The Time Sphere

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The Time Sphere Page 18

by A. E. Albert

  Georgii held out the basket in his hands to the large guard. “Good evening, Issacus. My father gave me permission to bring you all bread and wine for your long night,” he said, employing a quick bow.

  Another soldier took the basket and looked through it, finding a jug of wine. “Ahh, your father is a good man, Georgii,” he said, causing the other soldiers to laugh.

  “May we go in and give out food to the rest of the men?” Georgii inquired, an innocent expression on his face.

  The soldier Issacus replied with a shrug of his shoulders, “I’m sorry, Georgii, no one is allowed in but us; orders from the mayor.”

  Just then, a loud gong reverberated through the streets. A man came running toward them, fear lining his features. The stranger stopped and out of breath, yelled, “The public stables are burning! Come, we need every available man to help contain it!”

  Billy looked in the general direction of the man, and he could see smoke billowing and tendrils of fire reaching into the sky in the distance. Every man standing in front of the jail immediately darted off in the direction of the flames.

  Just like that, they were the only ones left standing in front of the prison. Billy looked at Georgii with amazement. Georgii, however, did not seem surprised by these turn of events.

  They crept inside and went down the stairs leading to cells below. They quietly ran down the stone halls and peered into cells, all of which were empty. Billy peeked around a corner and saw a lonely guard sitting on a stool in front of a closed chamber.

  All of a sudden he heard, “May I please have some water?” coming from the occupant inside. Billy knew that voice anywhere. Jeanie.

  Billy turned to Georgii. “She’s over there,” he whispered, as he pointed down the hall.

  Georgii confidently walked down the hall and stood before the jailor. The man looked up in surprise. “Georgii! What are you doing down here? Did Issacus send you?”

  Georgii smiled. “I have brought some food and drink, Signor.”

  Before Billy could blink, Georgii reached in the basket and grabbed the small clay jug of wine and hit the jailor over the head. Georgii quickly grabbed him before he fell, and Billy rushed over to help him prop the man against the wall.

  “I’m truly sorry, Signor, but you will only have a bump on the head and a slight headache in the morning,” Georgii assured the sleeping man.

  Billy grabbed the jailor’s keys and quickly opened the cell door, revealing an astonished Jeanie.

  “Come on!” he yelled, grabbing Jeanie’s hand, and they all began racing down the prison corridor.

  As they reached the end of the hall, someone was coming around the corner.


  He had a knowing and smug expression on his face, like he expected Billy and Georgii to be there. “Well, well, well, little Georgii and his friends.” He looked down at Georgii, who came forward to stand at Billy’s side. “I thought you would come here and try to do something stupid. Ahh, but what an opportunity for me.” His voice was laced with glee, and his eyes shone with malice.

  “What are you talking about? Shouldn’t you be helping put out the fire,” accused Billy.

  “Who do you think started it?” Niccolo replied, as he focused his malevolent gaze on him. “I told you that you would regret challenging me. Now, I am going to be the hero. I shall stop you two fools from freeing the prisoner and reveal to everyone what a pathetic piece of filth the boy who would never be a knight is.” The arrogant boy’s face glowed with an unnatural joy.

  Billy thought that Niccolo was crazy and he didn’t understand why the mayor’s demented son was so bent on exposing Georgii.

  “What is your problem? If Georgii is a stupid baker’s son, why do you care so much?” No sooner were the words out of Billy’s mouth, when the answer became so obvious. He had suddenly remembered the words of Niccolo’s sister, Isabella.

  “That’s it, isn’t it!” he began to laugh. “That’s your problem! Georgii is just a baker’s son. He is smaller and weaker, but you know in your heart that he would be twice the knight you are if given the chance. In fact, he’s twice the man you are right now. He has more courage and more character then you will-”

  “Shut your mouth!” the young man roared. “You know nothing! I am a noble by birth, while he is nothing but-”

  “Nobility is not something you’re born with, it’s something you work hard every day for. Noble is what you choose to be.” Billy turned to look at his friend at his side. “You taught me that, Georgii.”

  “Fine, then prove it, peasant! Unsheathe your sword and prove that you are worthy to be a knight!” Niccolo shouted at Georgii.

