Miss Taken

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Miss Taken Page 16

by Cleo Scornavacca

  Too late.

  “Mema, stop! You sound like mom.” My annoyance heightening my words.

  “I just don’t want you hurt.”

  “I love you and Antonio, but I am a big girl and if I get hurt then I get hurt. I’ll lick my wounds and move on. That’s all any of us can do.”

  “He is Vincent’s son. Very powerful, very strong, very controlling.”

  “Mema, you don’t even know him. Don’t judge!”

  “Vincent was a lovely man, Rain, but he was controlling.”

  “I don’t remember Mr. Kane like that. Mema, I love you, but you’re a pain my ass.” I tease her.

  “Are you hungry?” She asks.

  “No, besides I’m taking Dominick into town for lunch. We will have dinner with you and Antonio tonight.”

  This didn’t please her, so in an effort to combat her anger she starts to curse in Italian and throw things around. I laugh, which only infuses her anger more. Which in turn makes me laugh more. There were times when we were young that Tommy and I would purposely aggravate her just to see the show. We should have sold tickets to her dramas.

  Dominick came downstairs and Mema quieted down. He puts his arm around me, kissing me on my temple.

  “Up for some sightseeing?” I ask.

  “Anything you want, Rain.” He smiles at me.

  “Love you, Mema. Be back for dinner.” I give her a huge grin.

  “Go! Go! Have a good time!” She says swatting her dishrag around, but not turning to look at us.

  As we walk out Dominick grabs my hand and stops me.

  “Is she okay?” He looks at me with a furrowed brow.

  I chuckle. “That’s Mema. You’ll get used to it.”

  “So, where are you taking me?”

  “I thought we would go into town. Then head to the beach, so I can get some shots before we come back here for dinner. If that’s okay with you?”

  “Baby, as long as we’re together, take me anywhere you want.”

  So we left and went to many of the designer shops in Capri. Then we headed to the beach for possibly some photo opportunities, if the presented themselves. Dominick and I did more kissing and holding other so I did take less shots than I normally would have, if I had come here alone. While sitting on the shoreline entwined with his body around me, I was thinking how very different my life here in Capri had been, before knowing Dominick.

  In the past I’ve always loved coming back here. Whether it was for work or pleasure, nothing and no one ever tried to stop me. Capri is where I love to be. This is even more true now that I get to share this with Dominick. We’re making new memories that I hope last a very long time. I get to see a different side of Dominick. He’s happy and he’s willing to compromise. That trait I thought I’d never see in him. He’s so relaxed, even playful. Maybe we can’t pack up some of this magic and bring it back to the States with us.

  On the way home, I stopped at the fresh fish market. We could grill the fish tomorrow night for dinner. Together we had a carefree day. Which is saying a lot for Dominick, who’s very intense most of the time. He really seemed to let go here. I was happy for that. I wanted his experience here with me to be a positive one and one that he really enjoyed.

  We return to the house and Mema announced that dinner wouldn’t be ready for about an hour or so. That gives me time to shower and Dominick time to rest. I don’t think he’s used to all the walking we did. I went into the bathroom and turned the water on. Just as I’m about to get in the shower Dominick’s behind me. Naked. He decided naps were overrated and wants to be part of this equation.

  The water feels wonderful. Dominick begins to wash me. He starts at my shoulders, then over my breasts, around my back to my belly, and then in between my legs. It’s very sensual and very welcoming. Dominick kisses me and when he pulls away he’s looking down my wet body.

  “I’m going to devour you, Rain.” This sent a chill through my entire body and I feel the intense ache between my legs. “I’m going to finish you off until there’s nothing left.” His voice was commanding.

  He kneels down and spreads my legs wide. I lean on the wall for support. He puts his tongue on me and I flush. I curl into him so I can get more of his mouth. His tongue takes one long swipe of my sex from back to front. He places his thumb on my clit and presses down hard which begins to help the throbbing but not all the way. I need to come. My legs are like jelly and I can barely stand. I still can’t believe how Dominick can make me feel this way. I’m almost afraid to admit it but I like being controlled by him. I would never verbally express it but I think he may already know. Dominick stands and turns me around, cupping me from behind. He drags his finger backwards towards my ass and I freeze for a moment not knowing where he is taking this.

