Beta's Strength: An MMM Mpreg Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 5)

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Beta's Strength: An MMM Mpreg Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 5) Page 15

by Nora Phoenix

  The omega was in the kitchen as well, a pale, trembling version of himself. Lucan hadn't left his side since the pack meeting where they'd all been told what was going on. There was definitely something going on there, Ruari decided. At least from Lucan's side, whose tender care for the omega couldn't be interpreted any other way. But Ruari wasn't sure how Sando felt about him. He seemed so oblivious, so clueless at times.

  In a way, he reminded him of Bray, and that was funny because physically, those two couldn't be more different. But Bray displayed that same social awkwardness, that same lack of intuition when it came to relationships. He could be so adorably blind at times that Ruari still wondered how they had ever mistaken that for arrogance. Well, the man was arrogant, but a lot of it was a mask to hide his insecurity.

  "Don't you need to be in the clinic?" Sando asked Lucan. "I heard Enar and Maz are preparing for possible injuries."

  "They've got it under control. I'm exactly where I need to be," Lucan said, and any doubts Ruari might've had about his feelings were obliterated by that simple statement.

  He wasn't the only one who had noticed, as there were some telling looks and smiles around the table. Lucan caught some of that, judging by his reaction, but Ruari loved that the man didn't seem embarrassed.

  "I don't understand why Kean was allowed to walk patrol but I wasn't," Lars said.

  "Because you were needed elsewhere," Vieno said, his tone suggesting this wasn't the first time they'd had this conversation.

  "But I'm the only beta who—"

  "No, you're not," Vieno said, his tone sharp now. "Look around the room, Lars. There is Lucan, sitting right there. Enar is in the clinic, with Maz, who I might add is an alpha and he's not walking patrol. Neither is Ori, by the way, who is also an alpha, and is sitting right here with us. You need to stop thinking in terms of status and think in terms of who is the best man for the job."

  Lars looked a little embarrassed. "I thought it was because Grayson had said no."

  Vieno shook his head. "Dude, the pack's needs trump whatever rules you have with your daddy. If Palani had needed you to walk patrol, you would've walked patrol, trust me. We respect Grayson's authority, but not when it clashes with what the pack needs.

  "It's no wonder society struggles with change and allowing omegas more freedom," Ruari said. "Here we are, in a situation where we know rationally that we’re valued based upon our skills and character, not our status, and yet we struggle with finding our roles and dynamics. It's not easy to overcome years and years of conditioning, you know?"

  "It's true," Servas said. "Even though I've always been taken seriously here as an omega, I was blown away when Lidon asked me to take over Jawon's job. Despite knowing that I have the best credentials and that I’m capable, my first instinct was to refer to Ori, just because he's an alpha."

  "I never wanted that job," Ori said.

  "I know, and it was nothing you did. But it's like Ruari said, it's overcoming years of being taught that alphas come first. Even when we know better, it's a hard habit to break."

  There were nods and hums of agreement all around the table.

  "I don't mean to be a pain, I swear, but I don't understand why Palani would need Kean to walk patrol and not me. Kean's not a fighter either, so what's the difference between him and me?" Lars asked, and Ruari could hear the frustration in his voice.

  He and Vieno looked at each other, and then smiled, because to them, the answer was completely obvious. "They're brothers," Ruari said softly. "It's a heavy responsibility Palani has right now, and I think he wanted Kean by his side because they're so close. It's a comfort thing, a confidence thing, maybe."

  Vieno nodded. "Yes to all of that. Also, Palani has been worried sick about Kean after the attack. I think he also needs him close to make sure he's okay."

  Lars slowly nodded, tension seeping from his body.

  “Also,” Vieno said, “You’re needed here because you have a pregnant mate who doesn’t need to worry about two of his men.”

  That made Lars cringe and shoot an apologetic look at Sven, who kept his reproachful attitude up for only a few seconds before he softened and gave Lars a sweet smile. Ruari smiled inwardly when he saw. Sven forgave so easily, his heart too soft and big to hold on to anger. But Lars’s initial reaction was telling, thinking he’d been shut out because he was a beta.