  Georgii’s hand went to his side, but only an empty sheath remained. He closed his eyes as if suddenly remembering that his reliable sword was now in a dozen pieces on the side of a road. Georgii opened his eyes and looked straight ahead. With a clenched jaw, he turned around and walked over to the sleeping jailor and picked up his fallen weapon. He returned and stood in front of Jeanie and Billy. He raised his arm and pointed the gleaming sword at Niccolo.

  Jeanie put her hand gently on his arm and in a soft voice said, “Don’t do this, Georgii, he’s not worth it.”

  With his hands shaking as he gripped the hilt of the blade, Georgii spoke to his friends, but never took his eyes off of Niccolo. “Courage is doing what is right in the face of danger, even at personal risk. I did not really know what those words meant until you put yourself into harm’s way for me, Billy. And you are right; a knight seeks nobility through the act of virtue and the roots of character, by being an example to others.”

  As Georgii said these words, his back straightened and his expression hardened. “Step aside, Niccolo; you shall not persecute the innocent for your own selfish desires any longer.”

  Niccolo threw his head back and laughed. “And you are going to stop me?” His eyes narrowed and his smile turned into a sneer. “Well, you may try. I have looked forward to the opportunity to reveal how pathetic your fantasies are.” Niccolo bent his legs at the knees, held his sword with two hands and pointed it at Georgii’s chest. “Well, come on, boy.”

  Georgii didn’t move a muscle. He just stood there. With his sword raised, he focused on his target, patiently waiting. Niccolo growled, baring his teeth and swung his sword. Georgii moved out of the way, the sword slamming into the stone floor. Niccolo swirled around, swinging blindly and striking a column. Georgii didn’t smile; he had no expression as he clutched his unused sword. Niccolo again brought his sword high above his head and swung in a downward motion. Again, Georgii, as quick as lightening, simply moved out of the blade’s way.

  Niccolo stood hunched over with exhaustion, breathing heavily as he yelled, “I thought you wanted to prove you were a knight, so come on then, coward!”

  Niccolo kept swinging and Georgii kept leaping out of his reach. The young knights’ movements became sluggish and slow. Once again, Niccolo held the sword over his head, only to stop in mid swing. Although his breath was labored and sweat poured down the sides of his face, he smiled at Georgii.

  “I know what you are trying to do, baker’s son,” he said in a low voice.

  Suddenly, Niccolo reached out and grabbed Jeanie by her hair, pulling her against his heaving chest. His eyes once again become aglow as he placed the edge of his sword against her dainty neck.

  “All of this trouble because of one stupid girl. Perhaps I will complete the duty of the executioners right now,” Niccolo whispered as he pressed his blade against her flesh.

  Billy watched in horror as a drop of blood slid down Jeanie’s neck. He let out a roar and ran toward Niccolo. Niccolo let out a laugh as he easily brought up his leg, and kicked Billy with enough strength to send him crashing against the wall.

  “I would not try that again,” Niccolo uttered in a menacing tone.

  Billy could do nothing but sit frozen on the ground as he gazed up at the older boy holding a sword to his best friend’s neck. He believ
ed with absolute certainty that Niccolo would do exactly as he said. He didn’t have a weapon or any skill what so ever that could help Jeanie.

  Billy turned to look at Georgii, who was standing with his sword lowered to the ground. For the first time, Billy could see many different emotions playing across his slight features. Georgii was looking down at his weapon with terror in his eyes.

  As Billy gazed at his friend, he suddenly knew one important truth. This was Georgii’s battle and he was their only chance. Georgii just needed to believe it.

  “Georgii!” Billy called out to his friend.

  Georgii lifted his tired head and looked at Billy with fearful eyes.

  “Faith, Georgii,” he said, as his friend looked at him with confusion. “A knight lives by faith, remember. I’ve seen you fight. You can beat him, Georgii. You just have to believe you can. The code says a true knight can kick butt when he has to, even if the other guy is bigger than him.”

  A small smile played upon Georgii’s lips. “That is not in the knight’s code, Billy.”

  “Well, it should be, buddy.”