  “Someday Rain I will have this too.” His statement holds a dark promise. Something I wasn’t at all ready to entertain.

  “All of you will be mine.” Saying nothing more he guides himself deep inside me. I moan as he begins to move. I tightening around him, pushing back against his cock.

  “You will always belong to me Rain.”

  I exhale through a soft moan.

  “Say it, Rain.” He insists.

  “I belong to you, Dominick.”

  “What belongs to me, Rain.” His voice is hypnotizing.

  “All of me, all of me belongs to you, Baby.” I’m breathless.

  “That’s my girl.” As he is slams into me, he reaches around and touches me there.

  “Please Dominick.”

  “Come for me Rain.” Those four words took me into the abyss as I screamed Dominick’s name and came on his throbbing erection still waiting for him to find his release.

  “Keep pushing back on my cock so I can come all over your pretty ass.” Dominick was more vocal than usual and I really was turned on by it.

  I continued to push back hard. He hissed and without any other warning, he pulls out and comes all of over my backside. As he is finishing himself off, he makes his claim. “Now you really belong to me, baby. I’m all over you.”

  I turn around and take his mouth to show him how much I will always want him. Confirming that I do truly belong to him. He holds my face looking intently at me with his lip turned up on one side. Completely satisfied with my response. “Now let’s get you clean up and dressed so you can feed me.”

  We dress casually in jeans and tee shirts, for a relaxing evening at home. We head downstairs to the kitchen. Mema and Antonio set up the table for dinner.

  “I thought we’d eat in the new outdoor room tonight.”

  “Rain, it’s too cold out there for you. We will eat inside.” Mema states.

  Antonio adds, “Mema felt it would be warmer for all of us inside.” Antonio is always diplomatic with Mema. Much in the same way Michael is with Raven.

  I’m so angry, but said nothing. Dominick hugs my back and whispers, “Baby why are you so pissed?”

  “Mema, it’s not that cold out and we have the new fireplace. I’m sure we’ll be just fine.” I was being short with her.

  “Amore mio, please do this for me.” Speaking in a tone as she would a small child.

  “Okay Mema, you win, but you know you are still a royal pain in my ass.” I break away from Dominick to hug Mema.

  “Watch your mouth.” She’s amused.

  “How long is dinner?” I giggle.

  “30 minutes.” She states.

  “Okay, I’m taking Dominick out to the patio for some wine before we eat. I mean, if that’s okay with you, Mema.” I’m smirking and being slightly sarcastic.

  Antonio and Dominick smile at each other, but say nothing.

  She starts to curse again in Italian.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Then I grab Dominick’s hand and kiss Antonio on the cheek while swooping up a bottle of Prosecco and head out the back door to the new addition.

  I place the bottle down on a table and pull Dominick over to the couch near the fire. The warmth of th
e flames feel good. There’s a definite chill in the air. I didn’t dare tell Mema this. Dominick tugs me into his lap and hugs me close.

  “So, what was that all about? Why the drama? That’s not at all like you baby.” He raises one eyebrow teasing me. He has only a slight curiosity in his question but is still waiting for me to answer him.

  “Mema can be like my mom. Too over protective and too bossy. If I don’t act like that she will think it’s okay to walk all over me.”

  “Baby, they just care about you.” He chuckles.

  “I know.”

  “But.” He prompts.

  “But she doesn’t know when to stop, Dominick.”

  “I think she got it, Rain.”

  I lean up and push against his chest. “Hey, whose side are you on anyway?” I scrunch my face.

  He taps my nose. “I’m on your side, Rain, always, but it is slightly chilly out here, even for me. I think we’ll all be more comfortable inside.”

  “Well, we are eating inside, so what I say doesn’t matter anyway.” I pout. He’s right. This is not at all like me. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Maybe I’m just tired.

