Claiming Her

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Claiming Her Page 7

by Noelle, Alexis

  I’ve always been anxious, and this is only making it worse. My body is shaking from the fear that surrounds me as to what is going on. I am so suspicious of anyone around me. I feel like I’m being watched.

  Like someone is lurking in the darkness.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I walk into work and Kelly hands a beautiful silver square box. I smile and take it from her. It’s been a week since I received the rose and nothing else has happened. Jake has been sending me little surprises every morning since then, I know he is trying to erase the bad feelings from that package, and I’m not complaining. “Wait, Nina. Here.” She hands me one more a slightly bigger red box. Two? A chill runs through me. Jake has never sent me two. I take it and try to act as if I’m not completely on edge.

  I walk back to my room, placing both boxes on the counter. I contemplate doing eenie meenie miny mo. I reach for the silver box slowly unwrapping the bow. I lift the lid up to reveal a bag of dark chocolate potato chips. My favorite. I smile realizing Jake remembered when I had told him this a few nights ago.

  My eyes immediately land on the red box. My muscles tense and my heart speeds up. Maybe Jake was just feeling extra generous. Maybe it’s nothing. I pull the ribbon, untying the bow. When I lift the lid, a scream rips through my throat, it’s so loud a sharp pain stabs at me. I stumble back, falling and landing on the floor. There is a mouse, a dead mouse. Its head is completely severed from its body, and blood pools around it. Kelly comes rushing into the room. “Nina, are you okay? What’s going on?”

  “Call the police,” I mutter in the midst of tears and an oncoming anxiety attack. I grab my phone out of my pocket and text Jake.

  Me: I need you. I’m at work. 911.

  My phone rings in my hand almost immediately. It’s Jake. I answer it. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? I’m on my way now.” Knowing he is on his way brings me a little bit of comfort. The gym is only about ten minutes away.

  “I’m okay, I’ll fill you in once you’re here.” My voice is weak and soft, my throat hurts from the loud scream. I press the end button and wait. Wait for the police, wait for Jake, wait for help. That’s when I see it. A small white card on the floor about a foot away from me. It must have been in the box. It probably fell out when I opened it. I reach for it slowly, almost as if it may bite me if I move too fast. When I flip it over there is plain black script printed on it.

  If you don’t want to end up like this get rid of him.

  I will not have you dismiss me again.

  My hand goes to my mouth as I begin to cry once more. Who the hell is sending this stuff? What do they mean that I won’t dismiss them again?

  “Nina!” I hear Jake, and I turn toward the door he comes running in immediately and lifts me so I’m standing in front of him. “Are you okay?” I shake my head, handing him the note and motioning my head toward the box. “What the fuck?”

  A knock sounds on the door, and I turn to see two policemen standing there. I recount my actions this morning with them, also informing them of the previous box. They take my statement and place the box and note in bags to take with them. “Miss Mitchell, I suggest that you take this seriously. This type of behavior is a red flag. Try not to travel alone and make sure to be safe.” The detective says before he leaves.

  “You need to stay with me until this is over.” I turn to Jake. “I’m not taking no for an answer, Nina. You heard what he said, and if you don’t stay with me, I’ll never be able to rest because I’ll worry. We can sleep in different rooms if you want, but you need to stay with me.”

  I shake my head no, the note said to stay away from him. If he got hurt because of me I could never forgive myself. Maybe if I listen to what the note said I will be okay. My head is so jumbled and I have no clue what to do next.

  “Hey, I know you’re confused and scared, but there is no way I am letting you tackle this alone.” His eyes are staring into my soul. I can feel how true his words are. He is here for me.

  I look at him contemplating what he is asking me. I’m about to say no when I’m reminded of my sister’s words to me. Jake can save you. Trust him. “Okay.” He breathes a sigh of relief.

  Kelly appears in the doorway. “Hey, I rescheduled all your stuff today. Why don’t you go home and get some rest.” I nod and thank her. Jake takes my hand, and we walk out of the spa.

