Thug Passion 4

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by Mz. Lady P

  Although Thug didn't hit me, his words were fucking me up mentally. I watched as his phone went off a couple of times and he kept pressing ignore. He never did that, so I knew it was a bitch. Something inside me had me feeling like he was still dealing with the bitch Yoshi. I watched as he started putting on some clothes. I couldn't believe he was getting ready to leave and he had just came home after being M.I.A for a fucking week.

  "Where are you going, Ka'Jaire?"


  "Why are you being so disrespectful towards me? I'm not that bitch you trying rush out the door to. In case you forgot, I'm Tahari nigga. Your wife, your Bonnie, your ride or die bitch! If you're mad at me about this Quaadir situation let's address it."I had jumped off the bed and was standing directly in front of him staring him in his eyes. He pushed me up against the wall and stared into my eyes. His eyes were watery and I knew he was about to shed some tears. That made tears well up in my eyes.

  "Did you fuck that nigga?" I thought real hard about the consequences behind me continuing the lie or telling the truth. At this point I did what I thought was the right thing to do. Tears streamed down my eyes rapidly.

  "Yes. I'm so sorry Baby! Please forgive me." He hauled off and punched a hole in our bedroom wall. It caused me to jump and cower in front of him. He had me scared shitless.

  "So, you lied to me, Ta-Baby? I asked your ass and you lied to me with a straight fucking face!"

  "I was scared you were going to leave me." I had slid down the wall onto the floor. Thug was standing over me with his fists balled up.

  "Don't start all that fucking crying now. Your ass wasn't crying when you was fucking that nigga. I swear to God I want to lay hands on your lying ass. I can't do this shit no more, Ta-Baby. The house is yours. You have access to all the money. I can't stay here or I might hurt your ass. I'll call you and we can work out a schedule for the kids to spend time with me." Thug tried to walk out the room, but I latched on to him like a child.

  "Please don't leave me, Ka'Jaire! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was a mistake and I'm so sorry for it. I'll do anything, please don't leave me."

  We had found our way into the hallway. I guess my crying and hollering woke up the kids. They were all now crying. Thug roughly pulled me off of him and went into each of the kids' room. I just laid there in the hallway on the floor crying. He stepped over me and kept walking.

  "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I hollered and said those words to him until I heard the front door slam. I laid on the floor and continued to cry. I couldn't believe our marriage was probably over and I had no one to blame but myself. If I would have known things would've turned out this way I would have never told the truth.

  Chapter Three- Peaches

  Family Matters

  I know that it might not seem like it, but my kids are my world. I had just made some poor decisions. All the secrets I kept from them were to protect them. But all it had done was hurt them and cause my family pain. It was crazy how life could be cool one minute and the next all fucked up. I had never meant for anyone to get hurt behind my actions. I had been calling Ka'Jaire all day and every day. He refused to answer his phone or respond to my texts. I wish he knew how he was hurting me. Ever since he was a little boy, we'd had a special little bond. We're more than mother and son- we are friends. We could tell each other anything. Now that I sit here and think about it, as close as we were, I should have told him about having a twin.

  It had been a week since the shooting and Quaadir had yet to wake up. I hadn't left his side not for a minute. Malik, Ta'Jay, and Thug didn't understand why I was here and not with them. It was simple. I'd raised them since the day I gave birth to them. Quaadir had never even experienced a mother's love. I owed him this much.

  Quaadir and I had only talked on the phone only once before we met up. The day I went over to his house was my first time meeting him in person. We immediately recognized each other as soon as he opened the door. I was shocked to know that I had been around him a couple of times before.

  While Thug was in Miami, he was dealing with Tahari. He went into defense mode as soon as he saw me. He started saying I was setting him up for Thug. I told him that I was his mother and he started laughing like it was some big ass joke. Seconds later is when Thug and Tahari bussed in the door. I watched the way he looked at Tahari. The way he was talking I knew they had sex. That shit drove Thug crazy.

