Oceans Apart 5

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Oceans Apart 5 Page 9

by Amanda Heartley

  I grit my teeth as she spasmed and clutched at me. She wrapped one of her legs around my waist and I flung the other one over my shoulder, holding her against me. I looked down to see my cock thrusting into her pussy and that nearly sent me over the edge.

  “How are you still hard?” Ginny gasped out as she returned to Earth. I smiled at her as I leaned down to nip at her reddened lips.

  “All the better to fuck you, baby.”

  Without warning, I drew my hips back before snapping forward, pummeling, obliterating any chance of either of us surviving the next few thrusts without succumbing to pleasure.

  “Oh, please!” Ginny’s eyes rolled back in her head as her legs tightened around me. Her hips swayed into my beating rhythm and I could feel myself losing control along with her.

  “Oh fuck!” I shouted, the rhythmic movement of my hips became erratic as I pushed more deeply into her. My lips met hers in a kiss filled with love and passion. “I love you so fucking much, baby. Only you, and me until we’re old and… fuck, fuck!” My babbling must have been just enough because Ginny was shaking apart all around me.

  My hips were still beating a punishing rhythm, while Ginny’s pussy turned vice-like with her release. It was more than enough to wring my climax from me, balls drawn up close to my body and cum shooting out into her warmth. My cock must have hit something sensitive inside of her, because the next thing I knew, she’d arched again, mouth open and moaning in ecstasy. Her body’s grip on my cock became almost painful and I felt myself pulse cum inside her again.

  “Fuck, baby.”


  I gathered her into my arms, lips brushing against her moist forehead in a soft kiss. We were both clinging more than touching, hands gripping tightly to whatever parts we could find.

  Ginny made me feel invincible, made me do crazy things that I never imagined myself doing. And yet, she was so good in a way that no one else could ever be.

  I would never find anyone better for me.

  She quivered around me again, her grip loosened until her hands slid up to bury themselves again in my hair. They started a petting motion that was too soothing to resist and I didn’t want to move. I let the motions of her fingers lull me into a doze and just as I fell into a deep sleep, I heard her speak two words that put a big smile on my lips.

  Chapter 14 — Ginny

  I woke with a deliciously aching feeling and couldn’t help the wide smile on my face. The past few days had been filled with exploring the city by day and unchecked passion by night. It seemed that with the public wedding, Tristan’s libido had gone into overdrive and I, for one, loved every minute of it. Speaking of which, where was my husband?

  It was the first morning I’d awoken alone in the past few days, but I shrugged it off and headed for the shower. My parents were leaving this morning and I’d planned to see them off to the airport. Mrs. Armstrong, I mean, mummy, had called a car for us to make the trek and as much as I wanted to drag my feet, I knew my parents needed to get home.

  A hot shower was exactly what I needed and I groaned aloud as the muscles in my back unknotted with the force of the water pressure. Being loaded sure came with some perks and this was one that I had no problem with.

  When I stepped into the dining room, the scene before me made me smile and a feeling of warmth and hominess came over me. My parents and Mummy Armstrong were in deep discussions, all three of them occasionally laughing and no doubt sharing embarrassing stories from Tristan’s and my youth. Mike and Kari were sitting closer than necessary, heads bent toward one another and smiles on both of their faces while Tristan looked on in amusement. The moment he saw me standing there however, he jumped up and guided me to the table. The action made me giggle, but I let him lead and pull out my chair for me.

  “Well it’s about time you woke up sleepy head,” my mother smiled. She had a soft expression on her face as her gaze shifted back and forth between Tristan and me. Did she know? I could feel my cheeks heat up even as I leaned to fill my breakfast plate with bacon and eggs.

  “Another long night?” Kari asked a bit too sweetly and with a smile far too wide. I grinned back.

  “Much longer than yours, I’m sure,” I retorted back just as sweetly.

  “Not bloody likely,” Mike huffed under his breath as Tristan laughed out loud. Thankfully, our parents seemed totally confused and just went back to their own conversation. Tristan kissed the side of my head as he wrapped an arm around me and breakfast continued on with no further comments on anyone’s late night antics.

  Although I didn’t want them to go, I knew dad had to get back to work, so Kari and I rode to the airport with my parents. My dad held my hand and I could hear mom sniffling beside me. My mother’s hug at the airport was tight and almost suffocating in a good way. When she pulled back, I could see the tears in her eyes and I wasn’t able to hold back my own. I hadn’t seen them in so long and this short visit to England just wasn’t long enough to spend quality time with them.

  “Take care of one another,” she breathed.

  “We will,” I whispered in return then pulled her in for another hug. “I’m glad you came, Mommy.”

  “So am I, honey. You need to come around more often. Now that you have Tristan, I expect to see you girls more often. Not just at Christmas and weddings.”

  “Yes, Mom. And call me as soon as you get home. Doesn’t matter what time.”

  “Okay, honey. You girls be safe.”