  Georgii looked down at his small hand, staring as if he was looking at it for the first time. He then clenched his jaw as he wrapped it around the hilt of his sword. He raised his head, his eyes once again filled with fortitude. Georgii focused his intense gaze on Niccolo, who was still holding a blade to his friend’s neck.

  “Do not do this, Niccolo,” he said in a calm and quiet voice. “A knight does not find shelter behind the weak but is, in fact, their shelter.”

  Niccolo's eyes became hard and he clenched his teeth. “Enough!” he yelled. “Enough of that stupid code! A knight is only strong when he proves his might through victory!”

  Georgii shook his head. “At any cost? Even at the cost of your own soul?”

  “A true warrior is willing to do what needs to be done to achieve glory!”

  “Glory? No, Niccolo. A knight does not seek glory, but finds it thrust upon him when he is willing to do what is right in the face of danger.” Georgii took a step closer to Niccolo. “You wish to clash swords with me? I will grant you your wish, but let her go. I give you my word, Niccolo.”

  The noble’s son stood still as he considered this. Suddenly, he pushed Jeanie away from him and ran at Georgii with a yell. He raised his weapon and struck Georgii’s sword, knocking the smaller boy to the ground. Georgii barely had enough time to raise his blade before Niccolo brought his down again. With lightening speed and strength, Niccolo again raised his sword and aimed for Georgii’s neck. All Georgii could do was roll out of the way, as Niccolo’s sword struck the stone floor, causing sparks to fly.

  Billy watched as the young noble fought with none of the eloquence or fair play that he imagined a knight would. The enraged boy continued to raise his sword and attempt to hack Georgii in two. If it were not for Georgii’s quick reflexes, Billy thought, he would be dead by now.

  Just then, Niccolo stumbled in his exhaustion, giving Georgii time to re-position himself out of striking distance. Niccolo put his hands on his knees and was breathing heavily.

  Georgii wiped the sweat from his brow and leaned on his sword, all the while looking at Niccolo with weary eyes. Suddenly, the look in Georgii’s gaze changed and he slowly stood up.

  With pity in his eyes, he said, “I am truly sorry, Niccolo.”

  Niccolo raised his tired head. “What are you talking about?” he scowled.

  Georgii continued to stare at Niccolo with sorrow in his eyes. “That you feel another’s love is to be continuously earned through feats and accomplishments; never just by being who you are.”

  Niccolo became motionless as he stared at the other boy. His expression drooped slightly and the malevolent look in his eyes lessened.

  It was that moment of vulnerability that Georgii needed. With speed and agility, he took the few needed steps toward Niccolo. With all of his might, he brought the broad side of his sword down hard on Niccolo’s hands, forcing his sword to clatter to the ground. As Niccolo stared in shock at his fallen weapon, Georgii raised the butt of his hilt and struck Niccolo hard on the forehead. Dazed and confused, the bigger boy let out a battle cry as he ran at Georgii. Georgii nimbly dropped to the ground and rolled, knocking Niccolo hard onto the floor.

  The exhausted and stunned noble rolled over onto his back. When he attempted to get up, a brown leather boot forced him to the floor. Niccolo lifted his weary head, only to gaze into the burning eyes of Georgii de Villana, a baker’s son who believed he was a knight, pointing a sword at his face.

  Georgii’s face revealed no satisfaction or joy. He simply looked down on the downed knight, and said, “A knight seeks justice with humility and mercy. As now and as before, you have proven to be your own worst enemy. Billy and I are taking Jeanie from here. It is over, Niccolo.”

  Niccolo sneered as he spat at the boy above him, “Go ahead, but I shall tell everyone that it was you who freed the witch!”

  “No, I do not think so,” Georgii whispered, gazing down at the felled noble. “For if you tell anyone of this night, you must reveal your defeat to me, a simple baker’s son.”

  Georgii’s words caused a look of horror to wash over Niccolo’s face. He stared up at the ceiling as if in thought, then laid his head down, a void expression upon his features.

  “Remember, Niccolo, a knight seeks mercy and you shall have mine. No one need know of this night.” Georgii turned to his friends and said, “Billy, Jeanie, let’s go.”

