The Contest

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The Contest Page 11

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Jake: Are you avoiding me?

  Jake: What’s the word?

  Jake: What did your parent’s say?

  Holy crap! He had written her three times in the last fifteen minutes. She tried to think of what to say.

  Madi: Hi, sorry. I just woke up.

  He wrote back immediately.

  Jake: It’s only 6:30 there. Rough day?

  She tried to think of something witty to say but she was too tired to be funny. She went with the truth.

  Madi: Long, boring day. I’m actually working tonight so I’m glad you woke me up.

  Jake: Working? At the pharmacy?

  Madi: No, I don’t work at Titans until Saturday. I’m on duty tonight. Not a big deal. I just need to be conscious if someone comes to my door.

  Jake: So wait, people just show up at your door and you let them in, no questions asked?

  Madi: Well, I usually ask them what’s wrong.

  Jake: Madi! That’s not safe! What if some crazy guy comes to your door with fake tears saying he just needs a friend and then proceeds to hurt you? I don’t like this at all. What dumb ass came up with this brilliant idea?

  Madi felt herself smiling at his concern for her.

  Madi: It’s really okay. I’m under no obligation to talk to anyone in my room. We can go to the lounge or somewhere else. I can also ask them to speak to another RA if I don’t feel comfortable. But, aside from all those things, I also live in an all girls dorm, so it’s really not an issue. Thank you for your concern, though.

  Jake: Okay, I feel a little better I guess. Why haven’t you texted me with a yes yet?

  Oh boy, she thought. Here goes nothing.

  Madi: I’m sorry, I’m still thinking.

  A long pause, then:

  Jake: What happened?

  She thought carefully, then wrote:

  Madi: Please understand that I’ve done nothing but think about your offer. I really and truly want to work for you this summer, but dinner with my parents did not go as I planned. I planned an argument if they said no, but they didn’t. They just didn’t say go for it either.

  Jake: What’s their concern? Tell me the truth.

  Madi: My dad’s opinion is extremely important to me. When my dad doesn’t think I’m doing the right thing, he just doesn’t say anything at all. And, that’s exactly what he did. He said nothing. My mom likes your music but she is concerned that there is no one out there that will look out for my best interest. She’s concerned that if something goes wrong, I’ll be trapped in LA or Paris, for that matter, with no way home.

  Jake didn’t respond. Madi didn’t take it personally. She figured he was thinking. She was right. A few minutes later her phone buzzed.

  Jake: I understand.

  Wait… What did that mean? Did he think she was telling him no? She could feel bile rise up in her throat. She didn’t want to make him upset. The thought of him being disappointed in her was more than she could take.

  Madi: Jake, I’m not saying no. Do you understand that? Are you tired of waiting for my answer?

  No response. Ten minutes went by. Madi paced the room and started to consider calling him when he wrote back.

  Jake: I’m glad to hear that. No, I’m not tired of waiting. I’m thinking. I wish there was something I could do to help. I don’t like hearing you so frustrated. At least that’s how you sound.

  Thank God…

  Madi: You’re extremely patient and sweet. I’ll figure this out, I promise. I’ll let you know one way or another by Monday, okay?

  Jake: Monday is fine. Talk to you then.

  Once again, he was gone, and he wrote the last text. Madi suddenly felt like a five-year-old asking for permission to cross the street. He must have thought she was ridiculous. Why couldn’t she just tell him yes? In her heart, she wanted nothing more than to be around him. No matter that they would be nothing more than friends, she couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing him again. Madi could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. She started to sob uncontrollably. At that moment in time, she didn’t feel like an advisor. She felt like a mixed up child who needed someone to hold her and tell her what to do. She called Kendra.

  “What the hell happened? I’ll be right there!”


  Madi was working at Titans. It was Saturday at 4:00 p.m., one more hour until closing. She was supposed to go home for pizza with her parents after work. Madi had decided that she was going to sit on her father’s lap, put her head on his shoulder, and beg him to be supportive. It had worked before when she was little. It was her secret weapon.

  Jake had not texted her again and she missed him. She and Kendra had made a list of the pros and cons of taking the job. The problem was that both sides were equally full. “Jake is hot” was listed as both a pro and a con.

  It had been super busy at the store. People were crazy. She listened to an elderly woman describe her hemorrhoid problems for ten minutes before she was finally able to tell her she was not a pharmacist and that she could not recommend an ointment. Madi was typing in a script from the last customer when she heard a man clearing his throat to get her attention.

  “One moment please,” she said in her most pleasant working voice.

  She typed “T one pill prn at night” and looked up at her impatient customer. He was standing with a dozen red roses in front of his face. “Can I help you?” she said curiously.

  He pulled the flowers away and Madi got the shock of her life. Jake Morgan was standing in front of her with a smile plastered across his face.

