Cursed Magic: A Paranormal Academy Romance (Daughter of Nyx Series Book 1)

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Cursed Magic: A Paranormal Academy Romance (Daughter of Nyx Series Book 1) Page 12

by Charlie Daniels

  But then she explained the importance of the flower and why it needed to remain in the ground—it needed to be harvested at exactly the right time for the properties to be considered potent enough for life-saving ointments and salves.

  “But, Melia…” Ariella interrupts my memory, “she wouldn’t take a non-dryad student…” She pauses, then gasps. “You are the one she taught within the woods? I had heard rumors of another student set away from the rest of us.”

  I nod and turn around, a sad smiling pulling on my lips. “Unless there were others in the woods, then yeah, that was probably me.” Giving the moon flower one last caress, I sit on the desk and watch emotions flick across Ariella’s face. “My goddess asked Melia to be my guardian after… after She found me.”

  Ariella’s eyes cloud over as she looks away; her hand clenches the edge of the table. “Melia is my grandmother.”

  Now it’s my turn to be surprised. “How… How is she?” I ask and bite my lip. I look away as she answers, afraid of what I’ll see.

  “She is doing well. Definitely stubborn and a hard ass like she always has been.” She laughs, and my lips twitch as I nod in agreement. “But ten years ago she came back to our community, and she looked… devastated. I’d never seen her look like that. It was as if she had lost a piece of her, and we never understood why.”

  I close my eyes as a lump forms in my throat. Tears burn behind my eyelids. “Me… It was because of me.” Shivers roll over my skin as I look up and meet her eyes. “That’s when I joined the Academy of the Dark.”

  “But why? Why did you have to go? You hurt her, Serena. She was never the same after that.” Her jaw clenches, and I nod, taking the blame for hurting someone dear to us both.

  “It was because I hurt her that I had to go.” I sigh and rub my thumb, my stomach churning. “How much… what do you know about me?” I lift my eyes back to hers, and she shakes her head with a shrug.

  “Not a lot,” she says, and her eyes harden as they roam over my face. “But I think I deserve an explanation.”

  I suck in a sharp breath as my eyes move back to the moon flower and its glowing petals. “I was five when Nyx found me. I lived with my parents, both human, in a small cottage that abutted the woods. One night, there was a break-in. I don’t remember much about what happened but… all I remember is the word ‘run’ being screamed at me. So I did. I ran out of the back door and into the woods.”

  Hazy image floats through my mind, threatening to pull me away. I grab a trowel from the side and run my finger along its sharp edge. “I don’t know how long I’d been running for before I collapsed in a small clearing, bathed in moonlight. I was tired and so scared.”

  My goddess’s ethereal face drifts through my mind, Her eyes green beacons of hope against the night sky. “I lay there, spent of tears, hungry, and dehydrated, until the third night following the break-in. That’s when She found me, and She gave me a choice: death or life. And obviously I chose life.” I lift my hands. Professor Ariella’s eyes remain fixed on me, watching me. “But in order for Her to bring me back, She imbued some of Her primordial essence inside me… making me both human and primordial.”

  I glance down at my hands as Ariella squeaks, “Y-you’re a God!?” the sound bringing a wince to my face.

  And this is why I don’t tell people. At least, not everything, anyway. But the tension in my chest seems to loosen with the confession, and it’s almost like I can take my first true breath. “Not really,” I say. “I only inherited her powers. I am the Daughter of Darkness and Chaos. The heir to Her primordial throne. A child of curses.”

  I am everything Nyx wanted me to be, but more. My eyes find Ariella’s, and if this was any other time, or I was speaking to someone else, I would laugh at the emotions revolving through her eyes. Fear, disbelief, awe, and back to fear.

  I pick up the end of my braid and play with my hair. “For five years, I spent every waking moment with Melia; she taught me about your kind, your beliefs, and how we all fit into the natural order of the world. It was incredible. Every day was a new adventure, until…” I trail off, steadying myself.

  “I was ten when… when it happened. I’d been playing in the garden, waiting for the flowers to bloom, but I was so impatient. I cursed them to grow faster. But I was still learning to control my powers. I ended up cursing not just the patch in front of me, but every plant of its species.” I clear my throat, but the blockage developing there doesn’t shift. I carry on regardless.