  Thug was overcome with jealousy and that was what really caused him to shoot Quaadir. I didn't know that it was Quaadir behind all the bullshit that was going on. I still couldn't believe he was behind kidnapping my grandbaby and most likely behind Thug's shooting. There had to be a logical reason why he had been doing this to us. I think that was another reason why I hadn't left his side. I wanted to be the first person he saw when he woke up. I just had to know why he would try and bring harm to us.

  "Who are you and why are you in here?" I had to turn all the way around in the chair that I was sitting in to see who the loud mouth bitch was that was questioning me.

  "Excuse me. This is my son. Who the fuck are you?" I was now standing up and in this bitch face.

  "I'm Keesha his wife. We've been married for years and I never heard of you. I suggest you get your ass out of my husband's room."

  "I strongly advise you to pipe the fuck down. This ain't what you want. You have me fucked all the way up little girl. I will beat your ass like you stole something. So, let's try to this again. I'm his mother, Peaches. Now, whether you never met me or heard of me is neither here nor there. The question is where the fuck have you been at? He was shot over a week ago. A real wife would have been here on the first thing smoking. So, miss me with that I'm his wife shit."

  "What the fuck is y'all doing all that yelling for?" We both turned around and Quaadir was trying to sit up in bed. We both rushed over to his bedside.

  "Oh, my God! I'm so happy you're awake." Keesha raced over to him and kissed him all over his face.

  "What the fuck are you doing here and where are my kids?" He roughly pushed her back and I saw that same mean streak in him that Thug had. They might be fraternal twins, but they have identical personalities.

  "Calm down, Quaadir. Don't push her like that." Despite wanting to slap this bitch's teeth down her throat, no child of mine would be abusive to a woman in my presence without me addressing their behavior. I was a woman before I was anything. I grabbed some water and put it up to his mouth, but he pushed it away.

  "What are you doing here?" Quaadir asked as he turned his face up in disgust at me.

  "I'm your mother and I wasn't leaving until you woke up. I know that I'm probably the last person you want to see, but I'm just trying to get to know you. I need to get an understanding on all of this bullshit that's going on."

  "It's too late. I'm twenty-eight years old. I always wondered what you looked like or what you smelled like. Now that I know who you are, you're even more beautiful than I imagined. This is a lot to take in right now. I wish that we could have met under different circumstances. I don't think we can ever come back from this. Leave me your number and I'll call you as soon as I can."

  It hurt, but I had to respect his wishes. As I gathered my things to leave, I made it up in my mind that I was going to bring my family together. By any means necessary.

  "Ms. Peaches, can I speak to you for a minute?" I had exited the room and Keesha had stopped me. She better not be on no bullshit because I was going to whoop that ass.

  "What the fuck do you want?"

  "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier. It's just that I've been through so much in Atlanta. Quaadir just left me and our kids. When I came in, I just knew you were the other woman. It was never my intention to be disrespectful. Please forgive me." My motherly instincts pulled her into my embrace because obviously she needed a hug.

  "If you don't mind me asking where are the kids now?"

  "They're downstairs in the play area." The sound of Quaadir calling her name on the other side of the doo
r caused her to jump and get ready to go back inside.

  "Take my number down. I'm having a family dinner next week and I would love for you to come and bring the kids. I also would love for you to meet the rest of the family."

  "Okay. I'll see what I can do." She took my number and went inside of the room. I could hear Quaadir chastising her as if she was a child. He was going to be harder to get to know than I thought. I hoped this family dinner brought us all together.

  Chapter Four-Quaadir

  Who is God?

  The thought of knowing who my birth mother was had a nigga all fucked up. Growing up, I always wondered who she was and what she looked like. Now I know that the woman who had raised me as her own was Peaches' aunt. All my life I knew that she wasn't my mother. She told me that one day she would tell me who she was. Aunt Ruth had been everything to me; a mother, a father, a mentor, and my very best friend. I wanted for nothing growing up. That sweet old woman gave me the world and at the same time she taught me how to conquer it.