  As they fled the corridor, Billy looked back at Niccolo. His eyes were closed, this time truly accepting defeat.

  Billy gave Jeanie his cloak, attempting to conceal her red hair. They raced through the streets of Pisa, which were deserted due to most of the people aiding with the fire. They arrived at their destination and all three children hid behind some barrels, watching the guards posted at the main gate of the fortified wall.

  Billy looked worried. “How are we going to get past them? They’re going to know what’s happened by now and if not, someone’s going to sound the alarm.”

  “Do not worry. I shall distract them as you and Jeanie make your escape,” assured Georgii with sad eyes and a small smile.

  Billy looked down at Georgii’s brown head, amazed at how different his feelings were since the day he had first set eyes on him. Billy again remembered Leonardo’s words; his short friendship with Georgii would stay with him forever.

  He put his hand on the shorter boy’s shoulder, his eyes shining. “Thanks, Georgii, you truly do have the heart of a knight.”

  Georgii grasped Billy in a tight hug and murmured, “I will remember you too, my friend.”

  At seeing the two boys embrace, Jeanie let out a small cry, gaining their attention. She enveloped Georgii in a tight hug. “I’ll miss you, too.” As she let him go, she asked with a worried expression on her face, “What will you do now?”

  Georgii just smiled. “I have nothing to fear from Niccolo, not anymore. However, I’m going to go home, work hard and become the greatest baker in all of Pisa.”

  “What about being a knight?” Billy asked with a puzzled expression.

  Georgii gave Billy a cheeky grin. “A true knight is just a state of mind,” he whispered. He then turned and ran toward the guards. “Goodbye, my friends,” he quietly called behind him.

  Billy didn’t know what Georgii said to the guards, but as their backs were turned, he and Jeanie quickly crept through the front gate. Billy caught Georgii’s eye, giving him one last smile.

  Billy and Jeanie walked quickly and silently down the rolling dirt path leading to the apple tree. As they approached it, Billy could see Dickens waving his arm in the moonlight.

  As he walked toward a new journey, Billy reflected upon his experiences in Pisa. Only one thought kept resurfacing. If Jeanie and Dickens were right and there was no such thing as a coincidence, he wondered how much their coming to Pisa had to do with Leonardo Pisano than a short and brave baker’s son with a w
ooden sword.

  Chapter 28

  As Billy opened his eyes, dust and minute particles of debris filled them, causing him to wince in pain. As he struggled to sit up, a large window behind him abruptly shattered, flattening him down again.

  Billy blindly searched for Dickens and Jeanie. He could vaguely hear Jeanie’s voice shouting somewhere around him. However, the sound of collapsing wood and stone all around made him hard of hearing. As his senses began to register the scene before him, he could hear many people screaming and their feet scraping the ground as they ran for cover. He squinted his eyes, attempting to see down the narrow street. All Billy could see were houses with large gaping holes in them and wood and stone strewn everywhere.

  All of a sudden, he felt someone grab the scruff of his jacket and he was pushed through a nearby doorway. Billy hunched over, put his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath. He could hear coughing beside him. He looked over and saw Jeanie in the same position as him.

  “Oh my God, what’s happening here?” she said, her voice raspy and raw.

  Dickens was walking around the room, appearing to be looking for something. “I don’t know, children. Wherever we have ended up, it seems to be a war zone. But let me find you some water, dear.”

  As Dickens proceeded to look around the room for something to drink, Billy’s vision cleared. He examined the room that was their current sanctuary. He noticed shelves lining the walls, and large wooden tubs scattered all over the place. It seemed that it had been a store of some type, but it was now abandoned and in disarray.

  “Well, I can’t locate any water and it doesn’t seem we’ll be finding food anytime soon. It’s a good thing we brought some apples from Pisa,” Dickens said, as he handed Billy a white piece of paper that advertised vegetables for sale. Apparently, this was once a grocery store which no longer sold any food.

  Billy was startled by an unexpected crash and the sound of more screaming. As Jeanie began to cry, Dickens went to her side and held her in a tight hug. Billy looked about with a dazed expression. His mind slowly processing the trouble they were in.


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