  “I nearly destroyed an entire species and a few villages because I was impatient… impulsive… And that’s when Nyx told me I was to be sent to the Academy of the Dark to be with the other half of myself, to learn who I truly was.” The age-old anger burns through me, and I hiss when my finger slips on the trowel, creating a small cut. I watch the blood bubble up for a moment before Ariella hands me a tissue, which I clamp around my finger.

  “But I knew it was because I was dangerous,” I continue. “My powers were showing, and I couldn’t control them. I cried and begged for days when She told me I had to leave, but She wouldn’t budge, saying this is what destiny had in store for me.” I roll my eyes at the bullshit excuse, my love and hate for Her swirling inside me.

  “She said that She would always be there for me, and that much was true—for a little while, anyway. I spent the next ten years at the Academy of the Dark, and here I am. Twenty years old and still no closer to knowing who… or what I am.”

  We sit in silence for a few minutes before Ariella gains the courage to speak again. “That…” she begins with wide eyes, the vines in her hair flicking around her body as she shakes her head. “I knew you were special to Nyx, or else She wouldn’t have asked me to come here, but I didn’t know—”

  “That I’m Her daughter? Yeah, I try not to tell people that… like ever.” I laugh, and she nods, exhaling a deep breath.

  “I can see why. It’s a heavy burden being chosen by a deity as all of the other students have been, but to be their literal child? To be Her legitimate heir? That’s rough. Even for full deities.” Her eyes meet mine, and I can see the questions swirling within them. “So you’re a demi-god? Well, not quite. Nyx is—”

  “Primordial.” I lean back on the desk, resting my hands behind me as I stare up at the ceiling. “Born from creation itself.”

  Ariella nods with wide eyes as she lets out a deep breath. “Jesus… I don’t even know what to say.” She walks toward her desk, pulling out a bottle of purple liquid emitting a soft glow, and beckons me over. “So, you’re a demi-primordial god…” she says as she unscrews the lid to the bottle and takes a deep swig before passing it to me.

  I grin as I take it in my hands and watch as the tension in her body drains away. Bringing the bottle to my nose, the floral and fruity scent rises to my nostrils, and I gasp at the familiarity of it. “Moon flowers… But what are they mixed with?”

  “Grandma gave me this bottle before I left and said I’d know when the time was right to open it. I guess she saw you in her leaves,” she laughs, and I grin at her terrible joke. Melia has the powerful gift of foresight, so I have no doubt she did see Ariella would meet me.

  I take a small sip, and my entire body tingles. “Wow… It’s like I’m drinking light,” I whisper as a shudder works its way from my head to my toes. I hold my hand up closer to my face and notice the very slight sparkle working its way through my veins.

  Ariella nods. “Moon flowers plucked during the full moon have incredible healing properties, but when mixed with healing waters, it can create an incredible brew. The only side effect is it makes you feel like you’ve been drinking hard liquor for days.”

  I stare at the bottle in my hands and back to Ariella, biting my lip. “Are there any rules against a student and a teacher getting drunk together?”

  Ariella grins and shakes her head, her vines glowing softly from the Moon’s Brew. “Nope,” she pops, and she shrugs. “Besides, you’re not exactly an average student, I’
m not your average teacher, and we’re both definitely not human, so…”

  I click my fingers with a smirk, “I like the way you think”, and take another, much larger, sip. My body shivers from the euphoria surging through my veins, and I pass it back and close my eyes.

  “And besides, you’re primordial, so who’s going to tell you no?” she laughs, and I toss my head from side to side.

  “Eh. That’s not exactly true. I’m primordial, but I don’t come into my powers until I die,” I say, and not even one part of me cares about that small tidbit.

  Ariella let’s out a strangled cough as she sputters, “Die? You have to die before getting your powers? How the hell does that work?”

  I shrug. “As far as I know, once my human life ends, the rest of me will be consumed by primordial magic, and I’ll be reborn… or something like that. I never really did understand the process. I was too focused on the whole death part when Nyx warned me about it.” I definitely should have paid a little more attention.