  “Stop, Angel. They love you. That’s all it is. It’s not like when you were younger. It’s not control, baby. It’s love.” He’s intense.

  “I know.” I get up off his lap and walk to the fireplace to warm my hands. “My mom loved me, but she needed to control things. Mema always followed what she said. My dad and Antonio, not so much. Yet, they all had to keep Cella happy. If she wasn’t happy, we were all miserable. My dad would come back and forth from the states. It was a lot on him. I think I saw your dad more times than mine when we stayed here. I believe he took care of the many European clients. My mom was always better when men were around. I will always be grateful to your father for that.”


  I’m guessing Dominick never saw that side of Vincent. I’m glad though that he let me have my say and didn’t contradict me. My memories of Vincent Kane were all good ones.

  Just then Mema calls out that dinner is ready.

  After dinner she and I clean up. While Dominick and Antonio went to enjoy some Brandy together.


  “Si Amore Mio.”

  “What do you think of Dominick?”

  She smiles and continues to wash the dishes while I dry them.

  “I think Vincent would be proud of his son. He is good for your, Rain. He is strong and he knows what he wants. He wants you. There is love there. I see this.”

  “I love you, Mema.” Kissing the top of her head.

  “Do you love him, Rain?”

  I thought about this a lot recently. I always get to a point where I really believe I do, but then Dominick’s madness gets in the way. I’m not ready yet.

  “Mema, it’s too soon.”

  “Nonsense!” She snaps and I jump back. “I see the way the two of you look at each other. Like no one else in the world exists. Tell me I am wrong.”

  “I can’t speak for him, but yes my heart is full.”

  “Amore mio, it will be okay when you are ready. Don’t let fear stop you.” She pats my hand and smiles at me. Then she says goodnight.

  Dominick is still outside with Antonio, so I decide to head upstairs to bed. It’s been a long day. The room is warm with the glow of the fireplace. Dominick or Antonio must have started the fireplace while Mema and I were doing the dishes. It was definitely a comforting surprise. I snuggle in my bed but still feel lonely without the weight of a certain sexy man’s body wrapped around me.

  Dominick finally comes to bed and fills the space that felt so empty next to me. He’s naked and he draws me to him. His erection presses against me. Dominick starts to explore the lace between my legs. Which is now damp from my sudden arousal. His other hand goes to my belly and he spreads his fingers over my abdomen. An act an expectant father might do to the woman carrying his child. I suddenly wonder and fear what he and Antonio were talking about for so long.

  Dominick turns me on my back and says, “Rain, arms over your head baby. Keep them there. Don’t move them.”

  I comply with his request. Dominick pulls down my panties and throws them on the floor. I close my eyes. Bracing myself.

  “Rain, baby, eyes.” He prompts.

  I look at him and his eyes are dark and glazed over. The glow from the fireplace is dancing across his face. I want to touch his beautiful body, but I can’t move my hands. He smirks knowing what I want to do, but can’t. He positions himself over me and lowers himself inside me. I begin to moan and move my hips to meet his thrusts. He places one of his hands on my hip to stop me.

  “Angel, don’t talk, don’t move just look at me and feel.” His voice is edgy.

  I look at him. He has a smile curling up one side of his lips. He moves very, very slowly. The feeling is too intense. I can’t think straight.

  “Rain, this is where I need to be. No one gets this but me. I own this, baby. You belong to me.”

  He starts to move faster and then we both climax together. My orgasm seems to keep going well past his. When we’re finally complete. He pulls out and brings me to his side. I rest my head on his chest and sleep finds us both.

  I get up early and remove Dominick from my body without making him wake. I shower and dress. Dominick is still fast asleep. I stand near the bed looking at him. I move the hair from his eyes. I smile knowing that I love him. I want to tell, but I’m afraid. Afraid that Tommy might be right. What if all he wants is his father’s part of the firm and then he decides he’s done. Even Darian said that. Mike and Rain both think he’s a viper. Plus, my dad is being civil for me. He despises Dominick.