  "That makes sense. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to question Palani's decision,” Lars said.

  "You didn't," Vieno said. "And it's better to ask than to wrongly assume. You know we value open communication in the pack."

  Ruari smiled. "I love how you say we when you talk about Lidon and Palani, about the four of you. It's like you're truly one."

  The smile Vieno sent him back was blinding. "It feels that way. I don't know if this is something that's unique to us or to the pack alpha, but I can sense their emotions. It's why I'm calling now, because I can sense my men are okay. Lidon is on high alert, but he's not in danger."

  Huh, that was interesting. Ruari wondered if it was unique to Lidon, considering how strong his powers were. Or maybe it was an alpha-claim thing? That meant he would be able to feel it as well if Bray alpha-claimed him.

  He froze to his spot when he realized his line of thought. When Bray alpha-claimed him, not if. It was a matter of time. And that thought, which would've scared him senseless a year ago, instead made his heart sing. He wanted to be claimed by him, wanted that connection with him and with Kean. He wanted what they had to be official, as official as it got. It was a scary thought, and yet a wonderful one at the same time.

  But he didn't have time to figure out what it all meant, because Palani rushed into the kitchen, his face beaming. "They've got him. Our men are all okay. It went off without a hitch," he announced. "They've got your dad, and he's okay," he told Sando, who promptly burst into tears.

  Sando reached out for Lucan, who immediately held him, pulling the omega close to his side and hugging him. Shouts of joy went through the kitchen, and Vieno jumped up from his chair to kiss Palani. Ruari leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes for a second to process the relief he felt. It was strange, because he'd never even met the man, but they owed so much to him. Plus, he was Sando's dad, and the omega had suffered the last months, not knowing what had happened to his father. And to hear that it had gone according to plan, that Bray and everyone else was okay, the wave of relief was strong.

  "They're bringing in two extra men," Palani said when everyone had calmed down a bit. "Watkins, who was the private investigator we hired to find Melloni, and one of the guards."

  "Why the hell would they bring back one of the guards?" Vieno asked the same question that had been on the tip of Ruari’s tongue. This was one of his father's men, so why on earth would they bring him to the ranch?

  Palani shrugged. "I didn't ask for an explanation. We'll hear it when they arrive. It should be another half hour."

  "My father, he's okay?" Sando asked in between big sobs that broke Ruari's heart just a little.

  Palani walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "From what I understand, he's tired and a little weak, but otherwise fine. He can't wait to see you, Lidon told me."

  The time dragged by until they finally heard the men arrive. Sando rose, his hand reaching for Lucan’s, who took it and stood by his side as they waited. Seconds later, a tired-looking man walked into the kitchen, his eyes frantically searching until they found Sando.

  "Papa!" Sando cried out, and then he let go of Lucan and ran into his father's arms.

  There was not a dry eye in the kitchen at that reunion, Ruari included, who wiped the tears from his eyes when he saw how Melloni would not let go of his son, hugging him and kissing him, the both of them crying.

  It hit Ruari hard for a moment, the realization that this was what a father-son relationship was supposed to look like, both father and son overjoyed at seeing each other again. But it was only a moment, and then he reminded himself this wasn’t on hi
m. The fact that he felt relief more than anything else now that his father was dead, that was a testament to the way the man had treated him, nothing else.

  Lidon had asked Ruari if he wanted his father to be buried—outside pack land, of course—and if he wanted to be present, but Ruari had kindly declined. He appreciated they’d taken his feelings into consideration, but he’d been forever done with the man the moment he’d walked out of that basement. His father’s death had been the final chapter in a book he’d wanted to close a long time ago. He had a family here, and he wanted to share in the joy that Sando was reunited with his dad.

  It took a while before the kitchen calmed down, and Ruari realized he hadn't seen Bray or Lidon. "They had to drop off Watkins at the clinic," Palani said, probably following his thoughts. "From what I understand, they didn't treat him as well as they did Melloni. He's got some injuries that need to be checked out."