  Ariella takes another sip of the brew before passing it back to me. “Well, here’s to us. To our long friendship. And you not dying.”

  I tip the bottle to her. “That’s something I can definitely cheers to.”

  I take another gulp as her words float through my mind. Not dying, huh? Wouldn’t that be nice? I shake my head and watch as the glittery and glowing liquid swirls within the bottle. There’s not enough of this to make me forget.

  But it can’t hurt to try.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you to your dorm?” Ariella giggles as I sling my backpack over my shoulder and gaze up at the glowing moon. A smile forms on my lips as I close my eyes, the moon’s glow bathing my skin; a strong urge to run around naked fills my mind. An arm hooks through mine, leading me god knows where, and I don’t care.

  Moon’s Brew. Who knew?

  I giggle, and Ariella laughs softly beside me. The familiar smell of the forest fills my nose, and for once, my feet don’t itch to turn and run.

  “Thank you for tonight, Ariella. I forgot what it was like to just be me,” I whisper as I open my eyes, not surprised to find myself on my way back to my dorm.

  She grins as we round the corner. “It’s no problem at all, Serena. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe a little too much.” She grins, bumping me.

  When I look up the street, I notice the lights in my house are still on.

  “What are you doing this weekend?” I ask as we pause just shy of the path to my front door.

  Ariella smiles, her eyes twinkling. “I’m heading back home to see Grandma and possibly get some more Moon’s Brew.”

  My throat tightens as my love for the older woman surges forth. “Will you… could you tell Melia I said hi? And that I miss her? And that I haven’t forgotten her?”

  Ariella nods. “I’m sure she knows, but I will tell her,” she says as her eyes flick to my dorm. “And you should probably get going. I can feel the angst coming off your house from here.”

  Without thinking, I wrap my arms around her and give her a quick hug which she mirrors automatically. “Thank you for agreeing to come here. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I didn’t realize I needed someone to talk to until tonight.”

  She pulls back and nods, her eyes dimming a little. “Me too, Serena. And anytime you need someone, I’m here. Moon’s Brew or not.”

  I nod and wave goodbye as I walk to my dorm with the lightest heart I’ve had for a very long time.

  Opening the door, I’m met with an uproar as soon as I step inside.

  “Oh, thank the gods!”

  “Where were you?”

  “You had us so worried.”

  My eyes move to Paxton who simply shrugs, but I can see the relief in his eyes.

  “Aw, you guys! You were worried about me?” I press my hand to my chest, the warmth spreading from my heart and filling my body. Is this what it’s like to be cared about by someone, or is this just the Moon’s Brew?

  I grin as I shrug off my backpack and drop it onto the couch before going into the kitchen in search of food. Citrus fills the air, and I know the brownie has created some kind of sweet miracle.

  The glazed lemon loaf on the counter draws my eyes, and I veer toward it, my devouring intent clear in the way I lick my lips.

  “Seriously, Serena. Where were you? You had us worried.”

  I groan as I take a bite of the loaf. A soft furry creature rubs against my leg before hopping onto the table, and Keaira’s bright emerald eyes meet mine.

  Her nose lifts to the air, and she takes a deep sniff. She shakes her head. “Why on this Earth would you be drinking Moon’s Brew?”

  “Because it’s absolutely magical and wonderful,” I sigh.

  “What’s Moon’s Brew?” Declan asks; his eyes flick between the two of us as he leans against the bench opposite. I hold out a piece of the cake, to which he shakes his head. “Thanks, but I think you need all of that.”

  This is true. I pop the whole thing in my mouth, and he laughs when I shrug. “Can’t take it back now.”

  Keaira watches us with interest before her eyes settle on Declan. “Moon’s Brew is a powerful elixir for mythical beings. In most cases, it’s a healing tonic, and it rejuvenates the body.” Her eyes glance at me and my glittering skin. “But from the looks of this mess, it also had the blessing of a unicorn—”

  “A unicorn?!” My jaw drops, revealing a mouthful of mushed food to the boys. Declan grimaces and looks away. I hastily chew and swallow. “Ariella never mentioned it having a unicorn’s blessing…”

  Keaira sighs. “When a unicorn blesses something, it’s like being lit up from the inside. It’s like life itself. And it makes you so happy and relaxed that it’s like you’re intoxicated. But on life.”

