Claiming Her

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by Noelle, Alexis

  Claiming Her

  By: Alexis Noelle


  Copyright © 2015 Ashley Piscitelli

  All rights Reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be given away to another person except when loaned out per Amazon lending program. If you’re reading this and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then it was pirated illegally. Please purchase a copy of your own and respect the hard work of this author.


  To all the people that help me I am so very thankful. Just to name a few Rachael Duncan, Stephanie Phillips, Missy Borucki, Desirae Shie, Marisa-Shor, Ariana McWilliams, Beth Cranford, Shelly Shur, and Tbird London. Also to my friends, family, and my husband thank you for you everyday support.

  To the readers that love the story and the characters you are my rock stars!

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  Fractured Preview

  Shattered Innocence Preview

  Chapter One


  “Ugh!” I grunt forcing another rep even though it feels like my arms might give out on me. I stand up and chug half my bottle of water.

  “Hitting it hard today, brother?” I turn around to see my friend Hunter smirking at me.

  “Yea, I just needed a distraction.” I shake my head. “I had another shit ass date last night.”

  He laughs. “What was wrong with this one?”

  “She was double fisting the alcohol before they even brought the dinner menus, dude. I mean I’m all for relaxing and having a drink, but holy fucking sloppy drunk.” He arches an eyebrow at me as if I’m overreacting. “You have no idea. I left and she didn’t even notice because she lay down on the piano they had and started to sing some stupid ass Britney Spears song.”

  “Shut the fuck up, you’re lying.”

  “Nope, I threw cash on the table and got the hell out of there as fast as I could.” I rub the back of my neck trying to work some of the soreness out.

  “If your shit is sore you should go see Sam’s friend, Nina. She works at that new place on Tenth Street. My buddy just went to see her and got the works, might even help your blue balls.” He shoots me a knowing look and winks.

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I mean, you should make an appointment with her for the full body special. She can help relieve you of more than just muscle pains.” He nudges me in the ribs before walking toward the entrance.

  I catch up with him. “You’re serious?”

  “Yeah, John just went to see her and came out happier than a pig in shit. After your luck with chicks, you need a sure thing.”

  I start to walk toward my car. I have been at the gym since five thirty this morning, and it’s two in the afternoon now. I teach three classes and supervise open gym until noon then I still have to get my workout in.

  I can’t get Hunter’s words out of my head, your luck with chicks. I have had some horrible dates. I honestly don’t even know why I’m still trying. Yes, I do. It’s because Lacey wanted me to. Lacey was my friend Mason’s girl. We lost her three years ago to cancer after she and Mason had their daughter, Grace. She saw how closed off I was to girls. I had been burned a bunch of times in the past, and I was just done with trying. She told me not to give up, to find my happiness. Well, easier said than done.

  I have dated every girl imaginable. There was the slut. Normally I don’t refer to girls like this but when she asked me how big my dick is and deep throats the hot dog she ordered, I definitely can’t refer to her as Mother Teresa. Then there was the nice girl, which normally isn’t bad until she smacked my hand like a petulant child because I “cussed.” Then there was the booty call, which again wouldn’t have been a bad thing to have sex all the time and no strings, except she was someone else’s booty call. Let’s not forget about the wannabe supermodel, the chick positioned a mirror on the table against the centerpiece so that as she ate she could make sure she still looked perfect. I think the rich bitch might have been the most offensive. We walked into this nice Italian place, and she asked the waiter if they had a chef’s table, because she was a VIP and didn’t want to be mixed in with everyone else. The last girl I dated was the most disgusting chick I have ever met. I do not have the best manners but this chick snorted and made chewing noises more than a damn pig at feeding time.

  At this point, I don’t see how going to Sam’s friend could be any worse. I google the number for the place, and they can fit me in at five. I make sure to ask for the full body special like Hunter said, not believing that this is what my life has come to. Am I really going to pay for a rub and tug? I think about the last time I had any decent action. Yeah, I’m totally gonna pay for it.


  I walk into the spa completely on edge. I am so damn nervous, and I have no idea why. I shouldn’t be anxious about a massage. I give the receptionist my name and sit down on one of the plush chairs. A door opens behind the desk, and this blond bombshell walks out.

  “Jake?” My name slides off her tongue and sounds like sex. I stand to try to seem relaxed and not at all affected by her presence. I feel like a damn horny teenager. “You can follow me.”

  I do as she says, the hallway is dim, and there is calming music playing softly over the speakers. She stops at a door, and I walk in. “I’m Nina, I’ll be your masseuse. Have you ever had a massage before?” I shake my head no. “Okay, well, are there any areas that you want me to avoid or focus on?”

  I have no idea what to say I can't stop looking at her. Her body is slim except for her chest and her hips. Her full bottom lip sticks out as she waits for my answer, begging me to slide my teeth over it. “Whatever you normally do is fine.”