  I just can’t live my life for what others want for me. I have to listen to my heart and my heart loves him. I decide to tell him tonight during dinner. I head to the kitchen, pour myself some coffee and walk outside, stopping by the end of the property. I sit in one of the chairs and take in the view. I don’t know how long I am out here before Dominick comes over and kisses the top of my head and sits down in the vacant chair next to me. He’s showered and dressed with a cup of coffee in hand.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey, yourself. Did you sleep well?”

  He raises one eyebrow and smirks playfully. “Too well until …”

  “Until what?” Tilting my head back and to one side, not understanding his remark.

  “Until I felt you were gone from our bed.”

  Our bed.

  “I needed coffee.” Holding up my cup.

  He grabs my free hand and asks. “Where are you taking me today?”

  “I thought we could go into town and then hit some of the higher elevations. Capri has some really spectacular views I would love to share with you.”

  “I’m all yours, Rain.”

  I smile at him.

  He looks down at his mug as if he is considering something. “Rain, are you happier here than in the states?”

  I smile again. “Si sono stato felice qui, ma ora sto con me.


  I giggle. “I was, but now I have you with me.”

  He smiles and shakes his head. “You certainly do, baby.”

  “Yes,” I nod, closed my eyes briefly and smile back at him.

  We finished our coffee and breakfast. Then we head to Giardini di Augusto, with their breathtaking gardens. Over to Villa San Michele di Axel Munthe for a look at Roman sculptures. While admiring the ancient works of art Dominick says something I’d never thought I would hear come out of his mouth.

  “I wish my father would have brought me here on one of his many business trips.” His voice was pained. He was looking anywhere but at me. My heart ached for him.

  “Did you ever ask him if you could come along?” I was gentle. Not wanting to pry too much.

  “My mother told me he didn’t want us. That asking him was never an option.” It appears Dominick’s mother was also to blame for the tension between Dominick and his fath

  “Dominick you were a small boy. It was your mother’s responsibility to bring you and your father together. No matter what her relationship was with Vincent. She needed to put that aside for the sake on her son.”

  “Rain, I don’t want you hating my mom. She told me she tried all the time but Vincent wouldn’t budge. He didn’t want me.”

  “I guess I knew a very different man than you did, Dominick. Mr. Kane was always kind and helpful. Yet it is true I didn’t know he had a son. This seems to paint a very different picture of the man I thought I knew.” I looked down at my hands, pulling on my sleeves, not knowing what else to say to him.

  “Rain, it’s okay. Really. It’s a long time ago and I’m over it now.”

  Dominick was definitely not over it. If he was, he would have never taken me and set a plan of revenge in motion. I’m just glad that his actions brought us together as a couple. We are still going to have to deal with the fallout from this situation but I don’t want to think about that right now. I just want to be with the man I’m falling in love with and hopefully when I tell him, he won’t turn away from me.

  We continued our tour of Capri and finally stop at my favorite shop, Canfora, for handmade sandals. Okay, this is for me more so than Dominick. Once we reached town Dominick decided to explore the other shops while I went to have my sandals made. He’s going to buy gifts for Anna, Joseph and even Gerard. We agree to meet back in front of Canfora in an hour or so. I promised to text him when I’m done. He gives me a chaste kiss and walks down the cobblestone street. I smile as I head into the shop.

  Upon leaving the shop, about an hour later, I’m busy texting Dominick that I’m done. I’m not paying attention to where I’m going and I run into a large man’s chest. I almost lose my balance when the arms of this same man grab me around my waist. Saving me from hitting the pavement. I automatically reach out and hold onto his biceps. I look up to see that the very amused gentleman is Marcello. History repeats itself.

  “Rain! Rain! Mia bella ragazza! Ho manchi averti fra le mie braccia!”

  (My beautiful girl! I miss having you in my arms!)

  He spins me around and hugs me close.

  “Ah Marcello, but I’m not back to be in your arms. I’m here with someone.”


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