Chirasakti, Prince
Churchill, Clementine
Churchill, (Sir) Winston: Shelley impersonates,
defeated at Oldham by Runciman
and Battle of Britain
succeeds Chamberlain as Prime Minister
demands more pilots
appoints Brabazon Minister of Aircraft Production
differences with de Gaulle
Jackie Cochran and
approves attack on Dieppe
pleads for US carrier for Malta escort duty
and Normandy invasion
thanks d’Erlanger for ATA deliveries
election defeat (1945)
and Eden’s affair with Dorothy Beatty (Bragg)
Cipher, Captain
Civil Air Guard
Clarendon, George Herbert Hyde Villiers, 6th Earl, and Adeline, Countess of
Clifton Suspension Bridge
Clyde, Billy
Cochran, Jacqueline Odlum (née Bessie Lee Pitman): in Britain,
character and qualities
objects to Barbour’s nude medical examinations of women
recruits pilots for ATA in America attends They Flew Alone premie`re
and death of Betty Taylor Wood
flies bomber across Atlantic
briefs Roosevelt on state of England
marriage to Odlum
pre-war flying exploits
rivalry with Furey
and Ann Wood
concern for women’s welfare
unsettled life in England
relations with Pauline Gower
helps found WASP organisation in USA
returns to USA
and Mary Nicholson
makes enemies
breaks sound barrier
post-war activities
Colerne, Wiltshire
Collings, Harold
Colman, Flight Captain Alan
Coningham, Air Marshal Sir Arthur (’Mary’)
Copeto, Cesar
Corrie, First Officer R.A.
Cosford, near Wolverhampton
Courtney, Air Marshal Sir Christopher
Courtney, William
Cranborne, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount (later 5th Marquess of Salisbury)
Craven, Sir Charles
Cripps, Sir Stafford
Crossley, Flight Lieutenant John
Crossley, Winnie
Crown Film Unit
Cunnison, Margaret
Curtis, Lettice: attitude to Americans
qualities and manner
on Jacqueline Cochran
and experience of flying
and death of Walter Handley,
on women flyers, enthusiasm for Spitfire
travels in train luggage rack
and ATA test
on flying fighter aircraft
Duhalde introduced to
sympathises with Welch
denies wishing to fly in combat
wartime flying record
background and education
attachment to Frankie Francis
meets Mrs Roosevelt
flies four-engined aircraft
in crashing Typhoon
breaks rules on flying conditions
preparations for difficult flights
at end of war
attends White Waltham pageant
final delivery
Cuthbert, Flight Captain William
D-Day see Normandy invasion
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Sketch
Daly, John
Davidson, Group Captain A.P.
Debden, Essex
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd
de Bunsen, Berta Mary, Lady (Mary’s mother)
de Bunsen, Mary: pre-war flying,
enjoys ATA life
physical disabilities
flies Spitfires
flies advanced aircraft
on nature of fighting
at Hamble
refuses to fly at Stratford
on pre-flight nerves
heart operation
de Bunsen, Sir Maurice (Mary’s father)
de Havilland company: builds Mosquitoes
de Havilland, Geoffrey
d’Erlanger, Gerard (’Pop’): forms and heads ATA,
recruits first ferry pilots
gives talk to Americans on behaviour
Cochran complains about Barbour’s medical examinations
favours Gower for ATA appointment
supports women for ATA
and Hatfield publicity event
and ATA women’s dress
and Gower’s enquiry about using rejected women applicants
agrees to women flying fighter aircraft
and recruitment in North America
utilises Hamble
Churchill thanks for ATA deliveries
and winding up of ATA
relinquishes command to W.D. Kemp
Dieppe: raid (1942)
Dlugaszewski, Klemens
Douglas, Air Marshal Sir William Sholto (later Baron)
Douglas-Hamilton, Lord David
Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas, Duke of Hamilton
Douglas-Hamilton, Lord James
Douglas-Hamilton, Lord Malcolm
Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh (later 1st Baron)
Duhalde, Margot (’Chile’): background and upbringing
volunteers for war service
joins ATA
friendship with Maureen Dunlop
feud with Leska
on not learning instrument-flying
in France after war
later career
Duncan-Smith, Group Captain W.G.G. (’Smithy’)
Dunkirk evacuation (1940)
Dunlop, Eric Chase
Dunlop, Joan
Dunlop, Maureen
Dutton, Charles (later 7th Baron Sherborne)
Earhart, Amelia
Ebbage, Mrs
Eden, Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon)
Edgar, Captain Norman
Eisenhower, General Dwight D.