  “There are sheets and everything on the table. You can undress and then cover yourself up. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  She leaves the room, and I tear my clothes off undressing faster than I ever have before. I slide under the covers waiting for her. When the door opens again, my heart speeds up. She places her hands on my back, and I can feel lotion on them. They are sliding up and down slowly kneading and working my muscles. I feel my dick getting hard and almost laugh out loud at how sexually deprived I’ve been.

  She moves in front of me and begins to work my neck. I look up, and I can see a sliver of her toned stomach peeking out each time she reaches forward. She smells like strawberries, and
I inhale her scent as I watch her body move in front of me. She disappears and I feel her at my feet. Her hands begin to work my legs sliding up my calf and trailing to about my mid thigh. Each time she goes up my thigh all I want to do is throw her under me and sink myself into her. Through all of the dates I have been on I have never been this ready to take a girl to bed. The way her hands felt gliding over my skin mixed with the strawberry scent filling the room has been driving me crazy.

  “Okay, the sixty minutes for the massage is up…”

  Fuck yes. I turn on the table throwing the sheet off of me. “I am so ready you have no idea. You are gorgeous by the way and I just—“

  “Oh my God!” Her hands cover her eyes. “What are you doing, you creep?!” She runs out of the room, and my mouth drops open.

  I am going to fucking kill Hunter.

  Chapter Two


  I wave to Jessie at the front desk as I run out the door, thank God that douchebag was my last client. I cannot believe that guy! I pull out my phone to call Samantha.

  “Hey, love, what’s up?”

  “You will not believe what just happened to me! This guy got a massage and then whipped out his penis at the end.” I slam my door closed wishing I was shutting his damn penis in it.

  “He what? Who the hell would do something like that?” I can hear voices in the background and laughter. “Why are you two giggling like school girls over there? Nina, I’m at my house why don’t you come over.”

  “On my way.” I hang up the phone and speed out of the parking lot. I have been doing this for two years in LA and never had that shit happen, I move to this little town, and it happened within two weeks. What the hell gave him the idea that I would even be okay with that?

  I shake my head. This is why every time Sam tries to convince me to date I blow her off. Men are pigs. I pull up to Sam and Hunter’s house before I can even knock the door opens. Sam grabs my hand and pulls me inside and into the living room. Her boyfriend, Hunter and his friend, Brian are standing there. She walks over to them smacking them both in the back of their heads.

  “Sorry, Nina,” they say in unison, and I honestly don’t think I could be more confused.

  “What is going on?” I look back and forth between Sam and Hunter.

  She raises her hand as if to hit him again, but Hunter holds his hands up in protest. “Okay, shit. That guy was Jake, our friend. He has had terrible luck with chicks lately. Brian and I thought it would be funny to mess with him. I implied that the massage might come with extras.” My eyes bug out of my head. “I know it was an asshole thing to do, I’m sorry. I didn’t think he would actually go through with it.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “This is insane. I’ll text you later, Sam.” I open the door and get into my car, as I back out of the driveway another car is waiting to pull in. I look in my rearview mirror and recognize him. I laugh at how embarrassed he must have been. He is probably going to kill them. Good, I can’t believe that they told him that. Set up or not, what kind of a guy tries to go out and pay for it? It’s disgusting.

  I text my roommate, Tina and see what she wants to do for dinner. She asks if I want to go out to eat, and I contemplate having to cook and clean for about a half a second before I reply yes. I head home, take a shower and get dressed. The entire time I do my hair and makeup I avoid looking in the mirror, as always. It’s too painful. Every time I see my reflection I see Carly and the constant pain in my heart grows sharper.

  Carly and I were twins. We did absolutely everything together, we survived our parents’ divorce, my mother getting remarried and having to deal with our stepbrother, Camden. A few months before our eighteenth birthday, she started to pull away from me. She never wanted to go out anymore, go shopping, all she wanted to do was eat. I brushed it off saying she was just PMSing, but I should have paid more attention. Maybe then I might not have lost her. She might still be here. It’s my fault.

  A knock on my bedroom door makes me jump, and I see Tina standing there. “You ready girl? The uber is pulling up and I’m starving.”

  I nod, pushing thoughts of Carly away and hiding my pain. I do it so much I swear it isn’t even hard anymore. I grab my purse and follow Tina out to the car. Thank God she called one of these because tonight’s dinner is definitely going to involve alcohol. Between the incident at work, and my thoughts of Carly I just need a distraction. My mood lifts on the way to the restaurant. Harley’s is one of my favorite places to go to. It has a really laid back atmosphere, with a small dance floor, a full bar, and some tables scattered all around. The food is fantastic and whenever we go there it is a blast.