  "I'll go see if they need any help," Lucan said.

  It surprised Ruari that the beta who had declared before he was exactly where he needed to be would now desert Sando. But when Ruari looked at Sando to see how he would respond, the omega hadn't even noticed, too caught up in the reunion with his father. That made sense, but Ruari couldn't help but feel sad when he watched Lucan walk out, his shoulders hanging low.


  His day had been a crazy one, and Kean was exhausted when he finally made it to the dinner he, Ruari, and Bray had planned. He'd gotten a late start, due to being up so late to patrol and wait for Lidon and Bray to get back. Ever since, he’d been trying to catch up, which had proven to be impossible. He'd barely had time to take a shower before dinner, but since he'd been going nine rounds with a stubborn cow who had fought him hard when he’d tried to help her deliver her calf, he hadn't wanted to show up covered in…whatever it was that had smelled so horrible.

  He rushed in, only five minutes after the agreed time, hoping that Ruari wouldn't be too upset. His omega greeted him with a sweet smile, delicious smells rising up from the pans on the stove behind him. They were using the second kitchen in the back of Jawon's House, close to the big ballroom that was supposed to become theirs.

  "Hi, baby," Kean said, kissing Ruari softly. "I'm sorry I'm late."

  "Dude, I saw you run by earlier and you looked like shit, literally, so you're excused for taking the time to shower and change," Ruari said with a smile.

  "I wouldn't do that to you," Kean said, laughing. "And oh my god, that smells fantastic."

  Ruari waved toward the table. "Sit down, dinner is ready."

  Bray was already seated at the table, looking as tired as Kean. Kean lowered himself on the chair next to him with a groan, relieved beyond words he could finally sit down. "Hey," he said to Bray.

  Bray frowned, then looked from Kean to Ruari and back, before reaching for Kean's neck and pulling him close for a kiss. Oh wow, that was different, Kean thought. He was always a little hesitant with things like this with Bray, never quite sure what the alpha was comfortable with. Bray took his time kissing him, and Kean melted into his touch, the tiredness seeping out of him.

  "That's how I like to be greeted," Kean whispered against his lips when Bray finally pulled back.

  Bray smiled. "Yeah? Me too," he said, and Kean filed that away for later.

  Ruari, bless his heart, piled the food high on their plates, steaming heaps of pasta with what looked to be homemade meatballs and loads of freshly grated cheese on top. It was heaven disguised as dinner, and Kean’s mouth watered at the mere sight and smell of it.

  "How was your day?" Bray asked him, and Kean almost dropped his fork at that unexpected question. Bray was never one for small talk, but apparently, he was in a mood of some kind. First that kiss and now talk.

  "Long," he said with his mouth full. "Hard."

  "What happened?” Ruari asked.

  "Shitty delivery with one of the cows. Her calf was facing the wrong way and she wouldn't let me turn him."

  "Did they make it?" Bray asked, surprising Kean again. Usually, he was content to listen to Ruari and Kean talk, but Kean couldn't deny he loved that the alpha got involved in the conversation.

  "Yeah, mom is weak but good, and the calf made it, so there's that. I'm keeping a close eye on them."

  "You really need someone by your side," Bray said. "It's a lot of work and responsibility for you by yourself."

  A few months ago, Kean would've taken that as criticism, as Bray saying he wasn't able to do the job by himself. Now he understood that this was just the alpha's way of expressing concern.

  "I do, and I mentioned it to Palani again today. He said they gave you a list of names for background checks."

  Bray nodded, chewing quickly to empty his mouth. "Yes. They're all friends or relatives of current pack members, so I'm not expecting anything weird to pop up, but obviously, were not taking any risks."

  "But do they know about the pack already?" Ruari asked.

  Bray shook his head. "No, we decided that the best course of action was to check them out first. If they don't pass the background check, there's no sense in telling them anything. So once they're cleared by me, Palani will set up a tour and visit, and he and Lidon will decide if they're a good fit."