Elizabeth II, Queen
Ellam, Captain F.
Emergency Regulation 18B
Enigma codes
Europe: ATA women in
Evans (parachutist)
Evening News (London newspaper)
Everard, Sir Lindsay
Fairey, Dick
Fairweather, Captain Douglas (’Poppa’)
Fairweather, Margaret: character and manner,
as first woman to fly Spitfire
criticises American men
visits Germany before war
flies Hurricane
husband’s death
Farquhar, June
Farr, Virginia
Farrer, Kitty
Featherstone, Edgar
Ferguson, Joy (later Jonathan)
Ferry Pilot (film)
Ferry Pilots’ Notes
Filton, near Bristol
Fleming, Ian
Fletcher, Lieutenant Commander Walter
Flight Authorisation Cards
Ford, Mary
Ford, Suzanne
Ford, Wesley
Francis, Francis (’Frankie’)
Friedlander, Mona
Frost, Margaret
Furey, Dorothy see Bragg, Dorothy
Gable, Clark
Gagowy, Flying Officer Henryk
Gardner, Ava
Gaulle, Charles de
Germany: British fliers visit before war,
and outbreak of war
Gilbert, Squadron Leader Humphrey
Glancey, Jonathan
els, Joseph
Goodson, Colonel Jim
Gore, Margot
Gower, Dorothy, Lady (Pauline’s mother)
Gower, Pauline: and arrival of US women pilots
on hiring women pilots
attends They Flew Alone premiére
heads ATA’s women’s section
relations with Amy Johnson
and Amy Johnson’s death
flying experience
book reviewed by Grey
as first woman commercial pilot
and mother’s suicide
public activities
and press publicity
on autographing toilet paper
and ATA women’s earnings
and women pilots’ dress
requests to use previously rejected applicants
wins right for women to fly faster aircraft
helps Mary de Bunsen
and Brabazon
and Margot Duhalde
Jackie Cochran meets after transatlantic flight
relations with Jackie Cochran
dismisses Richey
and separation of women from men
differences with Lettice Curtis
and death of Mary Nicholson
appointed to board of BOAC
character and achievements
unhurt in air crash
wins equal pay for women pilots
and newspaper slander on Opal Anderson
accepts Betty Lussier
recommends all women learn to fly
on unavailability of flying jobs for women
death, 378
Gower, Sir Robert (Pauline’s father)
Graf Spee (German pocket-battleship)
Granville Brothers (of Springfield, Mass.)
Grey, C.G.
Griffis, Stanton
Guderian, General Heinz
Halifax (bomber): Lettice Curtis flies
Hamble, Hampshire: ; ATA women at
and Normandy invasion
closed down at war’s end
Handley, Captain Walter
Hardy, Thomas
Harmsworth, Lorna
Harriman, Averell
Harriman, Cathy
Harris, Air Marshal Arthur T.
Harrison, Dr (Winnie Crossley’s father)
Harrison, Helen
Haslemere, HMS
Hatfield, Hertfordshire
Hawkes, Frank
Heath, Mary, Lady
Henderson, Captain R.H.
Henshaw, Alex
Heron-Maxwell, Naomi (later Allen)
Hess, Rudolf
Hewitt, Abe
Hewitt, Dorothy see Bragg, Dorothy
Hill, Bridget
Hillary, (Sir) Edmund
Hinkler, Bert
Hiron family
Hirsch, Katie see Smith, Katie
Hirth, Wolf
Hitler, Adolf
Hospitals’ Air Pageant
Hucknall, near Nottingham
Hudson (bomber)
Hughes, Howard
Hughes, Joan: at Hatfield publicity event, flying experience
flies Hurricanes
in Ferry Pilot film,
resists romantic attachments
flies four-engined aircraft
later career and death
Humphreys, Jack
Hurricanes (fighters)
Indochinois, SS
Irwin, Zita
Israel: builds up air force
Japan: surrenders (1945)
jet planes
Johns, First Officer Gwynn
Johnson, Amy: death; depicted in film They Flew Alone
in ATA
solo flight to Australia (1930)
learns to fly
long-distance flights
public life and celebrity
marriage to Mollison
works for Solent air ferry
friendship with Pauline Gower
passed over as head of ATA; joins ATA
never flies Spitfire
friendship with Rosemary Rees
taught by Valentyne
on Lady Bailey’s lack of planning
Johnson, Ciss (Amy’s mother)
Johnson, Evelyn (Amy’s aunt)
Johnson, Irene (Amy’s sister)
Johnson, Molly (Amy’s sister)
Johnson, William (Amy’s father)
Jordan, Johnnie
Joyce, William (’Lord Haw Haw’)
Julius Caesar, SS
Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm
Keith-Jopp, Betty: escapes from sinking plane on uncle’s missing arm and eye
joins ATA
later career
blamed for losing plane
Keith-Jopp, Stewart
Kelly, Jackson
Kemp, W.D.