  This is just what I need right now. Having fun with T will totally distract me from today’s drama. I tell her all about Jake once we sit down at a table. “I mean, I didn’t even know what to do. What do you say to a guy who is sitting there with his dick out waiting for you to suck it?”

  She laughs and almost chokes on her drink. “Well, my dear, that would depend on if he was hot or not.”

  “Seriously?” I shake my head at her in disbelief.

  “Hell yes!” We break out into laughter, but she stops abruptly, and I see her eyes get wide. “Holy shit. I swear the equivalent of the Magic Mike cast just walked through the door.”

  I turn discreetly before my mouth drops open at the sight. “You have got to be kidding me.” I quickly turn back to face Tina hoping he didn’t see me. “Why don’t we go somewhere else?”

  “Why would we do that?” She examines me before smiling. “You know them don’t you? Please make my night and tell me one of them is the flasher?” My lack of a response gives her the answer she wants. “Nina, you’re so funny!” She says the words so loud I glare at her. She’s trying to draw his attention. I’m going to kill her. Her giggle tells me that she was successful. I clench my jaw as I feel my face flush with a mix of anger and embarrassment.

  I feel him before I see him. My entire body tenses as a chair appears at the end of our table. He sits down, and I glance over at him. Damn, he really is sexy. Get a grip Nina! He thought you were a hooker!

  “Hey, so I just wanted to say that I’m sorry about earlier.” His head dips signaling to me that he is embarrassed. His voice is like tires on a dirt road. It sends chills through me. I’m so fucked. I will not let him in. “Honestly, that’s just not me at all. I usually wait to sexually assault girls ‘til at least the second date.” He laughs, and I force myself to stay stoic and unaffected by him.

  “No problem, talk to you later.” Maybe if I turn on the bitch, he’ll leave.

  “You ladies come here often?” He looks over at me, and when he gets no response, he turns to Tina.

  “We do, we actually only live about ten minutes away.” Why don’t you just give him our address! “You guys can pull up a chair if you want there is plenty of room.” I kick her under the table hoping to make it clear that I want him to go away. “You should come by some time.” Bitch.

  “Aren't you supposed to save her from guys like me? I mean that’s usually best friend duty number one right?” He laughs trying to lighten the mood.

  “She's a big girl, she can handle herself, as I’m sure you saw earlier.” Someone just kill me so that I no longer need to sit here.

  “Oh, can she now?” He looks back at me and leans in close so only I can hear what he is about to say. “I’d like to test that theory.” His hot breath tickles my neck.

  I take a deep breath trying to calm down my raging hormones and let my brain regain control.

  “Not a chance.” I stand up and walk over to the bar desperately needing a shot, what I really need is some sexual gratification, but a shot will do for now.

  I look over to see Brian and give him a quick smile. He moves closer to me. “I really am sorry about what we did. It was immature. Try not to be pissed off at Jake though. We took advantage of the fact that he has had the worst luck with girls.”

  “He has bad luck with women? If that�
�s true then I’m a damn unicorn.” That boy is so sexy I bet all he has to do is wink and a girl will strip immediately. I throw my shot back once the bartender puts it down, immediately signaling for another one.

  “Seriously, I mean the guy has been out with some crazies. Anyway I just wanted to say I’m sorry. See you later.” He walks away as I digest what he said. Maybe he isn’t such a bad guy, either way it doesn’t matter. This shop is closed for business.

  I glance back to the table and see that he left, thank you, Lord. I take my new shot and leave cash on the bar. When I turn, I’m boxed by none other than my personal flasher. Maybe that’s what I’ll call him, Flash. I move to go around him when he rests a hand on my hip.

  “I’m gonna take you out.” It’s not a question. It’s a statement. If I’m honest, it’s hot. I shake my head, and try to move once more but his heads dips close to me. “I’m gonna take you out.” His voice is deeper and more commanding.

  I look up into his eyes trying to look as confident as I can. “Sorry, I’m not into guys.” I move quick taking him off guard and head toward the table. The way he speaks to me and the way his eyes seem to savor every inch of me has me feelings things I’ve never experienced before. Without even touching me he makes me feel sexy.

  Hopefully, he’s done for the night because I don’t know how much more willpower I have left.

  Chapter Three


  “I am going to kill you, T!” I slam back into my chair and give her a dirty look.

  “Bitch, please you looked like a damn cat in heat once you saw him. You cannot tell me that you don’t want that man. And, girl, whether you want to hear it or not, you need some. I haven’t ever seen you with a guy, and we’ve been friends for four years. At some point, your shit is gonna stop working.” Little does she know, I’m a virgin. After losing Carly, I shut everyone out. Carly. I can’t think about her right now. I’m about to get up and hit the bar again when the waitress walks over with two shots, at least my best friend did one thing right tonight. She sets them down, and I immediately drink them one after another.


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