  Growing up, Aunt Ruth exposed me to the drug game. She was one of the biggest heroin suppliers Atlanta had ever seen back in her day. She taught me everything there was to know about the drug trade and how to get money. I'd been running the empire since I turned eighteen years old. Here it was ten years later and I was still running shit like the motherfucking Boss that I was.

  I reigned supreme in the A. When I first started slanging dope, I had this old head who was a fiend; he started calling me God because my heroin was the best shit he ever head. All the fiends started calling me God and the name stuck. The bitches loved me and the niggas hated me because they couldn't be me.

  Despite being head of my own empire, I was also a contract killer and that was where my hard on for Thug came in at. It was never nothing personal because I didn't know the nigga. I was contracted by some of my associates from Chicago to off that nigga. I didn't ask no fucking questions. If I killed him, in return, I could set up shop in the Chi and take over his streets. This shit was business for me from the jump never personal.

  I knew about their whole family before my plane landed in the Chi. It was through pictures that I saw Tahari for the first time. She was so fucking beautiful to me and even more beautiful in person. I had to have her, but she loved that nigga Thug even in death. I really hated that she was in the middle of the bullshit. She was a good, loyal female that deserved to be happy. She was the type of woman a nigga needed by his side in these streets. I watched how she held that nigga Thug down when they came to the crib. She looked sexy as fuck with her gun cocked and aimed. That shit straight turned a nigga on. That was until it was revealed that Thug was in fact my twin brother and that shit had me completely fucked up.

  I never even knew I was a twin. The only thing Aunt Ruth told me was that my mother loved me, but was too young to care for me. I really wanted to talk to Peaches, but I was skeptical. There was still beef with this nigga Thug and his crew. I knew he had every intention on finishing me off. I hadn't heard from the bitch Kenyetta or the nigga Bolo. That had to mean their asses were dead. Kenyetta better be lucky they killed her ass first. The stupid bitch had kidnapped a fucking baby without my permission. Her ass was only good for one thing and that was my dick down her throat and half of the time she couldn't get that right.

  I was shot three times in the chest. If I wasn't in so much pain, I would get the fuck out this hospital and back on the first thing smoking to the A. Knowing that these people were my long, lost family. I had no desire to bring anymore harm to them than I already have. Especially Tahari, I hated that we took it to the next step. I could only imagine what Thug was probably doing to her.


  "You didn't hear me calling your motherfucking name!" I had been calling Keesha since she followed Peaches out of the room. There was nothing for them to talk about.

  "I'm sorry, Quaadir. I was just apologizing to her for what I said to her earlier," Keesha said as she came over to my bedside and kissed me on the lips. Keesha and I had been together since we were fifteen years old. I loved my wife, but I loved the streets more. I had put her through a whole lot. It surprised me that she was still around after all this time.

  "Didn't I tell you no matter what happens do not leave the motherfucking A?"

  "Yes, but Aunt Ruth wasn't trying to hear that shit. She told me to pack up Naadia and Niveaa and come here. She said you would need us to be with you. I had no idea you were shot until I went by your house and one of the neighbors told me."

  "You can book a flight and take my kids back home. It's too much bullshit going on out here. I'll be home as soon as I'm well enough to fly." I winced in pain as I spoke. It hurt to fucking breathe. Getting shot in the chest wasn't no punk.

  "I don't know who the bitch is you're fucking down here, but I'm not going no motherfucking where. I'm your wife and as long as you're here in Chicago. I'm going to be here beside you. I know that things between us haven't been good in a long time but damn it Quaadir! You hate me that much that you don't want me around you?" Keesha was now crying and that was rare. No matter what went on between us, she never cried. She wasn't a weak bitch. She caught me numerous times cheating and she never showed her ass in public. What ever happened between us went on inside of our home. Keesha was really down for a nigga. She had been there when a nigga needed her most. I'd just gotten caught up in this lifestyle and the persona of being God. As I looked at her with tears streaming down her face, I could tell my actions were starting to wear her down.

