The Time Sphere

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The Time Sphere Page 24

by A. E. Albert

  Preston hugged Billy so fiercely that the wind was knocked out of him. The man stood back, holding Billy’s face in his hands. “I can’t believe that it’s you. You’re home.”

  Time passed in the underwater laboratory and Billy had never felt so complete or happy in his life. He spent his days working with his father in the lab. Billy had no idea how he was supposed to grow up to be a scientist in a future time because he didn’t usually get what his father was talking about. But he hung onto every word, glorying in every moment spent with him.

  The change was not only in Billy, but also in his father. Preston greeted each new day with a shave and he got himself a haircut. Billy discovered that his mother had passed away, but the feeling of loss was ebbed by the attention and affection given to him by his father. He also learned that Townsend had actually been his mother’s maiden name.

  Dickens was always near, but he never interfered with Billy spending time with his father and generally kept to himself. He was patient, allowing Billy to talk to his father about the future in his own time. Billy didn’t think that Preston knew who Dickens really was, and he wasn’t about to say anything. Preston tolerated Dickens for the children’s sake but avoided him at all cost. Billy didn’t know how he felt about Dickens himself, but he didn’t want to waste any time with his father thinking about him.

  The overall design of the laboratory was the same, silver paneling covering all the walls and ceilings. The view of the sky in the lab was actually a hologram. It was designed to give the illusion of open spaces due to the claustrophobic feel of the underwater station. On the outer walls, windows lined the hull, revealing the dark water outside. Not that there was much to see, since it was too murky to make anything out.

  One day, Preston brought Jeanie and Billy to a lookout point on top of the lab, which was a huge circular shaped dome made of glass. He turned on the ground lights, revealing the ocean floor for miles. Although this scared any sea life away, it revealed a mountain terrain to rival Earth’s.

  Thankfully, they didn’t have to eat prison fare anymore. It may have given you the feeling of a dreamy fullness, but Billy suspected it was actually designed to keep prisoners in line more than anything else. Besides, nothing could replace real food. Well, if, by real, you define it as being able to chew on something. The food was made of synthetic materials, consisting of needed vitamins and minerals and made to taste like food. However, on chicken casserole night, Billy decided that they must have forgotten what food used to taste like because the chicken definitely didn’t taste like chicken.

  Billy wished that he could explore the Earth and see what it was like in the 23rd century. One evening, over dinner, Preston told him and Jeanie a lot of it was just like the old science fiction movies.

  “What about cars? Can they really fly?” asked Billy.

  “All transport vehicles fly, but it wasn’t because everyone thought it would be cool. Earth’s population became too great. We had to find more space for them.”

  “Why don’t they crash into each other? I always wondered that when I watched Sci-fi movies,” inquired Jeanie, as she struggled to cut into her rubbery dinner that was supposed to be a steak.

  Preston laughed. “Well, certain types have different driving zones. The lower zones are for the larger vehicles and regular human transport higher up.” He then gave Jeanie that parental look. “We still do have traffic lights, Jeanie,” he said in a dry tone, making her giggle.

  “I love the clothes! I can make them any color I want just by telling them so,” she said as she examined a shirt sleeve.

  “Well, they weren’t designed for fashion. About a century ago, due to overpopulation, Earth’s resources were depleted badly. We had to figure out ways to have less, but give the illusion of having more. The world was consumer based, so it was quite the adjustment. Anyways, hence the voice sensitive chips in clothing tags.”

  “If there are so many people, where does everybody live?” asked Billy.

  “All dwellings are apartment style, generally consisting of only one room.”

  “One room!” exclaimed Jeanie, looking horrified.

  Preston smiled at her expression, “Yes, but this one room can turn into whatever room you want with the touch of a button.”

  “Cool!” Only one room to clean, thought Billy.

  “But what if you have a family?” Jeanie asked with a frown on her face.

  “People have to get a license to have children and not many receive the privilege. So, usually only two people live in a domicile.”

  “Do you need a license for a pet too?” she asked, her voice and expression revealing how unimpressed she was.

  Preston gazed at her with sympathetic understanding as he replied, “Actually, yes, but animals are very rare.”

  Billy just wanted to change the direction of the conversation. “Sooo, it sounds like everything has improved overall though, right?”

  His father just shook his head. “Earth still struggles with a lot of the same political and social upheavals as in your time, but we’re getting there,” he said with a smile.

  Preston firmly believed that science was going to help the Earth overcome these struggles. At these times, Billy would think about the future and Preston’s part in it, but again he refused to dwell on it.

  Since they were now free to wander the underwater lab, Jeanie insisted they go back to the Brain Room to see Conrad again. Of course, Richard was now more than nice to them since he discovered that Billy was Dr. Thorn’s son. She and Billy would visit them almost every day. They learned that Conrad had been a window washer in his previous life and they spent most of their visits describing food to him.

  The laboratory was roughly the size of a small town. Billy learned that the Time Sphere had brought them to the Special Projects Sector. This area was highly classified and off limits to even many of the scientists. However, Billy and Jeanie were given special privileges, much to the dweeb’s chagrin, to almost anywhere in the lab.