  “And keep Kari from getting into too much trouble, I heard about the colorful dinner party you girls had,” my dad chimed in before pulling me in and planting a soft kiss on my forehead. “I love you, kid. You did good.”

  I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could and looked up to see his eyes wet with tears that hadn’t fell. “I love you too, daddy.”

  He pulled Kari over in a bear hug, “You stay out of trouble, young lady. I don’t want to have to worry about you.”

  “Yes, Sir. You won’t have to worry about me!” She smiled and turned to my mom and I could tell she was holding back some tears of her own. “Goodbye, mom, we’ll be there soon. I promise.”

  Saying goodbye to my parents was one of the hardest things I’d done over the past few weeks, but their hugs warmed me inside and stayed with me all the way back to the castle. Tristan was at the door waiting for us and I didn’t even need to say anything before he swept me into a tight hug, one that I gladly returned.

  When we returned to our room, I was surprised to see mum waiting for us, perched gingerly on the bed, almost as if she knew exactly what we’d put it through over the last few days. I blushed, but then remembered the maid replaced the linens after I’d gotten in the shower.

  “Ginny, you saw your parents off okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. They got off okay. I’m sure dad is kicked back on that lounger enjoying people waiting on him. He’s probably got the whole first class cracking up by now.” I laughed a little. My dad was a character. That’s why mom loved him so much. He had an amazing sense of humor.

  I let out a little sigh and Tristan wrapped his arm around my waist. “Mum, are you here for something or just checking up on us?” His words came out a little tense and I wondered if she’d come to talk about the prenup.

  She let out a long breath and said, “Sit down, both of you. I know you’re both probably wondering about the tirade and the accusations from Vanessa before she was removed from the ceremony.”

  Tristan sat on the small love seat opposite the bed, and I reluctantly sat down at his side. The sound of that bitch’s name made me stiffen, but the hand rubbing circles on my back helped soothe me. I knew Tristan was still curious about what she’d meant, even though I’d pushed it from my mind. She seemed to need a moment to gather her thoughts before she turned her bright eyes back to us.

  “Your father and Vanessa’s father had been friends since before university. I dare say they were quite like Ginny and Kari as far as relationships go; more brothe
rs than friends.”

  “I know that, Mum, but what does—“

  She held her hand up. “Just let me finish, please.” Her quiet plea made Tristan snap his mouth shut then she turned her pleading gaze toward me. “Please understand. All of it was just an accident. Neither of them meant for anyone to get hurt.”

  My mouth opened, but all I could do was stare. What the hell?

  “They were both drunk and idiots, like most young men are at that age. The girl they were with was drunk too, so none of them were prepared for what happened. It was just a freak accident that the girl fell into the water. They’d all been in the boat, but Vanessa’s father…” she trailed off.

  “He took the blame for the girl’s death?” Tristan whispered. His mum sniffed and nodded.

  “He told the police that Martin was sleeping off a hangover when the girl fell in. They determined it was criminal negligence, and Vanessa’s father went to jail for it. Thanks to his confession, your father was let off the hook with just a caution, but their relationship was never the same.”

  “I get there may be bad blood, but what does this all have to do with me?” Tristan pleaded loudly. I rested my hand on his arm, glad when he calmed a little.

  “Your father promised that you and Vanessa would be married, in order to secure her father’s access to the Armstrong name, as well as his silence on the accident.” Her face took on an annoyed expression. “In fact, Vanessa wasn’t even supposed to know. When you two started dating, your father and I assumed you two fell for one another naturally, but now I know different and I just…”

  Tristan stood and walked over to his mum. When she refused to look him in his face, he kneeled down and took her hands into his own.

  “It’s okay, Mum. In the end, you did let me choose. You told me to follow my heart and it led me exactly to where I was supposed to be.”

  His words made me smile, and I could see that love reflected in his mom’s eyes. I stood up and walked over to them placing my hand over theirs.

  “Thank you, Mum.”

  My words seemed to have a magical effect on both of them. Before I knew it, I was enveloped between them, our arms wrapped around one another seeking and giving comfort and peace.

  I didn’t know if Vanessa would back off or if she’d pop up in our lives sometime in the future. But now, with Mum by our side, I knew that Tristan and I would be ready for her, together.

  Chapter 15 — Tristan

  The drive out to meet Kari and Mike at the pub was one of quiet contemplation. After speaking with mum at the house and uncovering the reason for Vanessa’s seeming inability to go the bloody hell away, I wasn’t sure what to think. I’d made peace with my father and yet this newest piece of information only highlighted how little I truly knew about him.

  “Stop, Tris,” Ginny said her hand reaching over to rest on my leg. I could feel her warmth bleeding through my jeans and I tried to keep my attention on shifting gears, rather than curling up into her comforting heat.

  “Stop what? Stop thinking about how my father is a murderer? Stop thinking about how he decided to practically give me away just to save his own reputation?” My voice cracked on the last sentence. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and tried to keep my cool. It wouldn’t be cool to get upset with Ginny, not now.