  Declan raps his knuckles against the counter and shakes his head. “Only you, Serena. Only you.”

  A large, warm hand rests on my shoulder, and I glance up to Dane’s relieved eyes. “I can definitely say that she’s on cloud nine,” he says. “But I do think you should get to bed. You’re going to have a crazy hangover in the morning. I can already feel the exhaustion wearing on you.”

  Now that he mentions it, I can feel the tiredness in my arms and my legs. How did I even miss that?

  With his hands on my shoulders, Dane spins me around and walks me toward the stairs and then to my room. “Serena, please don’t worry us like that again. I wouldn’t put it past Professor Worgren to come after you.”

  A smile pulls on my lips as I pat his chest. “He is the least of my worries, Dane. There are much bigger and badder things out in the world. Me included. Besides, you obviously didn’t look very hard. I never even left the greenhouse.”

  He rolls his eyes as he leans against the door frame, watching me flop onto my bed. “Sure, Serena. But get some sleep.” He turns to walk away, and I call out to him.

  “Wait! Stay with me.”

  He hesitates before nodding.

  Stepping into my room, he closes the door behind him and sits at the top of the bed, relaxing against the headboard with curious eyes. “I never know what to expect from you.”

  I grin as I roll to my side, watching him trail his eyes over my face. “I know. But this is our first week, so who knows? Maybe in a month’s time you will know me like the back of your hand?”

  Dane shakes his head with an arched eyebrow. “Serena, you’ll keep us on our toes for as long as we’re still together. But I wouldn’t have it any other way… And neither would the guys. You fit with us. More than we ever expected.”

  As happy as his words makes me feel, the niggling in the back of my mind reminds me this isn’t what I’m here for, and that in the end, I will betray them. I close my eyes and relish in the darkness behind my lids.

  I don’t know how long I stay that way, but the bed shifts as Dane moves to leave. I reach out, tugging on his hand, and pull him back. “Stay. Please?” I ask, hating to need his comforting presence.

  He stays quiet for a few moments before sighing. A soft material falls over my body and I realize he grabbed the throw blanket from the foot of my bed to tuck me in. Reaching up, I grab my pillow and sink into the softness of it while Dane settles next to me.

  “If you hog the pillows or my blanket, I will stick Keaira on you,” I mutter as drowsiness takes over. His deep laugh is the last thing I hear before I drift into sleep. And for once, my dreams are filled with Light.

  Chapter 12

  I tilt my head back and let the afternoon sun soak into my skin. “Are we almost done? I’m pretty sure no one else is studying this hard.”

  The guys nod in agreement; all except one. Declan simply raises one eyebrow before tapping his pencil against the group assignment on the table in front of us.

  It’s Saturday, and instead of being normal college students recovering from a wild Friday night and preparing for another, equally wild Saturday night, we’ve been studying. All. Freaking. Day. When I finally suggested we make our way outside to the gazebo, you’d have thought I’d recommended we sacrifice fluffy animals and wear their feet as earrings with how horrified he looked.

  But he gave in, thanks to my three amigos. They all agreed we needed a change of scenery.

  “We only have a few more questions to answer and then we’re done. We’ll be at least a couple of weeks ahead, and we’ll stay that way.” He taps on the paper again, and I roll my eyes, leaning back in my chair.

  “And why, oh studious one, do we have to stay a couple of weeks ahead? Won’t that mean we’ll just be bored in class?” I ask.

  Declan hangs his head. “We need to stay ahead in these classes in case one of us gets sick, or has to leave for family duties, or if there’s a surprise quiz that severely affects our grades—which could then affect our ability to find jobs after we finish here.”

  I frown as I mull over his words, still not quite getting what the big deal is. “Okay… but why does that matter?”

  He simply raises his eyebrow in response. “Because my father is the supreme overlord of this place, so that means I have to be on top of everything, and, unfortunately, that means you guys have to be as well. If I can’t keep my own team on track, how am I meant to take over one day?”


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