  One day, Dr. Thorn was showing the children the various sections of the Special Projects Sector and he included in the tour the huge garbage heap room.

  “You guys make a lot of garbage down here,” Billy commented with a look of disgust as he gazed at the mounds of waste everywhere.

  His father just laughed. “No, Billy, this is all a part of a very important study,” he replied, waving his arms around the room.

  “Uh, what’s to know about garbage? It stinks and it’s best left at the dump.”

  “But what if there is no more room left at the dump?” his father asked.

  “We started recycling back in my time. I think you guys should have kept it up.”

  “Not recycling is considered a federal crime today. If you are so much as caught throwing a pop can out of your car window, you can go to prison.”


  “That’s how seriously we take it. But the truth is, we started too late and now we have to figure out what to do with the garbage we already have. So, we’re studying it to see if it’s possible to use waste as an energy source. See there? Some of it’s boiling in those large vats,” he said as he pointed to the huge containers Billy saw when he was there the first time. “The other piles are pressed in those metal compressors. We’re attempting various ways of changing the garbage’s molecular structure through temperature and pressure. We’re not having much luck. But we keep trying. Some even want to try using it as food source.”

  “Ewww!” exclaimed Jeanie, who was horrified at the prospect.

  “As I said, there’s talk,” said Preston, as he chuckled at her reaction.

  Dr. Thorn then led the two children into the brightly lit room piled high with chemical beakers. Billy didn’t like this room as he recalled their previous little mishap when they had last been there.

  “This is where we store any formulas not being currently marketed.”

  “What do you mean? No one wants to buy something that can make your head grow tw
ice as big?” Billy snorted sarcastically.

  “Actually, the chemical you came into contact with can potentially grow back lost limbs, but as you saw, we still have some bugs to work out.”

  “What about the stuff that turned me into a mermaid?” asked Jeanie.

  “Well, due to the over population of the planet, scientists dabbled with the idea of populating the ocean floor. It was thought that during construction and just living down here, it would be easier if people were biologically altered to suit the harsh environment. We played with the idea, but it never went anywhere. Marketing research found that people weren’t very interested in living underwater as a fish.”

  “I used to think that being a mermaid would be romantic, but it’s just itchy and you smell bad” Jeanie replied, wrinkling her nose.

  Dr. Thorn threw back his head and let out a loud hoot. “Well, as much as I enjoy both of your company, I have to get back to the Brain Room and discuss some data with Richard. He offered himself as the first test subject, so I like to keep him in the loop. Anyway, Herald will finish the tour. Let’s go through here, it’s a short cut,” he said, gesturing to a nearby exit.

  Billy and Jeanie left the Formula room and entered the vast open space which held the unfinished structure that Billy only had time to glance at as he was rushing by.

  “What is this place?” asked Jeanie.

  “Sorry, kids, this is one project I can’t discuss with anyone. Yet.” he said with a secretive smile. “But don’t worry; you two will be the first to know.”

  Chapter 37

  While Billy’s father was busy working around the station, the dweeb was given the privilege of showing him and Jeanie around the main lab. He rolled his eyes and pursed his lips at the task. Billy and Jeanie, on the other hand, loved that he felt inconvenienced by it and enjoyed provoking him. They still hadn’t totally forgiven him for their treatment when they first arrived.

  One time, they transformed a latex glove into a Whoopi cushion and decided to test it on the dweeb. They felt that using it on him during dinner in the mess hall would have the most effect. He didn’t speak to them for three days.

  “Now this,” the dweeb said in his snooty tone, “is a microwave scope.” He held up an object that looked like a staple gun.

  “Why? You just have to look through the window on the door if you want to watch your food cook,” Billy stated with as much of a look of innocence that he could muster.

  The dweeb put his finger on his temple and closed his eyes. “I have much better things to do then babysit a couple of witless children,” he said to himself. He glared at Billy and Jeanie. “This,” he said slowly, so they would understand, “is a device which enables one to look through walls by the manipulation of microwaves.” He then let out a huff, as he stomped away shaking his head.

  “Oh, come on, Herald, we’re just kidding around!” laughed Billy, as he followed the irritated man across the room. (The dweeb’s name was actually Herald.)

  Jeanie bit her lip, trying not to laugh. “Ya, Herald, we really are interested.”

  Herald just narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. “If you don’t stop wasting my valuable time, I’ll tell Dr. Thorn that I’m done playing babysitter!”

  “Ok, ok, we’ll be good, we promise,” pleaded Jeanie.

  A tour by the dweeb was better than nothing at all.

  Herald let out a deep breath. “Fine, but no more antics,” he said, as he pointed his finger at the children with an expression that meant business. “Alright, now over here…”

  The man’s voice began to fade away as Billy noticed the large black circular structure in the middle of the room, which had caught his eye when they first arrived.

  “What’s this?” he asked.

  “Billy, I told you if you’re not going to listen, then-”

  “Sorry, Herald,” Billy stated absently, still intently staring at the large black chamber. “But, what is it?”