  "Come here, Keesh. Man, you know I love the shit out of you." I reached my hand out to her and she grabbed it. I pulled her in close and held her tight around the waist.

  "You have a funny way of showing it. If I told you once I told you twice, if this is not where you want to be let me know. I'll take my daughters and leave your ass. I'm not with this crying shit."

  "I also told your ass, I'm not going nowhere and neither are you. Stop threatening me with my girls. You know I don't play about my babies." Keesha always threatened to leave and take my kids away from me. Me and her both knew she wasn't going no motherfucking where. The day she took my kids away from me would be the day she became dead to me.

  "Visiting hours are coming to a close. The girls are downstairs in the play area. I know that they are tired, so I'm going to go back to the hotel and get some rest. We're staying downtown at the Essex Inn. I'll be back in the morning. I love you, Quaadir." Keesh gave me a passionate kiss and walked out the room.

  I took in her attire and how fucking bad she was. She was always on point when she stepped out the door. Not a hair out of place. Make-up on point. It wasn't a designer label my wife didn't own. Being the wife of the infamous "God" she had to look the part at all times. She had ass for days and a nice size rack that fit perfectly in my hand and in my mouth. Now that I sat back and thought about it, here it was I was lusting over another nigga's wife when I already had my own bad bitch at home.

  Looking at her today made me want to reevaluate every fucking thing I had going on in the streets and at home. First thing first it was imperative that I get down to what the fuck was the real motive behind these people wanting Thug dead.

  Chapter Five- Thug

  Double Standards

  Leaving Tahari on the floor crying like that was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Once I walked out of the door and got in my car, I shed tears like a motherfucker. No matter what type of Thug I was or the lifestyle I lived, Tahari was my weakness. Since she came into my life, she had made me a different man. I was nothing without her. As I lay in this fucking hotel room, all I could think about was that nigga Quaadir fucking my wife.

  I was so fucked up about the shit that I had cut off communication with my entire family. I was so in my feelings right now that I didn't want to be bothered with nobody. I just wanted to clear my fucking mind. All I'd been doing was smoking and drinking, but all the fucking Kush and Remy in the world wouldn't take the pain away of my wife's betrayal.
/>   Yes. I cheated on her and a part of me felt like her fucking dude was that shit that they called Karma. I didn't give a fuck how much a nigga cheated on his girl, the minute she fucked another nigga, all fucking bets were off. I was not a male chauvinist, but there was definitely a double standard when it came down to men and women. I think it hurts more because she lied about it. In my heart, I knew she was lying. I wanted her to tell the truth the first time I asked her ass. I wanted the truth, but when she told the truth, I couldn't handle it. I hadn't seen or spoken to her since I walked out and that was damn near two week ago.

  Listening to Peaches crying on my voicemail made me feel even worse. I still hadn't spoke to her or seen her since the shooting. The last thing I wanted my mother to do was cry about me ignoring her. I was definitely going to give in and go to the family dinner she had arranged. Before I saw her, I needed to pay this nigga Quaadir a visit. I wanted that nigga six feet under so fucking bad, but I had to know who sent him and why. Plus, Peaches practically begged for this nigga's life. She knew I had every intention on finishing the fucking job. If this nigga valued life he'd better tell me what the fuck I wanted to hear.


  I found out Quaadir's information from one my old chicks I used to fuck with. She just happened to be his overnight nurse. I checked my Desert Eagle as I exited my Bugatti. It had been so long since I drove that car. I actually missed it. I was dressed in all black from head to toe. I placed my gun in my waistband and headed towards the hospital's entrance. The lady working the front desk already had the heads up to let me up.

  Quaadir's room was on the sixth floor. He was in the Intensive Care Unit and ole girl had already told me that he was up and talking. So, it was only right I paid his ass a visit tonight. I had my hoodie pulled down over my head and tied tight. Just in case some shit popped off. I opened his room door and he was sitting up watching TV. He looked over at me with a devilish grin.


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