Kendrick, Louis
Kent, Prince George, Duke of
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert
Kidlington, Oxfordshire
King, Alison: and Leska’s escape from Poland, on Gore and Bennett’s visit to tailor
on women first flying Hurricane
on image of American women
describes Hamble
and Welch’s safe delivery of Spitfire to Colerne
erases names of dead pilots
and Jackie Sorour’s departure for South Africa
and Normandy invasion
on retirement of women at war’s end
Knebworth, Edward Anthony James Lytton, Viscount
Lady Driver, The (magazine)
Laker, Freddie
Lancaster (bomber)
Lang, Dora
Lankshear, Barbara
Lawrence, T.E. (’Lawrence of Arabia’)
Leaf family
Leaf, Freydis (later Sharland)
Leaf, John
Leigh-Mallory, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford
Lend Lease agreement (US-Britain)
Leska, Anna: serves in ATA, escapes from Poland to Britain
feud with Duhalde
Leveaux, Peter
Leveaux, Roberta see Sandoz, Roberta
Levett, Gordon
Lindbergh, Charles
Lockyer, Flight Lieutenant Thomas
Lombard, Carole
London: Blitz; wartime life in
London Aeroplane Club
Londonderry, Charles Stewart Henry Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of
Lorenz company (Germany)
Lossiemouth, Scotland
Louisiana Women’s Weekly
Love, Nancy Harkness
Lowenstein, Bobby
Lussier, Betty (later Sicre)
Luton: ATA training centre
Lysander (aircraft)
MacArthur, General Douglas
McKinley, Harry
MacMillan, Captain A.R.O.
Macmillan, Audrey
Mallory, George Leigh
Markham, Beryl
Marshall, Joan
Martha, Princess of Norway
Martin, (Sir) James (Jimmy)
Mier, Sas de
Miles Magisters (trainers)
Milstead, Violet
Missouri, USS
Mitchell (bomber)
Mitchell, Reginald
Mitkiewicz-Zoltek, Colonel
Moggridge, Jackie see Sorour, Jackie
Moggridge, Joy
Moggridge, Lieutenant Reg
Mollison, Jim: character, marries Amy Johnson
at White Waltham
Naomi Allen meets
flies with Diana Barnato
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law, 1st Viscount
br /> Montreal
Moody, Captain Hump
Morgan, Flight Engineer Bob
Morris, John
Mosdale, SS
Mosquitoes (fighter-bombers)
Murrow, Edward R.
Mursell, Sir Peter
Narssarssuaq, Greenland
National Men’s Defence League
Neagle, (Dame) Anna
Nerissa, SS
New York Herald Tribune: Opal Anderson sues
New York Times
News of the World
Nicholson, Mary: travels to England on Mosdale, death
Niven, David
Normandy invasion (June 1944)
North Africa: campaign in
O’Dea, Lieutenant Henry
Odlum, Floyd
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Olaf, Crown Prince of Norway
Orlemans, Pierre
Page, Sir Arthur
Page, Joan
Park, Air Vice Marshal Sir Keith
Patterson, Gabrielle
Peenemunde, Germany
Percival Proctor (aircraft)
Pétain, Marshal Philippe
Peter, King of Yugoslavia
Philips and Powis School of Flying, Woodley, near Reading
Pierce, Winnie
Pilsudska, Jadwiga: escapes to England from Poland
on Leska
family background
on flying Spitfires
Biddle meets
life in London
denies performing aerobatics
studies architecture at Liverpool
Pilsudski, Marshal Jozef
Pocklington, Yorkshire
Poland: invaded and occupied (1939),
women fliers serve in ATA
Porter, First Officer Ronald
Prestwick, Scotland
Providence (trawler)
radio navigation
Raines, Hazel
Ramsay, First Officer Diana: crashes Tempest
Rangitata, SS
Ratcliffe Hall, Leicestershire
Raven Rock Flying School, Portsmouth, Ohio
Rees, Sir John
Rees, Rosemary: background,
flying experience
visits pre-war Germany
on pressure on women pilots
Spitfire Women of World War II Page 30