easily hitting the right spot in that position, working her over, and soon the young woman felt a familiar desire rise in her loins, a wave of passion which came hard and fast, an orgasm which shook her body and made her toes curl.

  She yelled out, screamed out, a loud bout of passion.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she moaned, over and over, and it was enough to push Henry over the edge, the blue skinned alien lowering his mouth to her back, trying that kissing thing she had shown him on the back of her neck as he thrust deep within her and released the contents of his blue balls into her womanhood, where it flowed hot and sticky and filled her up.

  After, they lay entwined for a moment, naked and catching their breath. Sarah could feel his juices oozing out of her and she ran a finger along herself, gathering up alien spunk and looking at it. It was white, alarmingly similar to human male semen. Henry watched her, an amused look upon his slim face.

  “You are ever so interested in everything,” he said, motioning to her sticky hand. She wiped it off on the sheet and laughed.

  “I guess I am. I was raised by a scientist after all.”

  Henry didn’t say anything.

  “What’s your world like?” Sarah asked him.

  “It’s similar to yours,” the alien said. “We have but one sun, though it is in a later stage of life than yours, it is nearly red. We have one continent as well, large but surrounded as it is by our green sea. Our sky is green as well. We are the dominant species, but our world is populated by many animals.”

  Sarah had her head upon the alien chest, she could hear its heartbeat, much more slowly than her own.

  “This is amazing,” she said softly.

  “That was amazing,” Henry said. She smiled up to him, and the two kissed.


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