  “That is top secret and none of your concern,” Herald replied as he attempted to guide Billy away by the arm.

  However, his intense curiosity concerning the object was not abating. “Can’t you tell us something? Come on, Herald, you know everything that goes on around here,” Billy cajoled, trying to bait Herald into spilling.

  Herald just stood a little straighter and said with a tight smile, “You’re right of course, but that’s because I know how to shut my mouth!”

  Billy stared at the structure and just knew that it had something to do with the Device. “Does it have anything to do with time?” he casually asked, not taking his eyes away.

  Herald sputtered behind him. “How do you know-” he said before he could stop himself.

  Billy turned around to see Herald covering his mouth with his hand. Very nonchalantly he removed it, wiped it on his lab coat and cleared his throat before adding; “As I said, that is top secret business which I cannot discuss.” He then turned around and primly walked away.

  Billy was not to be daunted and quickly followed him. “Come on, Herald, it has to do with the Device, doesn’t it?”

  Herald whirled around and glared at Billy. “How do you know that? You’ve been snooping, haven’t you? I knew having children here would be trouble, but would Dr. Thorn listen to me, noooo,” he said in a very immature voice.

  Billy stood his ground, folded his arms and gazed at the dweeb with hooded eyes. “Ya, I know about it, but I don’t snoop. So, how’s it connected to the Device?”

  Herald put his hands on his hips and smirked. “Well, since your father likes to tell you sensitive information, it’s a door to be precise.”

  A door! This must be the door Dickens talked about. “But it’s so small,” Billy said, more to himself than Herald.

  “What are you talking about? The Device could only transport a hand full of people. Dr. Thorn has finally managed to connect the Device technology to a larger apparatus, enabling more people to travel.” Heralds’ eyes began to glow. “In fact, we’re on the verge of creating a door so large, multitudes can enter.”

  “Wait, are you saying it’s the Device itself with the power, not the door?”

  “Of course! The door is just the portal; it is the Device that empowers it!” The dweeb stared incredulously at the children’s expressionless faces. “Do you simpletons even know what this means? It means we’ll be capable of colonizing other planets. The food and space shortages that plague Earth will no longer be relevant. Your father is about to change human history!”

  Billy had thought that it was the door he had come to stop from being opened, but it was the Device the whole time. It was the Device that was imprinted with his genetic code, not the door.

  The unfinished structure in that room! It must be the larger door Herald was talking about! Billy’s mind returned to the frightening knowledge that his father was about to open a gateway into the unknown realms of space, and only he knew what was out there.

  Billy tried to swallow, but his throat felt dry. His father was on the verge of unleashing something that would destroy the Earth, not help it. He had been putting off confronting his father for weeks now and he still didn’t know how he was going to go about doing it.

  My dad is not about to change history, Billy thought. He’s about to end it.

  The days turned into weeks. Billy decided to enjoy this peaceful time as long as he could because he knew that once he spoke to his father, everything would change.

  That evening, he and Jeanie were gazing out into the ocean, which she never tired of doing.

  “I think I saw this long worm like creature before it swam away yesterday. You know what? I think I’m going to become a marine biologist,” she said in a dreamy voice. Her chin was in her hand, as she leaned against the railing.

  “Why? You haven’t actually seen any marine life down here,” Billy laughed.

  “Well, I think that’s why I’m so intrigued,” she giggled. “And I don’t know, I think my experience as a fish has given me a new
perspective.” Jeanie stopped to stare intently at Billy, her smile disappearing.


  “You’re different. You’ve changed since we’ve come here.”

  “So, is that a bad thing?” he replied, feeling a little defensive.

  Jeanie shook her head. “No, not at all, I like this new Billy, but…”

  “But what?”

  She looked up at him with poignant eyes. “I wonder if I’m going to see him again once I leave here.”

  Billy couldn’t meet her eyes; he just looked out into the deep.

  Jeanie bit her lip and said in a quiet voice, “Ya, I didn’t think so.”

  “Hey, I figure I’ll do what I came here to do; tell my dad to stop his work. I know he’ll believe me and then, you know, I’ll just stay here with him.”

  Jeanie didn’t reply, but continued to look out in the barren ocean.

  “What? I know you want to say something!” His tone sounding irritated.

  “It’s just that, what Dickens said, one day you’re going to meet yourself. I just don’t see how that’s going to happen if you stay here.”

  “Jeanie, this is my life! I don’t care what Dickens says! I’m going to do what makes me happy! As long as there’s a future here, I want to stay.”

  Jeanie turned her head to look at Billy and with a sad smile, she said, “Ok, Billy.”

  Chapter 38

  Preston was showing Billy the inside of an atom’s nucleus. “And there was a time when this mystified scientists. The atom was just the beginning. When I present the Time Sphere to the world, it’s going to change everything,” he said, as he smiled into the microscope.

  Billy knew he had to talk to his father. Although he completely dreaded it, he knew the time was now. He’ll just get it over with and then he can start his new life, he thought.

  The ball of anxiety that had taken up residence in his gut since learning about the chamber was beginning to be all that he could think about. He knew that speaking to his father was the only way to get rid of it.


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