  “I’ll follow you,” I say to him. My voice is lifeless; I feel numb.

  He bends his head so we are at eye level with each other. “I’m here. I won’t let anyone touch you.” He kisses me before opening my car door for me.

  I get in and Jake closes the door, leaving me alone. I can’t help looking around constantly on the drive. Is someone following me? Could this person be watching me? My mind spins with different conspiracy theories. I pull into Jake’s driveway and once I get in the house I take out my phone to text Tina. I have to let her know what is going on and that I won’t be home for a little while. Whoever this is wants me not her and I don’t want to make her a target by being there. In reality I have no idea when this will be figured out. If it will be. A chill runs up my spine as I think about the note, the dead mouse, the unknown threat to me.

  “Hey.” I jump at the sound of a Jake’s voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He smiles at me as if he is trying to ease my nerves. “I didn’t know where you would want to sleep, so I put some sheets and blankets in the spare room.”

  “Thanks.” I sit down on the couch completely numb and uncomfortable. I’ve been here a bunch of times with him over this past month, but now I feel like an intruder or a burden. That is the last thing that I wanted. I also don’t want him to be hurt because of me. I walk upstairs to the guest room and want nothing more than to pass out. It’s only mid-afternoon but I’m exhausted from everything that happened today. I just need a break, an escape from reality.

  I need to breathe.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I hear clanging downstairs and am jolted out if my short-lived nap. I can hear Jake cursing and hurry down the steps to make sure that nothing is wrong. When I walk in he is completely covered in white powder.

  “Oh my God. What happened to you?” My hand covers my mouth, hoping to hide the huge grin and to stifle the laughs trying to escape.

  “Don’t you dare laugh.” He looks up at me and each time he blinks a small puff of white dust pillows around his eyes.

  “I’m totally not laughing.” I try to bite the inside of my cheek in an attempt to keep my composure. I take a look at the counter and see flour, sugar, and eggs.

  “I was going to make you a cake to try to cheer you up. Unfortunately, my culinary skills are very limited. The stupid directions said to mix all the powder ingredients so I put them in here turned on the mixer, and it exploded.” He mimics an explosion with his hands, and I finally lose my composure. I am laughing so hard that I lean on the counter for support. “This is funny?” His voice is deeper and closer to me than it was before. When I open my eyes he is standing right next to me, his frame almost towering over me.

  When his hands wrap around me, I try to run but he holds me to him. Then he proceeds to rub his face, all over mine even going down to my neck. I am screaming and squirming the entire time, but it does no good.

  “Let me go!” His arms release me, and now he is the one laughing. “You suck.”

  “Hey, you know what they say. Misery loves company.” His finger swipes some of the excess flour on the counter before dragging it down my nose.

  “Really?” I spring toward him but he moves and when I go to chase him, I slip on all the flour. I land on my back and just decide to count my losses and lay there.

  “You okay? You’re a real klutz.” I hear his footsteps coming close to me. Then a loud bang next to me. I look over and Jake is in the same position I am on the floor.

  “You okay? You’re a real klutz.” I mock him, and he laughs. “You know there are these cool things
they make called cake mixes.”

  His head turns toward me with a smile. “Well, excuse me for trying to be creative.”

  “Well, your creativeness has left us both covered in flour after busting our asses on the floor. I needed this laugh though so thank you.” I lean in and kiss him.

  “I totally did this on purpose then.” We peel ourselves off the floor and spend the next hour cleaning up ourselves and the kitchen.

  “What do you say we order dinner and dessert? That way there are no more casualties.” I search through the drawer where I found his menus when I was cleaning earlier.

  “Sounds good. Order whatever you want, I’m gonna go grab a shower.” He gives me a quick kiss before going upstairs.