  Her hand moved from resting, to stroking my thigh in an attempt to calm me. “You know, baby, I thought the same thing when your mom was telling us all of that, but…I don’t think you should be too upset with your father.”

  My head spun around and I looked at her incredulously. “Ginny, are you mad? He lied to me for most of my life!”

  “But he was only trying to protect you. Think about it. It was an accident, which was already proven. If he’d gone to jail, he never would’ve met your mom or built the company. Maybe he didn’t tell you about Vanessa, because he wanted you to fall into a relationship on your own.” Her pleading eyes bored into mine even as I shifted my gaze back to the traffic in front of me.

  I sighed. Maybe she was right.

  “Of course I am,” she replied smugly. “You’re a very loud thinker,” Ginny giggled as we pulled up outside of the pub. I could see Kari and Mike already sitting inside near the window. We parked the car and soon enough we were sitting with them. We ordered pints of bitter, home fries, fish and chips and a salad and lemonade for Ginny.

  “So, your father was involved in some sort of accident when he was a college student? That’s why Vanessa screamed murderer?” Kari asked before taking a large gulp of her beer, leaving her with a comical foam moustache.


  “Wow, mate. That is one hell of a story. What are you going to do about Vanessa? Think she’s given up on you now that you’re officially off the market?” Mike asked with a big grin.

  “Ignore the bitch until she backs the fuck up and learns her place.”

  We all paused and looked at Ginny. I was surprised by how determined she was, and she seemed to surprise Kari as well. She gazed back at us unapologetically and I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “What my wife said!” I shot back, holding my glass in the air. Mike and Kari laughed before meeting my glass with a clink.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys, Santos finally called me about the Brad situation.” Mike exclaimed, plopping his glass down with a clunk. The girls perked up, especially Ginny. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders just in case the news wasn’t good. “So apparently the tosser is in more trouble than just with Ginny. Turns out he was a bloody serial stalker!”

  “What?” Ginny yelled, shooting up out of her seat. I had to calm her back down with a placating hand on her arm.

  “Yeah, he said they found covert video equipment and photos of other women covered his whole fucking wall. Lots of women. It looked like he’d been stalking most of them for some time and even threatened other women with his homemade sex tapes. Looks like he’s going to be in jail for quite a long time.”

  Kari snorted. “Good! Serves the bastard right. Now maybe we can move on with our lives and not have to worry about our house being broken into and bugged by a sadistic pervert.”

  Ginny laughed. “Well I won’t be there for a while, anyway. Tristan has a pretty extensive traveling schedule planned for the next few months before we go back to LA for good.”

  “And I’d never plan on doing anything without my lovely bride by my side,” I added, kissing her forehead lightly and tightening my arm around her shoulders.

  Kari and Mike both groaned.

  “You guys are so cute, it’s bloody nauseating…you soft jessie,” he grumbled. All I could do was laugh into Ginny’s hair and engage in even more cute behavior just to rile him up.

  “Gin, why aren’t you drinking? You never turn down good English beer,” Kari asked. Ginny giggled again before looking up at me with a beautiful smile.

  “Oh, you know, just to be on the safe side,” she answered cryptically.

  “On the safe side of what?” Mike asked. “What do you mean by—oh!”

  Kari looked back and forth between Ginny’s blushing cheeks, my wide smile and Mike’s surprised expression. “What? What am I missing?” she asked, totally confused by all of our behavior.

  Looking down at Ginny, a huge smile came to my lips. All of the events that had happened since I met her, the good, the bad, the brilliant. It was all worth it. Nothing could have prepared me for finding the love of my life, and I felt nothing but excitement for where our future was headed.

  I placed a hand on her stomach and imagined that I could feel the flutter of life there; the knowledge that soon our family would expand with our love for one another. I shifted down until I could rest my lips against Ginny’s and enjoyed the sigh of contentment that bubbled from hers.

  “Oh my God! You’re pregnant!”

  The sound of Kari’s screech made Ginny and I laugh aloud before our lips met again, and I knew that no matter what, with Ginny by my side I could take on the whole bloo
dy world.



  I’d like to thank my lovely readers again for your support, y’all rock! Without you, there would be no reason for me to keep writing these books. You’re all wonderful and I so appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

  I also want to thank my incredible Facebook fans, beta readers and advance copy reviewers. I appreciate all your help in making this series the success it’s been.

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  About The Author

  Amanda Heartley is a writer of sinfully sexy romance books. She was born and raised in Oklahoma and subsequently transplanted into the hustle and bustle of life in Southern California. She's a country girl at heart with an insatiable weakness for sexy men and feisty women. Her first erotic series was published in July 2013.

  At home, she plays Mom, chef, ninja, taxi, and nurse hanging out with her four wonderful children and three loveable mutts.

  You can find her drinking a green smoothie, relaxing in the back yard, writing another steamy story.

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