  “I have this stress problem and I was wondering if you could recommend a pill I could take as a remedy for impatience.”

  Madi ran from behind the counter, and out the pharmacy door. She passed the Pharmacy manager, Lisa, who was standing with her mouth hanging open. Madi turned the corner and ran right into Jake’s arms. She didn’t even stop to think about it. She just did it. It was an immediate and gut reaction. She had never been so happy to see anyone in her entire life.

  Jake almost fell backwards from Madi’s impact. He laughed and hugged her back.

  “I, I don’t understand. What are you doing here? I mean, I’m happy to see you, but what are you doing here?” Madi was smiling from ear to ear.

  “Let me catch my breath. I think you may have knocked the wind out of me!” He started to laugh. He was smiling too.

  He pulled her back and checked her over. “I thought long and hard about what I could do to help you and I figured the best solution to convince your parents that you would be safe with me, was to let them talk to me themselves.”

  Madi didn’t know what to say. She was so surprised to see him. He looked amazing. He was clean-shaven and his hair was styled perfectly. He obviously had spent some time getting ready. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a sweater over it, jeans and black dress shoes. Madi noted how tall he was. He was towering over her at that moment. Maybe it was her flats. He had to be at least 6’2”. She automatically smelled him. It was like coming home. She missed him and the way he smelled.

  “Are you smelling me?” he said with a grin.

  “Why yes, yes I am.” They both laughed.

  “I missed you.” She couldn’t help it, it just slipped out. Madi put her head down and glared at the ground. She instantly regretted it and closed her eyes thinking maybe if she concentrated hard enough, she could take it back.

  He grabbed her chin and raised her face to his. “I’m glad to hear you missed me. That means that you haven’t decided to say no, right?”

  Madi smiled. He always made her feel so at ease, even in what could have been an embarrassing situation.

  “No, I haven’t decided to say no. This is a grand gesture, Jake. I’m impressed.”

  “I don’t do anything half-assed,” he said with a grin.

  In that moment, Jake and Madi had a moment of clarity. They both realized, at the same time, that they were being watched closely by a group of employees and customers that ha
d gathered around them near the pharmacy window.

  “Hi,” Jake said with a smile. “How are all of you tonight?”

  The crowd clapped and cheered. They knew who he was and may have been almost as excited as she was. Madi introduced Jake to her boss, Lisa. After the crowd had cleared a bit and Madi had taken several pictures of Jake with customers, Madi stood next to her manager and Jake for a final picture for the pharmacy wall.”

  “Give that to Madi when you get it printed and I’ll be happy to sign it and say how I love to shop at Titans.”

  He had won everyone over, no surprise. Lisa told Madi to go ahead and leave early. Jake watched her as she counted out her register. She lost count three times and had to start over. She finally told him to stop watching her or they would never be able to leave. He laughed and turned his back toward her. Madi grabbed her chest and mouthed “OMG” to her boss who covered her mouth to stifle her giggle. She finished, walked around the counter, grabbed her purse and went to punch out. Jake watched her, smiling the whole time.

  “Nice smock,” he said in jest as he grabbed the bottom of her white pharmacy coat.

  “Stop!” she said playfully and as she pulled away from him. She watched the guys from the liquor department stare at her as if his presence and interest in her suddenly made her much more desirable.

  They walked out to the parking lot. “I can’t believe you’re really here.”

  “Well, I had a free evening and nothing to do, so I just hopped on a plane. I was surprised to see it took me to Chicago. I had just rented a car for a drive and thought, ‘Eh, what the hell, I wonder what Madi is up to?’ And here I am.”

  “Here you are.” Kendra was going to bust something. This was incredible. What did it mean? What did it mean that he came out here to talk to her parents for her? She started to consider the possibilities and then had to stop herself from overanalyzing. Jake wanted to talk to her parents. Holy crap, she needed to call her mom and give her a heads up. God forbid her mom didn’t have make-up on when they showed up at her door. She would never let Madi live it down.

  “Jake, I need to call my mom and let her know you are, um, stopping by for a chat.”

  “No problem. I understand.”

  Madi dialed the phone. Jake leaned up against Madi’s car and watched her. Madi caught sight of him leaning with his arms folded looking up at the sky. She took a mental picture of him in her mind. She never wanted to forget this moment for as long as she lived.

  “Mom, mind if I bring a guest for dinner tonight?”

  “No, hun, you know Kendra is always welcome here.”

  “It’s, um, not Kendra.”

  “Well who then, Madi? I’m playing slots and I didn’t pause it when I answered the phone.”

  “Do you remember how I was telling you that I wanted to go to LA for the summer to work for Jake Morgan?”

  “Yes, of course I remember.”

  “Well… he knew that you and dad had a lot of questions so he, um, kind of surprised me at work tonight. He flew out here to speak to you guys and I was hoping that you wouldn’t mind if I brought him over.”