  I settle on pizza because it is something easy and I don’t have to worry about getting something he won’t like. The pizzeria even sells slices of cake so I can feed my now present craving. I head upstairs and grab some clothes that I left here last time I was so over so I can shower once Jake gets out. When I get to the second floor landing, the door to the bathroom opens, Jake comes out with a towel tied around his waist and I’m frozen in place. His chest is hard and I’m mesmerized by the drops of water slowly trailing down his muscular build. Each one carefully making its way over each ripple. My body heats as I look up to see his eyes on me.

  I should say something, apologize for basically drooling like an idiot. Say anything! Even something awkward would work at this point. Just form words! Nothing comes out. He takes a few steps toward me and my heart starts to race. I have never had these feelings toward any guy. The kind of feelings that make me want to give myself to him. Unlike most girls, I really didn’t go through the stage where I wanted a guy’s physical attention, but I want his.

  Jake’s hand grips my neck slowly bringing my lips to his. When we kiss, I decide to let go. I want to trust him, to not hold anything back and give into what I’m feeling. I pour myself into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him toward me. Our bodies are pressed tightly together as I hold onto him for dear life. His muscles are pressed against me, and his strength is making me feel safe. He keeps me grounded. He’s my anchor right now in all of this craziness. He has been someone I can turn to no matter how hard I pushed him away.

  “You gotta tell me what you want, babe. I don’t want to take this further than you are ready for.” Whenever we have kissed, I have always been the one to break it up and know he has sensed my reluctance. The fact that he wants me to be comfortable only makes me want him in more. Carly told me I could trust him. I believe it was her in that dream, she came to me for a reason. Maybe that reason was to tear my wall down and open my eyes. With the danger surrounding me and all the unknowns, I need to feel the comfort only Jake gives me. I need to feel wanted, cherished, protected.

  I take his hand and lead him into the bedroom. I spin us around, and he sits on the bed. I climb onto his lap and rest my forehead against his. “I’m not sure what to do. I’ve never…I haven’t done anything before. I know I want you. I want us.” I can feel a blush creep up my neck. I feel so embarrassed admitting to how inexperienced I am. I feel like a weight has been lifted with my confession. I’m free. I’m not scared to tell him this; I know that he won’t hurt me.

  “I am going to make you mine tonight. You don’t need to be embarrassed. I love that I am the only one ever to have you. If you want me to stop at any time I need you to let me know.” His hands grip my hips, and a chill runs through me.

  I nod.

  As much as being with him scares me, I think I’m ready.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Jake stands up holding me and taking me with him. He eases me down his body before his hands grip the hem of my shirt and slowly drag it over my head. I reach behind me, my trembling fingers undoing the clasp on my bra and letting it fall to the floor. He doesn’t move his eyes are fixed on mine, and I wring my hands uncomfortable under his gaze. His hands bring me closer to him, and his mouth gently presses against the skin on my neck. I sag against him relieved and relishing in the gentle contact. His mouth begins to trail down my body until it comes to my breasts.

  His hands cup them and when he captures my nipple in his mouth I moan. My breathing picks up as he continues his descent. When he reaches my waistline, his fingers slowly unbutton my pants easing them and my panties down with a slow torturing pace. I lean on his shoulders, stepping out of them, becoming aware I am naked in front of him. I feel completely and utterly exposed. I have nothing to hide behind right now, and it is scaring me.

  His fingers trace their way up my legs, until he is standing. His towel drops and I can’t help but look down. I have no idea how to react. Jake is the first guy I have ever thought about doing stuff with. He spins me and pulls me down onto the bed with him.

  “Are you okay?” Can he sense my inexperience? I mean I know I told him but I hope I don’t act like a complete dunce. I’m so scared that I won’t do this right. I nod taking a deep breath. “If you’re not ready it's okay.”

  He needs me to tell him it’s okay. “I’m ready; I’m just nervous.” My shaky voice is almost a whisper. His lips press against mine, and I relax at his touch.