  That made sense to Kean. "Any chance you already spotted someone with experience with animals?" he asked, hopeful.

  "Sorry, no. Maybe you can think of someone from college? Someone you worked with before?"

  That wasn't a bad suggestion, actually. Something he would have to go over in his mind to see if he could think of anyone he would love to work with. Hmm, maybe Wilmer would be interested. Last thing Kean had heard, his college friend wasn’t too happy in his current job, playing second fiddle to some ancient alpha vet who had zero faith in the recent graduate. Something to think about and maybe ask Palani about, since he’d met Wilmer multiple times.

  "How was your day?" Ruari asked Bray.

  Kean was expecting the usual short answer, but something flashed over the alpha's face before he said, "Complicated. We’re all happy Melloni is safe and sound, of course, but the information we've discovered through all this is puzzling. Palani is planning another pack meeting tomorrow, but the gist of it is that we have conflicting information about the attack on the ranch."

  "What do you mean?" Ruari asked. "It seems obvious Wyndham was behind it since he was present at the attack."

  Kean thought it telling that Ruari referred to his father by his last name. It was a good sign, a sign of distancing himself from his past and of coming to terms with it, but it also saddened Kean. Ruari had deserved better than to have a man like that as his father.

  Bray seemed to hesitate for a second before he answered. "Yes, but according to our information, he wasn't supposed to be. The attack he led, that was not the attack Duer wanted to warn us about. His information was about a planned attack led by Ryland with many more men and with a different goal. Watkins, however, overheard Wyndham talk to the guards about the attack that did take place. It seems like he went rogue, somehow."

  "Why would he do that?" Kean asked, trying to piece it together in his mind. "If they had planned a much bigger attack, one with a higher chance at success, why did he do the smaller one?"

  "It's all speculation at this point, but what we think is that Ryland didn't know Wyndham had Melloni," Bray said, and Kean could barely hold back a gasp. "We don't have all the information yet, but that's the picture that's emerging. Ryland and Wyndham may have worked together, but they clearly didn't trust each other completely, which is not uncommon for a crime boss like Wyndham. So he must've held that part secret from Ryland, for reasons we can only guess at."

  Kean played it all in his head, the information they had now. There was one thing that didn't make sense to him. "The other attack plan, the one Duer wanted to warn us about, what was the goal?"

  Bray shot Ruari a quick look, and Kean guessed he wasn't sure if he should say it in front of the omega. "You can say it," Ruari said with a soft
sigh. "I'd rather face the truth."

  "Duer said the goal was to kill everyone on the ranch and burn it to the ground."

  Silence hung heavy in the kitchen after that statement from Bray. Kean's first thought was that if that was true, they'd gotten incredibly lucky Wyndham had decided to go rogue. Fighting off twenty men who wanted to kidnap a baby was a hell of a lot easier than fighting off fifty who came with the goal to kill.

  "I don't understand that level of hate," Ruari said, his voice thick with emotion. "I don't understand how humans can hate with such force that they can justify crimes like that."

  "It doesn't make sense," Kean said, his mind still trying to find the logic in it. "And I mean that literally. That plan doesn't make sense. Why would Ryland want to send fifty men to destroy us? I know he hates Lidon and he hates shifters, but at the time they made that plan, they didn't know more of us could shift. If they had information about what happened here, all they knew about was Lidon. No one expected the rest of us would be able to shift as well, so why on earth would they devote that much manpower to destroying us? It literally makes no sense."

  Much to his surprise, Bray smiled at him. "What?" Kean asked, feeling a little defensive.

  "It just amazes me that your brother said almost the same exact thing. I swear to god, if we put the two of you in a room, I bet you would figure out the whole thing within an hour. Well, maybe we'd have to throw in your youngest brother as well, because he gets mighty pissy if he feels left out, but I bet you guys would have it solved in no time."

  And that, Kean decided, was maybe the sweetest and nicest thing Bray had ever said to him. "Thank you," he said, beaming at him. "Maybe we should."

  "What did you guys decide to do with that guard? What was the story with him?" Ruari asked.


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