  “Are you kidding me? He’s really here? Steve!!! Wake up! Okay Madi… how long until you’re here? I need to straighten up and put some makeup on and, STEVE!!!! Wake up!!! Your dad was taking a nap. I need to go… Give us a few minutes. Does he like pepperoni pizza? Because I ordered pepperoni.”

  Madi put her hand over the phone as she giggled at mother’s reaction. “Jake,” she whispered, “Pepperoni pizza okay? My mom’s concerned.”

  “Pepperoni is great,” he smiled. “Please tell her not to fuss for me.”

  “Mom, Jake said he loves pepperoni and not to worry about him. He’s easy going.”

  “Okay, okay…. See you in a bit.” Madi could hear her mom yell for her dad to get up as she hung up the phone. She had to laugh to herself.

  “We just need to give my mom a few minutes to get a grip.”

  Jake gave her a knowing smile and a nod as he looked upward. “You know, I’m always fascinated to look up at the stars when I’m in a different city. It amazes me that the stars can look so different and still the same no matter where I am.”

  Madi stared at him. She noted how different he seemed. He looked like a normal guy, a normal drop dead gorgeous guy, standing outside of Titans, leaning on her car, and staring at the night sky.

  “It is cold here though. I like it.”

  “It’s forty-five degrees. It’s spring weather here.” Madi laughed. He was so used to LA that this felt cold to him. To her and the rest of the city it was a beautiful night.

  “I imagine it is. I usually only get to Chicago once, maybe twice a year. So are you ready to go?”

  “Are you ready?” Madi half-laughed the question. She was beginning to worry that Jake wouldn’t know how to handle her father’s sarcasm. She also started to worry that her parents would ask embarrassing questions. She made a mental note to call her mom on the way home and warn her to be nice.

  “I’m ready. Why? Do I not look ready?” he asked.

  “I just need to warn you that my dad has a very dry sense of humor and can be very sarcastic. I hope they don’t freak you out. I also hope they don’t ask any really embarrassing questions.”

  Jake chuckled. “I think I’ll be okay, but thanks for the warning. I’ve been in a lot of interviews. Mind you, none have been with the parents of a potential employee, but I’ll do my best to make things better for you, not worse.”

  Madi sighed. He was just so… so… sigh.

  “I guess I’ll follow you then?” Jake pointed to his rental.

  “Where are you staying tonight?”

  “I actually have a ten o’clock flight back to LA. I only have a couple of hours.”

  Madi nodded but felt her heart sink. She had hoped he was staying in town for a few days so he could meet Kendra and so Madi could spend more time with him.

  “I see. It was so nice of you to do this. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

  Jake grinned. “I’m willing to do almost anything for my friends, Madi. It’s really not a big deal.” He handed her the roses he was holding and Madi swore to herself that she would keep them forever.

  Madi got in her car and slowly pulled out of the parking lot, making sure Jake was behind her the whole time. She quickly dialed her mom and asked her to please be nice and not embarrass her. She could tell her mom was running throughout the house trying to clean up. She hoped her parents liked him. She hoped her dad liked him most of all. Madi forced herself to take multiple deep breaths during the fifteen-minute drive home. She pulled in the driveway and Jake parked his car along the curb in front of the house.

  “Ready?” she winced as she asked him.

  “It’ll be fine.” He put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. He exuded confidence and charm, but Madi was a nervous wreck and now lightly shaking from his touch.

  She walked in the front door and her yellow lab jumped on them both as they came in. “I’m so sorry Jake! This is my baby, Lex. I hope you don’t mind him,” Madi said as she tried to grab Lex’s collar to get him off of him.

  Jake bent down and Lex licked his face repeatedly. Jake laughed and Lex started to whine. Madi could see that Lex couldn’t get enough of him either. Madi’s mom ran to the door with a dish towel in her hands yelling, “Lex, stop, Lex!”

  “It’s fine, really.” Jake stood up and put his hand out to Madi’s mom. “Hello, Mrs. Ryan. Thank you for allowing me to come over on such short notice. You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you, Jake.” Her mom hugged him rather than shake his hand. Jake didn’t seem to mind one bit. Madi felt jealous of both Lex and her mom at that moment.

  “So where’s this guy that made me cut my nap short?” Madi’s dad said as he came down the stairs. Madi cringed and gave her dad a look to kill from behind Jake.

  Lex was still licking Jake’s hands and running in circles around him.<
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  Madi’s dad took a look at Jake, then Madi, then Lex. “Well, the dog likes you. I suppose that’s a good sign. I guess I can put my gun away.” Madi rolled her eyes.

  “Hello, Mr. Ryan. I’m sorry you had to wake up to meet me. I hope I didn’t take you from a good dream.” Jake put his hand out and her dad shook it.


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