  “Don’t be nervous. I’ll take care of you.” His hand trails down my side before slowly moving to my front. He cups me gently, slowly stroking me while he continues to kiss my neck. When his finger slips inside me, I grip his shoulders. “It’s okay, relax.” Easy for him to say! I try to take deep breaths, but the more he moves, the more I become unable to control my actions. Sounds are coming out of my mouth that I’ve never made before.

  His thumb strokes my clit, and I jerk. He laughs a little before his other hand grabs my ass. “Don’t run away from me now.” He kisses my mouth as both his fingers start to move, his other hand holding me tight so that I can’t squirm away. The sensations shooting through my body begin to build, I feel like I’m about to explode. I can feel my muscles tensing. I’m slowly becoming less able to handle the feelings, and then I explode. I scream his name while I feel like I am shattering into a million pieces.

  He stills, and lets me come down from the high I’m on. He kisses me, and I look at him. I know what’s coming next, and it scares me. I nod at him, letting him know I’m okay, and I’m ready for more. He slowly moves on top of me and reaches for a condom in his nightstand. Tina has super sensitive skin like me, she always says how much they irritate her skin. The thought of not using one crosses my mind; I have an IUD for medical reasons. Would it be horrible if I told him that? What would he think of me?

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” He’s looking down at me confusion in his eyes.

  “I-I’m just scared that it will hurt and I have really sensitive skin, and I’ve heard those make it worse. I’m on birth control, but I know that you should still use one. My mind is racing and I just—” He kisses me ending my rambling.

  “If you don’t want to use one, and you’re protected that’s fine. I’m clean I haven’t been with anyone in a while, and I’ve been checked. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.”

  “I just know how it must sound and…”

  “Nina, I won’t think any less of you.” He kisses me once more.

  “Okay, can we not use one?” I take a deep breath.

  “Anything you want. I’ll go slowly. Tell me if you want me to stop.” I bite my lip and close my eyes. I’m so scared, and I’m not even sure why. I can feel him at my entrance. “Look at me, Nina.” I open my eyes. “I won’t hurt you.” He starts to enter me, and I don’t know what to think. It feels so foreign. He thrusts forward once, and a flash of pain shoots through me. I wince and Jake stills. He waits a minute before beginning to move.

  He’s being gentle, and soon his movements start to feel good. The friction and the way he presses into me has my body beginning to hum with pleasure. My fingers grip him as his pace quickens. My body starts to tense as it did earlier. Am I going to have another one? Can I this soon?
br />   Jake starts to pull out before sinking all the way back into me. Each time he presses against me I yell. It feels so good. His hand reaches down and slowly strokes my clit. My body tightens, and I let out another scream and I break apart once more. Jake moves a few more times before sitting up quickly and finishing himself on top of me.

  As I’m coming down from the high of my two orgasms and getting to be with Jake, I realize what is covering my stomach. I look over at him. “Can you get me a towel?”

  He laughs and smiles, before walking out of the room. The doorbell rings and I see him freeze in the doorway.

  “Shit, I forgot about the pizza.” He comes back into the room grabbing a shirt and pair of shorts before moving to leave again. “Hey! What about my towel!”

  “Sorry, babe, gotta get the door!” Ass.

  I look down at my stomach. Ugh! I slowly get up and do a weird, awkward walk to the bathroom the entire time praying it doesn’t drip off of me. I am sore, but it’s a good sore. It reminds me of what we just did. I make it to the shower in one piece, thankfully.

  As I’m washing off, I keep picturing the expression on Jake’s face while we were doing it. He never once took his eyes off of me. It almost seemed as if he was examining for any sign of discomfort, making sure I was completely comfortable.

  He’s making it so easy to lose myself in him.

  Chapter Twenty


  The next morning when I wake up there is a note on the pillow next to me.

  Had to go to a meeting. Be back in a couple hours.

  Lying in bed, I can’t help but think back to last night, he was so gentle and caring with me. It felt incredible to be that connected with someone. As quick as this might be, I think I love him. He is the most amazing person I have ever met, and he treats me so well. I never thought after losing Carly I would ever feel as connected with anyone as I do with Jake.


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